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File: 50 KB, 580x348, nikolai-gogol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9432218 No.9432218 [Reply] [Original]

>The greatest "Russian" author of all time was actually Ukrainian

>> No.9432224


>> No.9432238

What is this word? I am unfamiliar with it.

>> No.9432251

try going to school

>> No.9432257

Try lurking moar

>> No.9432267

Ukrainians are actually Russian. When did the Rus of Kiev move out?

>> No.9432269

All slavs are the same

>> No.9432270

Try acting less like a retard. The joke is stale.

>> No.9432277
File: 497 KB, 500x255, 1419588803621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Tolstoy maybe you pleb

>> No.9432278

Russian it is then.

>> No.9432319
File: 2 KB, 121x125, 1487311502825s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This much idiocy in one thread

>> No.9432341
File: 219 KB, 1535x825, Anton-Chekhov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chekhov mate.

>> No.9432358

>a slave rapist

>> No.9432381


Also the greatest Russian author of all time was actually Dostoyevsky

>> No.9432560
File: 260 KB, 650x675, ayn-rand-1957c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No she wasn't.

>> No.9432597

Actually was Pushkin.

>> No.9432925

Pushkin is undisputed GOAT.

Second best is Lermontov, fags. You know it, I know it, we all know it.

>> No.9433873


>> No.9433878

>I didn't like your shitty joke anyway!
Can you imagine being /lit/ all the time lmao
It must be so frustrating

>> No.9433921

but pushkin was half black

>> No.9433929

>implying Ukrainians aren't Russians

Ukraine is a fake country...The name literally means "borderlands"

>> No.9433975

Only a quarter. He had a black grandfather.

>> No.9433982

Ukraine didn't even exist when Gogol was around.

>> No.9433989

>it's another thread where amerilard and jewropean teenagers try to pretend they have any idea about slavs and their international relationships by reading wikipedia articles
>Cкaжy вaм oднo cлoвo нacчeт тoгo, кaкaя y мeня дyшa, хoхлaцкaя или pyccкaя, пoтoмy чтo этo, кaк я вижy из пиcьмa вaшeгo, cлyжилo oднo вpeмя пpeдмeтoм вaших paccyждeний и cпopoв c дpyгими. Ha этo вaм cкaжy, чтo caм нe знaю, кaкaя y мeня дyшa, хoхлaцкaя или pyccкaя. Знaю тoлькo тo, чтo никaк бы нe дaл пpeимyщecтвa ни мaлopoccиянинy пepeд pyccким, ни pyccкoмy пpeд мaлopoccиянинoм. Oбe пpиpoды cлишкoм щeдpo oдapeны Бoгoм, и кaк нapoчнo кaждaя из них пopoзнь зaключaeт в ceбe тo, чeгo нeт в дpyгoй, — явный знaк, чтo oни дoлжны пoпoлнить oднa дpyгyю. Для этoгo caмыe иcтopии их пpoшeдшeгo бытa дaны им нeпoхoжиe oднa нa дpyгyю, дaбы пopoзнь вocпитaлиcь paзличныe cилы их хapaктepa, чтoбы пoтoм, cлившиcь вoeдинo, cocтaвить coбoю нeчтo coвepшeннeйшee в чeлoвeчecтвe.
>H.B. Гoгoль
Fuck off, dipshits.

>> No.9433999


> it's another post where an angry slav posts his potato runes expecting westerners to understand it

go to hui, pidor

>> No.9434091

Dostoievsky ripped the great inquisitor off of Mikhail Soloviov

>> No.9434369


>> No.9434394

He meant hohol, excuse him

>> No.9434470

so?you will find that even royalty of some countries was not actually from those countries

>> No.9434473

it means "on the edge" or "near the edge"

>> No.9434875

gee, and "USA" actually means "a federation of countries located on a continent named after some Italian guy" must not be a real country either, right?