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9430430 No.9430430 [Reply] [Original]

Wassup /lit

I haven't cried in years. I want to read a book that will devastate me. Any recommendations?

>> No.9430447

Peter Ward - A new history of life

>> No.9430452
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Crying over books is triggered by a range of things, many personal. If you feel empathy with characters and can read sentimentally (ie without constantly critiquing the work) pic related ought to do it.

I cried at the end of Love in the Time of Cholera and Kiplings Kim, and when i was very young I cried during Pet Semetary.

>> No.9430469

The Pearl. Most any Steinbeck should destroy you at some point but that one's a short one.

>> No.9430484

Check this out, senpai.


>> No.9430501

Shit book

I cried reading Peter Pan tho which doesn't give me any room to criticize The Pearl

>> No.9430526

The Metamorphosis made me cry hard. That ending was brutal.

As did The Butcher Boy, at multiple points.

>> No.9430543

How's it shit? Unless you were forced to read it in school or something, calling it shit tells me more about your shittiness than Steinbeck's.

>> No.9430566

That's fair, I read it in 7th grade so you're right about that.

>> No.9430572

I was crying for the last 50 or so pages of Oblomov

Not sure what it was but that book got me good.

>> No.9430575

You seem like garbage.

>> No.9430591

ur gonna make me cri :(

>> No.9430644

Real faces kill my ability to connect or feel empathy.

>> No.9430651

Yeah I don't like Of Mice and Men for a similar reason, which is why I recommended The Pearl over that.

>> No.9430660

The book of disquiet
Look homeward, angel
The sound and the fury

>> No.9430662

Forgot to add The Waves

>> No.9430663

Funny, I prefer Of Mice and Men over The Pearl. I found The Pearl not very compelling and I couldn't relate with any of the characters. I thought the struggle of Lennie, to be simple and exist innocently in this world, much more interesting.

I shouldn't have called it a shit book, should actually reread it.

>> No.9430672

More like Stone 'er, amirite guise?

>> No.9430678

I think it's just the "read it in school" effect. Every one of his other books that I've read has made me bawl, but Of Mice and Men still does nothing to me now.

>> No.9430687

Second on the book of disquiet. Reading before bedtime will destroy you and make you wish you don't wake up.

>> No.9430691

I cried at the end of Oedipus King when he speaks to his daughters for what might have been the last time, as far as he could tell.

>> No.9430697

I read of mice and men this year without ever having read or seen the movie, I cried watching it, i feel bad for people that read it during school and had to analyse it.

>> No.9430700

If you have strong feelings of shame and guilt, try To Live by Yu Hua. It's about a farmer who blows generations worth of hard work on whores and gamling and then realizes what the fuck he's done.

>> No.9430711

He has plenty of other books to make you cry though, so I'm kind of okay with having one ruined. I thought East of Eden wasn't going to do it to me because I was more than half way through and then
Please don't let me be mean
destroyed my inner edgelord for life.

>> No.9430712

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.9430747

sometimes i randomly pick out a random page in the book of disquiet, read half of it, and feel depressed.

>> No.9430854

This shit right here. Particularly the parts about father zosima and the ending as well. Hit me right in the feels.

>> No.9430991

i read of mice and men recently, never having heard of it before ( not taught in school here ), i cried like a bitch at the end, i loved it, i could picture their dream home they were talking about, best short story i've read.

I don't know if this counts but there's a short story sort of in Dosto's "the idiot" where the main character relays a story from his past about a poor woman in a village. I cried when I read that, it's very short but very powerful.

>> No.9431009

lol so brutal made me giggle.

>> No.9431022

Lord of da flies.

>> No.9431046

Father Zosima makes me cry like a baby :(

>> No.9431373

>what the fuck he's done
Lived, for once?

>> No.9431546


Blood Meridian

>> No.9431577

I honestly cried many times while reading Stoner.

>> No.9431587

Where the red fern grows

>> No.9431671

my diary desu