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9424019 No.9424019 [Reply] [Original]

I just got my first ink done. Does anyone else on /lit/ have any /lit/ related tatoos? Any good suggestions?

>> No.9424023

put a book in your head and pull the trigger, degenerate

>> No.9424026

>paying for the inked jew
never gonna make it

>> No.9424070

power is knowledge

>> No.9424093

A book
is a loaded gun
created by man
and meant
for evil
My father
didn't love me

>> No.9424180

>a book is a loaded gun

it isn't tho
it's a book

>> No.9424202


>> No.9424218
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>mfw OP is a literal retard who made a categorical mistake

>> No.9424350

you 'dun goofed

>> No.9424362

>tfw everyone has tattoos and it makes you insecure and want to get one but you know tattoos are stupid as fuck and needlessly expensive

>> No.9424376

why do people get tattoos? Every single reason I've heard of why people get tattoos have to do with narcissism

>> No.9424383

A book is a toasted bun

>> No.9424393

It's a quote from Fahrenheit 451 you dummies.

And OP was obviously baiting, this isn't his arm. This tattoo is at least 4 years old and is readily found with a cursory google image search

>> No.9424405


Two words:


>> No.9424415
File: 263 KB, 1536x2048, DCP_0031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 h8 masturb8

>> No.9424423


Tattoos are nothing but a they like to think, hopeful reminder that they aren't like every other, mobile phone obsessed, Harry Potter, MCU watching social media zombie. Ironically they are doing the opposite of what they are thinking and indeed conforming to something. They think their tattoo has power "LOOK AT ME! I'M DIFFERENT!", they want it to scream but their screams go unheard and their collective individualism is crushed.

>> No.9424432

>not getting it on your neck

>> No.9424440

>implying Fahrenheit 451 isn't shit lit for plebs that every self-respecting patrician would shun

>> No.9424449

Tattoos are the working class stamp

>> No.9424450

no one is actually this retarded but good on you for doing the smug 'look at me i'm self-aware in a world of sheeple' thing yikes

>> No.9424462

get a picture of a book and an equals sign and a loaded gun with, "srlsly," written under it on your other arm.

>> No.9424473

He trashed his point with inane arguments but there's a kernel of truth in what he said.

Tattoos are mainstream now, a lot people get them because they're popular and it has become acceptable. There used to be strong meaning behind a tattoo, nowadays it's just an accessory for most people.

He's retarded because he shouldn't care about what people choose to do with their bodies, instead of whining like a little child.

>> No.9424485

then get, "No seriously go with me on this, think about it: a book is like a loaded gun because xxx...." and write your explanation in detail across your back.

>> No.9424488


The pen is a loaded gun would've been much more fitting and poignant but he fucked up.

>> No.9424530
File: 750 KB, 1275x1944, tattoo vonnegut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9424535
File: 63 KB, 465x619, IJ tatt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9424540

I mean it was alright. I guess at the time it was written it blew everyones nips off. Would never get a tattoo for it tho

>> No.9424543

> There used to be strong meaning behind a tattoo
> a lot people get them because they're popular

cool beans

>> No.9424544

Still better than getting "GAME OVER" tattooed on your fingers. I mean, how many of the people who pull the "two four-letter words across the fingers" bullshit have even seen "Night of the Hunter"? Probably none, otherwise they wouldn't do it.

>> No.9424547

>Hairy nippled DYEL puts on a berzerk mark
What are you trying to accomplish?

>> No.9424551

enjoy coming to real bathhouse pig
yakuza and pig are not welcome
nobody want tattoo scum in world

>> No.9424577

I got an Infinite Jest tattoo as well.
The whole novel.
On ma dick.

>> No.9424580

I got my first one because I had just turned 18 and I knew it would piss off my parents. It is of a rat chewing on a biohazard sign, because I used to raise lab rats for sale to a local chemical research firm.

I got my second one when a girl who hated them kept breaking up with me and getting back together for the Cosmo drama of it all. I got it after the 5th time she pulled the shit. It is a skeletal pirate, because I love pirates, and thought it looked cool.

Both are hidden easily with a t-shirt. Very few people know I have them, but I don't regret them at all. It's an interesting experience, and a decent reminder of who I was in the past.

>> No.9424590

That's some 1000 angels on a pinhead tattooing, right there.

>> No.9424596


I got a bunch of them, that I know find to be incredibly stupid and childish.

Basically I was an insecure young man, and I thought getting a tattoo would make me edgy, cool, and badass. It didn't.

I seriously cringe every time i see them in the mirror.

>> No.9424601


>> No.9424620

I went through a phase where I felt that way about mine. But both of mine are at least 20 years old now, and I just look at them as part of my more emotional youth. They're really no worse than looking back at your early writing, and seeing how much you've grown.

>> No.9424771

>A book is a loaded gun.

What was meant by this

>> No.9424775

Must've been abridged
Must've been a link to the audiobook
Must've been "Infinite Jest: The Whole Novel"
Must've been a lot of overlap
Must've been a picture of the book
Must've been the worlds smallest tattoo gun and also smallest tattoo artist and also uracunt

>> No.9424969


>> No.9425019
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>> No.9425020

nice nip anon

>> No.9425058

>you miss every page you didn't read

>> No.9425074
File: 60 KB, 720x960, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro tip: Don't get a tattoo that you think is meaningful, get one that looks nice.

>> No.9425080

Never get words or quotes tattooed. 99% of the time the "profound" words you get done will end up making you cringe within 3 years. 100% of the time, the tattoo will age badly and look like shit after 5 years.

>mfw I got a "deep" song lyric tattooed when I was 18 and had to pay $800 to get it covered up last year because I was sick of seeing it

>> No.9425091

Beating down
Beating down on us
Like the rain
Like the rain beats
Like the rain beats the earth
Without a sound.

>> No.9425100

>He's retarded because he shouldn't care about what people choose to do with their bodies, instead of whining like a little child.
Not everyone is a liberal, senpai. Calm down.

>> No.9425113
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>> No.9425119


>> No.9425120

fuck off Jamal.. Always thinking about muh dick.

>> No.9425123


>Pro tip: Don't get a tattoo

Fixed your post

>> No.9425137

If you're going to ink your body, then at least do something aesthetically pleasant, not an atrocious plain text.

>> No.9425138

What quote?

>> No.9425148

cause it all has like power n shiet man

I know im over analyzing it but Ideas and physical force aren't the same thing.

>> No.9425363


>> No.9425392

The only tattoo I ever considered getting was

"Remember, man, that you are dust and to dust you shall return."

up my arm so that every time I look at it I remember my mortality and what really matters.

>> No.9425406

>why do people get tattoos?
Because they're confused effeminate nu-males with no aesthetic taste.

>> No.9425409

>tattooing an anus on the back of your neck


>> No.9425411


I really really hope it was some Linkin Park lyrics.

>> No.9425418

>implying there arent some aesthetic as fuck bro-tier tattoos
get some tribals done you fag

>> No.9425422


>> No.9425425

Once told me

>> No.9425434

The world is gonna roll me

>> No.9425459
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>> No.9425464

some things in the world deal exclusively with the image and style and thats perfectly fine

>> No.9425471

When I was younger I wanted to have this tattoo from Night of the hunter but reversed as I'm righthanded

>> No.9425472


This is bait, right?

>> No.9426986
File: 408 KB, 479x424, spicemoloclue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having the molecular structure for a fake space drug inked into your flesh

>> No.9426995

people want to rebel against the establishment when they are younger

so they show how different they are by having the same idea as every other kid: they get a tattoo

>> No.9426999

>mainly women

>> No.9427021

Do you carry your juvenile works around on you every day? That sounds like hell desu

>> No.9427027

I am not my mother
Nor my grandmother
Though they are part of me

>> No.9427030

I've given myself most of my tattoos. I hate tattoos and hate myself so I figured I'd get a bunch of "depression tattoos". I'll either kill myself or they'll help me grow.

>> No.9427034
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>> No.9427051


>> No.9427078

That's why it's bait honey

>> No.9427108
File: 2.30 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my mom's. she's read more books than anyone here.

>> No.9427126
File: 32 KB, 499x499, 8a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you ran out of paper and decided to write down quotes in your skin?
Gtfo you child minded retard

>> No.9427137

mmyum yes pls

>> No.9427150

People are allowed to do things for themselves. It's not narcissism.

>> No.9427202

she looks like she teaches middle school english

>> No.9427232

Must've been autism

>> No.9427258

>turn 18
>want to spite my parents
>get a circle tatooed on my wrist (it was based on one of my favourite dreams)
>3 years later I'm complerely neutral about it, I don't like it enough to brag about it and I don't hate it enough to want it removed

How would you judge me?

>> No.9427265
File: 18 KB, 250x252, 1349762734397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was 20 and didn't know any better. I'm thinking of getting it removed, it's gonna cost like a grand.

Mother, tell your children, not to do what I have done. . .

>> No.9427336


Great shame pig skin, kill youself.

>> No.9427342

Are you Irish?

>> No.9427914

angry of your swastika on head and getting kicked out of authentic bathhouse angry boy?

>> No.9427933


Tattoos are so fucking ugly.

"Here's a bunch of words in the middle of my arm!"

>> No.9429292

That's just to hide track marks you smack shooting faggot.

>> No.9429304

The younger you was an edgelord. I'm glad he was too young to get tattoos.

>> No.9429313

I met a guy with the formula of lsd on his elbow. He was a faggot

>> No.9429414


Women get them to signal they've been fucked before

>> No.9429415
File: 38 KB, 528x960, ta2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these so far. Yes, that is a Redwall tattoo. I plan on getting Cluny the Scourge across from Matthias sometime soon.

>> No.9429498

nigger I read more than 9 books

>> No.9429822
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Looks like SS divisional insignia you racist

How many minorities did you oppress today?

>> No.9429989

Only good post.

>> No.9430306
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>> No.9430313
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>> No.9430315

You don't have any bodyhair????

>> No.9430323
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>> No.9430328
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What do I do? What do I do?
Either way you look like shit.

>> No.9430331
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>> No.9430385

she's read a few thousand at this point. i get the joke though. as she would reply, "ha"

>> No.9430920

I want to get ripped in 4 weeks and then tattoo «Thug Life» on my stomach.

>> No.9430923

thinking about getting AMOR FATI as a knuckle tat

>> No.9430924
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fucking savage

>> No.9430935
File: 371 KB, 500x775, The Quran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my sister got a YOLO tattoo when she was 18
At least she tattooed a bird over it a few years later

>> No.9430949

Between 16 and 20 I gave myself about 10 small tattoos because I make terrible decisions when I drink. They look like shit, but I've been told I look like I've done time, so they at least have the benefit of being normie repellant.

>> No.9431083

what did you expect of a hedonist

>> No.9431497

fucking no

>> No.9431732
File: 51 KB, 625x469, 1476616941911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's mine

>> No.9431936


>> No.9432023



>> No.9432249

I can read in devanagari. Wouldn't it be cool to have a quote in sanskrit tatted on my arm?

>> No.9432380

Nice clipart tattoo

>> No.9432392

HERE I PRESENT YOU MY PERSONALITY, IMPRINTED ON MY SKIN, but its only for me, it really means something to me, i didn't just want to get one that looks cool


>> No.9432424

Yep, this about sums it up

>> No.9432467

I kinda wanna get one of these too, that or the crest of courage from Digimon.

>> No.9432477
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>> No.9432839

>wears only the most affordable clothes, without any thought to style or matching personal aesthetics to social vision of self

>> No.9433665

I always thought the key from the 1st SS-Panzer Division was super cool looking, even when I was a kid. But I would never wanna run the risk of someone noticing what it is.

>> No.9433800

This is the type of writing 22 year olds produce.

>> No.9433832


>> No.9433840

the tetrapharmakos maybe.

but then I realized that the ancient greeks only tattooed slaves.

>> No.9434513



>> No.9434535

You need to cut the sentences into verses in a slightly more retarded way to write like Rupi Kaur.

>> No.9434596
File: 3.70 MB, 1920x1080, Yes!_yes!_yes!_yes!_yes!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
