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9420872 No.9420872[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>bill Nye gets his own propaganda show
>march for science
>I heard that Brian Cox (a UK physicist and physicist popularised) is getting a stadium tour

Is Science the new sex, drugs, and rock and roll? Are writers so irrelevant?

Have you noticed that publishing companies have become fully colonised by women and minorities who attention whore? This is a major death sentence.

>> No.9420889

>>bill Nye gets his own propaganda show
Are you against Bill Nye roasting creationists?

>> No.9420900

You're one of those 18 year olds who got over the maximum edgy atheist phase and now thinks *tips fedora* is a valid argument against religious criticism, aren't you?

>> No.9420905

Is writing the old sex, drugs and rock and roll? No. That would be retarded.
Are writers performers and professional public speakers? No. That would be retarded.
>Have you noticed that publishing companies have become fully colonised by women and minorities who attention whore?
Yet they still publish more men.

>> No.9420915

wow you are nothing

>> No.9420920
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You're far from the first person to notice this, although you should be commended for figuring it out on your own. I think for the most part the "women and minorities" are window dressing. Publishing is still a business, and if you look at the best selling authors of the past 20 years it's mostly a boy's club.

>> No.9420925

"Science" is just the new pop-religion for pseudo-nerds, neckbeards, and people who are either too lazy or stupid to learn something from a source other than youtube. If publishers are moving towards safe token diversity crap, it really doesn't matter imo. Chances are you will never have published a book that would make it to the front display of a bookstore in any age, especially if you have anything controversial to say. I've never tried publishing anything, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't help but think the Internet and self-publishing today is at least as good a resource as publishing with small publishers 50 years ago. That is, if you write something good and at least put a little effort into promoting yourself.

>> No.9420927

Thanks for confirming, lad.

>> No.9420928

Do you think she's let him cum inside her yet?

>> No.9420936
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>Implying that science isn't slowly getting co-opted by post structuralists
These scientists are just being used for the authority science has gained over the years, If you looked at anything around bill nyes show or the "march for science" this much should be obvious. The fact that writers from the 60's and 70's are exerting control over the institutions of science is evidence enough of how relevant writers are and always will be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wllc5gSc-N8

>> No.9420939

Bill Nye is catering to grown children who never bothered to take college level science, but they want some nostalgic crap reminding them of the time they learned how a thermometer works, and he just keeps jacking himself off and filling his bank account teaching basic shit and preaching his milquetoast liberal ideology to morons.

>> No.9420946


They are trying to promote "Gallant Gallstone" science so retards that got too many trophies for not accomplishing anything can feel smart and then use it as a defense/argument against genuine science and logic. This is the beginning of the new dark ages if its allowed to spread like cancer.

>> No.9420954

At least he got dubs. What do you have?

>> No.9420957


How old is she? If nearing or over 25 then yes because she's going to need that babymama money soon.

>> No.9420959


My HS science teacher actually met Bill Nye, and was disappointed to learn that he was a comedian, not a scientist.

>> No.9420960

"Science" functions as religion does - it renders many topics socially impermissable to discuss

>I don't need to theorize about the meaning of life, the basis of ethics, or the source of human consciousness.

>if we could find that stuff out, SCIENCE!!! would have told us already

all it does is reinforce the status quo

>> No.9420969


This is science now! Get used to it BIGOT!!!

>> No.9420979


I think science is working on finding the answer to the second and last one and the first is in the unfalsifiable category so the scientific method will do fuck all with that.

>> No.9420981


Mr. Wizard was way better than Bill Nye. Nye isn't fit to lick Mr. Wizard's dirty ass.


>> No.9420986

Go YouTube the gender rap off his show

>> No.9420987

nice pic do u mind if i save

>> No.9420991

Of course I know that the scientific method is applicable in regards to complex philosophical questions. I was only referring to the way this mainstream science functions in society.

>> No.9420994

What the fuck

>> No.9421003
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Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.9421010

Not only have neuroscientists been unable to determine the neural correlates of consciousness, they can't even agree on what consciousness is.

>> No.9421012
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Yes Science is hip and cool but totally still a rigorous discipline that is in no way inseparably bound to shitty pop culture

>> No.9421013


That's not what's going on here.


>> No.9421016


Not at all, confrere .

>> No.9421022
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Pop science is merely a vehicle for scientific education and is absolutely not a reflection of the current scientific community's parasitic dependence on commodity culture

>> No.9421035
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Science has naturally outgrown the need to look back at its own history thanks to its unparalleled ability to bring the best modern minds together around stable and incontrovertible Truths

>> No.9421051

I hate when /pol/ is right

>> No.9421056
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Is getting angry at these kind of people indicative of a small mind? I sometimes wonder if I hate them so much because I recognize in them my own ideological fanaticism. I think part of it is that I resent them for being so open about their retarded beliefs, whereas I keep them absolutely private for fear of getting fired/socially ostracized. I'm starting to long for open conflict, I think because it would obviate the need for dissembling.

>> No.9421089

Sounds to me like you're saying you want to LARP and rabble rouse like GLR. I think it has its place, but you risk very much becoming a caricature of yourself that nobody will take seriously when you say anything true. Just do anonymous pamphleteering or graffiti if you want an outlet.

>> No.9421098

Jesus christ, regardless of the message this sounds like fucking garbage.

>> No.9421116


Its propaganda for children and its disgusting.

>> No.9421122


This guy was their rap consultant:


>> No.9421126


I'm not white but I also daydream about redpilling people around me but then catch myself and remain thankful that I at least posses the foresight to know how monumentally naive that would be. Most people don't want to hear about this stuff and would rather ruin you personally than have to do so.

They don't see these mass subversions/delusions as they really are so you have to move even smarter because of it. It seems like an unfair delineation of responsibility but life is just like that.

>> No.9421128
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>> No.9421143


Anti-science bigots BTFO

>> No.9421157

Bill Nye the Junk Science Guy

There are only two sexes and two genders. If you identify as anything at all its as mentally ill.

>> No.9421160

Why pollute the board with this crap? It's bad enough as it is.

>> No.9421250

/pol/ is always right

>> No.9421260

So this is just another /lit/ gets butthurt at science and cries like a bitch episode? Magnificent.

"There is no greater idiot than the one touched by philosophy."

>> No.9421272



>> No.9421277
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So you're trying to prove me right yes?

>> No.9421295
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this is all because of the university

>> No.9421306


Nobody is "butthurt at science" because it's just a tool used to study the natural world. People are annoyed at guys like BIll Nye and his fans who fashion themselves as "fans of science" because that's like saying you're a "fan of hammers" because like science, a hammer is just a tool used for a specific purpose. Hammers don't need advocates. The truth is Bill is just a political ideologue selectively using science for his purposes and I can give you an example.

Remember that Tucker Carlson interview? Bill said something that was very revealing, he said that us being able to grow grapes in Britain is evidence for disastrous anthropogenic Climate Change. The problem with this is that the climate changing a few degrees over the centuries is not likely to radically alter where we can grow certain crops, and a much more likely explanation is that through genetic engineering, we now have hardier seeds that can thrive in colder environments where they otherwise wouldn't. Bill doesn't recognize these alternative and more likely explanations because he has his political blinders on. He only sees things in terms of helping is politics or not.

>> No.9421327
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>Tfw science is now arguably left-winged.
>Tfw Bill Nye the science guy is making a cult for the normies, and is getting all kinds of pussy because of it.

Can science not be political please? Can the atheist normnorms please go somewhere else?

>> No.9421341
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umm no sweetie, we won

>> No.9421344

Actual scientist here. In actual academia at any university that isn't shit tier these scientism people don't exist. This is pop sci for the big bang audience for the most part. You'll find most of the not third rate scientists don't give a shit about the pop sci nonesense because they're too busy in their one hyper specific sub field to care, and know that none of this represents how science actually functions as a whole.

>> No.9421348

Proof that normies LITERALLY ruin EVERYTHING.

>> No.9421350
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"So many people today - and even professional scientists - seem to me like somebody who has seen thousands of trees but has never seen a forest. A knowledge of the historic and philosophical background gives that kind of independence from prejudices of his generation from which most scientists are suffering. This independence created by philosophical insight is - in my opinion - the mark of distinction between a mere artisan or specialist and a real seeker after truth."

>> No.9421353

literally just wait for the next conscript war
All great art stems from violence

>> No.9421364

Just accept that you and sky papa have no place in adult-world where we subject our ideas to an adult level of scrutiny.

>> No.9421371

Pitching 3 meme-tier American TV retards and one meme-tier Britbong who used to be great but got all idiotic against the most famous scientists is surely an evenhanded and fair exchange

>> No.9421374

The amount of retards denying climate change I don't blame him for lying.

>> No.9421377


Who is denying that the climate is changing?

>> No.9421379

My president, for one.

>> No.9421383


When did he say that the climate doesn't change?

>> No.9421386


>> No.9421387

He's not my president.

If it's true why can't they back it up?

When it comes time to back their facts these supposed scientists never manage to do it. People have a right to question things, that's the very essence of science.

>> No.9421389

>the concept of global warming
>the concept
You'll get that reading comprehension some day, bro.

>> No.9421390


>> No.9421391

>it's another retard clings on to word forms in a discourse obviously concerned with ""man caused"" climate change
kys useless trash

>> No.9421392


>Is Science the new sex, drugs, and rock and roll? Are writers so irrelevant?

Yeah, it is. I'm too tired to go into it but our society is clearly logical and unimaginative as a result of politics having infested every element of life. It's no surprise we want logic at the expense of potential imaginative ideas, which is probably a recipe for fucking disaster when you really think about it given the extent to which it has to abide by the current [[end of history]]] capitalist order.

The irony here though is that people don't actually want cold hard logic. They want it dressed up as sexy, as evidenced by the fact any single Brian Cox documentary involves him jet-setting off to as many stunning locations as possible to explain points he could have summed up in a 15-minute lecture. His technique is insufferable but no more so than the expectations of people who think complex ideas can be summed up in 8-minute YouTube videos (hello, School of Life).

>> No.9421400


Then again, I'm no better. I often feel like I lack a proper appreciation the aesthetics of photography or the beauty of literature because I'm constantly looking for the 'correct' themes. Thanks, academia, I guess.

>> No.9421404


How do you know he's not referring to American industry killing regulations (that China supports) that supposedly designed to fight climate change?

Tell me how you can infer from this tweet that he doesn't believe the climate changes.

>> No.9421412

pop science?


>> No.9421413


You're not going to get anywhere in convincing other people if you steadfastly refuse to correctly frame their arguments. It's not honest.

>> No.9421418

>why do you interpret his words in the most natural and literal way instead of contorting every possible shade of meaning in a grandiose exercise of mental gymnastics solely to keep yourself in the illusion this man is not a complete retard

>> No.9421426


You accuse me of doing exactly what I think you're doing. You take whatever he says and ascribe the worst possible meaning to it because you're emotionally and politically invested in Trump being stupid.

>> No.9421427

Everytime I come to this board I realise it's about as retarded as any of the others only with fancier language.

>> No.9421430

>implying I'm here to convince internet retards to change their points of view
proper discussions with worthy people is something i'm having in real life. this is a shithole for shitposting. you're a boring daft cunt and I wanted you to know this. so here goes: fuck off, cretin.

>> No.9421432

>i was merely pretending to be retarded

stop posting then

>> No.9421433


There's no need to get so flustered

>> No.9421436

It's not the worst, it's the most obvious and literal meaning. I'm not invested in anything and couldn't give two shits about Trump personally.

>> No.9421439

>not even comprehending what the phrase you're quoting means
you fuck off too, underage memetard.

>> No.9421449
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educating the masses was a mistake

>> No.9421451

I don't get why you're still posting, don't you have some 'worthy people' to pester with your A+ opinions and discussion styles?

>> No.9421456

Bill Nye; engineer who has never been trained in scientific research and has never done it, so has never been a scientist, is actively anti-science. This
Is anti-biology, for example.

>> No.9421458

Not him but are you seriously asking him to debate you on a Sendero Luminoso Bombmaking Toolshed?

>> No.9421467

because i like to shitpost every once in a while. is this your first week on this epic meme site for cool autists?

>> No.9421485

But science does need advocates because it relies on funding. The problem with right wingers is that they are more often than not protecting their god of the gaps through policy. They would never attempt to defund hammers because the hammer is too important to the snuff story they they require for salvation.

>> No.9421488

>The problem with right wingers is that they are more often than not protecting their god of the gaps through policy

What does this mean?

>> No.9421496
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>Just do what feels right
>Just do what feels right
>Just do what feels right

>> No.9421508

It means that religious policy makers fear science that isn't specifically about how to best blow up the people that oppose their beliefs. Anything that explains away creationism is to be violently opposed and defunded. This is why Ken Hamm gets massive tax breaks while worthwhile programs like Planned Parenthood have their funding slashed.

>> No.9421523

>He fell for the overpopulation meme

>> No.9421529

He says the concept of global warming was created by and for the chinese. This would imply it is a false narrative, and that global warming is a hoax.
Trump says plenty of intentionally vague non-statements (like his "some kids get vaccines then get autism. Rly makes u think" tweet) to allow for the kind of mental gymnastics you're spinning through here, but this is one of the most direct ones possible. I see no other way to interpret it.

>> No.9421536

>worthwhile programs like Planned Parenthood
>don't do mammograms
>don't do prenatal care
>Send over 90% of all lab work to other clinics to be actually processed
They are a rent-seeking organization that acts as a middleman between women and local clinics using branding to skim money for their own profit. Before we even get to their criminal activities all they do is drain value from the healthcare system.

>> No.9421537
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dude it's 12dimensional chess you just don't get it because you've bought into the semitic lies

>> No.9421539


I gave a plausible alternative meaning. The Chinese would be interested in propagating climate change hysteria because it's causing Americans to intentionally want to destroy their own manufacturing industry through regulation. He was regularly talking about this sort of stuff during his rallies around the time that he tweeted that.

>> No.9421549

It's not an alternative, it's the very same thing expanded upon.

>> No.9421552

>This is why Ken Hamm gets massive tax breaks while worthwhile programs like Planned Parenthood have their funding slashed.

Planned Parenthood gave Hillary Clinton 20 million dollars for her presidential campaign.

>> No.9421555

>this genius thinks Trump is personally tweeting
Protip: Santa Claus doesn't bring those presents....

>> No.9421602

Because they know the right will do everything in their power to destroy them

>> No.9421615

This is politics, every want to destroy every one else, they aren't special.

>> No.9421616


They should be destroyed. Regardless of where you stand on the issue of abortion they have no business accepting federal funds and turning around and giving it to political candidates.

>> No.9421659

please return to reddit, m'sir

>> No.9421675


>> No.9421692

Nye, etc. are doing the old dance of
>"I am going to cloak myself in the mantle of science and then use this usurped faux authority to promote a subjective political agenda"
Commies do it. So do Socialists. The fact that a couple of contemporary socialists are doing it = zero surprises

>> No.9421718


you don't have beliefs. you have LARPing fantasies.

>> No.9421721

>They don't see these mass subversions/delusions as they really are so you have to move even smarter because of it.

truly we on the right are the intellectual vanguard of the age

>> No.9421722

I would love to give Lawrence Krauss a strong right-hand. Smug cunt.

>> No.9421728

i never had an atheist phase because im a functioning human being

>> No.9421750
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>as a result of politics having infested every element of life

that's where you're wrong. politics has all but vanished. class struggle is completely underground, if not extinguished entirely thanks to union fragmentation. any form of protest is immediately co-opted by state- and market-actors to hawk products. Cf. the pepsi commercial, which though it is "only a commercial," nevertheless indexes how completely milquetoast and limp-wristed every popular movement is today unless it is corporately backed, like the Tea Party was. meanwhile the online shitstorm it caused was probably only negation in the psychoanalytic sense: pepsi is showing the left what they really look like, and that made them uncomfortable. i say all this as a marxist, btw.

what has replaced politics is "politics," which essentially reduces to aesthetics + marketing. choose your team, pick a side, watch a TV show, demand representation in commercials, retweet strong, rich, neoliberal women. do not look at the world beyond the little screen. this all started in the 70s and 80s with the New Left, btw, which is responsible for importing Foucault and mistaking The Discourse for politics. now Radical Statements are Subversive on their own, without requiring any of those pesky, smelly, male laborers to get in the way.

am i whinging by bringing cell phones into it? probably. but one last, somewhat crazy but i think arguable example. why has the left been so incontinent in an age where communication and organization, the primary historical obstacles to militancy, is now easier than ever? i think that it is precisely because it is so easy that it cannot get anywhere. left politics are predetermined by the capitalist media in which it operates, or rather into which it has been corralled. why is it, in other words, that you know more about your local freemason or knights of columbus lodge house than about your local labor unions or communist groups? because the former have material. they have buildings with their names on it. they hold property and occupy territory. leftists don't do any of that shit anymore because they have mistaken virtual presence for physical presence, and it will cost us all.


>> No.9421757

>politics has all but vanished. class struggle is completely underground,
>politics/class struggle
Fucking Commie retards.

>> No.9421758

shes 31 lmao

>> No.9421764

>references Foucault

>19 year old pseud: the post

>> No.9421768


>being angry about female ghostbusters is politics


>psychoanalyzing how it's said rather than what is said

how does it feel to know your whole approach to life is already determined by the exact forces im describing

>> No.9421774

Scientism is worse than islam

>> No.9421776

It's futile to argue, 4chan has been invaded with those kind of people.

>> No.9421799

>Think class struggle is the basis of politics

>> No.9421802

>The fact that writers from the 60's and 70's are exerting control over the institutions of science
What do you mean by this. Citation?

>> No.9421806

>>being angry about female ghostbusters is politics
Kid, I barely registered anyone cared about that sort of shit. Your assumption speaks volumes about your intellect.

>> No.9421809
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>how does it feel to know your whole approach to life is already determined by the exact forces im describing

>> No.9421818

At least Curtis can put things together in a historical context (something that is desperately lacking nowadays) and occasionally has something very good to say, like the myth of the balance of nature.

>> No.9421821


waiting on a substitute that matters objectively. so far all im hearing from the right is cultural-ideological complaints about race purity and movies with black women.

>> No.9421822

feels breddy gud, as i have devoured his entire oevre several times

>> No.9421828
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>> No.9421831

Yea, and that's exactly why the Chinese are rapidly scrambling to find cleaner, more efficient forms of renewable energy to eventually scale up to, so they can waste money and research on their own "hoax", dumb fuck

>> No.9421838
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>> No.9421842
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>Yea, and that's exactly why the Chinese are rapidly scrambling to find cleaner, more efficient forms of renewable energy

Are they?

>> No.9421848

why does no one ever talk about the left denies science when it comes to racial/sexual differences

>> No.9421849

>psychoanalyzing how it's said
Sadly as opposed to real life there are no non-verbal signs online which would allow me to dismiss you before even reading all that trash, so I'm making do.
>rather than what is said
There's nothing to analyze, it's some superficial babby-tier """"analysis"""" of the role of social media in politics (and reduction of the latter to former), clearly coming from someone not involved in active politics in any capacity. And some idiotic nonsense like "you know more about your local freemason or knights of columbus lodge house than about your local labor unions or communist groups" which can only be uttered by someone completely divorced from reality, talking out of their ass and quite possibly living in one of the Anglo countries and mistaking it for the whole world. In other words, as I already a said, an immature demagogue with no particular insight into anything desperately trying to compensate by namedropping half-related and thoroughly misinterpreted theoretical concepts. Basically you're a /pol/tardian teenager with that dusty almost vintage last century flavor.

>> No.9421853
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>the right is cultural-ideological complaints about race purity and movies with black women.
That isn't 'The Right', that is just more Liberalism.
>Ducking morons
Liberalism is 'the political or cultural ideology that the primary (or only) goal of the state/culture is to maximize individual liberty and individual equality. It is roughly divided into two groups; Classical Liberals, who focus on liberty, and Progressive Liberals, who focus on equality."
"Thus virtually all contemporary political groups are Liberal, including Communism, Socialism, Republicanism, Libertarians, Objectivists, Feminists, National Socialists, the Labour Movement, etc. Even the 'axis' between Communism/Socialism (equality) and laissez-faire Capitalism (liberty) is between two inherently Liberal concepts."
>fucking PoliSci 205 level facts, here
The last Right Wing political party was Franco's Falange - it was pro-Catholic Church Distributist Monarchism.

>> No.9421855

i tried to show his work at a german uni for administration. however people preferred watching I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!


>> No.9421859

>posts one of the main reasons they are doing it
If you want to be contrarian make sure you're not completely retarded first.

>> No.9421865


>> No.9421867


took me fucking forever to find this when hypernormalisation had just come out

>> No.9421868


What if the Chinese don't give a shit about global warming and are only concerned with cleaning their cities? I don't see them destroying their manufacturing industry. Nobody is against clean air.

>> No.9421870

These critiques of capitalism would be more convincing if Soviet communism didn't amplify the conformism and dreariness upt to ten thousand during its existence - at least regulated capitalism gives you some wriggling room, and a good education can give you the resources to find guidance within yourself instead of relying on the public opinion or the opinions of the majority. The only real counterpoise to capitalism is a strong culture - a cultural power can only be challenged by another power. The kneejerk rebelliousness of anti-capitalist movements ended up destroying the very society that could've provided some form of stability to post-capitalism, but now the state has completely cannibalized all civil institutions and as a consequence the left can't do anything for shit nowadays.

Also there is nothing wrong with marrying and reproducing.

>> No.9421871

I've never seen such a longwinded ad-hominem before.

>> No.9421872

"Cf." is meant to indicate a contrast between the idea under discussion and whatever is being referenced

>> No.9421875

>people preferred to watch celeb trash over a quintessential hack who thinks cropping footage and using dramatic music so that they seem coherent with his shitty ahistorical and nonfactual narrative is journalism
be proud of your uni, alter

>> No.9421877

Do you also believe in mermaids?

>> No.9421881
File: 154 KB, 600x1064, 1401724351708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are looking for music use
love the song.
"i don't believe in anything" "i don't even believe in you" "what are punks" "they believe in freedom and stuff" "what happened to you?" "id rather not talk about it"

>> No.9421884

It is an excellent argument against religious criticism. Criticism of religion should be done outside of the closed box of the culture (religion) of critique.

>> No.9421886

>The Chinese would be interested in propagating climate change hysteria

But the tweet makes no mention of "propogating" anything. It claims the Chinese "created" it, meaning it didn't (and presumably still doesn't) exist in reality. Either you have very poor reading comprehension, or you are too invested in seeing Trump as some genius and the best president ever, despite what you say about the other anon being too invested in seeing him as a retard. I won't say he's a retard, but the dude does say a lot of really stupid shit.

>> No.9421890

>this level of mental gymnastics
>le destroying the industry
Are you a 15 year old from some redneck state?

>> No.9421895

maybe you are trapped in between a state-capitalist and state-communist false dichotomy.
i agree, that we need a strong culture in order to make post-capitalism work but i disagree strongly that the left has destroyed it. it is capitalism itself that is destroying culture by appropriating its meaning, regurgitating its symbols out of context and commodifiying it. we had cooperative culture in theaters, film, hiphop/rap, rave/house/techno. even food cooperatives, dyi culture etc and it is not dead even though instagram etc are trying to make it a surface illusion of self display.
in the end only strong ties to our fellow humans and a cooperative unhierarchical mindset can save us if it finally blows up.

>> No.9421906
File: 119 KB, 1024x641, 1421503193605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the film i watch must be strictly chronological.
>analogies are not allowed
>music is not allowed

you are right. history is absolutely consecutive. ideas don't affect humans. nothing is intertwined

>> No.9421908

no, but i know some guys that are pretty girly and some girls that are pretty dominant

>> No.9421932

I only made it through 50 seconds. That is the cringiest thing I've seen an adult do on stage.
>My va-g-i-i-i-na
She can't even sing well enough to pull it off.

>> No.9421933

>muh edgy ad absurdum
Right. Curtis is a conspiratard par excellence. Enjoying his works is one thing, but actually finding them to contain anything intellectually worthy or profound is embarrassing, unless you're severely underage.

>> No.9421948

That doesn't change their genetics.
And stop mistaking culture for science.

>> No.9421961

if only mermaids exist and made humans go extinct d e s u

>> No.9421965

How do you scientifically study ethics?

>> No.9421976

Very carefully

>> No.9421979
File: 56 KB, 536x536, 1492704448228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender has biological basis my dude.

>> No.9421980

Everything reinforces the status quo. So that's a non statement.

>> No.9421990

they're still male and female. they work on a spectrum, no need to come up with made up identities.


>> No.9421996

I sincerely hope no one on the planet considers all caps shitposting at someone else "treating them like a human being".

>> No.9421999

well i dont:

if you had listened to him, you would know curtis doesn't believe in conspiracies.

E.M.: And, in an even more general sense, is history primarily a history of conspiracy? Or is it just a series of blunders, one after the other? Confusions, self-deceptions, idiocies of one kind or another?

AC: It’s the latter. Where people do set out to have conspiracies, they don’t ever end up like they're supposed to. History is a series of unintended consequences resulting from confused actions, some of which are committed by people who may think they're taking part in a conspiracy, but it never works out the way they intended.

I am not underage. I think especially his critique of technology and the underlying assumption, that anything is computable as well as his critique of modern economics and the parallels of asian/european crises as well as his critique of consumerism and his insights into the middle eastern conflict are pretty profound.


this is a very good interview:

>> No.9422008

can you name a more famous living scientist?

these 4 define public perception of sciences and epistemology.

>> No.9422011

Could you provide examples on how one would study ethics with science?

>> No.9422013
File: 96 KB, 424x738, michea-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a form of pacification. Politics inform Science.

>The crucial importance of Galileo's Scienza Nuova is above all to the fact that it made philosophically conceivable the project - the modern one par excellence - of making human beings 'masters and possessors of nature'. And yet, it is above all as the image of a new symbolic authority, the ideal of Science, an authority that could henceforth be opposed to that of the Church, that Galilean physics produced its two most important ideological effects. On the one hand, it supplied a particularly solid metaphysical foundation for the notion of progress (a point that Pascal immediately noticed). And on the other hand, it promoted the belief - whose postulates Hobbes and Spinoza were among the first to define - that the extension of the Galilean method to the study of human nature would soon make it possible to construct a 'social physics', and by way of this create the conditions at last for a 'scientific' and 'impartial' treatment of the political problem.


>> No.9422015

i can have as many penises as i like. if i feel like a girl and want to be treated like a girl. i am practically a girl. tell me im a guys as much as you want. i still feel like a girl. you can keep in denial mode or just accept that biological sexuality and gender can fall apart.
do you also deny homosexuality?

>> No.9422040

This guy is the very picture of everything that is wrong with the "left"- deliberatedly brands himself as a leftist, and reads nietzsche, a counterrevolutionary who utterly hated socialism and subscribes to absolute moral relativism.

>> No.9422045

>Has a penis
>Calls himself a girl
>Claims others are in denial

>> No.9422047

I'm not denying the existence of transgendered people you tranny sperg. All I'm saying is that there are only two genders and they have a biological basis. How world transgendered people exist if gender didn't have a biological basis? How would someone be born the "wrong" gender?

>> No.9422050

but that implies you embrace the very rigid gender definitions you're fighting against. I see the two genders as very large spectruma and I would gladly include your mental illness in the male category as long as you are chromosomally a male.

>> No.9422064

Big wars are a thing of the past, and anti-terrorists invasions or something like that won´t do it for the arts.
As we become more peaceful, lazier and more comfotable, we will cease to have that passion that drives artists to their zenith as humans, when they create their masterpieces. Our consumer culture will make us eat up whatever thoughtless from of entertainment we´d have available, given to us by our IA overlords, if they don´t eliminate us first.

>> No.9422066

>Social physics
>Jumbo Shrimp

>> No.9422074

>gender studies undergraduates are invading /lit/

>> No.9422077

>i am practically a girl. tell me im a guys as much as you want. i still feel like a girl. you can keep in denial mode
best poem on this subreddit/multiverse was written unknowingly

>> No.9422094
File: 46 KB, 427x640, caracalla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this quanitity of spazz and emotional incontinence
>this argumentative incoherence
Jesus, if it's a choice between this or the /pol/tards I'd keep the /pol/tards, for all of their conspiratorial ressentment and mental gymnastics.

>> No.9422097

Why are there so many tranny Marxist freakshows on this board?

>> No.9422102

There aren't that many on any platform online. Realistically there are just a very few absolutely vocal few, and the rest are mindless accomplices or 'ironic' shitposters.

Truly a great world we live in.

>> No.9422104

do you realize that epistemology is subjectively limited? do you even kant?
how retarded are you. ,
i think he said that science is derived from axioms mostly in number theory, which makes it rather dull and its possible realm of knowledge rather limited. actually it can only describe the status quo and does not have any performative or prefigurative function except the application of techne.

you are clearly mistaking his statement, which is rather abstract for the simple rhetorical figure of a pleonasm, which means to restate something.
i see the far fetched analogy but you are clearly mixing things up


i am not saying that im biologically a girl. i just say i feel like one and therefore wish to be treated like one. why do you feel so unsettled by this? what do you care how i feel? do you even into abstraction?

spoiler: i am not even a girl or gay. i am just a white guy trying to make a point. did you ever hear of the idea, that people who are insecure about their sexuality become homo/transpobic?
it is time to come out of the closet guys

>> No.9422115

>you are clearly mixing things up
Mirrors must be rare.

>> No.9422117

fun fact:
no one answers the question about homosexuality

>> No.9422118

There are only 2 genders and their existence is rooted in biology.

>> No.9422119

Because it's irrelevant. You're trying to force the argument into a false black-and-white frame.

>> No.9422122

How exactly is it anti-biology?

>> No.9422126

>i feel like one
You can't feel like one, because you aren't one, never have been and never will be, so you have no idea what it is to feel like a woman.
>le homophobic people are really gay
I'm not sure if you're 14 or really good at pretending to be retarded.

>> No.9422127

Homosexuality is most likely a spectrum. We don't know the extent to which genes play a role in sexual preferences.