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9420163 No.9420163 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of appreciating this planet and our time on it if all memory of it is going to be wiped away when we die?

>> No.9420172

Why do you have to remember something for it to worth experiencing? You've probably already forgotten most of the good times you ever had, if you've had very many.

>> No.9420187

this, basically. barring some ideological safeguard, you can basically break anything down to meaninglessness. and yet these things hold meaning to us while we are experiencing them just the same. there's no sense in overintellectualizing it—just roll with it.

>> No.9420192

What the fuck else am I going to do? Sit and mope like satire and french new wave. Nah, nah.

>> No.9420199
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does there have to be a point to enjoy crazy shit? i used to climb around in an apartment complex that didn't seem to have anyone living in it. in retrospect, there just weren't any kids in the entire place. about three hundred or so tenants at least, but not one kid, not one friend.
my point is, you make your own point or live without one. memories of yourself after you die are even more selfish and silly than demanding a point to life while you're living it.

>> No.9420202
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Who are you to say all memory is wiped away when you die? No one knows what happens to your consciousness when you die.

It's just as likely that you'll awaken as some intergalactic sea turtle who was just taking a nap and dreamed of your life.

>> No.9420209

What's the point of not enjoying life?

>> No.9420227
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What's the point of doing cocaine if it wears off and then makes you feel like pure hell until you choke down a few bong rips and fall asleep?

>> No.9420236
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>the point

>> No.9420273

I think depression is directly related to Nihilism. I know it is for me.

>> No.9420281

they're related insofar as they both stem from angst. some Greek philosophy would do you good (no, I'm not memeing. read some plato.)

>> No.9420293

Anon, let me be the first to say that you dont know anything. You, with your collection of a hundred thousand sounds or so by which to give the world meaning or rob it thereof, have no fucking clue what is going on and whether there is any point.

And there's also the possibility that you believe everything to be meaningless to make up for your sociopathic inability to connect with anything at the level of which you desire.