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/lit/ - Literature

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9418599 No.9418599 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good background in philosophy? Plato Maquiavelo Descartes Hume Kant Stirner Nietzsche Kierkegaard Wittgenstein Burke Voltaire Mill Russell Rand

What other good philosophers of the twentieth century recommend to me?

>> No.9418613

You read almost exactly what everyone's been reading. That could be good or bad. A philosopher would know the answer and I am not a philosopher nor intelligent.

>> No.9418616


No. Read more ancients.

>twentieth century


>> No.9418625

>reading fucking Stirner over hundreds of worthier philosophers
You got meme'd famperoni

>> No.9418634

I would add Levinas, Derrida, Frege, Gödel, Quine, Nagel, Sartre, Ryle, Rawls, Plantinga. Just to add from the past 150 yrs. But you should read the scholastics and ancients if you want a comprehensive view of what any of the early modern philosophers are addressing.

>> No.9418636

what would we do without the daily list-of-old-dead-smart-guys thread

>> No.9418640

you missed Aristotle

>> No.9418643


what do you mean 'background,' this depends on what you want to read. for someone just wanting an intro to philosophy descartes and hume are good places to start

or are you looking for some arbitrary sense of being "read"

>> No.9418645

Godel is not a philosopher and Plantinga is not worthy of this list. Stop evangelizing.

>> No.9418647

>one philosopher before the renaissance

>> No.9418650
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>all these modern philosophers
Stop being a pretentious faggot, OP. Read Plato and Aristotle repeatedly for 5+ years, and then you can think about reading more ancient philosophy.

>> No.9418661
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>sure I'll skip the stoics and scholastics, my superior atheist mind is above such delusions

>> No.9418670

no, he didn't

>> No.9418840


Which ones do you recommend?

>> No.9418862

All of relevant stoic literature could read in one cozy evening

>> No.9418870

You're reading Philosophers but you aren't studying them, so what's the point?

>> No.9418881

This anon gets it.
OP fell for the meme.

>> No.9418921 [DELETED] 

> Read more ancients and scholastics.

Aristotle and Hipona are enough?

>> No.9419026

Plato Aristotle Seneca Aurelio Hipona Maquiavelo Descartes Hume Kant Nietzsche Kierkegaard Wittgenstein Burke Voltaire Mill Russell Rand


>> No.9419415

Add the presocratics, at least St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas from Christian philosophy, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Heidegger, Sartre, Benjamin, Adorno, Marcuse, Gadamer and the French postmodernist and/or the psychoanalists if you're into that, and you're good to go!

>> No.9419419

And remove Ayn Rand, no one really takes her seriously for a reason.

>> No.9419460

God damn I hate 4chan. You're all such elitist fucking pseudos
>lol look at this brainlet he totally read all the wrong philosophers
>watch me namedrop all these philosophers I watched youtube videos on and am totally an expert on
>guys aren't I cool? Guys check out my special snowflake philosopher tastes, what do you think? Guys notice me please

>> No.9419466
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>OP makes a thread asking for suggestions
>suggestions follow

>> No.9419482

And just to add to this, OP that is a pretty well-rounded intro to philosophy. As much as /lit/ would have you believe, there is no "canon", just read philosophy to explore ideas you're interested in and develop your own thoughts and lifestyle.

>> No.9419492

Don't waste your time with these guys.

>> No.9419739

Voltaire wasn't even a philosopher.

>> No.9419769

Just go Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
You can skip the Christians
Then Descartes, Rousseau, Hume, Hobbes
Kant, Hegel, Marx
Everyone else just skip or maybe watch a 10 minute YouTube video or something

>> No.9419774

I agree man, OP definitely should start reading Socrates.

>> No.9419823

>implying ancients have value


>> No.9419885

>Godel is not a philosopher

Yes he was.

>Plantinga is not worthy of this list.


>> No.9419900

What is a background in philosophy? Are you applying for a job as a philosopher? Is someone asking for a resume?

It seems to me like you're supposed to read the books, get confused, focus on the ideas, read more books etc.

>> No.9419915


>> No.9419933

Disregard this post.


>Maquiavelo [sic]




No lol





Not really.

No lol

No haha


>> No.9419938

>you can skip the Christians
>Then Descartes, Rousseau
Are you just pretending or is it for real

>Hume, Hobbes, Kant, Hegel, Marx

>Everyone else just skip or maybe watch a 10 minute YouTube video or something

So this is how a liberal conceives history, especially that of philosophy. Alright.

>> No.9420301

Plato Aristotle Machiavelli Descartes Kant Burke


What other philosophers do you recommend?


Why not?



>> No.9420313

>t. anon who has never read Stirner

>> No.9420369

jesus christ

>> No.9420388

>Why not?
different guy but hes the original autistic anglo

>> No.9420396

Although most of medieval philosophy consisted of sucking Aristotle's dick, there is some merit to a few philosophers, such as Duns Scotus.


>> No.9420409

Anyone who thinks Stirner is essential for a basic background in philosophy probably lacks one themselves.

>> No.9420414

He's not necessary for a basic background, but for a "good" (which I take to mean comprehensive) background, he should be read.

>> No.9420467

Even then I'm not so sure. Plenty of Phil. grads with a generalist/history of phil. concentration never read Stirner. I'd sooner tell someone to read, say, Rawls, Anscombe, Adorno, Marcuse, Arendt, and other non-essential 20th century philosophers before Stirner, but hey, I'm willing to admit I could be mistaken on that point.

>> No.9420480

Stirner derides professional philosophers explicitly: his book is an energetic thwarting of institutionalized philosophy, among other things. You won't find a single philosophy professor who recommends Stirner to his/her students. This is precisely why he should be read.

>> No.9420592


>> No.9420737


Just ignore this tard.

>> No.9420740

Gödel's writings are important in philosophy. Plantinga is a philosopher who might be interesting to anyone interested in modern religious philosophy.

>> No.9422017

Now read Wittgenstein and realise that you wasted all that time.

>> No.9422024

*read Wittgenstein again

>> No.9422038
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>no Spinoza
>no Hume or Locke
>no Hegel
>no Marx/Engels
>no Aristotle
>no continentals after Nietzsche
>bothering with Stirner, Machiavelli or Rand

>> No.9422058

The Scholastics are barely worth bothering with beyond historical and theological purposes. However if you're a christposter or gnostic memelord I'd say go ahead.

>> No.9422060

Skip him.

>> No.9422063

>no Bataille

>> No.9422067

>not recommending him to read Thales
Get a load of this guy

>> No.9422069


>> No.9422085

>no Hegel

>> No.9422138

>he doesnt understand stirner

>> No.9422147

The amount of redditors in this thread complaining that their favorite false god isn't listed over some other false god is pretty hysterical, I've gotta say.

>> No.9422167

Okay OP, here's probably what you ought to do, if you're just going to do a basic outline.

Heroclitus (very fast read)
Plato (you can probably find a list of essential dialogs; don't start with Republic you fuck)
Stoics (also pretty quick)

You can read the Romans if you'd like, but it's mostly just commentary iirc.

Next are the Scholastics. Most people read Augustine and Aquinas. Personally, I think scholasticism is extremely gay desu, but some people find it interesting, especially if they're Catholic. Try Ockham and Scotus if you like them. Gnostic shit is also extremely weird and fascinating.

I personally wouldn't fucking bother with Machiavelli, he's a meme




>German Memelords
Hegel (probably going to need help with him)

>German Memelords Part II: Electric Boogaloo
Skip Stirner, seriously

>Captain Ressentiment

>Existentialists and other edgelords
Nietzsche (READ IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER, skip Will to Power, it's fraudulent interpolated trash)
Heidegger (strap in for this asshole)
Sartre/Camus (they suck but worth the read)
Kierkegaard if you wish

Erik Erikson

Derrida (I know)
Don't waste your time with Butler

I don't know much about analytical nerds other than Wittgenstein and Berkeley memes. As far as I can tell up until recently it was all numbers autism.

There are other literary books of the time periods worth reading as well, but I'd consult the canon for stuff up until WWII.

>> No.9422202

give or take 2-3 names that's what I knew upon graduating high school.
I then did a philosophy major for a while where I was writing dissertations that btfo'd the rest of my promotion, in a good school, too.

I eventually got bored and switched to maths.

>> No.9422655


> I am not a philosopher nor intelligent

never stopped anyone on this board before

>> No.9422700

Which Freud book?

>> No.9422773

All of them ideally. But if you have to skip do Beyond the Pleasure Principle and Society and Its Discontents.