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9416388 No.9416388[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the literature equivalent of Spencer Clark and James Ferraro?

>> No.9417059


>> No.9417078
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>> No.9417140

turbo pleb spotted

>> No.9417163
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Is this the guy who was in that video where he was like "oh fug i can't believe you've done this" when he got hit, man this shit was cash haha :DDD

>> No.9417174

lol i know spencer clark is into fucking kenneth grant smdh

>> No.9417198
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spencer is into ufology
james mostly read biographies of VIPs and roman kings

not him

>> No.9417215
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This book. They both use a sort of a post-modern approach, also a style where minimalism and "bold" ideas take precedence over craftsmanship. Both take place in a sort of vacuum, made from ignorance and narcissism.

>> No.9417224

I'm aware of what they read but it doesn't match their music at all, maybe only Baudrillard

>> No.9417236

They are anything else but that, have you ever heard anything by them? kaur is exactly like dean blunt, a talentless hack.

>> No.9417245
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Yea, Rupi Kaur is fucking horrible. She perpetuates this "you did something wrong, so I'm gonna write a poem about it and adress YOU the whole time. Dingbats my age will like this" poems. Sylvia Plath is dead. Let's keep it that way.

>> No.9417256

Oh, I'm not using minimalism as in the musical style, it was more metaphorical. I remember listening to far side virtual, I guess it can be more described as a sort of musical poverty, of simple melodies, simple progressions and even simpler harmonies.
Electronic music is like genre fiction compared to actual literature (aka classical music).

>> No.9417265

Can we stop these retarded music and literature equivalent threads? They're a waste of time.

>> No.9417279

>He listened only to far side virtual
Literally his worst album and the concept takes over more than it should. His best stuff is from the beginning till pre night dolls. This is like reading the worst book from your favorite author and calling him shit because of it. Anyway I listen to classical too and the stuff they did (at their best) is still quite different than any other music at all and quite beautiful. They are one of the few musicians of this century who actually do something new and good.
>is like genre fiction
Not really there is enough complex electronic music.

>> No.9417307

>They are one of the few musicians of this century who actually do something new and good.
I see you're emotionally involved and you're arguing exactly like a genre fiction fan would. Next thing you'll be saying is how Metal is exactly like classical music, how it's complex too because that's the only thing characteristic of classical music... The thing is that there is a wide gap between high art and artsy entertainment. That gap is similar in all mediums, it's just not perceived as such by the general public.

>> No.9417318

>emotionally involved
Yeah because listening to only one album by a musician who has done pretty much every style you could think of and even invented a few is really objective thinking.
Is shit and not even close to the complexity of classical and youre the one trying to say complex is better.
Just admit youre a turbo pleb pseud who probably listens to entry tier classical music too.

>> No.9417325

Go back to /mu/ little buddy

>> No.9417369


>> No.9417858
