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/lit/ - Literature

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9414412 No.9414412 [Reply] [Original]

>"He pilfered a copy of 'Ulysses', but it was possible the one book he did not finish. "What's the point of it? I suspect it was a bit of a joke by Joyce. He just kept his mouth shut as people read into it more than there was. Pseudo-intellectuals love to drop the name 'Ulysses' as their favorite book. I refused to be intellectually bullied into finishing it.""

Is Christopher Knight, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

>> No.9414417


>> No.9414420


A guy who lived for 27 years in the Maine wilderness before being arrested in 2012

>> No.9414427

lol what a brainlet

>> No.9414434

Yeah I just read it.
No, he's just a weirdo.
There are plenty of not crazy ways to live like a hermit. Go into the mountains, build a cabin and a garden take a gun with you. People do it all the time.

>> No.9414437

>I refused to be intellectually bullied into finishing it.

lol it's a book. who's bullying him into finishing it?

what's with plebs being threatened when it comes to difficult books like that? They're the ones who just want everyone to enjoy a nice story and not worry about what others think or something. but even just the sight of a IJ and or a GR makes them so buttmad. It's just another form of "stop liking what I like".

>> No.9414443

He also enjoyed playing Pokemon on the Gameboy, god tier taste indeed.

>> No.9414444

>I'm too much of a brainlet to understand a book so it's other people's fault for reading too much into it

>> No.9414448

Quads for truth.

>> No.9414457

People don't seem to understand that you don't have to justify how you feel about things.
"I don't like it" is enough. But then they feel self conscious because they see people they identify as "above" them enjoy something, so then they think they must be "worse" for not liking something. So then comes insulting the something, so they can feel better about not liking the thing. "You're not better than me for liking the thing- you're worse for liking the thing, thereby making be better" People gotta learn to not give a shit. Sometimes? Sure. But most of the time? Eh.

>> No.9414477

Nobody who's intelligent thinks you have to be intelligent to analyze a novel.

But if you're really impressed by big words and name-dropping, then sure, you have to be smart to understand these door-stoppers. It's all relative.

>> No.9414535

great post, very nietzschean

>> No.9414543

/our guy/

>> No.9414555

have fun paying your property tax, and dont forget about zoning laws! also it might be illegal not to be on city utilities :)

>> No.9414600

Compared to Finnegans Wake it's not so bad.

>> No.9414623

I bet he got 200 pages in
The second half is where it really comes together

>> No.9414664

>it was just a joke bro
I always cringe when I hear this

>> No.9414674
File: 9 KB, 320x180, AINTYOPAPI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are a couple big papis

>> No.9414690 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 576x384, thispostmfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in bookstore on monthly book ha
>hear the opinion that the work of Charles Dickens is as difficult as Ulysses

>> No.9414699
File: 8 KB, 576x384, thispostmfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in book store for monthly haul
>hear someone say that Dickens is as difficult as Ulysses

>> No.9414895

yeah, im sure all the people living happily way out in of the middle of fucking nowhere are really bothered by your smug dipshit reply.

>> No.9415421

good post