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/lit/ - Literature

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9407963 No.9407963 [Reply] [Original]

so who was right, /lit/?

>> No.9407966

What's the difference between an orthodox and a traditionalist?

>> No.9407970

orthodoxy is a denomination of Christianity like protestantism/catholicism you retard

you can be a liberal/modernist Orthodox Christian

>> No.9408141

yeah you mong, as is traditionalism.

>> No.9408146

There's no such denomination as "traditionalism"

Read this

>> No.9408316
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It's obvious.

>> No.9408335

It's obvious - you either go full tradition with Orthodoxy or full modernism with Protestantism. Just avoid the papist cult of Blessed Virgin at all costs and you should be fine.

>> No.9408343
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>> No.9408922
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>full tradition with Orthodoxy

Yea, divorce and remarriage is real traditional. The Orthodox are a joke, puppets of the Tsar, Sultan, and Satan.

>> No.9408927

>Yea, divorce and remarriage is real traditional.
thats not allowed in Orthodoxy retard

>> No.9409007

>The Church also realistically recognizes that some marriages may become completely unworkable, causing more damage than good, and thus does allow for divorce.

Shoo shoo Walter Kasper

>> No.9409039

But it is and up to 3 times.

>> No.9409040

>cherry-picking Protestant lit this hard
>cherry-picking Luther this hard


>> No.9409074

orthodoxy: larping russkies
catholicism: continental philosophy
protestantism: analytic philosophy

>> No.9409079

Catholicism has plenty of analytics (I only know of Platinga as a relevant Protestant philosopher, versus Amscombe, Grach, Feser, Oderberg, MacIntyre etc.) and unlike Protestant theology, is far more systematic and dependant on pre set axioms.

>> No.9409108

It definitely is. The idolisation of eastern orthodoxy on this board by people who have no first hand experience with it is off the charts, btw. Makes me wonder how many other such self-assured ignorants have been lecturing others on various subjects in which they are equally clueless.

>> No.9409145

Most of /lit/ is retarded undergrads, so, most of everything is clueless people lecturing other clueless people.
There's always a few exceptions which make it a good place to waste time at tho.

>> No.9409436


>> No.9409442
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it's obvious

>> No.9409446
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Sorry papists

>> No.9409463

>Nothing but a tax grab and murder scheme by a king
Fuck at least the other proddies actually believed they were doing the right thing.

>> No.9409674

>Catholicism lost the entirety of Northern Europe
>Perhaps we're too mediterranean centric?
>Nah! It's that that one King's fault!

>> No.9409681
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>he believes romish propaganda
Stay memed, son

>> No.9409691

I can't believe people still care about this shit

>> No.9410327

*tips kalimavkion*

>> No.9410350

>Entirety of northern Europe
>Not Ireland
>Not half of Germany
>Not Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
>Not Poland
Not that this proves my faith, you're just historically inaccurate. But an Anglo thinking the world revolves around a shitty little island what else is new.

>> No.9410410


>> No.9410416 [DELETED] 

>AT-AT's are illogical to the point of stupidity, even for SW. There is repulsor tech in this universe. There are wheels too. But the biggest issue is that it creates a sluggish scene when the enemy is moving about 20 feet a minute.
>most of Luke's training happens off-screen (for instance, he’s a better swordsman for no reason, he knows how to force super speed jump for no reason, etc)
>Han and Leia's plot is poorly intercut with Luke’s (as in, they cut away from a more interesting story to one that just can’t realistically be as interesting as the revelations about the main plot that Yoda is giving to the main character) and only serves to interrupt the Dagobah sequences
>Yoda talks about using the force for knowledge and defence and never for attack, yet him and Obi Wan are banking on making a kid attack and kill his own father
>Star Destroyers crashing/bumping into each other is both dumb on a conceptual level in that instance AND poorly executed by the filmmakers, with sound being pretty much the only real indication there was actual contact of the ships
>the villain saying "join me" was really cliche, even then
>Luke force jumped at super speed at the start of the fight but never did it again (to jump over Vader when he pushed Luke out on the catwalk etc)
>Unclear how much time has passed on Dagobah and seems implied to be a fair while, while the Han and Leia plot seems to take no time at all.

>> No.9410423 [DELETED] 

-AT-AT's are illogical to the point of stupidity, even for SW. There is repulsor tech in this universe. There are wheels too. But the biggest issue is that it creates a sluggish scene when the enemy is moving about 20 feet a minute.
-most of Luke's training happens off-screen (for instance, he’s a better swordsman for no reason, he knows how to force super speed jump for no reason, etc)
-Han and Leia's plot is poorly intercut with Luke’s (as in, they cut away from a more interesting story to one that just can’t realistically be as interesting as the revelations about the main plot that Yoda is giving to the main character) and only serves to interrupt the Dagobah sequences
-Yoda talks about using the force for knowledge and defence and never for attack, yet him and Obi Wan are banking on making a kid attack and kill his own father
-Star Destroyers crashing/bumping into each other is both dumb on a conceptual level in that instance AND poorly executed by the filmmakers, with sound being pretty much the only real indication there was actual contact of the ships
-the villain saying "join me" was really cliche, even then
-Luke force jumped at super speed at the start of the fight but never did it again (to jump over Vader when he pushed Luke out on the catwalk etc)
-Unclear how much time has passed on Dagobah and seems implied to be a fair while, while the Han and Leia plot seems to take no time at all.

>> No.9410624

>going full modernism
>going full satanic
ok bud

>> No.9410680

Do god botherers not consider it absurd to think that of all the religions and sects in the world, only theirs it The Truth?

>> No.9410731

t. Nathan

>> No.9410743
File: 99 KB, 400x388, pepe45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a theological perspective, Orthodoxy.

From a metaphysical standpoint, the secularists.

>> No.9410761

Realistically this is mostly Dostoevsky's fault. Not divorce in Orthodoxy, but Orthodoxy idealization on this board.

>> No.9410765

>doesn't know the conventional difference between northern europe and eastern europe

>> No.9410794

If you are not Protestant you are a crypto-jew

Christianity only made a full split with Judaism in 1648 with the Peace of Westphalia

>> No.9410817

Well I'm Catholic, and there's more than a billion of us, so at the very least I can point to a seventh of humanity as an attestation of the truth of my sect.

>> No.9410955

Estonia and Latvia are (were) Lutheran, dummy.

>> No.9410965

If a seventh of humanity jumped off a bridge, would you?

>> No.9410969

The Euro-Salafist on the right.

>> No.9410977

Fucking catholics man.

>> No.9410984

This triumphalism typical to Catholics is reason enough to be convinced of Romanism's untruth.

>> No.9410998

surprising that the home country of the (((reformation))) would be the same one to incubate the j*wish menace... really makes one ponder

>> No.9411123

If six sevenths of humanity shot themselves in the foot, would you?

>> No.9411422

Left or middle