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9407763 No.9407763 [Reply] [Original]

Post words you have invented

>> No.9407770
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glad to see /lit/ still has a sense of humor

>> No.9407774

not sure if this counts, but I invented the "astral imprisonment" ability in DotA (and DotA 2)

>> No.9407901

i invented saying "nigger nigger i'm a stupid fucking nigger kill whitey" in my head whenever i remember something embarrassing

cool, that's one of the more interesting abilities in the game

>> No.9408337


>> No.9408345

like nonce words?
and more

>> No.9408349


the origins of loud laughter

>> No.9408361


>> No.9408383

Bite into a peppercorn (maybe a chili pepper too), that is what the word refers to.

It could also probably apply to orgasms.

>> No.9408392


>> No.9408399


>> No.9408402
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provide the evidence

>> No.9409013

Prececupidity, it means wishing for something so intensely and for so long that you can't properly enjoy it when it actually happens. I'm a very prececupidous person.

>> No.9409041

I put together a prototype version of the Amulet-Bloom deck three years before it got banned.

>> No.9409042
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>> No.9409064


>> No.9409068


>> No.9409075
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DCS. As in ''she's a DCS type of person'' or ''he displayed DCS sort of attitude''.

DCS stands for differently coloured socks, and someone with a DCS type personality is the type of person who doesn't care whether or not their socks match. Note that it's not the same as consciously choosing to wear differently socks as a fashion choice. The socks themselves are not that important.

>> No.9409078


>> No.9409088


>> No.9409094
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>> No.9409097

Just finished that. Would've been better if you'd skipped the picture and seen who'd recognize it.

I don't think it's quite as precise. ''DCS'' has been part of the vernacular I use among friends for a few years now, and we all understand its meaning.

>> No.9409101

Does it just refer to the person who doesn't care if he/she wears different colored socks? Or is it a more general term? If it's the former, how often do you even get to use it and if it's the latter, then eccentric, idiosyncratic, oddball etc. would actually be pretty appropriate.

>> No.9409142

It came about because we were discussing the subject, and it became a bother to say ''differently coloured socks'' each time so we shortened it to DCS. We made a distinction between the type of person who frets and keeps searching for that one missing sock because they need to find a pair that matches, and the person who simply doesn't care.

It's a more general term. I understand why you'd suggest those synonyms might work, and perhaps the difference is negligible and the term superfluous, but it's just something that kind of stuck. Because the term refers to a specific example, I think it highlights what type of eccentricity we're talking about here. It doesn't denote displays of weird habits per se, rather it's about consistently putting practicality above public appearance in minor cases.

A DCS disregards what they think are certain superficial codes of conduct, without for that reason being an autismo or anti-social weirdo. So they might consider the norm that tells you to wear matching socks a triviality, and just grab whatever is closest at hand. They might drink coffee out of a straw because they don't want to stain their teeth, even if it doesn't look proper.

''Oddball'' to me sounds like someone who is quirky in the manner that a manic pixie dream girl is.

>> No.9409200

Mordorial instead of Montréal.

>> No.9409247

Montréal is a fine city, why?

>> No.9409268

Montréalers only love Montréalers and if you don't come from there, you don't exist for them.

Most of them never had exited the island once.

And it's full of hipster nu-male and immigrants who don't speak french.

>> No.9409270

You can either hate the nativists or the immigrants, but not both. That's hypocritical.

>> No.9409273

What if I just hate everyone?

>> No.9409276

I was about to reply something like that kek.

>> No.9409285

Then you shouldn't specify particular ideologically opposed groups and just say so.

>> No.9409296

I hate Montréal.

Are you happy now anon?

>> No.9409309

No, I'm a francophile.

>> No.9409316 [SPOILER] 
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Québec > Montréal

If you are a real francophile, you should agree.

>> No.9409337

Quebecfag here. Can confirm

>> No.9409433


>> No.9409583


>> No.9409613

I haven't invented any, I'm calimachically sorry

>> No.9409618



>> No.9409689


>> No.9409707

see: Hacky

>> No.9409708


>> No.9409733


When the season is changing and you start to pick up on the subtle cues like light and smells, which remind you of the same season last year.

>> No.9409742

I'm frasmotic to hear that

>> No.9409761
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Tabarnak que j'adore cette expression là.

>> No.9409775

Montréal is the only relevant city in Québec.

>> No.9409790
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>> No.9409915

B-bonjour, frère d'outre-Atlantique

>> No.9411062


>> No.9411081

>nom de memoir

>> No.9411546


>> No.9411703


a person who can't or won't grasp common sense truths (ex. water being wet)

>> No.9411731

cascade + cadence = cascadence

>> No.9412145


>> No.9412280


There is no meaning

>> No.9412286

floppy boner

>> No.9412293
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I make up silly words to entertain my lil sis all the time

>> No.9412315


>> No.9412408

peripathetic- One who wanders meekly through life.

>> No.9412411


>> No.9412432

They always say you're not a real philosopher until you make up a word

>> No.9412444
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I know the second one just means purple or an eggplant, but I've started using it in other contexts

>> No.9412448

Do those all mean paedophile

>> No.9412465

Thats kinda sunlmilar to one if mine. i actually use both of these btw:
Niggerjew (a really shitty person)
Jizznipples (really awesome)

>> No.9412497

why would I make up a word where there's already a word?

>> No.9414026


Sherbrooke fag here, can confirm Quebec is better

>> No.9414040

i like this one

>> No.9414099

Siblaeic- of, or relating to, siblings.
Like brotherly or sisterly.

>> No.9414101

In what contexts?

>> No.9414488
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>> No.9414495


>> No.9414524


>> No.9414578
