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File: 90 KB, 1000x1496, THE+COMMUNIST+MANIFESTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9406590 No.9406590 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel being BTFO /lit/?

>> No.9406600

has there ever been a communist success story?


they've literally never won?

b-b-bbuuuut muh star trek

>> No.9406604

north korea


>> No.9406611

has there ever been a capitalist success story? America is one of the ugliest, most miserable nations in the world, a country of fat consumerist hooked on anti depressants and panem et circenses

>> No.9406613

North Korea is a tv show, it's a fake country.

>> No.9406617

>country of fat consumerist hooked on anti depressants and panem et circenses
thats just the proles, they are supposed to live that way. it's all the know. like pigs seek out shit.

the elite live good lives quite happily. they win everyday

>> No.9406624

Communism has only been tried in shit countries/ countries ravaged by war. Countries like Norway and Denmark prove that communism can succeed.

>> No.9406625

>the elite live good lives

I see you've never talked to a rich person before. They're always drug addicts and divorced tenfold.

Only happy or stable people I've ever met have been middle class, and that's because they're kept busy.

>> No.9406632

>I see you've never talked to a rich person before. They're always drug addicts and divorced tenfold.

lets see what this guy who did a five year study on the habits of rich people and poor people has to say about that, rather than rely on your anecdotal evidence

>82% of the wealthy were happy, while 98% of the poor were unhappy
>87% of the wealthy were happy in their marriage, while 53% of the poor were unhappy
>93% of the wealthy were happy because they liked or loved what they did for a living, while >85% of the poor were unhappy
>0% of the wealthy were unhappy due to finances, while 98% of the poor were unhappy

>> No.9406641

>bourgeoisie pigs sap the ideological life out of the rest of society like parasites

>> No.9406651

- Cletus said from his trailer in a flyover state to his eleven children. He went on "A bourgeois conspiracy is the reason I'm unsuccesful, not because I'm too lazy and stupid to pull myself up by my bootstraps"

society favors the strong my friend, you are weak. your devotion to communism is really just a coping device.

>> No.9406673

- Dan Bilzerian said as he pulled his dick out of the fifth girl today whose name he didn't know, contemplating whether to fly to Vegas in his private jet and get shit faced or to just lie in his yacht and call more hookers like he did all week.

>> No.9406676

right wing lit gets no respect here, this place has been colonized by leftypol

>> No.9406687

you mean those incredibly capitalist nations who use the excess wealth created by capitalism to fund an ethno-wellfare state?

Communism is dumb and marx was wrong about everything besides his critique of capitalism.

>> No.9406690

there is nothing wrong with self aware post ironic hyper capitalist hedonism

>> No.9406703

This existence sounds even more miserable than my wage slave routine, it's like being a NEET

>> No.9406705

>society favors the strong my friend

That's why all those rich white guys who were born into wealth go to business school and obey daddy's orders for a comfy seat at a corporation

They're really, really strong. And smart. And individual. They've got big dicks. After all, that's what capitalism favors. Innovation. Masculinity. Individuality. Nonconformity. Nothing says that like wearing a suit and going to your job, bootlicking cuck

>I got a shiny car to prove my strength!

>> No.9406706

You said that poor people are poor because they're lazy and stupid. But there are plenty of rich people that are lazy and stupid as well.

>> No.9406714

> Communist Manifesto

Read Wage Labour and Capital.


Leftypol is the bastard child of /lit/.

>> No.9406721

Spanish worker's revolution

>> No.9406727

another failure

>> No.9406728

sour grapes, the post

>> No.9406730
File: 30 KB, 260x266, 61+I79WnYVL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are wrong

>> No.9406732

Heroic failure is a hallmark of the left.

>> No.9406734

>But there are plenty of rich people that are lazy and stupid as well.
no there aren't??? according to who? you? you're poor, therefor stupid and lazy, and unqualified to judge the intelligence and work ethic of your betters

>> No.9406735

>Read Wage Labour and Capital.
got it. thanks.

>> No.9406739

The ONLY Marxist worth a dam now is Zizek because he admits its impossible and is basically an accelerationist in the hopes that from the ashes of society a proper communist one can be grown.
Marxism has completely failed in the realm of hard economics and in scientific scrutiny, now all it has is "touchy feelly" Marxism which is entirely counter to Marx himself which is why the entire system needs to break down before it can ever be relevant again

I can only imagine Marxism working in a feudal scenario where the "lord" is replaced by collective rule or some sort f guild system
This is why it has worked better in agrarian nations but failed upon industrialization and large scale economics

>> No.9406741

Excusing sociopathic behavior, the platitude

>> No.9406743

When it comes down to it communism is just medevialist sentimentality.
as I said It's the manorial system but with the manor lord replaced by a council or elected official.

In theory this does work when you think of it in this way, as a medevial agrarian society. But the reason the lord was important is he is stable and apolitical. In a small community that claims to be totally egalitarian, hierarchy emerges very quickly as the most charismatic rise to the top of power structures within the commune and thus become the new de facto ruling class even if they don't act on it. This begins the decent into ether a new solid hierarchy (as always develops out of meritocracy) or simply dictatorship.

This ignores industrial society completely as modern industry refutes such complex trade, transport, and infrastructure systems that the entire communist theory falls apart in an attempt to manage all of these factors.

Only corporatist theories like syndicalism manage it better, but the same issues arise and syndicalism becomes Fascism.

>> No.9406745

The problem of two-party states. The problem of evil has a counter; another evil.

Every communist country is uglier than anything else, although Globalism comes close.

>> No.9406749

Holy moly guys, science proved Marx wrong! Show us the paper, anon?

>> No.9406754

how is it sociopaths to treat poor people like what they are?

a dog should be treated like a dog and a pig should be treated like a pig. poor people are notoriously violent, greedy and stupid. they need to be encouraged to stay in their place or you'll end up with another communist suck-cess like Venezuela or north Korea

>> No.9406760

No I am not. I am rich, stupid and lazy. I don't deserve anything I have.

>> No.9406773

ITT leftypol gets BTFO once and for all

>> No.9406774


Marx didn't even prove himself right, why must anyone prove him wrong?

>> No.9406783

>science proved Marx wrong
and, you know, the 20th century...

>> No.9406788

>>bourgeoisie pigs sap the ideological life out of the rest of society like parasites

this is a common pitfall Marxists fall into, Labour alone has no value, resources alone have no value. Marx's theory of Labour Value is unequivocally wrong and thus his entire philosophic framework is nonsense.
ultimately labour has no value on its own and the capitalist would argue that value is only created when there is a buyer to pay more than the cost of production. Hence the capitalist lying in bed would be creating value as long as his business is turning a profit. In capitalism, work itself has no value because work might not turn a profit and only becomes valuable after the exchange of assets. Work aids in creating value, no doubt, but only the investment of capital has the final say on what is "valuable." more than this, Marxism is strictly materialist, cherry-picking through Hegel yet ignoring the single thing that truly does have value; ideas and the will to execute them.

a factory worker no more "runs" society than your stomach "runs" the human body. of course you would die if your stomach somehow was removed, yet it serves no purpose without the mighty brain and other organs to feed.
the Marxist seems to think that cutting the stomach, or the heart, or whatever else out from "bodily servitude" is a sort of liberation, when in fact it only dooms both to death.
feel free to franticly scan through reddit and MArxist.org for more quotes to spam.

>> No.9406793

you postulate success as some shadow alternative, yet I can't fathom what that would be! You must be sitting on the ontological answer of man; oh how enlightened you must be! for you know what true nature is and what it is not! Please, tell us, what must we coerce ourselves towards in order to transcend into "true" reality!

>> No.9406808

"success" for the Marxist is some mystical spiritual state of harmony between all men.
having been BTFO in the realms of science and real world applications, Marxists have retreated into the realm of untouchability and feelings.

>> No.9406810

Because >>9406739 said SCIENCE did it. That means it has to be true!

>> No.9406811

You're the worst kind of them. You'll look back at yourself in 5 years and cringe HARD

>> No.9406812

but star trek!

>> No.9406813


>> No.9406822


>> No.9406827

Common sense might be more applicable in that area than science would

>> No.9406839

Marxism was touted as the "scientific" alternative by the likes of Lenin and others, yet it completely fell flat under close examination and actual practice.

the idea was that if you create a machine like apparatus/system to rigidly organize and nurture the people, they will grow up to become intelligent, strong, and wise supermen.

in reality nothing common can be good and all these systems and machinery of the state (combined with real machinery) ended up blowing up in their faces as the variables become more and more numerous.
the Soviet Union was at the cutting edge of computer science for the time just as an attempt to manage the entire system and even that was incapable.

>> No.9406872

>transform shitty backwards agrarian society into industrial superpower that literally sends the first man to space, eradicates illiteracy, has full employment and great healthcare, all in 40 years or so
>be called unsuccessful because the whole capitalist world is against you, and the most powerful nation in the world bullies you into an arms race that makes you go bankrupt

Shit is tiresome, really. Given the historical and national circumstances in which Russian communism emerged, I'd say it was pretty fucking successful. I wonder what people that call communism "unsuccessful" expect. A planned economy doesn't do magic, you historically oblivious retard.

>> No.9406880


>I wonder what people that call communism "unsuccessful" expect.

1) No death tolls in the millions.

2) No gulags/etc.

3) No Great Leaps Forward

4) No Holodomors

5) No totalitarianism

6) No suppression of freedom (speech/ideas/etc)

Are we asking too much?

>> No.9406889

>muh freedom
Freedom for whom to do what? Freedom doesn't mean shit if you're poorfag starving to death.
>muh millions of dead people
Who fucking cares? Russia had a population of 160 million people. If 30 millions had to die for the betterment of the rest, then so fucking be it.

>> No.9406891

Those aren't communists, you fucking faggot. Neither do they have nothing to do with communism.

>> No.9406892

>>transform shitty backwards agrarian society into industrial superpower that literally sends the first man to space, eradicates illiteracy, has full employment and great healthcare, all in 40 years or so
I hate this meme so much. Russia was in the top 5 for GDP by 1900, it wasn't some backwards country. It was a leading power before any of the revolutions.

>> No.9406894

My dad lived in the soviet union in the 60, 70s and 80s. He said life was pretty good. Probably would've been great if they weren't dumping all the money into a pissing contest with the U.S.

>> No.9406895

a success story is just that, success. just because you had some minor achievements for a while in the end you still lost which proves communism is the weaker system

>be called unsuccessful because the whole capitalist world is against you
LMAO that's how the world works retard, civilizations compete. some win, some lose.

some lose repeatedly and call that a win.

>> No.9406909

You wanna know why the Soviets lost? Take a look at the economies of the USA and Russia at the time the Bolsheviks took power, and shut the fuck up. Communism emerged in countries that were lagging behind the world and had to (pretty brutally) catch up with the rest. It's not as if the two systems (capitalism and communism) were competing with the same initial conditions.

>> No.9406916

>Communism emerged in countries that were lagging behind the world
see: >>9406892

>> No.9406924

interesting, then I guess by that logic the reformation shouldn't have been able to gain ground because catholicism was already well established in europe, and neolithic agrarianism shouldn't have taken root because of the entrenched hunter gatherer tendencies of human society

and capitalism shouldn't have become dominant because of the dominant mercantilism?

an idea will prevail if it's good, regardless of the starting conditions

>> No.9406936

my dad works at the kremlin and he said your dad is a liar

>> No.9406971

what's the matter? no reply?

>> No.9406979

Do I even have to reply to a stupid analogy and an idealistic notion of history? The fact that you think that "good ideas prevail" shows me that you have no grasp of history, and thus you're not worthy of my time.

>> No.9406987

LMAO those sweet sweet commie tears

>> No.9406993

awesome /pol/ containment thread.

well played op

>> No.9407000

>you're not worthy of my time.
he said as he exited the thread and continued browsing 4chan.com

marxists keep BTFOing themselves

>> No.9407014

commie can't respond to this either. it totally blows out their whole narrative

>> No.9407032

>Russia had a population of 160 million people. If 30 millions had to die for the betterment of the rest, then so fucking be it.
That's exactly why we should kill communists. It's for the betterment of the rest.

>> No.9407069

>muh gulags
>muh famine
>muh poverty
I'm just saying there was none of that when my dad lived in the soviet union, meaning communism isn't inherently impossible; it was just poorly executed (muh that's not real socialism xD).

>> No.9407080

>because of the anecdotal evidence of my father communism is possible
I see.

>> No.9407095

read capital you pleb

>> No.9407124

>hurr Mao
Shut the fuck up. He did 70% good. Yes, some of his programs were shit, but you have to remember what he was dealing with. The average Chinese peasant lived in a small rural village disconnected from the rest of the world and still believed in spirit magic and shit to the extent that they would be suspicious over even a hot compress let alone western medicine. Try turning that into a unified, industrialized socialist society and see what happens. It's not like the nationalists were doing much better.

>> No.9407133

>Shut the fuck up
so this is the power or marxist discourse...

a gentleman's D-

>> No.9407134

>implying /lit/ isn't full of commies already

>> No.9407135

so this is the power of shitposting

>> No.9407167

I don't like Capitalism either. Capitalism and Communism aren't the only two options you know.

>> No.9407184

Russia was fucking huge, with a vast agricultural output, that's why its GDP was big. It was still very backward compared to the leading Western/capitalist powers. Capitalist development/industrialization had barely begun in Russia.

>> No.9407221

I'm a far-left socialist, but damn If I don't hate seeing these shitty discourses on the internet. Both sides are utterly dreadful and just barely a step above absolute retardation. It's such a tired debate, capitalism against socialism. Pointless too, especially if you're a leftist, as you know socialism is inevitable.

>> No.9407314
File: 617 KB, 845x498, 1492734627753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitty discourses on the internet isn't the problem, far-left socialists bashing working class folks over the head with U-locks is your problem.

>> No.9407348

I'm not familiar with this person /pol/ has decided to dox or what they've done, but an induvidual's actions have very little bearing on my ideological beliefs, just as I'm sure the actions of some right-wing extremist have little bearing on yours.

Again I state, there is no point in arguing for or against socialism. It is inevitable. You right-wingers can bitch and moan about it all the day long, but humanity will eventually live under the red flag of communism whether you want it to or not.

>> No.9407359

>socialism is inevitable
>people unironically believe this

>> No.9407370

Of course he believes it, the multibillionaire owners of Facebook told him Socialism is right around the corner.

>> No.9407390

Why is it that leftists are seemingly the only people capable of having level headed discussions? It's like people who support right wing ideologies are only interested in personal insults and belittling others.

>> No.9407392

just wow

>> No.9407404

>most prosperous time in human history
pick one

Life sucks, it's always going to suck. Just because something isn't perfect up to your standards based off an imaginary utopia doesn't mean it's not the best thing that's ever happened. BTW consumerism isn't inherently bad, and you can find meaning outside of consumerism in a consumerist society. Commies are a bunch of material obsessed whiny bitches. 'Wah we don't have enough free stuff, I can't be a feminist dance therapist and make money thus life is meaningless.' You have it so good nowadays it's mind boggling, especially in america. Get a job.

>> No.9407407

it's unironically the greatest country on earth

>> No.9407411

It had thriving industries in the west

>> No.9407468

>That cognitive dissonance
Kill 30 mil so you can raise up peasants from living in mud hovels.

>> No.9407479

This. Just because they sucked at fighting in ww1 doesn't mean they were some kinda medieval backwater. They had every modern technology at their disposal. They got their ass handed to them under communism by the Japs and then a lot by the Germans in WW2. Without the southern front the Krauts probably win that war.

>> No.9407496

>the thread leftypol was btfo once and for all

>> No.9407498

No need, Stirner BTFO marx ages ago.

>> No.9407499

You think so huh?

>> No.9407573

"Treat a pig like a pig" "treat a dog like a dog" I bet you also meat. How do you set your boundaries to say someone is stronger or better. Sure some people not as intelligent or not as physically strong but remains they are a human. Who are you to judge another human is weaker than you? As if money is a good way to represent one's value. No I am not saying communism is the way to go but I will say it is a clear lack of understanding to say being poor means you are stupid and deserve to be poorly treated as such.

>> No.9407640

see >>9407607

>> No.9407678

He's wrong though. I'm always ready to mock some commies!

>> No.9407715

name one large scale communist establishment that hasn't led to corruption and decay and the rise of tyrants.

Face it, communism is a tool for fascists to lie to village idiots about the fascists that are keeping them down.

>> No.9407720

Why are you acting like all those things spontaneously popped out of thin air one day? Republicanism was thought an impossible dream by many in Europe at one time with one failed experiment after another before the Feudal system was finally weak enough to be taken out for good. Socialism is far from dead as you seem to believe, it can and likely will rise again and as capitalism continues to buckle under its own weight its only a matter of time before the final deathblow will land. Even our current administrations saber rattling is nothing more than attempts to clear the board so capitalism can shuffle on just a little longer.

>> No.9408005
File: 147 KB, 793x4926, 1480194794957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has there ever been a communist success story

>> No.9408020


>implying any of those were success stories
>implying they would have ended up any better than the Soviet Union or CPP if the capitalists hadn't nipped them in the bud

Yeah man the Confederacy would've been the best country ever, you can't PROVE it wouldn't have been.

>> No.9408027
File: 208 KB, 2000x1000, 1492740365411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what murricans actually believe

>> No.9408350

let's take a look at the source then shall we? What is the left composed of?
>young people
hmmm... I wonder why they get so lambasted

>> No.9408377

>these are considered success stories
That's seems like a very forced argument

>> No.9408482
File: 69 KB, 718x559, IMG_0063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw socialists get btfo in every thread

>> No.9408511

Objectively untrue.

>> No.9408524

>require violent revolution to implement it
>lol it has only been tried in shitty countries ravaged by violent civil wars and conflicts

And Norway and Denmark are still very much capitalist. Can you point to a real socialist country that isn't a shithole? 'Late capitalism' doesn't count.

>> No.9408537

>the average Chinese peasant lived in a small rural village disconnected from the rest of the world and still believed in spirit magic and shit
They still did under Mao.
>try turning that into a unified, industrialized socialist society
Real industrialization only came after Mao's death. Before that it was all about producing low-quality steel because reasons.
>It's not like the nationalists were doing much better
It's not like the communists were allowing them.

>> No.9408543

>it can and likely will rise again and as capitalism continues to buckle under its own weight its only a matter of time before the final deathblow will land
Any day now! Things have never been better yet capitalism is "buckling under its own weight", whatever that means.

>> No.9408544

>Who fucking cares? Russia had a population of 160 million people. If 30 millions had to die for the betterment of the rest, then so fucking be it.

And this is why communists need to be thrown out of helicopters. You people have no empathy, you are like psychopath robots.

>> No.9408560

>literally no successes
>only reason they're there is that they either didn't get power or were irrelevant so no one knows how they failed

>> No.9408597


>> No.9408655

>communism wasn't so bad when I was a kid, said dad from the comfort of his American couch in his American home in which he has lived ever since he escaped his communist shithole of a motherland

>> No.9408788


> Muh Mud Pies
> I have never read Marx(or Smith, Ricardo or Mill)


>> No.9408799
File: 48 KB, 542x441, adorno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a commie but OP is such a goddamn faggot. Not only is the communist manifesto shit, but he insists on capitalism being shit. If you had any actual grasp of Marx you'd know his admiration and praises of capitalism because, relative to feudalism, it serves as a progressive force. Capitalism's achievements dwarf those of previous societies (feudalism, slave societies, primitive communism etc.). It's why 'look at all these riches capialist society provides us' is not an argument against communism. You should critique capitalism for being inefficient, but not insisting on it being 'evil' or 'it used to be better', because it really wasn't. Whenever someone says capitalism has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty, they're not lying.

Fine, you can read the communist manifesto, but afterwards you need to read 'Critique of the Gotha Programme' to put it into perspective as Marx's ideas went through a lot of development over the years. Also read 'Wage Labour and Capital' and 'Value, Price and Profit'.

OP, you're just a really, really dumb liberal or social democrat at best. Read your shit instead of trying to debate people on chans.

>> No.9408822

Cringe. Not a nation with that many diverse peoples, poverty and corruptio, nope.

>> No.9408828

How was it a failure?

>> No.9408832

are you mentally challenged?
the amount of made up shit in that post there is big.

>> No.9408835

Isn't communism supposed to continue when capitalism peaks and hits a wall? I'd very much like to see a rich and developed nation make the switch rather than piss poor East European and Asian countries.

>> No.9408853

What are you talking about? You have to realize there is a big difference between Marx and modern day ''''''marxists''''''. Anyone who insists on being 'anti-capitalist' doesn't know what there talking about.

>> No.9408855

this (except for college leftistis)

>> No.9408860

It's amazing how quickly this point is proven.

>> No.9408872

You just proved his point.

>> No.9409185
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Hm, I wonder how

>> No.9409220

thanks for the book recommendations anon

>> No.9409559

> death tolls in the millions.
>suppression of freedom (speech/ideas/etc)
Sure you aren't describing imperialistic countries by any chance?

>> No.9409571

>getting shot is better than being cut by a knife, praise the gun!
>millions lifted out of poverty, ignoring millions dead, millions oppressed, the environment destroyed

>> No.9409719

And you missed mine. If you're going to cast blame on the ones blaming the source, you might want to double check the source. Fact of the matter is that is what the far left is composed of majorly, to no one's surprise.

>> No.9409725

>people replied to this
rip /lit/

>> No.9409727

In what way am I being btfo? I'm a prole

>> No.9409728
File: 801 KB, 1462x1462, keksilber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America is one of the ugliest, most miserable nations in the world
Compared to what? Zimbabwe?

You are either a master baiter or full blown delusional

>> No.9409731

So countries that are homogeneously white?

>> No.9409758
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>> No.9409863

What's wrong with being a social democrat?

>> No.9409869


>> No.9409881


> Capitalism with a human face


When the revolution comes, succdems will be first against the wall. Rosa will be avenged.

>> No.9409886

Social democracy is ok IMO, atleast you're not a liberal.

>> No.9409902

>with a human face
Nah, I don't care for that soppy element of it; I genuinely think it will lead to a more productive and competitive economy than a laissez-faire turbo-capitalist economy. The overly touchy feely people need to be curtailed as much as possible in it, though.

>> No.9409908

Communism is a joke. Just like modern leftism.

>> No.9409924

That's how it's supposed to happen. There are preconditions for a planned economy being superior to capitalism. Some poor backward shithole that adopts a planned economy isn't going to magically out-compete capitalism just because planning is theoretically superior (in advancing the productive forces). If planning is to be superior, it needs to build upon capitalism's most advanced resources/innovations, which thus must be accessible. The problem is they will not be accessible unless you're already in a dominant position in the capitalist world-system.

>> No.9409942

Thanks, I guess. People like me, and others in between social democracy and the centre-right tend to get abuse among literary communities, because it is perceived that the 'moderate' ideologies tend to produce little to no interesting literature. We're just seen as being filled with hopeless and unimaginative people lacking the conviction to be properly on the left or right.

All you hardliners tend to nauseate me after a while.

>> No.9410253
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>butthurt foreigners mad they're not american
Try a little of pic related, it'll fix you right up

>> No.9410642

It didn't fail because of ideology

>> No.9410729

>implying they're two different things

>> No.9410742

>How does it feel being BTFO /lit/?
Not bad when you actually enter any commie thread and see that you incompetent idealists can't even regurgitate his ideas properly, as retarded as they are. Feels really good watching every thread be a commies BTFOfest

>> No.9410760

>bait thread
>/pol/ack samefags non-sequiturs and thought terminating cliches then proclaims over and and over again "LOL COMMIES BTFO"

Why do this every week, though?

>> No.9410768
