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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 90 KB, 758x489, rosa_hiroshima_blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9404500 No.9404500 [Reply] [Original]

Rosa de Hiroshima

Pensem nas crianças
Mudas telepáticas
Pensem nas meninas
Cegas inexatas
Pensem nas mulheres
Rotas alteradas
Pensem nas feridas
Como rosas cálidas
Mas oh não se esqueçam
Da rosa da rosa
Da rosa de Hiroxima
A rosa hereditária
A rosa radioativa
Estúpida e inválida
A rosa com cirrose
A antirrosa atômica
Sem cor sem perfume
Sem rosa sem nada.

>> No.9404508

this one is better 2bqf

>> No.9405581

노무현 운지

>> No.9405590
File: 48 KB, 421x600, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the "things can be lost in translation" meme
nuclear bombs look the same in all languages.

>> No.9405609

>implying phonetics can be translated

>> No.9405642


"You can buy her, you can buy her
This one's here, this one's here, this one's here and this one's here
Ev'rything's for sale"

For sale? dumb cunt's same dumb questions
Oh virgins? listen, all virgins are liars honey
And I don't know what I'm scared of or what I even enjoy
Dulling, get money, but nothing turns out like you want it to

And in these plagued streets of pity you can buy anything
For $200 anyone can conceive a God on video
He's a boy, you want a girl so tear off his cock
Tie his hair in bunches, fuck him, call him Rita if you want

I eat and I dress and I wash and I still can say thank you
Puking - shaking - sinking I still stand for old ladies
Can't shout, can't scream, hurt myself to get pain out

I 'T' them, 24:7, all year long
Purgatory's circle, drowning here, someone will always say yes
Funny place for the social, for the insects to start caring
Just an ambulance at the bottom of a cliff

In these plagued streets of pity you can buy anything
For $200 anyone can conceive a God on video
He's a boy, you want a girl so tear off his cock
Tie his hair in bunches, fuck him, call him Rita if you want, if you want

I eat and I dress and I wash and I can still say thank you
Puking - shaking - sinking I still stand for old ladies
Can't shout, can't scream, I hurt myself to get pain out

Power produces desire, the weak have none
There's no lust in this coma even for a fifty
Solitude, solitude, the 11th commandment

The only certain thing that is left about me
There is no part of my body that has not been used
Pity or pain, to show displeasure's shame
Everyone I've loved or hated always seems to leave

And in these plagued streets of pity you can buy anything
For $200 anyone can conceive a God on video
He's a boy, you want a girl so tear off his cock
Tie his hair in bunches, fuck him, call him Rita if you want, if you want

Power produces desire, the weak have none
There's no lust in this coma even for a fifty
Solitude, solitude, the 11th commandment

Don't hurt, just obey, lie down, do as they say
May as well be heaven this hell, smells the same
These sunless afternoons I can't find myself

"Two dollars you rub her tits
Three dollars you rub her ass
Five dollars you can play with her pussy
or you can lick her tits
Choice is yours"

>> No.9405739 [DELETED] 

That's not a rose, it's clearly a mushroom you retard.

>> No.9405775

Not beautiful.
Silly Spaniard

>> No.9405778


>> No.9405794


Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind?
Es ist der Vater mit seinem Kind;
Er hat den Knaben wohl in dem Arm,
Er fasst ihn sicher, er hält ihn warm.

Mein Sohn, was birgst du so bang dein Gesicht? –
Siehst, Vater, du den Erlkönig nicht?
Den Erlenkönig mit Kron’ und Schweif? –
Mein Sohn, es ist ein Nebelstreif. –

„Du liebes Kind, komm, geh mit mir!
Gar schöne Spiele spiel’ ich mit dir;
Manch’ bunte Blumen sind an dem Strand,
Meine Mutter hat manch gülden Gewand.“ –

Mein Vater, mein Vater, und hörest du nicht,
Was Erlenkönig mir leise verspricht? –
Sei ruhig, bleibe ruhig, mein Kind;
In dürren Blättern säuselt der Wind. –

„Willst, feiner Knabe, du mit mir gehn?
Meine Töchter sollen dich warten schön;
Meine Töchter führen den nächtlichen Reihn
Und wiegen und tanzen und singen dich ein.“ –

Mein Vater, mein Vater, und siehst du nicht dort
Erlkönigs Töchter am düstern Ort? –
Mein Sohn, mein Sohn, ich seh’ es genau:
Es scheinen die alten Weiden so grau. –

„Ich liebe dich, mich reizt deine schöne Gestalt;
Und bist du nicht willig, so brauch’ ich Gewalt.“ –
Mein Vater, mein Vater, jetzt faßt er mich an!
Erlkönig hat mir ein Leids getan! –

Dem Vater grauset’s; er reitet geschwind,
Er hält in Armen das ächzende Kind,
Erreicht den Hof mit Mühe und Not;
In seinen Armen das Kind war tot.

Every german knows this and rarely anyone at least deosn't hate it

>> No.9405796
File: 234 KB, 545x530, pepe phd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bomb doesnt capture the phonetical intricacies of rosa de Hiroxima
get the fugg outta here

>> No.9405799
File: 90 KB, 431x323, 1492409042386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9405846

5 Klasse
Poem that made me realize poetry was 'fun' even for me
>Back off

>> No.9405900

Tens muita piada

>> No.9405918

I'm glad I could pronounce this all (mostly) correct. I didn't understand about half of it due to the pace I was reading, though.

>> No.9405999

How long have you been learning the language?

>> No.9406018

Since September. I finished my second course exam just yesterday.

>> No.9406025

Are you doing this for any other reasons but wanting to read german /lit/?

>> No.9406043

I want to study theology in Germany too, and even if the degree is in English it will obviously be better to know the language.

I will see how well I get along when I go to Germany this summer.

>> No.9406071

Masters in better German unis are almost all becomeing enlgish or at least english/german mixed but not certain about theology.

where in Germany you gonna visited or is it gonna be a language course in Germany?

>> No.9406081

It's not a language course. I'm visiting Berlin, Kassel, and Dessau.

>> No.9406097

ITT: thread names that people who speak English will never understand

>> No.9406128

I'm dutch and my German isn't great but I know/like this one.

I'm not an expert on Dutch poetry but I always really liked this one, and know it by heart.

Poëzie is en daad
van bevestiging. Ik bevestig
dat ik leef, dat ik niet alleen leef.

Poëzie is een toekomst, denken
aan volgende week, aan een ander land,
aan jou als je oud bent.

Poëzie is mijn adem, beweegt
mijn voeten, aarzelend soms,
over de aarde die daarom vraagt.

Voltaire had pokken, maar
genas zichzelf door o.a. te drinken
120 liter limonade: dat is poëzie.

Of neem de branding. Stukgeslagen
op de rotsen is zij niet werkelijk verslagen,
maar herneemt zich en is daarin poëzie.

Elk woord dat wordt geschreven
is een aanslag op de ouderdom.
Tenslotte wint de dood, jazeker,

maar de dood is slechts de stilte in de zaal
nadat het laatste woord geklonken heeft.
De dood is een ontroering.

>> No.9406662

Dutch seriously reads like German shitposting

>> No.9406665

still beautiful in english

>> No.9406903

This is one of the best poems in portuguese. Nice taste, Anon. The version of Ney Matogrosso singing it is heart breaking.

>> No.9406956

If you haven't read El bosque chileno by Neruda (in spanish) you don't know what literature is.

>> No.9407094

>Rosa de Hiroshima


>> No.9407106

Why do brazilians have such a poor taste on poetry? They have good poets but they choose to suck the dick of the dumbest ones.

>> No.9407113

>higher thought

>> No.9407139

>german language
>beautiful poetry
Pick one and only one.

Бeлeeт пapyc oдинoкoй
B тyмaнe мopя гoлyбoм!..
Чтo ищeт oн в cтpaнe дaлeкoй?
Чтo кинyл oн в кpaю poднoм?..
Игpaют вoлны — вeтep cвищeт,
И мaчтa гнeтcя и cкpипит…
Увы! oн cчacтия нe ищeт,
И нe oт cчacтия бeжит!
Пoд ним cтpyя cвeтлeй лaзypи,
Haд ним лyч coлнцa зoлoтoй…
A oн, мятeжный, пpocит бypи,
Кaк бyдтo в бypях ecть пoкoй!

>> No.9407145

>japanese gook runes

commit sudoku rn

>> No.9407147

The best poet on /lit/ is brazilian. You must be new here.

>> No.9407150

>best poet
>new here

are you reddit or something

>> No.9407161

I am sorry if truth offends you anon but poetry wasn't made to be barked. German language is probably the worst sounding European language.

>> No.9407175

OP's poem is quite good. I wonder if you are judging it by artistic merit or by political opinion.

>> No.9407197

Laulu virtaa ihmeisten, halki virtojen aikojen. Soisi kaiku Jumalten, mi eksyvi ei askel maassa kummajaisten. Kumisee kuopat tyhjät; itselleen pyhitetyt, askeleet hautoina, haina takana.
Mikänä ollessain kuuntelin. Sulosointua kaunehinta, vastaan kaunaa katkerinta. Suru selkein valaisee; kaipuu kasvaa versojen kanssa. Maassa kummajaisten. Tavoitteet terävät tylsyvät, kuiskaukset korviin kantavat. Mieli maassa; luottaa jo olevansa.

>> No.9407202

>Laulu virtaa ihmeisten, halki virtojen aikojen. Soisi kaiku Jumalten, mi eksyvi ei askel maassa kummajaisten. Kumisee kuopat tyhjät; itselleen pyhitetyt, askeleet hautoina, haina takana lipuen.
>Mikänä ollessain kuuntelin. Sulosointua kaunehinta, vastaan kaunaa katkerinta. Suru selkein valaisee; kaipuu kasvaa versojen varressa. Maassa kummajaisten. Tavoitteet terävät tylsyvät, kuiskaukset korviin kantavat. Mieli maassa; luottaa jo olevansa.

>> No.9407255

Good poem, not so good as a song.

>> No.9407267

Perle, plesaunte to prynces paye
To clanly clos in golde so clere,
Oute of Oryent, I hardyly saye,
Ne proved I never her precios pere.
So rounde, so reken in uche araye,
So smal, so smothe her sydes were,
Queresoever I jugged gemmes gaye
I sette hyr sengeley in synglure.
Allas, I leste hyr in on erbere;
Thurgh gresse to grounde hit fro me yot.
I dewyne, fordolked of luf-daungere
Of that pryvy perle withouten spot.

>our language will never again sound this beautiful

>> No.9407300

English is so lame at poetry

>> No.9407301

>They have good poets but they choose to suck the dick of the dumbest ones.
I'm really curious, wich one do you recommend?

>> No.9407311

And what is your mother tongue, foreigner?

>> No.9407333

Not that Anon, but I have some sort of paradoxical relation with English poetry. I think that English literature is the one with the greatest poets, and Shakespeare, to me, is the writer with the most beautiful poetic language in history. But as for the sound of the language, I like Latin, Italian, French and Brazilian Portuguese much more than English.

>> No.9407341
File: 26 KB, 500x433, 1491781430205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a woman speak the language and practically whisper the words or simply breath them out and there is near to no language that doesn't sound nice that way.

>> No.9407356

Fucking german would sound like a tiny dog barking in your ear.

>> No.9407365

You have never met girls from other countries then that tried to be sexy...
this whole language x is superior to language y is really stupid when talking about how it sounds

>> No.9407687

Anything by pablo neruda

>> No.9407940

del cielo cayo un lienzo para pintar tu hermosura
como no tengo pincel te lo pinto con la pichula....

>> No.9408184
File: 125 KB, 837x960, 1492707025743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is pretty good

>> No.9408189
File: 171 KB, 834x960, 1492711383532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the translation

>> No.9408257


>> No.9408267
File: 48 KB, 250x241, 1447757402344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9408300

>le barking language meme
>coming from a russian
Let me guess a couple of years of school classes with a burly 60 year old Soviet woman who mispronounces ach- and ich-laut? Yeah, you can fuck right off, plebshit.

>> No.9408307

>нe мoжeт в нeмeцкий
>cтихoтвopeниe из дeтcaдa
Oткyдa жe вы, блять, лeзeтe? Кaникyлы yжe чтo ли?