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/lit/ - Literature

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9403213 No.9403213 [Reply] [Original]

what are you currently reading /lit/

>> No.9403221

Nice. That book is amazing, and rarely gets talked about on here. I hope you enjoy it, OP.

>> No.9403228
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Anne Frank

>> No.9403233

why do you have so many big books what the hell

>> No.9403242

Perr Petterson. Everything he ever wrote.

>> No.9403244

>Definitive edition
Aka the good goy edition

>> No.9403249

fuckin /mu/fags I swear

>> No.9403252



>> No.9403253


This thread.

Philosophical Investigations during breaks at work.

2001: A Space Odyssey (second lifetime read-through). I am going on a 2001 jag.

related: I mapped out all the props of the Tractatus on sheets as a weekend project. There are many "differing" treatments of the text online with the same basic/right ideas (try reading the text in different ways by paying attention to the comment structure), but none are quite to my taste.

I have actually read the Tractatus and feel I have a fairly good grip on it to begin with, but I'm just now reading PI for the first time. Will probably re-read Tractatus once I have a schema to do.

>> No.9403267
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I'm also reading pic related, just finished the new testament recently, already read genesis-deuteronomy but now i'm going to reread it and finish the old testament

>> No.9403277
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in order from top to bottom

>> No.9403300

I just started Death of a salesman. I have been reading many short stories by Juan Carlos Onetti and Paul Bowles.
I wish Bowles was more discussed here. His stories are amazing. The same for Onetti

>> No.9403352

Island, Huxley

>> No.9403354

entry level tbdesu

>> No.9403364

sorry i'll stop starting now

>> No.9403370

I wonder if we can get Warlock into the top 100 this year, feel like it's being mentioned a little more often of late.

>> No.9403405

>itaots on top of it

>> No.9403435

Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
nice. if you're just starting, it picks up massively once it gets to the island.

>> No.9403674


oy vey

>> No.9403792

I would highly recommend :)

>> No.9403837

it gets brought up literally all the time, but people avoid discussing it because its shit

>> No.9403872
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Not very unique but whatever

>Appalachian Trail Guide
Interesting, it says Maryland and Northern Virginia, are you from any of those areas? NOVAfag here
>In The Aeroplane Over The Sea
is this related to the album

I never really understood why people would want to read thousands of pages of some guy rambling about his life who is only known for rambling about his life, unless his autobiography is somewhat life-changing or has some sort of literary merit to it

>> No.9403879

believe it or not a real person recommended knausgaard to me, that's why i'm giving him a shot

>> No.9403910

hey I have the same constitution

>> No.9403923

Walden is the best thing I've ever read, and I've read at LEAST 1700~ books in my lifetime.

I hope you're just trying to ruse people

>> No.9403925

>I never really understood why people would want to read thousands of pages of some guy rambling about his life
its gossipy
people love that
people also are interested in how others actually think/live

>> No.9403929

how did you manage to read ~1699 other gutter-tier books?

>> No.9403933
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>are you from any of those areas?
yeah I'm a marylander, 'bout a half hour away from the Appalachian trail which is nice
>is this related to the album
yeah 33 1/3 is a series of books on the making of albums, pretty cool if you're a fan

>> No.9403968
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Bretty good desu

>> No.9404033
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Warlock is part of the Western Meme Trilogy

>> No.9404045

how is butcher's crossing?

>> No.9404048

Good stack senpai 8.5/10

>> No.9404087

I can tell you're a swell guy from your stack; nice work OP.

>> No.9404114

Very good. Williams knows how to put a picture in your head...I remember that book almost strictly in images not words or ideas. Don't expect it to be stoner... might as well think of it as being written by a different author

>> No.9404173

It reads exactly like Stoner. The writing style is the same.

>> No.9404245

Holy anorexia
City on fire
On the beach
The devil rides out

I switch between them depending on my mood. I read a chapter from on the beach today

>> No.9404254

I think it's quite a bit different. But the quality of the writing is very much the same.

>> No.9404701

>Holy anorexia
is this about catherine of siena or some shit? explain plox

>> No.9404731
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Pic related is part of my stack, which I can't take a photo of right now.

Ulysses by Tennyson is my favourite poem anyway, so I decided I'd try and read more of him. Holy shit, he's blowing my mind.

Not only is he capturing the Medieval aesthetic to a tee, but he's also hearkening further back to Beowulf/Chaucer/etc. It is frankly sublime, and captures all that is quintessentially, historically English.

Moreover, it's invaluable for anyone who is persuaded by Carlyle's On Hero and Hero Worship. It's easy to see why people are so easily persuaded by Hero Worship when you look at figures, fictional or not, like King Arthur.

>> No.9404758

oh man, i'm jacked for you. i remember reading that the first time. it's ...different in a lot of ways and i don't want to spoil it for you. just, brace yourself
lol he's one of my usual recs. Idylls would work well as a cure now that you mention it.

Pick up something with Tithonus in it if you're still dipping into Tennyson after this. It's fucking beautiful

>> No.9405246

didn't realize there was a western meme trilogy

>> No.9405258

There isn't in truth. Warlock and Butcher's Crossing aren't fertile ground for memes. They're just good.

>> No.9405357

rereading the trial because i need something to get me back into the habit of reading
then i've got thomas carlyle's history of the french revolution and might give another chance to let us now praise famous men

>> No.9405365

Thoreau is worth reading. His insights into ideas like industrialization leads to "progress" are good food for thought

>> No.9405368


re-reading Relic cuz I feel like it.
To read is Moby Dick and Savage Detectives

>> No.9405372


Yeah with Emerson

>> No.9405572

definitely not shit

definitely not the best I've read

Its a good book and definitely well worth a read, but I suggest reading his friend Emerson's essay (which strongly influenced thoreau), if you don't like it, you probably won't enjoy walden that much

>> No.9406352

is it wierd that i wouldn't buy a book because it has the price printed on it?

>> No.9406366
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Pic related. Next, Considerations on the principal events of the French Revolution.

>> No.9406418 [DELETED] 
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about to go on a trip that's gonna be 90% train rides without any Wi-Fi so I stocked up. Mainly entry level /his/ stuff except for the Edith Hamilton which I've been told is baby tier mythology.

>> No.9406434

Fucking pleb. It's just one of those masterpieces that only the very serious /lit/ posters have read and fully understood. I can tell how well read someone is by how much they appreciate the genius in Walden.

>> No.9406520
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my only organized shelf
going overseas in 10 days and need to decide what to bring since I probably can't bring them all

>> No.9407457
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A Spanish transl of Stirner's Ego and Own. Not exactly taking it seriously, just wanted to practice the language while seeing what all the meme hype is about.
I wanted to get a refutation to read with it, but now that I'm seeing how unconvincing it is, I don't care.

>> No.9407536
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The New Epicurean and Adventures of a Schoolboy

>> No.9408001
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Reading a few of these at the moment.

>> No.9408385 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9408443
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