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/lit/ - Literature

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9399430 No.9399430[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I see you try so hard to separate yourself from "normies." Who are they? Why do you try so hard to claim you're better than them?

>> No.9399886

Faggot, stop guzzling all that cum.

>> No.9400255

Not an argument.

>> No.9400261


>> No.9400269

not sure if there is a significant elitist population on /lit/. normie I guess are those people who aren[t alienated from society. unlike the weirdos on the fringe which people identify as.

>> No.9400302

>implying that normie wears many faces, rather than many just taking its form

>> No.9400309

Normies follow what is trendy, regardless of quality or suitability.

Striving against that is crucial for wellbeing and taste.

>> No.9400310






>> No.9400315

If you have to ask, you are a normie yourself.

>> No.9400316

Look, if you get married and have 3 children and your motivation for that is because all your friends are doing it or your family wants you to just because they did it, that conflicts with what may actually be better for you personally.

>> No.9400332

getting married and having 3 children is fantastic for the wellbeing of someones personally. Children make you happy unless you are a spinster.

>> No.9400342

It may be for a lot of people, but it's an unsubstantiated generalisation to say it is good for everyone.

This nuclear family revival is very neo-conservative.

>> No.9400350

>This nuclear family revival is very neo-conservative.

Are you serious? Neo-conservative is adopting a nig baby because your wife is a sex freak who got molested by her pastor (or priest or whatever).

P.S. I'm an expert in these things and keep track of these cucks. I can give you in depth info if you care. (I think David French keeps his wife under sexwatch or something)

>> No.9400352
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forgot pic

>> No.9400365
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What a moronic video, Beethoven was never listened to by the millions but by the aristocrats who were trained to enjoy such music and it mostly is still only enjoyed by aristocrats that have a trained ear for such music. If you were to make a valid argument comparing music you should compare old classical with new classical - music listened to by the aristocrats with trained ears - or modern pop music with old folk songs - music listened to by the common folk.

A peasant most likely never listened to a single piece of Beethoven or Mozart and even if he did he would've not enjoyed it, the same applies to modern humans, just because everybody owns a phone and laptop nowadays does not mean that they are not peasants still.

>> No.9400409

How could you possibly be this stupid

>> No.9401163
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>> No.9401290
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>> No.9401297
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because fuck em

>> No.9401321
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>tfw you only get the free space and the drugs space

When should I kill myself and end this half-life of addle-brained depression?

>> No.9401324

>>9400315 I want to know if /lit/ thinks about what they say on here or if they just spout memes like other boards.

>> No.9401547
File: 44 KB, 596x569, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm doing better than I thought I was, despite being NEET right now.
Closest to sex public or otherwise was fingering a stripper then getting a handjob from her in the club.

>> No.9401587

If you ignore the unfitting terms, what he wrote makes a lot of sense.

>> No.9401588
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Fuck, only if most normies didn't have such shitty taste, I would be out of here.

>> No.9401604

I don't. I'm very much a normie: married to high school sweetheart, kid on the way, have a comfortable job and own my own house in a suburb with really great school districts.

My hobbies besides reading are fairly normie as well, like woodworking and going to the symphony.

>> No.9401611

What are you doing here then?

>> No.9401708

only faggots go to symphonies. you're not a normie, you're a faggot. normie's go to concerts.

faggots go to symphonies.

>> No.9401714

you're a secret faggot. you have the kid on the way, so now is your time to break lose and divorce her for that hot ass dude you look at all day at your "comfortable in your ass" I mean "comfortable job"

>> No.9401731

the only comfortable jobs are working at the grocery store.

he must bag groceries for a living

>> No.9401743

stocking shelves at night seems p comfy, don't have to deal with shitty customers and you can just kinda space out and listen to an audiobook while u stack campbells soup cans for 8 hours, i can dig it, probably get like 30k and healthcare too if theres some kind of union

>> No.9401765
File: 24 KB, 596x569, nrml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty deceptive, I've been NEET for six years and haven't had a voluntary social interaction since 2015.

>> No.9401767

[citation needed]

>> No.9401782

That's how I feel, I filled all these boxes in high school and haven't been outside for four years.