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9395243 No.9395243[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's a fact that being well read correlates with embracing a liberal view on race. What books should I read if I want to stop being a racist?

>> No.9395256


Define "liberal view on race"

>> No.9395259

I mean they aren't racist.

>> No.9395262

The Wretched of the Earth back to back with Revolt Against the Modern World

>> No.9395263

Racism = prejudice + power
become black, problem solved

>> No.9395267

Define 'racist'

>> No.9395268


Define "racist"

>> No.9395272


>> No.9395274

They don't think that they are superior to other races.

>> No.9395277

Liberals are notoriously racist, you're better off looking to left wing literature--Marxists, socialists, anarchists, etc.

>> No.9395278

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Mein Kampf

>> No.9395289

>liberals are racist

Go back to your containment board, /pol/yp

>> No.9395301

I identify as trans-negro, so I can't be racist.

>> No.9395305
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Read Stirner and realise that liberalism is just another dumb ideology.

>> No.9395307

There is this site you need to go back too.

>> No.9395312

Stirner was a racist?

>> No.9395317

I don't go to /pol/. I was just making a le epic joke, mate. I do admire Hitler, though.

>> No.9395323

>I want to stop being a racist
Why? That's like saying "I want to stop being a geocentrist." It only makes sense to say such a thing if you have already determined your current beliefs to be false. Thus, you don't need to read anything else.

>> No.9395341
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>Looking for something to read, mon frère?

>> No.9395368

Stirner was an egoist. The notion of being tied to another because you share a race would have been spooky to him.

>> No.9395398

No. being racist, or being an ethno-supremacist, would completely contradict his philosophy.

>> No.9395430

Lowest tier is being an unironic racist
Second lowest tier is being an unironic anti-racist
Middle tier is being indifferent to race
Highest tier is realizing equality is a false God and doesn't exist outside of pure mathematics

>> No.9395445

What's so funny? Liberalism was founded by racists (Locke, Bentham, Mill, etc.) and continues to be racist to this day--school to prison pipeline, welfare, segregated ghettos, and so on.

>> No.9395642

But that's bullshit, there are plenty of people that are extremely well read that "dislike" niggers to a certain extent. I'm not talking about /pol/ either, but the intellectual vanguard of the "alt-right" or the general new right that is emerging in the United States (and a little abroad). These people have internet forums you can read to find my assertions to be true. The fact that you think reading will make you more liberal means you are probably a malleable person.

>> No.9395667
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Read this book then go on trying to say that intelligence correlates with not acknowledging the reality of racial differences. You are so full of yourself, it's off-putting.

Human evolution is not merely ongoing but is in fact accelerating. Source: http://discovermagazine.com/2009/mar/09-they-dont-make-homo-sapiens-like-they-used-to

Human races are diverging into separate species, not mixing into one. Source: http://discovermagazine.com/2009/mar/09-they-dont-make-homo-sapiens-like-they-used-to
The average H-1B immigrant is less intelligent and qualified than the average American. Source: http://heather.cs.ucdavis.edu/h1b10min.html
Immigration has reduced the average skill level of Americans. Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/424796/immigration-wave-post-1965-pew-study
54% of college educated immigrants in America are not proficient in literacy. Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/424796/immigration-wave-post-1965-pew-study
15% of the human genome has been under selective pressures since the races separated. Source: http://www.amazon.com/Troublesome-Inheritance-Genes-Human-History/dp/1594204462
Scientific discussion of race has increased since 1946 onwards. Source: http://www.ln.edu.hk/philoso/staff/sesardic/Race.pdf#page-15
Melanin concentration may directly correlate with aggression. Source: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886912000840
Race is a better predictor of crime than poverty. Source: http://www.colorofcrime.com/2005/10/the-color-of-crime-2005/
The purpose of section 8 housing is to move Blacks from elite urban areas to middle class suburbs. Source: http://www.unz.com/article/race-and-crime-in-america/
The percentage of Blacks and Hispanics in an area, not poverty, is the best predictor of crime. Source: http://www.colorofcrime.com/2005/10/the-color-of-crime-2005/
High income does not help Middle Eastern, East Indian and Asian men date White women. Source: http://sf.oxfordjournals.org/content/89/3/807.abstract

Half of hate crimes are Blacks and Hispanics attacking each other. Source: https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=7337
White and Asian women have more successful marriages than Black or Hispanic women. Source: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhsr/nhsr049.pdf#page=7
Blacks and Hispanics have less ability to delay gratification than Whites. Source: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886901000290
Racism is an “automatic” part of human behavior. Source: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00108/abstract
Men with high testosterone, who are also more attractive, are more likely to be racist. Source: http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/ironically-a-mans-face-can-tell-you-if-hes-likely-to-act-like-a-racist
Of the 30 most deadly mass shootings in America, non-whites committed 36%, a slight overrepresentation. Source: http://www.vdare.com/posts/of-the-thirty-deadliest-shooters-at-least-a-dozen-are-not-white-males

>> No.9395683

Careful mate, you gave them everything they wanted already, but that's not how these retards work. They will attack your sources next. You can't beat stupid.

>> No.9395712
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>Of the 30 most deadly mass shootings in America, non-whites committed 36%

It's interesting that Dylan Roof is famous, but I've never heard of Omar Thornton. Roof's wikipedia article is also much longer and more professional.

Really makes you think. . .could there be, perhaps, just the slightest bit of bias in the media in favour of minorities? That would be very naughty of them but I'm sure there's perfectly reasonable explanation why white crimes receive so much more attention. I'm not one of those crazy racist guys who sees conspiracies everywhere!

>> No.9395744

people would rather just feed themselves lies to virtue signal as do-gooders to fuel their impossible utopian visions

>> No.9396024

Conservatives have a liberal view on race. You can also have a liberal view on race and still desire segregation.

>> No.9396563


>> No.9396602

The left is more racist, the right does not care what color someone is and normally treats a common white man equal to a black one but if someone doesn't the right wing won't force him to either, that's freedom. The racist will still lose respect and business from many if it becomes a regular thing.
The right also wants immigrants to take up the culture they are in if they plan to stay, that's not racist. it creates order and not the chaos that multi-culturalism does.

>> No.9396604

the bible

>> No.9396666

I'd read Buddhist texts. Perhaps that will teach you to have compassion for all people regardless of flaws.

I mean, say a chimp at the zoo flings shit at you or kills a child and the zoo is about to put it down. Would you really be "angry" with it? I'm sure you'd have some compassion for the chimp, as it was just doing what nature built it to do. Just try to think of other races the same way.

>> No.9396694


i wish /pol/ would understand this.

>> No.9396703

*reads Charles Mills once*

>> No.9396710

the more I read about blacks, the more I discover they have their own history, genius, archievements, empires, prostitutes, kings, leaders, music, art, libraries and so on.

So, unless you're pretty ignorant, yes, reading books about black people will make you realize they're simply another race, less smart, yes, but equally capable.

niggers, on the other hand should be genocided, sorry, all americans should be genocided, they're stupid and retarded.

>> No.9396712

>the right does not care what color someone is
In doing so, their apathy perpetuates systemic racism, which measurably exists still. Ignoring race is not the same as not being racist. Racism cannot be confronted unless those that confront it are willing to recognize the effects that racism and perception of race have on society.

>> No.9396722

>less smart, yes,
or going through a patch of some very pathetic luck

>but equally capable
having read about mansa musa, i have to agree with this.

>all americans should be genocided
i'd still want to be sift through the salvageable ones. i'd blindly kill anyone who openly boasted of following ANY religion though.

>> No.9396732

Somewhat related, anyone ever notice right-wingers seem to have a hard time recognizing satire?

My pet theory is that the ability to empathize is part of some greater skill--something like being able to discern what's in another's mind. Some theory of mind shit.

>> No.9396757

it's simple, retards can't empathize.

high IQ people have the mental ability to put themselves in another's place and feel and discern what other is feeling and thinking - and hence high IQ people realize that no one would want to be hated because of some association that they have no control over like their skin color or the place or family they were born in.
tl;dr - high IQ people aren't racist cause they realize that it doesn't really have a real, factual basis.

>inb4 >>9395667

>> No.9396766

Where's your counterpoint?

>> No.9396774

Also, "racism" =/= hate. I can empathize with anyone, but that doesn't mean I'm going to ignore what seems to be the facts.

>> No.9396821

I don't need to give you a counterpoint. Contrary to libnut ideology, not everything is an Oxford style debate, cuck.

>> No.9396848

How do liberals rationalize the fact that we now know that different races have different concentrations of neurological alleles?

>> No.9396851

Can't we all just get along?
Is secular protestant-influenced humanism the only forward for the human race?

>> No.9396864

In the year 1017, being well read correlated with vows of chastity.

>> No.9396896

And look what happened to society when people gave those up

>> No.9396902

> high IQ people have the mental ability to put themselves in another's place and feel and discern what other is feeling and thinking

This is not what IQ measures, many sociopaths and autistic people have high, sometimes extraordinarily high, IQs but lack empathy for other people. They're two separate traits desu.

>> No.9396931

>race realism

undergraduate kek

>> No.9396954

Haha it still does today. Example A: this board

>> No.9396959

The right literally freed the slaves. Come back after you finish college.
t. 18 and freshman

>> No.9396965


>> No.9396972

More people need to take this pill. Spread this.

>> No.9396977

Why do shitty threads like this always get so many replies? Is that because this board is infestated by plebs?

>> No.9396993

There is a strong correlation between high verbal intelligence and openness and lower uncertainty avoidance.

This party explains why liberals are more well read and interested in a wider range of perspectives.

There is an inverse correlation between conscientiousness+industriousness and openness+low uncertainty avoidance

Which is why conservatives are better business people/make more money.

Biological differences between ethnicities do exist, but the extent to which they shape strong psychological categories like intelligence is unclear. To assert that the nature vs nurture debate is over makes you a clinical retard, regardless of what side you're on. For the sake of playing out hypotheses, say the biological factor is stronger than the environmental one and lower preformative success in some races is largely explained by genetics. The question of how this should be handled still remains and forms its own domain. To embrace racism is retarded. Reading merely sheds light on how complicated the issue is and makes racism irrational and premature.

>> No.9397000

>I can empathize with anyone, but that doesn't mean I'm going to ignore what seems to be the facts.
THIS. Recognize the truth. Recognize difference, embrace it, build from there.
Everyone deserves equal opportunity, but no one, especially those who statistically do severe damage to society, do not deserve to be advocated for as being blameless, or even worse, "oppressed."

>> No.9397003

What is the definition of a "liberal" here?

>> No.9397010

yes. yes it is

/lit/ isn't interested in literature anymore.

last week i started a thread asking for advice as to shaving my ass.....it got 120 replies and lasted 7 hours before it was taken down.
If I start a thread about an actual book the only replies I get are from me samefagging my own thread.

>> No.9397022

I unironically know that feel bro

>> No.9397033

mature, intelligent, disciplined people with an active interest in literature don't hang out on /lit/ or any other internet board ' dedicated to the discussion of literature ' . If you're here, you lack one of those qualities.

>> No.9397035

>Which is why conservatives are better business people/make more money.

you are retarded, go look at the forbes list of richest faggots, 80% of them supported obama and hillary, the only business people who are conservative are ones from dying industries like petro-chem or cable tv

>> No.9397040

i don't come here to talk about books, i come here to talk about random internet shit .. with people who read books

>> No.9397052

I guess I lack discipline then

why exactly with people who read books?

>> No.9397062

You honestly believe race has no bearing on behavior? Or that all races are truly equal?

>> No.9397063
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>> No.9397065

muh ad hominem though

>> No.9397088

You're being ironic, right? Any college course, shit, any hs level US history course would tell you that the Republicans were the left-wing party during the Civil War

It was the southern Democrats who were the reactionary party of representing the closest thing we ever had to an aristocracy

>> No.9397205

>my infograph from Reddit proves white men are superior

no self awareness is literally indicative of autism

>> No.9397219


>> No.9398590

>80% of them supported obama and hillary
You would only think that... If you followed the (((((MSM)))))

>> No.9398619

>aww those poor niggers need our help because they're too dumb to do things for themselves :'(

>> No.9398625

Rich republicans are more cosmopolitan and less conservative. They vote for tax brakes, not for fear-based conservative policies

>> No.9398682

I would say ignoring race is a subset of not being racist, since "racist" by popular perception having or acting on racial prejudice, but you have a point
we're in a much better place now; we shouldn't be continuing to apologize for the mistakes of the past, but we should fix mistakes that still exist (when we find and confirm them)

>> No.9398692

That's because well-read people tend to find their way into university humanities departments, which are dens of pseuds who reinforce each others' erroneous liberal beliefs.

>> No.9398880

>blacks are hurt by systemic racism
>saying this in a world where Affirmative Action exists
You're a fucking idiot, if blacks could get their shit together it would be better for everyone. Hmm, I wonder why Jews are so influential and successful when 6 million of them were genocided, maybe it's because smart and strong people can actually overcome obstacles instead of whining about them.

>> No.9398886

>Somewhat related, anyone ever notice right-wingers seem to have a hard time recognizing satire?
Nah, but redditors like you do

>> No.9398889

They deny the science till they're blue in the face

>> No.9398890

>all high IQ are just as spooked as me
>all high IQ people have an overactive, feminine, self-destructive sense of pity

>> No.9398898

and also because 6 million of them were never genocided

>> No.9398905

Evolution stops at the neck up, you Nazi

>> No.9398920

The idea that being well educated leads you to liberal beliefs is a very modern phenomenon. And also a very Western one. I assure you that most well read people in Japan would be consider far-right racists in the West. Same with Russia and all of Eastern Europe. Just because the visible intelligentsia in the West has embraced multiculturalism doesn't mean that being well-read/educated leads to this view, it just means that's where the current climate is.

>> No.9398981
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>Embracing the modern left vs right dichotomy of the modern globalist state

>Highest tier is realizing equality is a false God and doesn't exist outside of pure mathematics
>Lowest tier is being an unironic racist
Same thing desu, ignoring the effect of race on a homogenous and heterogenous community is extremely naive.

Saged and reported, hopefully mods will eventually start IP banning these threads.

>> No.9399341

most people don't believe any of that shit anyways, it's just the old machiavelli thing about "being religious isn't important, but the appearance of being religious is" so if you're loaded with cash it's important to pretend to care about trannies and blacks etc. even if you live in a 99% white enclave in long island and cut off your son's trustfund when he moved to brooklyn and became a fag

>> No.9399518

Liberal's aren't racist. How do you explain Affirmative Action? You're judged based on your race regardless of your actual socioeconomic background.

>> No.9399875

Why not?

>> No.9400356

>Same thing desu, ignoring the effect of race on a homogenous and heterogenous community is extremely naive.

This, racial diversity weakens social cohesion and clouds the mind space.

>> No.9400471


nice try propagating the shitty "liberal intellectual" meme

>> No.9400473


you're not a liberal if you supported Hillary. you're a neocon. are you this fucking naive?

>> No.9400482


or maybe you mistake "thinking this satire is shit" for not "getting" it. satire is the bastion of pseudo intellectuals. anyone can construct an elaborate fantasy world which conveniently enforces all of their beliefs and paints opponents in a fallacious manner. it's the easiest thing to do and only few know how to legitimately use it.

>> No.9400484

read Invisible Man

>> No.9400485

They are only racist by the warped definitions of racism presented by the ideologies you have listed.

>> No.9400495

>judge a race of people as an oppressed class
>treat classes of people differently to one another
>any form of collectivism

Non of the above is liberal, this shit comes from neo-marxists and social justice (right wingers call it cultural marxism).

>> No.9400671

There is a bias towards minorities in many western countries since the media gets shit on and called racist if they don't. And since being called racist harms the company they tend to avoid this as much as possible.

>> No.9400680

It's because being well read gives insight on what changes over time and what doesn't.

IQ, for example, is something that only matters if we believe in the cancer known as equality. In reality, the favela monkeys are irrelevant.

>> No.9400937 [DELETED] 


>> No.9400961

you guys should really stick to shitposting. this is embarrassing.

>> No.9401004

If you want to stop being a racist, stop being a racist.
