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9394017 No.9394017 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to start reading stoic philosophy and /lit/erature?

>> No.9394022

Starting reading stoic philosophy and literature.

>> No.9394027

>You open the book.
>You train your eyes upon the written word
>You think about how this can be applied to your own life and experience.

>> No.9394028

Starting reading stoic philosophy and literature.

>> No.9394031

But where should I start, senpai? There are centuries of writing.

>> No.9394057

Try with Rome, there are pretty cheap flights at the moment:


>> No.9394066

Will do!

>> No.9394071
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Meditations is good, and in this version there's an intro that goes into detail of Marcus Aurelius's life and values.

>> No.9394107

BLACKED.com is a good starting place for training in the arts of stoicism. Marcus Aurelius was known for allowing his wife to sleep with army generals so he could strengthen his stoic resolve.

>> No.9394115

He was a gigantic cuck but a great emperor after all

>> No.9395258

Start reading the stoics when you're in a shitty position in life, and can only put some of the philosophy into practice. It's useful when actually applied to daily living.

>> No.9395407


The whole school of thought gets BFTO in a paragraph of Beyond Good and Ebil - freedreech reechi.

>> No.9395513

Start with Discourses by Epictetus, then move to Seneca. Finish it all off with Marcus Aurelius.

>> No.9395797

De rerum fragmenta

>> No.9395810
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>it's another stoic/Marcus Aurelius thread

please go to /pol/

>> No.9395824
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>taking NEETche seriously

>> No.9395834


By becoming a Dionysian hedonist degenerate first

>> No.9395865
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Don't, stoicism is for children chasing after le manly man fantasy.

Stoicism is a philosophy of submission and ressentiment. It is the most disgusting ideology to ever form. It is a philosophy of distraction. It's Eastern equivalent is something awful like Confucianism.

Stoicism belongs under the stoa, rotting in the sewers.

>> No.9395907

>stoicism is for children chasing after le manly man fantasy.
>Stoicism is a philosophy of submission and ressentiment
So which is it, dipshit? I dont think anybody considers submission 'manly'

>> No.9395951

read meditations and enchiridion
Then move on to other ideas with a based work ethic and appreciation of philosophy
Ppl shit on stoicism because it's reached full capacity as a meme for /pol/-/lit/ cross posters but it's got a strong following on it's own. It should go without saying not to be a dogmatic ideologue or a "stoic zombie" but it's a stupid warning imo. If you are bound to be an ideologue of something, perhaps because you're stupid or disenfranchised, then stoicism isn't a bad option. I personally like it because select values and virtues from stoicism were important for me and could surely be useful in anyone else's life if they didn't have those virtues to begin with

>> No.9397102

Lucretius >> Stoic trash. Epicureanism is the ultimate practical man's philosophy for living the good life. You literally can not refute this

>> No.9397170

It's both. Why does that make me a dipshit?
I don't mean submitting to people, by the way. >>9397102
Epicureanism is the philosophy of swine. Practicality is not a merit. Epicureanism is the West's equivalent to the trash that is Buddhism.
muh suffrin iz bed!

>> No.9397192

Which philosophy do you approve of then Anon?
So far you're dismissed four schools, but never given an alternative.

>> No.9397238

Why do idiots think an alternative must be presented? hurr durr bashing my skull in with a rock while dipping my balls in liquid gold is good becuz i havent been offered an alternative to it hurr durr

>> No.9397264

So are you against philosophy as a whole? I'm just interested in your opinion.

>> No.9397285

Wrong, Epicureanism teaches you how to conquer the fear of death, God(s), and the afterlife by the force of your own reason. It embraces human nature, finding humour in the way our minds often deceive us into being scared over literally nothing, like children get irrationally scared in the dark. Its not about ending suffering, its about extinguishing irrational fear so that we can enjoy the fruits of life. Stoicism is about trying to make men invulnerable to the passions and the vicissitudes of fortune by sheer force of will, which never works because it goes against human nature.

>> No.9397297

Reason is just an idol. You still live in fear, because you're a child like the Buddhists.
>human nature
Meaningless platitude.

>> No.9397307

>reason is just an idol
And how did you come to this conclusion, if not by reason?

>> No.9397313

>I'm 15 and my philosophical critique is fucking superior

>> No.9397317

Holy shit, you are absolutely stupid. Keep worshiping that Idea of Gold, Platonist!
I'm 29 and I don't spoonfeed, baka.

>> No.9397323


This guy gets it, refreshing. It's the first time in my life I've ever heard of stoicism being cuckoldry, but then I'm overestimating the posters that actually read, let alone understand what they read instead of just meming sound bites.

I'll reiterate that in order to fully appreciate stoicism, you'd need to be a full degen in order to reap the greatest salvation because excess always needs to be gaged to find proper balance. Too much of anything isn't good

>> No.9397328

Never paying your mob debts
Paying your mob debts in full
Paying your mob debts just enough to prevent a beating, repossession, or slavery, and spending the rest on a moderate quantity of heroin (from the mob) and PPV porn.


>> No.9397348


Self-actualization and cycles, humanity doesn't deal in extremes and absolutes. Sure you can dedicate yourself to one cause but are you really masochistic enough to lock yourself ad vitam aeternam? What works for you doesn't always work for everyone else, I dont' really criticize anyone who takes the whole path but by being open naturally you can have a critical thought to consider a perspective to understand instead of automatically dismissing divergent views

>> No.9397363

The further you try to separate yourself from the filth that is Buddhism, the closer you get.

>> No.9397379


You like labeling things, you can hold one philosophy while creating your own morality or categorical imperative. The ethics that apply in one school of thought isn't always concomitant with religion (?) I don't understand your train of thought, the chief aim could be how to live? Or what is justice? Or how to achieve happiness? What is truth? Not everyone chooses stoicism for the same reason right?

>> No.9397389

The ramblings of the brainwashed.

>> No.9397398

Don't listen to these idiots """"arguing"""" over what the superior philosophy is. You are not going to become a philosopher and your life style is not going to be looked at and analyzed by scholars hundreds of years from now. What you should be looking to achieve from reading these sort of books is some minor correctements for your issues. Your life outlook is always going to depend on you and your thinking, no matter what books you read.

Make sure you read Plato's Apology and Republic and Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics. Read what you want from Cicero and Seneca (read summaries of their works on wikipedia and see what interests you). Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius are must reads. Make sure to check out Greg Sadler's videos on youtube and google things about modern stoicism (did you know there is such a thing as Stoicon every year?).

>> No.9397407


Just a prismatic mirror for discussion instead of castigating heresy without any reference to observence. Does faith contain any equivalent of dogma? Who judges?

>> No.9397413


Enchiridion is really good

>> No.9397431
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Meditations and letter from a stoic, desu.

>> No.9398227

>raging on /lit/
>Everyone I don't like is an ebil Buddhist!
Why are you such a faggot anon?

>> No.9398949

I never said that, autist.

>> No.9399066

guys I haven't read Goethe or Hegel, will I be able to understand dies irae on anything more than a surface level?

>> No.9399492

>human nature is a meaningless platitude
Would you prefer if people said "the unconquerable predispositions of persons in relation to their own temperament to produce their predictable tendencies in behaviour"?

>> No.9399516
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>> No.9399565

A complex tautology is no less of a platitude than the simple original.

>> No.9401465


Stoicism is not about making men invulnerable. It's about recognizing that NATURE has given you the faculty of REASON and your own SPHERE OF CHOICE. Your sphere of choice is your human nature, guided by reason. Nothing about stoicism goes against human nature, unless you mean reigning in all the petty desire and vice that humans experience. All these stoicism threads and it's almost as if no one actually has any idea what the school of thought represents.

>> No.9401484

>reason is good because some false god sez so

>> No.9401540
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>stoic philosophy and literature.
>There are centuries of writing.
you can count surviving (pre-renaissance) stoic book(let)s with one hand

>> No.9401842
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I'm reading "A guide to the Good Life: The ancient art of Stoic Joy" at the moment. It's really good for putting Stoicism in context and explains the ideas well. I'd recommend reading something like this before going on to meditations or the enchiridion because it explains concepts like nature and fatalism which these other books take for granted.

>> No.9401973


Don't do this.

This is the equivalent of read "Stoicism for idiots" first.

>> No.9402038


Ironically enough, it took your full faculty of reason and choice to write this shitpost.

>> No.9403170
File: 44 KB, 485x634, epicurus1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know there was so many Epicurean posters here, not my preference but it's good to see some intellectual diversity. This place is big on German idealists and Platonics, so here's a bump to a friendly rival.