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/lit/ - Literature

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9393940 No.9393940 [Reply] [Original]

Reading trough all this shit for THAT ending? What was Tolstoy thinking? Seriously, how were the last 100 pages even relevant to most of the story?

>> No.9394410
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This. He worked so hard, got so far, then motherfucker fumbles the ball at 1 yard line.

As far as failures go, W&P is still a masterpiece, albeit flawed because he climbed up his own asshole.

>> No.9394418

This board is so polluted nowadays that you never know if someone is asking a sincere question or if they're just shitposting.

>> No.9394420

are you guys talking about his thesis on how a divine force is what carried out the entirety of the history and every actor was simply part of a huge mechanism aka God? I thought it was excellent.

>> No.9394437


It's a sincere question in disguise as shitposting.

OP knows he will never get a serious answer if he just posts, "W&P Thead. I quite liked it, but what's up with that ending? It's kind of weak tbqh," and will just get a couple posts calling him a pleb, but if you just shitpost you will get more replies some of which maybe snowballing into a serious discussion.

Try it next time you want to talk about a book or author on /lit/. Shitpost instead of trying to spark a serious discussion.

>> No.9394439
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But is it Literature? Tolstoy the didact is a fucking bore. Only the most loyal of fans will read his later period, dry lectures.

>> No.9394462

an epic is supposed to be god's stream of consciousness, starting in medias res and ending accordingly, like the slice of a sausage, not like a high concept narrative.