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File: 300 KB, 309x474, Rules_for_Radicals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9392215 No.9392215 [Reply] [Original]

I'm halfway through it. Any thoughts on this book concerning the current political climate?

>> No.9392242

The Alt right users of Pol literally carried out its tactics unconsciously

>> No.9392279
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Interesting. Do you have any examples which tactics they unconsciously use?

>> No.9392288

heh heh heh so (((you))) think...

>> No.9392312


That's a bit naive. It's one of the most recommended books among more intellectual right-wingers.

>> No.9392341

Alt righters learned from GamerGate and GamerGate used Alinsky

>> No.9392352 [DELETED] 

Wrong. They learned from watching (((them))) and decided to use (((their))) own weapons against (((them))). The whole fake news narrative? Created by CNN. Alt-right just threw it right back into their faces.

>> No.9392396


GG provided a microcosm of all the forces of the left in action: ideology indoctrination, pandering, collision with the media and narrative crafting

the right seemed to pay attention to that and eventually took advantage of it

>> No.9392412
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>intellectual right-wingers.


>> No.9392416

>huehuehue intelchul right wingers I totally showed them

>> No.9392417

And who just won the Battle of Berkeley?

>> No.9392419
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I have no idea what "gamergate" was but just the mention of it makes me physically cringe.

I stl can't get over the idea of adults plying computer games.....nevermind getting their knickers in a twist about them.

>> No.9392430

> battle of Berkley

Has LARPing gone too far?

If there's no body-count there's been no battle

>> No.9392432


>legitimize political violence as valid tactic for dealing with those who oppose you

>they use it against you in return

you know this is how the roman republic went to shit

>> No.9392434

How old are you?

>> No.9392438

>le tips

>> No.9392442

>GG provided a microcosm of all the forces of the left in action

Most people I knew of a left-wing disposition didn't give a fuck because it was about vidya and they're adults.

>> No.9392448
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>It's a gommie vs alt-shite thread now.

Great. Can we talk about the book instead you ideologically poisoned retards?

>> No.9392451


>> No.9392456


you know what makes me cringe more than anything else

the whole thing died down back in 2014, and the media is STILL using it as a scapegoat for everything that goes wrong in every walk of life


people who report on videogames are hipsters who got rejected from real journalism and are trying to escape from their position with theirn activism

>> No.9392470
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Who won ww2?

>> No.9392477

The same type of people who just won The Battle of Berkeley.

>> No.9392490


lets see

back then you had farmers who went to battle in pairs of two so one of them could scavenge the rifle of the other in case they got shot

now you have middle class millenials setting dumpsters on fire

>> No.9392491


>> No.9392508
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How can you get any more post-modern than pic related? Its so confusing to outsiders governments are studying /pol/ to understand how to weaponize memes.

>> No.9392531

So Pepe (aka memes normies dont understand) is a way of going out of the enemies expertise?

What's post modern about it? I'm not really well read on post modernism desu.

>> No.9392532


>the CIA actually considered making a meme engineering cell

I dont want to live in this timeline anymore

>> No.9392557

>How can you get any more post-modern than pic related?
Anon there are famous intellectuals who believe logic is sexist and that science exists entirely to oppress people

>> No.9392558
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I don't think so Tim.

Trumptards = fascists
alt-right = a mish-mash of racists, Nazis, tax-dodgers, misogynist. A generally uncivilized rabble

>muh freedum of speeches

Blow me, senpai

>> No.9392559

Then they're not intellectuals.

>> No.9392561

gamergate was one of the most important socio-political movements of the century

>> No.9392569


I heard that people in chechenya have some nice vacation resorts saved for you

>> No.9392574

>lol I'm from tumblr XD
We know.

>> No.9392587
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>What's post modern about it?
For a couple of days /pol/ formed groups called "Right-Wing Safety Squads" to protect Left-wing individuals living in squats and DIY spaces after the Oakland Fire: https://thump.vice.com/en_ca/article/4chan-trolls-diy-spaces-oakland-fire

Their ironic usage of religion is hilarious, they've developed a entire mythos, but in response to the Oroville Dam a singular general developed their own competing religion based around a prophetic post made several weeks earlier, it involved the worship of a battery and aqua-sama.

moral relativism? check. I could go on and on.

>> No.9392617
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>> No.9392638

I'm generally anti-porn but I wish there was lots and lots of loli porn posted on every 4chan board to keep normies away. The election caused a ridiculous surge in the traffic this site is getting. Traps aren't taboo enough and attract faggots.

I just thought this seemed like a gross-out tactic Alinsky would use.

>> No.9392640


>full fledged libtards getting caught up in the heat of the moment and acting in the same way as hitler youths

I dont understand how these people can live with themselves

>> No.9392644

>"palestinian scarf"

>> No.9392645

lol not even Hitler Youths attacked their own.

>> No.9392651

>acting in the same way as hitler youths

Could you fill me in? I don't remember reading about hitler youths attacking each other.

>> No.9392657
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I see no problem with silencing and executing fascists. Western society is founded on the blood of dead Nazis and their families.

Why trumptards think it's hypocritical for reasonable people to want to shut them down is beyond me.

>> No.9392669


its my fault for calling antifa "libtards"

I should have known better, I remember the graffiti saying "liberals get the bullet too"

>> No.9392672

>acting like Hitler Youths

You ever get so caught up in the moment that you go hiking with your friends and talk about patriotism?

The SA/brownshirts were the street fighting thugs

>> No.9392673


It sure is a great idea to widen our standards for what a fascist is in order to demonize our political oponents

its not like it has backfired several times already

>> No.9392680
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I always get them mixed up with the blackshirts

>> No.9392690

It's a good idea to call a spade a spade and a shovel a shovel

>> No.9392691

You made me proud /lit/, you have enough intelligence to understand the reality like no other does and this post proves exactly that

>> No.9392705
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Culture jamming and constructed "happenings".

>Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

They commonly use this tactic whenever a leftist calls them virgins, ugly, overweight etc. If you want to see it in action check out when TYT attacked Alex Jones calling him fat. Also http://www.xenosystems.net/aaa/

>> No.9392709

You mean """"fascists"""" like this?

>> No.9392713
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No, fascists like this African American.

>> No.9392728
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No. I mean like pic related.

Do you even know why fascism is?

Do you even read?

>> No.9392729


>black puts on a MAGA hat and beats you up

>you are so conflicted about this scenario you cant even defend yourself because you dont want to be called a racist

>> No.9392730

>African Americans being African Americans
No surprises here...

>> No.9392734

I was listening to Tim Poole have a conversation with one of the anti-fa guys and Tim was trying to explain to him how authoritarian their beliefs and actions were and the guy just wasn't getting it. The anti-fa openly said that violence against political opponents and the suppression of free speech is justified because anti-fa isn't the government. He thought that no matter what you do or believe you can't be considered authoritarian if you're not the government. Tim started to point out how stupid that is and I think the anti-fa genuinely did start to realize it himself but somebody came along and changed the subject.

I wish I could find the video of it. It was so telling.

>> No.9392740
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>> No.9392754
File: 104 KB, 1669x927, 1486465831466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another entertaining example is /pol/ applying Marxian critical theory to "That Poppy - American Kids" to dissect the lyrics to support a Alt-right reading that is incredibly convincing. I had a summery somewhere, want to me find it?

>> No.9392762


>> No.9392764

>I respect your right to assault despite disagreeing with your reasoning for assaulting me

>> No.9392770


>> No.9392772


if he was an antifa dude you know that would never go through his mind

>> No.9392778

What happened to lit?

Do you genuinely believe this?

>> No.9392780

Everyone always forgets the place where "punching NAZIs" didn't work: Germany.

>> No.9392789

What's a /lit/ right-wing ideology/book/author?

>> No.9392796
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>Do you genuinely believe this?

Absolutely yes.

If a virus enters the body politic and everybody stands back and says nothing then they are complicit.
Through counter intelligence measures it should be possible to pin point the nodes of this virus and neutralize them.

>burn 'em clean

>> No.9392804

Turner diaries

>> No.9392809

>Western society is founded on the blood of dead Nazis and their families.

"Western society is founded on the blood of dead people who didn't even come about until about 400 years after the start of 'Western' society."

Really makes me thing...

>> No.9392811

Sounds like a very fascist thing to do.

>> No.9392817

But Anon, YOU are the virus.

>> No.9392821

That's debatable

>> No.9392823
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Roger Scruton is a goodie.

>> No.9392826


not exactly fascist, because fascism requires a state, he really is an authoritarian

or just a really bored anon like me

>> No.9392828

Fascism actually has a definition, you should look it up sometime.

>> No.9392830

No u

>> No.9392834



>> No.9392842

I consider the 17th century to be when the world started to take on the appearance of what we would call "Western" especially towards the end with things that led to what we consider "Western Ideals" like the Treaty of Westphalia and the English Bill of Rights.

>> No.9392849

Hello fellow whites

>> No.9392857
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That all got superseded in 1945

> treatise of westphalia
> nation-states determining "rights"

>> No.9392859

(in general use) extreme authoritarian, oppressive, or intolerant views or practices.

>> No.9392870

Turns out that the Soviet Union was fascist. Who knew.

>> No.9392871

Yeah, we need to do this to the Jews though

>> No.9392885


Oy vey stop recording crime statistics by race you fascist
Stop noticing degenerates use up 80% of social resources because of complications with their shit your existence.

>> No.9392894


>> No.9392900


>> No.9392947

This is irony btw, if I have to explain that...

>> No.9393007

ok u guiz i was been ironic pls gib (u)s nao
regogniz my jeenyus

>> No.9393095

You mean sarcasm?

>> No.9393226

Sure anon, go ahead

>> No.9393245

Your viewpoint isn't not valid
But you have to realize that you got your way there's a solid chance that you would be executed

>> No.9393589


These are examples of Right Wingers using Saul Alinsky's rules.

Another example is with what's going on in Leftbook at the moment. A Leftbook hero PPG returned from Syria and participated in Berkely.

Currently, right wingers pretending to be left wingers dug through his twitter history and found not so nice things he said a long time ago. They are spreading it all over left book and the result is that left wing groups are condeming PPG and banning anyone who supports him.

>> No.9393599

The fact that there aren't many right wing intellectuals doesn't really change the fact that they are winning in the current political climate using rule sets developed by leftists.