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9390748 No.9390748 [Reply] [Original]

Guys I'm about to start writing my novel and I just had an idea

What if I write in first person, but from the perspective of someone who isnt the protag, e.g. the best friend, possibly

Would this work? Has it been done before?

I need your thoughts before I start writing

>> No.9390752

genius. i'll be doing this now. thanks for the idea, chump.

>> No.9390753

read Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett if you want to see how this is done

>> No.9390754

The Sherlock Holmes stories are all written from Watson's perspective

>> No.9390755

>Has it been done before?

I, really really really really, hope this is a joke.

>> No.9390758

I'm inclined to think that if you did that the Best Friend would very likely become the protagonist.

This is because the protagonist (to restate the obvious) is the primary, central character of the story, and it'd be VERY hard to have a story told in the first person where the speaker is both present for the whole story and not only set up as a framing device. If the BF is actively present and telling us their own perspective of the story, I'm inclined to think that it is likely their story. Even if they aren't the most exciting character involved in the story, what they are telling us puts THEM as the primary character.

The only example I can think of off the top of my head of this being done (arguably) is The Great Gatsby. Even then, I think the question of who the protagonist is, between Nick and Gatsby, is arguable.

>> No.9390762

Great Gatsby
Moby Dick

What grade r u in OP

>> No.9390763

fight club

>> No.9390765

Poe's stories that have Dupin as a protagonist are the same. The narrator doesn't even have a name.

>> No.9390768

After reading the Great Gatsby, I think this is the best way to write a novel, because you can have a first person narration, with all the substance and thoughtfulness possible through it, and also a third person narration of the protagonist.

>> No.9390860

"Has it been done before"

Please don't write a novel.

>> No.9390993

the great gatsby

>> No.9391232

sherlock holmes

>> No.9391351

"Katz und Maus" by Günther Grass is Done in that style.
I Do Not know the english title.

>> No.9392882

Spoilers apart...

>> No.9392890

We wuz kanz an maus.

>> No.9393069

If you want to know how its done perfectly read Italy Calvino - The Baron in the Trees

>> No.9393085

The Hermione Granger books are written from her friend Harry's perspective

>> No.9393098

>17 replies
>nobody has noticed that this is an obvious bait thread yet
Well done, OP