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/lit/ - Literature

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9388433 No.9388433[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be /pol/ack
>start reading books
>slowly realize that race and society are complex and multifaceted concepts
>stop being a racist
Anyone else? Books are truly wonderful, I used to have so much hate in my heart but now that's no longer the case.

>> No.9388445

Oh great, another bait thread which will have 150 replies in 2 hours

>> No.9388447

Go back to /pol/

>> No.9388448

read Céline to reinvigorate your hatred

>> No.9388456

This happened to a friend of mine and it did wonders for him. I was glad to see him finally become happier. Books are the best.

>> No.9388460

Yes I am now antiracist and antifascist.

>> No.9388464

Donascimiento Trumpo has never read a book in his entire life, now draw your conclusions...

>> No.9388468

Yes things like race and gender are all social constructs I only see the individual.

>> No.9388474

Slavs are the true master race.

>> No.9388476

This is a poorly disguised bait thread.

'Most people who read actual literature become more conservative, not less.

I suppose you might become liberal if all you read is genre trash and oprah book club tho.

>> No.9388482

Racism is a pretty outdated concept to begin with. There are very few actual "racists" left in the world. I hate ghetto black people, just as I hate white trash, but that doesn't make me a racist. I also recognize that, biologically, different races are not considered equal, but that's just looking at facts and making an assessment, and is not racism.

>> No.9388483

conservative =/= hate

>> No.9388485
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Races do exist but the mind comes first
For ex. there definitely exists a "Russian soul", but there is no unified east slavic race attached to it

>> No.9388493


>be Asuka
>hate everyone
>just want to pilot my EVA unit in peace
>keep getting upstaged by that idiot Shinji!
>keep trying
>mental breakdown
>saved by mom in the nick of time (thanks mom!)
>lose eye
>become Eve
>try to shitpost on 4chan but everybody is dead except for that idiot Shinji!

>> No.9388509
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>be liberal
>start reading books
>slowly realize that contemporary western culture is destroying the basis of most human flourishing because it is rejecting its traditions and institutions in favor of inclusiveness, and has also largely abandoned itself to shallow entertainments
>realize a lot of 'minority' and foreign cultures weak compared to western culture, either backwards or rooted in poverty or resentments
>become conservative 'racist'

>> No.9388517

Russian soul is a meme.
t. Russian

>> No.9388518

for me what really helped was taking a break from the computer and meeting people irl. My /pol/ phase was marked by isolation and paranoia, that's harder to maintain once you start hanging out with people out of actual affinity, not out of fear of common threat.

>> No.9388530

When looking from the outside it seems very real
t. Finn

>> No.9388541

What would you say constitutes 'Russian soul'?

>> No.9388550

>le western culture is superior because of iphones and anonymous gay sex hookup apps and websites meme
Nah m8, read a fucking book for once in your life.

>> No.9388554

how to have a 200+ replies thread on /lit/

>1-put in the name of the thread "pol"
>2-be corny
>4- profit!

>> No.9388557

>but he still browses 4chan

>> No.9388559

Vodka and violence against women

>> No.9388561


You're condemning my imagined position with the values that are its actual substance.

>> No.9388567

That's just alcoholism, nothing mysterious or spiritual about it.

>> No.9388572

Well, a sort of mix of manners and a way of thinking
Drinking and going with Natasha, but still being a good orthodox boy and giving babuchka a kiss on the cheek
It's difficult to put to words, but it's something that's definitely there

>> No.9388575

well put, pseud

>> No.9388580

Yeah, but that's what characterises the Russian people as a whole

>> No.9388589

Here's your (You), ebin troller.

>> No.9388592

Yeah, like this guy says >>9388580
Maybe "soul" was a bad word, perhaps the "Russian way" would be better

>> No.9388604

I used to be a happy semi-libertarian, still accepting some minimal parts of the welfare state as good for all.

Then I read more and I'm now a commie. Not sure if that helped me become happier.

>> No.9388623

When I heard my taxi driver in Ukraine listening to Tchaikovsky I knew I was in the true Soviet spirit

>> No.9388627
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What books did you read to do this? I've been trying to bluepill myself for the past while now. Being a racist has only alienated me from the world and made be angry and depressed.

>> No.9388632

>Russian soul meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem
If you only knew how bad things actually are

>> No.9388633


>> No.9388646

That said, my values hardly even changed at their core. I used to believe in - more or less - classical liberalism's values which I thought could be realized through libertarian economics supplemented with some care for the poor, the sick and the disabled (to make sure they're not too hungry or angry).

Reading stuff, even classical liberalism, basically made me realize that modern capitalism is incompatible with such values. So communism it is.

>> No.9388652
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What is modern equivalent of old-school racism? Cultural racism?

>> No.9388673


It is really mostly just old-school racism but dressed in nicer clothes, though. It still relies a lot on skin colour and such, the racists just realized that it is easier to sound plausible if you use an abstract notion of "culture" instead of "race".

>> No.9388683

Cheers. I used to be a delusional homeless 20-year-old hippie wannabe messiah because psychedelics told me we're "like all one consciousness and love man"

Books showed me my delusions are old hat and so are everyone else's. Any idea falls apart under effective scrutiny and I don't have to be terrified of being uncertain about life.

>> No.9388686
File: 27 KB, 217x346, Dawn.Xenogenesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't buy into the sci-fi is garbage meme, I would recommend the "Xenogenesis" series by Octavia Butler.

The triology explores the problems around racism and complete assimilation of culture in a light understandable even for people who have never lived these problems themselves by using sci-fi elements to make them more universally applicable.

They are also pretty good.

>> No.9388689

not according to the thought police

>> No.9388691


The problem is that media discourse surrounding racism dresses it up like it's some sort of belief system, when it's actually just a bunch of instincts and opinions regarding another group in a loose constellation.

There was racism like that, but as a serious force it's been dead for like a hundred years.

>> No.9388701

The leftist shills are spilling over here.

>> No.9388710
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But is there anything wrong with considering some "cultures" as inferior, or dangerous if they're incompatible with, for example, european culture?

>> No.9388713

Been there, done that
I myself have grown to be more and more traditional after laying down Marx and company
I'm also much more happier than I used to be, all the best to you

>> No.9388728
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Unironically, the Bible
more precisely the New Testament, good stuff to ease your mind

>> No.9388737

when you say you hate the ghetto black people you sound racist either way, you have to say you hate the culture, or cultural consequences of the negative actions that are perpetuated through their misdeeds. I mean i think i'm averagely racist (aussie), but i believe people are victims of circumstance, i could have been born in their shoes and done the same thing, but perpetuating a cultures bad habits ( degen ) is what keeps the shit-ball rolling.