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9388311 No.9388311 [Reply] [Original]

>MFA programs in the US actually pay you to become a writer

What the F**K is going on here!? Is this true? How does a college justify this kind of expenditure?

>> No.9388345
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Checked. And yes it's true now lower your fucking voice.

[whispering] As with any federal department in the US, the right qualifications and a form will make money appear. Artists with artist credentials (eg, in MFA) are eligible to receive government subsidies so they can produce art. It does not cost much and is a way of making sure art does not die in a capitalist system.

>> No.9388352


It's not that simple though. Most MFA students on a "full ride" are going to be doing TA work. So the school is basically waiving tuition and giving you a stipend to be an adjunct.

>> No.9388355

The same way it justifies its own existence: griping about the necessity for cultural standard-bearers.
>It does not cost much and is a way of making sure art does not die in a capitalist system.
If you think artists need or want compensation for their art you are a literal philistine

>> No.9388386

>if you think...!
>muh intrigritty!!!
>not 4 SALE

You cannot read, or too full of your own shit to read properly. What are you doing on /lit/? Go draw a sexy foxkin or something. sage

>> No.9388396

>artist fills out a form to receive compensation they do not need or want.


>> No.9388405
File: 43 KB, 400x400, smug-pepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paid artists nowadays can only produce mediocre shit. No wonder this happens in the US

>> No.9388410

>implying any modern artist produces anything worth a shit.

>> No.9388435

There are some that do and some that don't. NYU is expensive and bad with Aid.

Columbia is 2nd best after Iowa but only rich as fuk kids and James Franco can afford 100k+ a semester. It costs more than Harvard Business and you come out of it with a vanity degree

>> No.9388454
File: 397 KB, 1632x918, manstoppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeh. This varies by school. And the scholarship isn't much. Usually just enough to help with rent and purchase dry beans and rice in bulk. And if you're a military veteran who already used the 9/11 Bill and you are a Texas resident, Hazelwood Act applies and pretty much makes the waived tuition redundant.

I'd really like to get my life together and go to college and graduate before age 40, but reasons.

>> No.9388473


That's the carrot for the majority of MFA students, who aren't given full rides, and who pay serious tuition for something with almost no overhead.

Also full-ride or no full-ride, you're a teacher's assistant, read: low status professor, and the wage for that with even a full ride doesn't work out to so much. You get a huge cheap labor pool for intro writing classes, one of the most enrolled-in courses.

The MFA programs can also confer intellectual prestige onto the university with the better writers they're able to entice. It's much easier to pay for a Pulitzer Prize winning author, or a well known novelist, than it is to get an engineer or somthing who can rake in bucks from the private sector.

It's a net gain for the university.

>> No.9388666

to be clear it is the university that requests money from the feds and redistributes it at the discretion of some blue haired boardmembers. artists i'm sure can apply for their own personal subsidies/grants/patronages/scholarships, but MFA pay is OP's topic.

>> No.9388809

Syracuse literally pays your tuition for three years minimum. George Saunders was there for like 4 years since he won a scholarship to study an extra year.

>> No.9388821


>believing that the ruling class would ever be altruistic enough to care about something like "culture"

Channeling money into Marxist schools in order to create obedient slaves for globalist neoliberals is exactly what you'd expect the ruling class to do. I hope Trump cuts off degenerate art once and for all.

>> No.9388834


Columbia is great tho

>> No.9388862

>I hope Trump cuts off degenerate art once and for all.
Humanities departments in modern universities need the death penalty. Close them all for a few years, at minimum, and start over after purging the leftists.

>> No.9388873

Actually, yes. Scholarships and grants were put in place by legislation and a ruling class who were just so patrician they knew their obligations.

Today's oligarchs have no taste, and none of them or their dirt-poor sycophants can rub enough neurons together to spark a reason to spend money (gasp) on something that does not glorify or otherwise accommodate a nationalist/traditionalist sentiment. The culture war hasn't killed art, just your desire for it. You are an unimaginative prototype and ahead of your time, friendo.

I gave Bernie $27 then voted Trump btw. :^) Even bought a maga hat. awooooo

>> No.9388891


Holy shit, /pol/ got you good. Learn something about arts programs before you say stupid shit about them.

>columbia second best

lol fuck no. Columbia is a cash cow program that accepts like 30% of applicants. It's way too big and flooded with mostly mediocre writers

>> No.9388908

I fucking WISH someone would pay me to be a writer.

Has anyone ever tried to get a patron, the way countless other writers and artists have done? Has anyone ever tried to suck up to a rich fucker and ask him to support your art?

>> No.9388933

na it's 3rd behind Iowa and texas

>> No.9388941

I know a girl here in London who met a guy on Fetlife who is into being something called a "cash pig" or something like that. Basically she mocks him via Skype and he gives her a ton of money. He works in asset management and hes like 50 years old, has a wife, kids etc but he obviously has money to spare. I don't think she's fucked him but I don't I ask, I just go to her flat every couple of weeks to let her spit on me and call me mean names.

>> No.9388943

If not an Ivy, is there anything that compares with Iowa in terms of funding/prestige/faculty? Or is it leagues ahead of everything else?

>> No.9388949

Surely NYU is up there too? Syracuse?

>> No.9388957


Texas. BU. NYU.

>> No.9388962

sounds like someone is in the 70% :)

>> No.9388970

Universities don't pay you to become a writer, universities pay you for being a perpetrator of liberal ideology.

>> No.9389013



>> No.9389084

One of my buddies is a fisting top and makes $500/hour with 4 sessions a week.