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/lit/ - Literature

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9387787 No.9387787 [Reply] [Original]

How long does it take you to read a 400 pages book?
>20 hours

>> No.9387794

I have no idea. I read because I enjoy it.

>> No.9387796

Yeah, more or less

>> No.9387821

unironically like 5 hours.

>> No.9387824

wew lads!

>> No.9387875


>> No.9387935

10-15 hours depending on the writing and density.

>> No.9388002

How long is a piece of string?

It would depend heavily on the print. Most modern bookshop paperbacks have huge font and big spacing. Something like Infinite Jest or Charles Dickens has smaller text and shorter line spacing.

Former, maybe 10 hours
Latter, maybe 15 - 20

But I don't know since I don't time.

>> No.9388061

A long time, I usually read a chapter silently, at about 1 page per 3 minutes, then go back and read the chapter again aloud, which take slonger

>> No.9388068

Start measuring by words, you pleb.

>> No.9388215

2 months sadly

>> No.9388231

well i try to read 50/day before sleep

that's an hour or two before bed

so 8-16 hours?

>> No.9388319

10 to 20 hours. Depends on font and spacing.

>> No.9388354

I dont even have a clue. I read until I understand and then move on. Obviously this happens immediately most of the time, but with GR or something I'll spend a few minutes on each page. With philosophy I could spend half an hour on someone like Kant or Heidegger

>> No.9388650

Depends on the book. On average about 3 weeks

>> No.9388715

1.5 years

>> No.9388726

oh wtf, you guys have been reading the books?


>> No.9388736

it depends on how light the reading is. A 400 page fiction book I could finish in about a week. A 400 page history book would take 2-4 weeks. A 400 page philosophy book would take between 1 month and 3 months.

>> No.9388755

It really depends on the book.

But I find I usually read at a pace of about 1 page per 1 minute. Sometimes a bit slower, sometimes even a bit faster if the work is a light read.

So 400 minutes or so = 6-7 hours, might be 4-5 if it is very light, maybe 10 if it is rather heavy.

Sometimes I read a lot and sometimes very little, so the time frame in which I'd read that 7 hours might be a day, a few days or a few weeks or even a month.

>> No.9388804

This,depends on how well it flows and how much I enjoy their writing

>> No.9388839

I'm too busy smashing pussy in my spare time to read books.

>> No.9388851


>> No.9388867

4-5 hours i think?

>> No.9388906

about 400 days

>> No.9388916

I mainly read nonfiction so I just skip to the most interesting concepts and chapters. I don't really count how much I've read.

>> No.9388948

I've had enough with your microaggressions against illiterate individuals sir. Also your ignorance is frustrating me so much that I can't continue to smash puss.

>> No.9388950

Fiction: 2 days.
Nonfiction: 7 days.

>> No.9388958
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Do people really do this?

>> No.9389002

Depends on the text, usually for fiction I read 1page/minute, 90 seconds if it's not my native language.

>> No.9389008

So you read 60 pages per hour?


>> No.9389014

I'm glad you find it funny.

>> No.9389136

How can you get away with a reply like this

>> No.9389221


>> No.9389299

About one year lel
Took me half year to read How to Read a Book

>> No.9389314

Damn nigga

How do you cope?

>> No.9389347

well he gets fed by a nurse through a straw which helps

>> No.9389357

If you can't summarize the novel, and you barely remember any of it, that's not reading, that'd skimming. Listen to audiobooks instead, you're a lost cause.

>> No.9389391

Depends. If it is interesting in such a way that I end up drowning in my thoughts, it'll take me long, but it will be over in a glimpse. If it is too boring, annoying or feels like a waste of time, I probably won't do it at all.

Stop asking the clock permission to acknowledge time. Time is relative. It's what you experience.

>> No.9389447

I don't care.. I occasionally read books only when I go out to smoke a cigarette, so about 5 minutes a day. I also pretend that I know philosophy, based on what I read from reviews, wiki, book charts. I do read essays on the internet though, so I can't say I have zero knowledge about whatever I'm interested at the moment

>> No.9389485


it takes me about 400 days to read 20 pages

>> No.9389539

Sorry, I saw your thread a few hours ago but I've only just now finished reading through to post an answer. It takes me about one hour to read a 400 page book

>> No.9389876

It depends, if I don't put it down at all it'd probably take me like 5 hours maybe

>> No.9389933

About 10 hours reading sounds about right. Give or take a few hours.
Probably take a week with my current schedule.

I'd be able to recite pretty much everything that happened as well as the thoughts that went through my head as I read. I seriously doubt the quality of "page a minute" readers.

>> No.9391408

nice strawman my man

>> No.9391426

>I seriously doubt the quality of "page a minute" readers.

Have you tried to actually read? I seriously doubt the quality of /lit/ posters, people barely read here, I've been spending here like 15minutes/day in the last couple months and apart from work like 90% of my free time is spent on reading, 1page/minute is nothing special for fiction, it just takes practice.

>> No.9391433

Day and a half
Maybe two

>> No.9391437

I read moby dick in 12 hours.