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/lit/ - Literature

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938622 No.938622 [Reply] [Original]

Help me /lit/ you're my only hope.

I need to organize my personal library, this is all the space I have and as you can clearly see it's not the best. It's a bitch to organize, so I need some suggestions. Basically my entire system is fucked, I've got halfway through series, books, and authors etc and just left them. Now I need some way to make a reasonable system out of this clusterfuck. Posts of all my books follow.

>> No.938630
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The pile on the left are all random non-fiction, autobiographies, a few encyclopedia's, old schoolbooks, travel guides, art books, video game guides etc. Not really what I'd call lit but they're books nontheless, they don't really need organising they can just be stuck in their own little corner.
At the top right the piless are:
Chris Ryan (YA books)
Anthony Horowitz (Again YA)
The Wizards Apprentice series (Kids books, but major nostalgia value for me)
Warhammer 40k (Fire warrior and Nightbringer)
Lian Hearn

Those books laid out are:
The Assassin (White)
The Genius (Red)
Dexter omnibus (First three books)
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

>> No.938637
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The piles here (moving from Lian Hearn, the tallest pile and going towards the right)
Sherlock Holmes
Chuck Palahniuk
Trashy Horror I never read as a child
The Hobbit and LOTR

Laid out are:
The Road (Cormac McCarthy) (I heard 'The Road' discussed on /lit/ a few times and picked it up, not sure if it's the right author though)
A Simple Plan
American Psycho
Ender's game
Casino Royale
Less Than Zero
The Coma
House of Leaves
Wide Sargasso Sea
Pride and Prejudice
The Illuminatus! Trilogy
Death of a salesman

>> No.938644
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>one suit

>> No.938657
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Right now I'm not sure whether to organize by Genre or by author, and where to stick 'in use' books so to speak.

I was thinking of throwing all my non-fiction into that shelf above the wardrobe, but I'm not sure it will all fit. I hate mixing categories, but with the space available it looks inevitable. I wouldn't feel right sticking it with the pulp crap I'm never going to read again. And I wouldn't feel good sticking it with anything good either.

Also, should I stack vertically or just horizontally. I don't have enough room for two rows horizontal, but vertical just seems like a chore to browse.

Any suggestions /lit/?

>> No.938664
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> My face when he thinks I only have one wardrobe.

>> No.938683

What's YA?

>> No.938694
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Young adult books, basically shit that's not good enough to be called a real book.

>> No.938699

Oh. Why would one have that in their "library" then? Unless one was like twelve or something.

>> No.938718
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This was my reaction to the thought of throwing away a book. Also, as mentioned for the kids books, they have major nostalgia value. I like looking at them and thinking that at one point they were deeply engaging to my mind. You know, keeps things in perspective so I don't end up acting like an e/lit/ist.

I might throw away those trashy horror books though. Those were a gift. And suck. Even when I was a kid I knew they sucked.

>> No.938730

>I like looking at them and thinking that at one point they were deeply engaging to my mind.
Then you were a really fucking stupid kid, I don't remember ever reading children's books of any sort because they were utter shite.

>> No.938747
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My apologies for not coming out of the womb clutching a copy of Lolita. We all started somewhere.

>> No.938766


That's what you get for asking hipsters to help you out with your books.

>> No.938789

You needed to start an entire thread to ask strangers to help you organize your own book collection?

What the fuck is the world coming to?

Do what I do: don't organize them at all.

>> No.938807
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You don't organize your books at all, and YOU ask what the worlds coming to?

>> No.938823


>Do what I do: don't organize them at all.

When you have three books total, this is easy to do.

When you have fifty or more, you start trying to organize them, so that you don't have to fish through a huge stack of books.

But no one on /lit/ really reads anyway so yeah.

>> No.938839


>herp derp I read moar den u i have fifty books



You're a cunt.

>> No.938868

Just toss them in. One of the great pleasures of a home library is searching for a particular book and browsing through the rest you own, some of which you'll have completely forgotten about, and rediscovered.

>> No.938871

i just throw all the old books into boxes and stash them under me bed.

>> No.938880



>> No.938903
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If I had better space I would, but as it is they end up three rows behind each other so I have to completely remove the first row to even glance at the back row, then shit ends up laying across the top of the rows and shit just turns ugly fast.

>> No.938912

>implying Lolita isn't entry level bullshit

>> No.938928

Do what Amir (The Kite Runner) does. Just keep them organized in the space you have, and put additional books in cardboard boxes.

>> No.938930
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> Implying hipsters go above entry level.

>> No.939122
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OP here, eventually organized everything in a series/same author at the backs of the boxes sticking stickie-notes above them with the author or series name, then put general shit on the front rows.

So yeah, sage away.

>> No.939265

Organized by color... cause it's fucking logical.

>> No.939282


Genre and title, much?

>> No.939307

Much to much.