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9385414 No.9385414 [Reply] [Original]

Nabokov was a pedophile.

Tolstoy was a slave rapist.

i need a third beloved author with an obviously checkered past.

pic related: Vlad "The child Nabber" Nabokov

>> No.9385457

william burroughs was a pedo too...and he shot his wife in her head for a laff.
oscar wylde was also a nonce.....wylde introduced André Gide to underageb& rentboys

>> No.9385464
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>wifebeater.....drove two wives to suicide
>wrote bad poems about crows and whatnot

>> No.9385470

Post source for Tolstoy.
While you're at it post evidence of Nabokov as well my lad.

>> No.9385472

one and done

>> No.9385481
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>peeping tom
>broke into houses to steal women's panties
>slightly racist

>> No.9385498

find it yourself. i'm not here to hold your hand.
burroughs is a little too obvious.
so is nabokov, but it's more necessary because people vehemently insist to the contrary.
i don't think anyone would doubt burrough's infamies.
wilde, yeah, i mean, we already have a pedo, we need someone who likes to fuck animals. did faulkner do that? hemingway?

>> No.9385505

literally who? i said beloved.

>> No.9385557

Gogol was a manlet and slavophile. There you go.

>> No.9385565

fact: 98.7% of all gays are pedos

>> No.9385585

You're the one claiming if im not here to back up your arguments

>> No.9385586

hey, gogol was great. don't you be rude.

>> No.9385595

huh? you're not here to back up my arguments. believe what you want, man. if you want tomdo research, do it. i have no time or conviction to discuss how much of a pedophile nabokov was, or how often tolstoy raped and molested his serfs.

>> No.9385609

He was an antisemite

>> No.9385612

As is every thinking man

>> No.9385613

you say that like it's a bad thing, or even somehow remotely close to slave rapery and child molestation.

>> No.9385618

I think Faulkner fucked a fish

>> No.9385620

Lovecraft was really racist i guess

>> No.9385626

Hemingway was a communist.

>> No.9385632

there we go, any bits of his literature or historical rumors to assist in propagating this?

>> No.9385638
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As is every thinking man

>> No.9385641
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>> No.9385647

The "my mother is a fish" chapter from "as I lay dying" all but confirms it

>> No.9385650
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>> No.9385654

so not only is he a fishlover, he's an oedipal fishlover?

>> No.9385655

>find it yourself. i'm not here to hold your hand.

thats because you're full of shit, faggot


>> No.9385656

Didn't sartre watch simone de beauvoir fuck other men?

>> No.9385658

>some grumpy lil bitch can't operate google
no skin off my dick, champ.

>> No.9385662
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>> No.9385663

cuckolds aren't really a negative in literature, cuckoldry inspires the greatest literature in existence.

>> No.9385664

I assure you that cuckoldery has NOTHING to do with Lord of the rings

>> No.9385666

man, i like you. you play ball. so, faulkner nabokov and tolstoy. seems disappointing it isn't another russian to really stick a splinter in the eyes of their plebeian fans.

>> No.9385667

>telling me to cite your imaginary sources for you

your proof just doesn't exist, you're retarded, stick to harry potter kiddo


>> No.9385672

need i even say it, friend?
>whinging mite still babbling for the pap of his cropse mummy
sage all you like, pissant.

>> No.9385675

>Rosie was faithful while Sam was carrying Frodos load
She was definitely ORC'D during the occupation

>> No.9385678




>> No.9385686

thinking on it, the ring is a metaphor for sauron's wife, so many fingers in that thing, and nothing sauron wants more is to have it back, but can't help having an eye constantly peeled whenever his "wife" is worn by men, hobbits, elves, gollum, etc.

>> No.9385695

You don't respect women......do you.

>> No.9385703

its literally in the book

>> No.9385705
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>he just can't stop whining

>> No.9385710



also we all know you're just replying as an excuse to bump your shit thread


>> No.9385725

>The plumpy nice guy has been gone for years
>Muscular orcs have taken control over the neighborhood
>Maybe no-one would notice... I could say they took me forcefully
You have to read between the lines

>> No.9385729

i used that word already. i used whining the second time to add some flavor by variance.
>replying to bump my own thread
and you're assisting me.
quit being such a kvetching faggot.

>> No.9385735
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so anyway, who are the other villians of literature?

>> No.9385743

actually, im already bumping the threads below yours so it cancels out by a factor of 2. youll thread will die pretty soon anyways. i dont speak nazi btw


>> No.9385752

Me, as richly illustrated in my diary desu

>> No.9385755

Fairly sure Pynchon is a serial pig rapist.

>> No.9385764


>> No.9385768

Pynchon was the unabomber. Kaczynski was a patsy

>> No.9385773


dude, what a spin. but it can't be pynchon, he's far too involved in a /lit/ trilogy to be included in this one.

>> No.9385775

Proust masturbated to dying mice or something

>> No.9385776

animal torture is pretty good. and just rumored enough to work. "Proust fucked rats with pins stuck in them" ought to do.

>> No.9385781
File: 76 KB, 500x486, CELINE-1955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude was redpilled af. During the occupation of Paris, even the nazis avoided Celine because he just wouldn't shut up about the Jews. When the Reich finally collapsed Celine blamed it on Hitler being a crypto jew sent to destroy the aryan race from within

>> No.9385783

Thomas Mann

>> No.9385784

thomas mann was one of the butterfly pedos of the literary tradition. same with ol' Nabby.

>> No.9385789

waitin to hear the villiany here.

>> No.9385822
File: 156 KB, 580x739, mann-family-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wrote in his diaries about wanting to fuck his son, Klaus:
"Klaus to whom recently I feel very drawn" (June 22). In the background conversations about man-to-man eroticism take place; a long letter is written to Carl Maria Weber on this topic, while the diary reveals: "In love with Klaus during these days" (June 5). "Eissi, who enchants me right now" (July 11). "Delight over Eissi, who in his bath is terribly handsome. Find it very natural that I am in love with my son ... Eissi lay reading in bed with his brown torso naked, which disconcerted me" (July 25). "I heard noise in the boys' room and surprised Eissi completely naked in front of Golo's bed acting foolish. Strong impression of his premasculine, gleaming body. Disquiet" (October 17, 1920).
>three of his children, Klaus, Golo and Erika turned out gay
>Thomas' wife probably fucked her brother
>Erika and Klaus probably fucked too
>Klaus and Michael both killed themselves
>wrote a book based on his real experience stalking a Polish shota around Venice
>"Instead, searching for secret elements in his fiction, Maar insisted that one theme impelled and nourished Mann’s imagination more than any other. He found image after image from the beginning to the end of his work of murder, blood, knives and sexual pleasure. He suggested that this was the key to Mann’s work and perhaps to his life. ‘We can venture,’ he wrote, ‘the thought experiment that if Thomas Mann had committed an actual crime and sought to give an account of it in his work, the work would not have taken a different form than it actually has.’ He suggests – almost convincingly – that in Naples, in the mid-1890s, when he was a very young man, Thomas Mann did something, or witnessed something, or was closely implicated in something that involved sex and murder. And that what he did, or what he witnessed, both maimed and energised him and made its way into the work of sixty years."

>> No.9385833

i meant celine, no i agree that mann was a monster. but nabokov acts as a placeholder for the broad pedophilic tradition in literature especially the butterfly club of which both are members.

>> No.9385837

I guess that's just how it is in Europe, who am I to judge?

>> No.9385844

of course that's how it is, a rich tradition of academics and elites raping children.

>> No.9385851

Is it just the one autist that keeps repeating the Tolstoy was a rapist thing?

What is your endgame?

>> No.9385865

well, he was a rapist.
actually, at least one person other than myself i know for a fact posted "Tolstoy was a rapist" more or less.
my endgame is people knowing that tolstoy was a rapist.

>> No.9385921


and an excerpt from his wife's diary on their wedding night,
“I could only hear … his breath, hasty, frequent, passionate. Conquered by his power and intensity, I was obedient and loving, although crushed by the agonising physical pain and unbearable humiliation. And again, again, all night, the same attempts, the same sufferings.”

>> No.9385939

wtf this made me think. guess i'm an antisemite missile now

>> No.9386161

Then why make the claim, dumbass

>> No.9386163
File: 14 KB, 184x314, Nabber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vlad "The Impaler" Nabokov was one of the greatest pedophiles to grace the earth. he did more to normalize and open the doors for pedophile entry into mainstream culture than any other man in modern history.

>> No.9386166
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>> No.9386179

Chekhov once fucked and then ate a small leopard.

>> No.9386184

bah, too easy. chekhov stole a baby and drowned it in a vat of sulfuric acid, but you don't see him writing anything interesting about it, okay? who gives a fuck about chekhov? he's mute point.

>> No.9386331

Nabokov is a cunt. Tolstoy has good riting, but if he's a rapist, I won't read his trash.

>> No.9386344

Looking down on someone for raping their slave during that era is just wrong. Slaves back then were thought of similarly to pets are today, it's just a generational thing.

>> No.9386352
File: 370 KB, 600x600, 361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's okay to rape your pet parrot because russians used to rape their slaves in the 1800s

boy howdy friend.

>> No.9386421
File: 15 KB, 220x299, Lev_Nikolayevich_Tolstoy_1848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only Tolstoy weren't a highly respected moralist that professed to hold divine truths and wrote at length on how to live in a meaningful and proper relationship. rape is rape, especially with someone who should know better. unless, of course, you were to say that Tolstoy were infinitely morally inferior and thus could never be a source of relevant moral guidance!

>> No.9386532

Op was a fag

>> No.9386606


so yall have any sources to back these claims up? that would be great.

>> No.9386730

it's all men, really, just women are naturally infantile so you don't notice it as much. we need to do away with the male sex drive by forcibly feminizing everyone

>> No.9388120
File: 257 KB, 500x375, IMG_0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u.

you wouldn't take evidence if it were on a dragon dildo being shoved up your ass.

you might justify your might justify tendencies by relegating all men to that level, but itmonly makes it clear that you have problems you must deal with.

>> No.9388148

I can understand denying that Nabokov was a pedo if you have only read Lolita, but if you read the rest of his oeuvre it becomes extremely obvious.

>> No.9388224


an interesting study. god i love sci.hub really useful formstudents i would imagine, maybe not for citation permissions, but...

>> No.9388452

seriously, you guys should read this, anyone with any interest in Nabokov regardless of your judgements on his character, the way he enjoys making puzzles in everything he does is quite interesting.

>> No.9388494

cool thx

>> No.9389591

daily reminder that nabokov was raped by his uncle and loved to dissect young butterflies' sexual organs.

>> No.9389781

go trip over a knife

>> No.9389788

trip over a knife? don't you mean trip onto a knife? if i tripped over it, i'd just fall and hurt myself. fucking morons, i swear.

>> No.9389823


>> No.9389828
File: 39 KB, 398x500, IMG_0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha! you certainly rustled my jimmies, my good man.

>> No.9389850

Garden of Eden has some strong hints towards femdom. I think Papa liked to get pegged.

>> No.9389855

I know someone who gave away, among other things, his copy of Lolita. The other stuff was weeb garbage and makes sense. But Lolita? I have suspicions his significant other disaproves of the book and convinced him to ditch it, which maddens me somehow.

Or perhaps I'm in the wrong and it actually is a bad showcase?

t. someone who reads it as an erotica fantasy

>> No.9389859


>> No.9389874

Simone groomed young girls she taught for Satre to have sex with and Im fairly sure DFW did some real dodgy stuff to students when he was a professor

>> No.9390121

Lovecraft was a horrible racist.

>> No.9390132

find me an animal fucker and we'll talk. proust is currently the chosen third.

>> No.9390137

No, Lovecraft was an excellent racist.

>> No.9390144

OP, your thread would have been better without your contributions to it.
just fyi

>> No.9390152

people who use this term are massive faggots, therefore one can conclude...

>> No.9390163

wtf i love gogol now

>> No.9390210

Can i get links on this "butterfly club"
i'm possibly retarded since i can't find info on this :(

>> No.9390672
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oh, it's just a suspicion of mine, considering that butterflies are still symbols for child molestation. regarding mann, he makes references to lepidoptery in doctor faustus, i'm sure he makes more elsewhere.

pic related.

>> No.9390682

op should read Mein Kampf

>> No.9390684

mein kampf? far too obvious.

>> No.9390822
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well, to ensure this thread meets one hundred posts, i shall push it over the edge myself.

>> No.9390925

DeSade was a rapist but that's not exactly obscure info.

>> No.9391076

No. He benefited the most from their "open marriage". (A code for just fucking around.)

She had a shot at Nelson Algren. He wrote that she should move to the US and have family. She replied that she should live an authentic life, or something.

>> No.9392718
