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/lit/ - Literature

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9384348 No.9384348 [Reply] [Original]

The man I'm infatuated with is your standard chronically depressed "nihilist".
He's Raskolnikov pre-murder. How do I get him post-murder, without actually - you know - having him commit murder?

>> No.9384353

Why would you not let such a beautiful story play out.
You have to let him go, you owe it to him and yourself.

>> No.9384363

you can't change someone. either accept that's how it is and deal with the consequences it has on your relationship or move on and find someone who doesn't make you want to change them.

>> No.9384366

It isn't beautiful, he's miserable.

>> No.9384375

>why are you a nihilist?
Because there is no meaning or purpose or good in life
>you're a pessimistic nihilist because those things don't actually exist?
>so you're sad that those things don't exist?
uhhh... well I guess so
>sounds like you haven't truly freed yourself from those concepts, cutie. now come give me a kiss

Really isn't difficult at all to stomp out a nihilist's depression

>> No.9384384

>you can't change someone.
I don't see why not. I know this is an old tired relationship advice cliche, yes, but I genuinely don't see why not - or how not to. We do this all the time. It's how relationships work, between lovers, friends, colleagues, family, and everything. We change each other. It is inevitable. Sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. I want to steer him to happier days, and not passively sit by and through that silently affirm his self-misery.
If he was a heroin user, should I sit quietly? Of course not. Can I make a horse drink from the water? Of curse not, but I will try my best to lead him.

>> No.9384388

post-murder in a modern setting without actually murdering anyone? have him vicariously experience murder through snuff films on the internet, of course!

>> No.9384489

freedom is one of those concepts, you spookington.

>> No.9384497

That just further means nihilism is nothing to be upset about

>> No.9384499


It's actually a lot more hip and cool to be a reactionary spirit-warrior

>> No.9384518

>I don't see why not.
well, hopefully this will be a good learning experience for you then. good luck.

>> No.9384522

nihilism is everything to be upset about because the very idea itself is bullshit. love doesn't exist? truth doesn't exist? bullshit. the existential worthlessness that comes of being a nihilist is lost in raskolnikov because he is experiencing guilt. if guilt exists, then other truths follow suit. then you grow a spine and condemn chaos as a plaything of the weak.

>> No.9384532

I'm not advocating for nihilism at all, I know fully well that anyone who reaches a nihilistic conclusion and stops there actually isn't a lot of putting a lot of thought into it

>> No.9384539

lol u tk him 2 da gay bar

>> No.9384562

oh. good.

>> No.9384568

OP, this guy's right. You might be able to change little things about a person, but it's not at your will, and it's not going to be who they are as a person.

>> No.9384587

Literally me

>> No.9384614
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OP here. I just realised, one hour later, that I never in the OP clearly specified that I'm looking for literature to recommend him. Maybe that was self-explanatory due to the board we're on, but otherwise let me clarify that by this.

>> No.9384624

If you want him to meaningfully move past nihilism, recommend him The Ego and His Own.

Fair warning, he will probably leave you after he reads this because you are the sort of person who tries to psychologically manipulate others into approximating your notion of an ideal person.

>> No.9384642

Assuming you're a girl, use your innate sexual charm its fucking easy you retard

Assuming you're a fag, go search for someone in faggot circles and stop fantasizing about straight men because they will never go gay for your faggoty beta sweaty aids infected male ass

>> No.9384644

Thanks for the recommendation.
Though, my notion of a happy person. It's not too important for this thread so let's not overdiscuss it, but to clarify: we're not in a relationship, I am infatuated with him but he has another. And I think he only keeps me as a friend due to his misery so I already count on him distancing himself from me if he gets happier - but I value his happiness more.

>> No.9384649

To be completely honest, he sounds like a disgusting self-absorbed leech that doesn't deserve a clearly kind person like you

I think you're most likely going to end up hurt if you pursue him

>> No.9384667

Well, call me naive, but I believe in the inherent goodness in people. Maybe he does use me and maybe he is self-absorbed, but I think that is due to his misery. Again, see Raskolnikov.

>> No.9384669

Wait so are you a girl or a guy? I don't think I've ever seen any girl acting like such a stereotypical beta orbiter before.

>> No.9384673

I have no doubt that there are good aspects to him. I'm saying that you need to consider the possibility that pursuing him will bring you no happiness and may bring the opposite

>> No.9384674

For my own purposes of clarification: I mean "leave you" in the general sense, i.e. he will probably stop being friends with you.
>I already count on him distancing himself from me if he gets happier - but I value his happiness more.
But if he is distant from you, how can you enjoy his happiness? I recommend that you read this book as well and then consider whether or not it's worth it to persist in this course.

>> No.9384682

The first thing you have to accept, hard as it might be, is that you'll lose your infatuation with him once he's no longer the Raskolnikov type. The book you should have him read is called Crime and Punishment.

>> No.9384685

What is alpha anyways? If beta is being dependent and vulnerable, I don't mind.

>> No.9384696

Yes, probably. But I don't agree with the notion that we shouldn't suffer for others. Empathy should hurt.

>> No.9384701
File: 2.12 MB, 2824x3639, IMG_0051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dostoevsky should have omitted his epilogue to crime and punishment.
prove me wrong
>inb4 u cant
fite me.

isn't this the same face harold bloom gets occasionally? pic related.

>> No.9384705

Do you know who I am?

>> No.9384722

All actions taken are what the subconscious determines to be most beneficial to the spirit/man/whatever you want to call it. You are always acting in self interest even if you do not think are. You may believe that you are sacrificing yourself for him, but in reality you have simply deemed the pains of being around him worth it compared to you pleasure you get from his presence.

>> No.9384726

>you pleasure
*the pleasure

>> No.9384730

People die for others. Selflessness is real.

>> No.9384735

I agree. It had the same literary effect as Burgess' twenty-first chapter in A Clockwork Orange. It undermined the rest of the book.

>> No.9384739

People only die for others they love. People they would never want to live without, or never want to live with the guilt of knowing they didn't save them.

If selflessness was truly real, you would die for a starving child in Africa right now if you could.

>> No.9384743

Selflessness can be thought of as its own sort of selfishness in that the selfless person could be seen as having a pathological need to feel like they're a noble martyr for whatever or whoever they're destroying themselves for.

>> No.9384746

That people die for others isn't "selflessness," because those who are dying deem that it is worthwhile for them to die because "my God/State/Love" etc. demands it of them, not realizing that death is the end of them. Selflessness is death and, as death, it is the fundamental end of any philosophy that prescribes how "all humans" do or ought to act. Altruism at lesser degrees is simply a smaller death, honestly that's why I think the French have that euphemism for orgasm: sex is the only situation in which it benefits you to almost entirely "lose yourself."

>> No.9384751

That's reaching.

>> No.9384821
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same fuckin look.
a fag, prolly. nah, i'm sure you're a nice guy.
i haven't read clockwork orange, but i can imagine what you mean, having seen the film.

leaving it on a sudden explosive confession would have been incredibly potent. as sudden as law is, all things are left in the air, the moment seems to stop. bah, poor dostoevsky.

>> No.9385042

>i have no son

>> No.9385938

Well you gotta choose some spooks or you might as well be speaking Swahili

>> No.9385943
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>a girl will never look up to you like this

>> No.9385944

>my man is so ~deep~ and edgy *swoon*
Get off my board slut

>> No.9385949

"Beautiful story"
It's so very common, and having heard it a million times renders it uninteresting! Date someone cool and creative!

>> No.9385950

This, either he's an edgy fuck or he just doesn't realize that the only reason no objective values = depression is because he attaches moral and emotional values to the existence or non-existence of these things.

Basically, he should read Nietzsche.

>> No.9385959

your mom does :)

>> No.9385975

it's probably a fag not a slut

>> No.9385987

Nah, fags aren't attracted to danger like women are, women think that slightly murdery Chads are alpha

>> No.9386005

that's probably why you're attracted to him in the first place, why try to change him?

>> No.9386015

Well you are already a whore so you are half way there....

But to be serious if you have described him accurately a book isn't going to get him out of it. Hence I could recommend things like the ego and its own , either /or by kirekergaard or the gospel in brief but honestly if he is ib that state of mind he probably won't read them.

What books do you read though how do your views and life compare to how

Ps- trying to change someone is going to set you up for a great deal of frustration and clinging as you are trying to make fundamental changes to something you do not have control over made all the worse as this is not immediately obvious when it comes to people

>> No.9386022

Lol, I like you guy. I'm just reading through this thread for kicks, but you seem like a hilarious guy

>> No.9386835

Well uh, have you tried "Crime and Punishment"?

>> No.9386841

You, by your own description, are infatuated with someone you are not romantically involved with. It sounds like you have your own problems and you've decided to take on his problems (which you have no right to do) in order to distract you from your own.

His life and problems are not your business past the common courtesy you would give any acquaintance. Sort yourself out before you try to fix other people.

>> No.9386846

You're just enabling the identity she's given herself of the noble, selfless martyr. The point here isn't that "he'll hurt her," the point is that she's using him for her own narrative.

>> No.9386856
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>you are already a whore so you are half way there....
Impressive, very nice

>> No.9387051


>> No.9387130



>> No.9389021

Have sex with him. Raskolnikov only turned out that way because he wasnt getting any, literally the embodiment of 4chan.

>> No.9389286

I hate pretty people. I hope they all die.

>> No.9389323

>People only die for others they love
Nothing wrong with love.

>> No.9389331

I didn't say that, I was pointing out that it's still in self-interest

>> No.9389406

Love your enemies.

>> No.9389560


>> No.9389599

his publisher requested its inclusion. the d didn't want it.