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9383905 No.9383905 [Reply] [Original]

For those of you who majored in philosophy, what job did you get after graduating?

>> No.9383909


>> No.9383910

business analyst

>> No.9383912

I am currently a NEET because it is hard getting a job as a philospher

>> No.9383915

Philosopher king.

>> No.9383919

Epistemic pump technician 3rd class at the local truth plant.

>> No.9383922

VP at a major philosophical consultancy firm.

>> No.9383949


>> No.9383958
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kys youself retard

>> No.9383965

graduate placement and then did an apprenticeship making looking like I was looking for change in direction
2 years guaranteed income for jobs that were incredibly easy to do and required little to no work as they were both learning opportunities.

>> No.9383971

I work as a senior support worker for adults with learning disabilities.....primarily autism.

£18k per year

>> No.9383974

OP here. I don't really care what job I do as long as I can pay the bills. Am I a destined barista? Or are there business/finance jobs I can get if my gpa is high?

>> No.9384010


I'm unemployed but I've had a few jobs since. Truth be told, I don't think my major is important - I was only thinking yesterday that I know so few of my male friends in decent (non-teaching) positions. Female friends? Oh, they're doing fine in the types of positions I keep applying for :(

>> No.9384014


Did you put 4chan on your resume under 'previous experience'?

>> No.9384019

nice photoshop bud

>> No.9384023


Should probably specify those jobs:

- Barista (lol) and other assorted customer service jobs
- Data entry
- Copywriter/editing
- Marketing Assistant

>> No.9384040
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>majoring in philosophy while not being rich and set for life
Are you actually retarded?

>> No.9384047

hedge fund analyst

>> No.9384094

VP at google

>> No.9384098
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>> No.9384111

>so autistic he actually went through the trouble of shopping it
seek help my mang

>> No.9384117

Law. It's applied philosophy, really.

>> No.9384165

>he doesn't know he can dynamically edit the HTML of a web page with his browser
that said nice trips

>> No.9384205


>> No.9384233


>> No.9384239

>I expressed my autism using different tools
Okay I guess.

>> No.9384331

no, this one was me, and it is true.

>> No.9384337

Not me, but a female coworker of mine works the floor of a bookstore for minimum wage. I have the exact same job but I didn't waste all the time and money of getting a degree in philosophy, so at least i have that.

>> No.9384350

What's a job?

>> No.9384370

Software engineer @ Facebook

>> No.9384459

I had a good laugh with this thread, thanks guys
all me btw

>> No.9384470

>not getting a scholarship because of outstanding grades and research

>> No.9384483

>getting a scholarship somehow makes the degree less useless

>> No.9384498

If you are not up to starve to death for philosophy you are a pseud

>> No.9384501

You shouldn't study philosophy to get a good job. It's something to study for its own sake, gives you a richer inner life, more discerning perspective on things yada yada

>> No.9384509

Production line manager at the local philosophy factory.

>> No.9384512

This. Introspection is for the bourgeoisie.

>> No.9384515

Production manager at an international meme manufacturing company.

>> No.9384521

If your happiness is entirely concerned with material success then already you've already proved yourself unfit for a philosophy degree. This is self-evident. If you must ask yourself a question in similarity to this, you do not have the philosophical spirit. Quit now, before you waste your, albeit relative, monetary value and ruin your chances of a thriving material life.

>> No.9384527
File: 466 KB, 2000x1000, heidi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you can't experience instropection without the anxiety of knowing that all your physical commodities will vanish and you will be pretty much alone with your self and because of your self and for your self and then studying the most primal fears of out animal nature to identify what being is, means, should be and will be, regardless if that can be expressed in language or not, or if it can be expressed at all
fuck off

>> No.9384536


>> No.9384540

or, should you equip intelligence, get a double major; having both a degree in mathematics(or any science) and philosophy should establish you as intellectually rigorous and overall superior to your possible coworkers.

>> No.9384550
File: 34 KB, 655x527, 02f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help hleper

>> No.9384654

I need to pay the bills somehow.
This is actually ny dilemma. Im halfway through both majors (phil and math) but math is boring me as of late

>> No.9384656

>>implying you can't
meant can

>> No.9384660

I agree with this. A philosophy degree on its own is worthless, but philosophy paired with something more practical could potentially set you apart from your peers.

>> No.9384677

i giggled, kekked, and lold.
then i got sad

>> No.9384690

>so you can do engi stuff so mr shekelberg can be more rich thanks to your work
>yeah im also an expert on nietzs-
>here is your hammer go hit rocks with your other coworkers, welcome to this familiy! *fucks your hs crush"

>> No.9384713
File: 98 KB, 623x876, im a cat you fool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contemplating life and reality when your life is on easy mode
>life MEANS something because my frappe' wasnt as frapped as it normally does. I wonder what it means? Perhaps the frappe is a representation of my award winning show dog, and my thoughts on its frappeiness is like ME thinking about if my showdog wasnt as good of a showdog as he should have been. and this straw is like how i see the world.
>i need to write that down
>pay publisher to print those exact words

>> No.9384716

What should we proles study to advance ourselves then?

>> No.9384729

when richfags get into philosophy you get hacks like foucault

>> No.9384833

High school physics teacher. I'm always told by administration that my class is easy to follow and my students seem to like me.

>> No.9384842


>> No.9384844

Philosophy & Classics degree - Philosophy and Religion teacher at secondary school

>> No.9384868

When will you kids realize you don't need academia to learn philosophy? Philosophy degrees are for the trust fund kids who can go to a private college and study whatever just for fun because they're already set for life regardless. There are enough resources online that you can learn philosophy just as well for extremely cheap, if not free. You can get entire college curriculums with 10 seconds of googling. If you absolutely insist on studying philosophy in college, either double major or minor in it with a practical major as your main. That doesn't mean you have to sell yourself into an industry you don't like, but it does mean you should also be learning something practical and applicable that people will actually pay you for.

You'll realize how quickly your romantic dreams of being a poor philosopher are ridiculous when you experience actually being poor, where you're far too hungry, stressed, busy, and dead tired to even think about picking up a book, let alone writing. Your brain will be running on 20% with no capacity to even think about philosophy. For everyone majoring in philosophy without having their financial security set for life, I implore you to reconsider. Double major or minor if you have to, but learn a practical skill as well. I've seen enough smart kids fuck their lives up because they romanticized the poor philosopher/artist life too much.

>> No.9385092

>I've seen enough smart kids fuck their lives up because they romanticized the poor philosopher/artist life too much.

I refuse to believe there are people THAT stupid.

>> No.9385213

or you could just not be stupid

majoring in philosophy at meme state school = bad, but that's cause you're a brainlet
majoring in philosophy at oxford = you can do w\e the fuck you want.

>> No.9386267

Is that actually some of Heidi's shit? Where should I start with the man?

>> No.9386354

You need to start with the everyone before him T B H

>> No.9387486

K obviously, supposing I have then what?

>> No.9387579

>majoring in foreign language and philosophy
>about to enter junior year
>haven't taken any core classes for phil, so still have time to jump ship I guess
>have no idea what else to choose
>regret switching out of engineering slightly
Is math difficult? Keep in mind I'm a brainlet.

>> No.9387610

This accurately describes one of my best friends. He set himself up to be a sculptor/philosopher. His sculpture is beautiful, but not really in any kind of demand. Philosophy pays no bills. He lives in a trailer, constantly concerned about how to pay his bills, and has to pull doubles at the local meat packing plant to make ends meet. He is entirely too exhausted to create at this point. He's very bright. Had he picked up a tradeskill, he could be spending 76 hours a week creating. As is, he works and sleeps. He only has the energy to work on his own projects on the weekend. He;s thought about filing bankruptcy several times, but the student loans are the majority of his debt, and they don't go away.

>> No.9387648

then start with him you dummy lol

>> No.9387654

Why not go into law?

>> No.9387809

That requires graduating from a decent Anglo university.

>> No.9387952

Because Ive worked at a law firm the past three summers and dont really want that job. It's the family business so I know what's entailed in the profession fairly well

>> No.9389428

I haven't but I know a phil. major who started a chain of cafes

>> No.9389466


Didn't graduate though, diplomas are a spook.

>> No.9389722

>You'll realize how quickly your romantic dreams of being a poor philosopher are ridiculous when you experience actually being poor, where you're far too hungry, stressed, busy, and dead tired to even think about picking up a book, let alone writing.
Right, but what about my romantics dreams of being a poor musician?

>> No.9389799

I stayed in school and got another degree in engineering, and then a masters degree in engineering. And now I sit in a cubicle all day making 57 dollars an hour and secretly read philosophy papers half the time.

>> No.9390015

sounds like a cuck life to me.

>> No.9390049

help pls

>> No.9390107

It's a grownup thing. You wouldn't understand.

>> No.9390133

I took pre-med classes while completing my philosophy degree, currently in med school

>> No.9390181
File: 86 KB, 722x1280, an whitehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being an AI ontologist


pleb as fuck

>> No.9390252

As a philosophy major graduating this quarter, is there any way to undo this silliness for myself? I plan on going to grad school, am I better off just committing to philosophy in grad school and trying to get a PhD or should I just go to grad school for psychology or some shit?

>> No.9390336

l a w

>> No.9390357

If you go to a top school people will hire you because of the name brand and presumed intelligence

Goldman Sachs hires art history majors right out of Harvard with no experience

But most other places you will need some kind of business/finance knowledge to be considered

>> No.9390454

Elder Sage

>> No.9390895


>> No.9390961

working at a company like that seems like fucking hell t b h

>> No.9390967

People just pay me for my wicked observations.

>> No.9390979

yes math is difficult.. would you like spending hours each day studying for engineering?

>> No.9392050

Sein und Zeit

>> No.9392068

This is embarrassing to read.

>> No.9392069

Not a philosophy major but a friend of mine is and now he's in law school to become an attorney.