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9383602 No.9383602[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fact: no well read man is a racist.

>> No.9383606

Fact: OP is a faggot.

>> No.9383610

What if he's well-read in far-right literature?

>> No.9383616

fact: it is completely the opposite

>> No.9383618

fascism is for queers, blacks, and women too

>> No.9383624

Read a book.
What far right literature exists to support this claim? Re-reading Mein Kampf 50 times does not make you well read in far right lit

>> No.9383633

attitude and intelligence are infinitely separable

>> No.9383635

>sit at home in your upper-middleclass white neighborhood doing what you like doing
>adopt views that are not racist

>grow up in shitty neighborhood with "urban youths" and "asians" stealing bikes and adopting ghetto culture for fun
>adopt racist views

>> No.9383638

>grow up around poor and uneducated people
>their entire race must be naturally inferior

>> No.9383648

statements like these cannot be conclusive, if i were to read ten thousand books, and still claimed racism was the way to go, you could just tell them to read more, say they read one hundred thousand more, would it still be a problem of reading?

>> No.9383675

If you read a thousand children picture books, are you well read? No, it means you have read trash books. Literally every intellectual who is even marginally well read knows racism is nonsense and it's just a form of controlling the masses.

>> No.9383697

As a SJW, this is not true. I wish it was, but it simply isn't, especially when you look outside of the 21st century.
The smartest guys in history have been mostly unapologeticly racist and sexist.
This kind of acceptance as the Western status quo is extremely recent.

>> No.9383699

did i say picture books? i guess that's the problem with people who use arguments such as these, willing to twist meaning however they please.

there are racist intellectuals, son, despite how you may idolize them, there are still racists in their midst. you know, there are even racially motivated intellectuals who hide their true opinion to serve their nefarious purposes! can you believe it?

perhaps you should read more, it may help you to understand people.

>> No.9383720

Fuck off Steven.

>> No.9383721

You have zero reading comprehension, you haven't read a dozen books let alone ten thousand. Get a grip dude.

>> No.9383726

i don't like non whites because i don't like their skin colour
non-white is icky

>> No.9383756

yes, that's the crux of my argument, that i have read thousands of books and i am still tyrannical mega racist.

no, nitwit, i am telling you that ideology can exist side by side with education. people can be worldly and racist.

you're probably going to reply with something stupid.

>> No.9383758

It's largely cultural but there are obvious differences either way. Physical differences everyone can see. Would mental differences etc really be that hard to even imagine?

For the record I grew up in a pretty shitty area like I described, I hung out with 2nd-generation immigrants who had it better than myself and the other whites I knew in the area, yet they were overwhelmingly criminal with little impulse control. They were (and still are) violent, cruel and with a pack mentality, yet play the victim in any situation where an authority figure gets involved.

Obviously I can't give you life experiences, but I suggest reading into adoption studies and such.

This, really. It is a recent thing. Whether it'll last or not I can't say but it doesn't really matter how many books you've read.

>> No.9383760

Racism is not an ideology, it's a phase that readers go through and non-readers are stuck in forever

>> No.9383767

>i have read thousands of books and i am still tyrannical mega racist
quantity =/= quality
also no you haven't

>> No.9383768

>left-wing """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""intellectuals"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>> No.9383774

>all intellectuals are worthless because internet celebrities and losers on /pol/ told me so

Yes, I guess all the smartest guys that there have been were all hacks. Thanks for this truth, anon.

>> No.9383778

Can't I just dislike people without these labels? I don't non-whites, I don't like fat people, I don't like manlets, I don't like myself.

Gas the Kikes, race war now?

>> No.9383783

Sorry friend but nobody mentioned intellectuals. Just """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""intellectuals""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" and you are the only """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""intellectual""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" here.

>> No.9383785

Read a fucking book.

>> No.9383787

I am well read and very racest

>> No.9383791

You changed my mind, cholo.
Thanks :)))))))

>tfw this is what happens when you're getting educated by stormfags raiding /pol/

>> No.9383793

>what is sarcasm
>racism isn't an ideology

well, i knew the response to my post would consist of stupidity, but you certainly have outdone yourselves. racism is most certainly an ideology, or i suppose hitler wasn't operating on some sort of ideological basis? how silly of me to expect you to understand sarcasm, you monglet, i am not claiming to have read ten thousand books, you idiot, i was using this as an example. i suppose you hear "i've read thousands of books more than you ever have or ever will" amd you assume immediately that it's a dickwaving contest.

i'm sure more idiotic responses will be made to this. you stumpfucks have a fantastic day.

>> No.9383796

Would you believe I've read more than one? I haven't read as many buzzfeed articles as you, though, so I guess you're still more """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""intellectual""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" than me.

>> No.9383800
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Tell me. What did you read which enlightened you on racism? What knowledge on the matter do you have over the people who have experiences with it first hand?

>> No.9383801
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It has nothing to do with intellect. Its just hate,and the more intelligent the more you can justify it

>> No.9383806

Today I fantasized with insulting Sam Harris in public and ruining his reputation

>> No.9383817

>Racism is not an ideology, it's a phase that readers go through and non-readers are stuck in forever
You're mistaken, I'm not trying to educate you. I don't know where I would even start.

>> No.9383825
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OP is a faggot

>> No.9383856

I grew up on an estate where the two rival groups funnelling into organised crime were anglos and greeks. asians etc. seemed to be just street level runners. what makes your experience more valid than mine?

>> No.9383867

Hitler's ideology was national socialism. Rednecks who cry about blacks do not have an ideology. God, you are embarrassing.

>> No.9383873

Hitler's ideology was babby first political manifesto. Don't give dignity to it, it's a philosophically worthless work.

>> No.9383883

you sure showed me, stumpfuck idiot!
ideologies don't exist for poor whites because you say so. how racist. perhaps you should read more.

>> No.9383886

What the fuck delete this post. Natsoc ideology was barely below Marxism in terms of significance. Hitler's take on it was looney, maybe, but the ideology itself was just as sound. Are you going to tell me Das Kapital was a philosophically worthless work?

>> No.9383887


>Naiqi G. Xiao, Rachel Wu, Paul C. Quinn, Shaoying Liu, Kristen S. Tummeltshammer, Natasha Z. Kirkham, Liezhong Ge, Olivier Pascalis, Kang Lee. Infants Rely More on Gaze Cues From Own-Race Than Other-Race Adults for Learning Under Uncertainty. Child Development, 2017; DOI: 10.1111/cdev.12798
>Naiqi G. Xiao, Paul C. Quinn, Shaoying Liu, Liezhong Ge, Olivier Pascalis, Kang Lee. Older but not younger infants associate own-race faces with happy music and other-race faces with sad music. Developmental Science, 2017; DOI: 10.1111/desc.12537

Racism is natural.

>> No.9383890

Assuming you're OP, you're the one trying to invalidate mine.

>> No.9383895

im not op.

>> No.9383898

Racism is not an ideology, saying no well read man is racist is as stupid as saying no well read man dislikes women.

>> No.9383900

Fact: no well-read man is sexist.

>> No.9383901
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speaking of

>> No.9383906

It's entirely possible for one to be well-read in subjects not related to race. If such person has only been exposed to poor uneducated arabs, the only two rational conclusions would be that arabs are an inferior race or that there is not enough information to make a decision.

The latter conclusion is more likely to be correct, but when you have a thousand years of history books portraying that race as animals, then it's hard to argue that it's true.

>> No.9383908

Who is this Destiny guy?

>> No.9383911

Well, if your experience gives you another view of racism etc then that's fine with me. Either way it's not about to how many books we've read.

>> No.9383913

A nobody who is so clever at marketing himself that he booked arguments with a bunch of HOT e-celebrities.

>caring about e-celebrity drama

Literally the reality tv watchers of 4chan.

>> No.9383914

no but neither is experience a reasonable justification for extrapolation.

>> No.9383917

no one ever said that racism is an ideology except those who created the strawman argument itself.
it's a part of an ideology. what is an ideology? a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.

what is racism? an idea or belief. i would doubt anyone could argue with the statement that racism is an idea. or that ideologies are comprised of ideas. i'm sure someone will try to argue against that anyway. i don't care anymore, you can't beat ideology out of someone by telling them to read. it's idiotic tomassume that education is the true requirement to some sort of utopian world where racism no longer exists.

>> No.9383924

That's arguable. I never advocated for throwing all africans in a pit for possessing certain traits but I do for example avoid gangs which appear to be of middle-eastern origins because I know they're more likely to cause trouble for me etc.

This is supposedly racist, and that's fine.

>> No.9383926

Every man with world experience is a racist

>> No.9383927

you should read more.

>> No.9383931

No well read man allows their personal biases to get in the way of objective reasoning.

>> No.9383936

Yeah, maybe if you are low class trash that lives near thugs and criminals you are a racist, but people with REAL world experience (well read and educated folks) understand that racism is unfounded and is easily explained away by income and education levels as well as the state of the home.

>> No.9383939

Again, what would I read in this case?

>> No.9383948

Medical journals and history texts.

>> No.9383956

Define racism first.

If by racism you mean a general distrust/hatred towards foreigners than that's not an idea. It's just hostility directed at a particular group of people for any kind of reason.

>> No.9383964

i was just being a prick. nothing you read is going to make you stop avoiding rambling gangs of brownies looking for trouble, at least i hope not since that would endanger you. if reading more makes you less racist, then reading more lessens your survivability. people like OP, therefore, wish you to die for their ideological and moral convenience.

>> No.9383976


>living in high minority population areas to witness their cultures is less real than reading books


>> No.9383980

You're right. All white men are dumb.

>> No.9383981

I could likewise tell you to read adoption studies and studies related to crime (with regards to poverty and all that). Any of which shows definite pointers to differences between different ethnicities.

Could you link me a medical journal or history text which would make me throw all of that out the window?

>> No.9383983

I read an article which claimed racism was "attractive proposition for lazy minds", due to the fact that racists can't comprehend the complexity of the world due to their low intelligence, so they divide humankind into identifiable groups and assign their prejudices on them.

>> No.9383984

Reading does not lessen your survivability, the stress you put on yourself from raging at imaginary racial defects will take years off your life.

>> No.9383994

If you read history books you would understand the reason why so many cultures have different problems, as opposed to just labelling them naturally inferior like a lazy prole.

>> No.9383998

so I should advocate that people avoid white people because I know they're more likely to control drugs or rob your flat. this extrapolation should be fine.

>> No.9384005

i can't fucking believe i have to tell someone on a forum that concerns itself with READING FUCKING BOOKS what an IDEA is.

the definition of idea: a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action.

i really don't even want to get into this, you who thinks that hatred or distrust aren't fucking thoughts. that there's supposedly a whole new way people can think without thoughts or ideas really suggests to me that you genuienly have no other reason to argue in this, than to quibble down to the last bit of straw you resurrected from the dead scarecrow corpse you beat worse than the dead horse you rode here on.

racism is an idea. it is the idea that one race is inferior to another. that's fucking it.

>> No.9384009

If you read my post you'd know that I'm not talking about culture. Specifically the adoption studies show that a child completely removed from the culture of their biological parents still show many of the same traits.

If you've read convincing material on the matter and some white people are scouting out your place for example, then yeah act appropriately.

Where I'm at it's mostly slavic criminals who do burglaries. International leagues who move stuff over the border with ease.

>> No.9384012

It would be ridiculous to deny biological variances in traits amongst various races. However, we simply do not know the extent to which these determine psychological categories like intelligence, openness, uncertainty avoidance, violence, etc. IQ is a good example, the highest scores correlate strongly with successful future endeavors, but there is strong literature on it being a mere measurement on short term working memory. The nature vs. nurture debate is simply not over.

Which is why reading will reveal the complexity of the issue and instil a more nuanced attitude towards racism, regardless of your experiential proclivity towards it.

>> No.9384015

Post your study that you think "proves" racism and I will post a dozen that debunk it.

>> No.9384022

For example this, with a video if you don't have much time.


>> No.9384029

"some" nice back-peddle. so you agree, experience is not a reasonable justification for extrapolation.

>> No.9384032
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>> No.9384033

What? It is. Where did I claim it did not?

>> No.9384042
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>far-right "literature"

>> No.9384049

>grow up in a poor town with more blacks and mexicans than whites
>don't become a racist and all of my friends were non-whites
maybe you just suck

>> No.9384055

How tall are you Steven? 5'4?

>> No.9384057

It's not about whether or not you become friends with them. It's about whether or not you notice the differences between you.

You can be "racist" and still have plenty of friends of other ethnicities.

>> No.9384060

Anti-racism is a type of racism.

>> No.9384063

What I noticed was that they were humans who had grown up in different cultures. The idea ethnicity or race has a biological, inherent affect on your intellect or personality is dismissed by every credible scientist and has been for decades.

>> No.9384074

so what you're saying is noticing biological, behavioural and preformative differences between human beings is strong enough of a criterion to be considered racist?

are you unironically retarded phamalamadingdong?

>> No.9384076

autistic men are prone to leftism

all well read men with the courage to say what they believe will tell you that niggers are typically intellectually deficient, violent, and even subhuman/

>> No.9384077

What is and what isn't credible is a discussion in and of itself, but there are physical differences between different ethnicities, everyone knows this. It's obvious and apparent.

The idea that there may be differences mentally is really so alien? Not even marginal differences?

>> No.9384086

This is what I've been called racist for in the past, and it's what I've seen others have been condemned for as well.

>> No.9384089

Nice virtue signaling tho

>> No.9384093

You might be too quick to explain away all those differences through biology.

Regardless of that, your retort is embracing the term and accepting their definition?

>> No.9384097


The organization.

>> No.9384103

If you claim to not be racist it is because you are still a child who has not lived long enough. Man was born to hate and shall do so until he dies. We are born with racial preference, it's hard coded. Nothing you think will ever change this, take your fake education and drown.

>> No.9384104

>how can i signal my virtue?

>> No.9384107


>> No.9384109

I don't define it, people do. And people have used it against me and against others for acknowledging genetic differences between ethnicities.

I have no interest in controlling words or how people speak, since I have no interest in controlling anyone.

>> No.9384115

I am racist because I reject slave morality. I believe the strong should not have to kneel before the Weak. Is this how it ends, White Man? Will you go out prostrated in apology before your shrieking pathetic inferiors or will you fight?

>> No.9384120
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But a lot of classical literature is written by white men who thought blacks were subhuman and jews were parasites
It's only been like 60 or so years since racism fell out of favor. Do you only read books written very recently and only by the right type of author?

>> No.9384131

>imaginary racial defects

>> No.9384143

Depends on what you mean by 'racist'. I am well-read, and I am a race realist in that I think it's likely that different races do have different levels of average intelligence. However, I am not an alt-rightist, a white supremacist, or a fascist... I don't think that racial issues have any place in politics. And I insist on judging an individual by his or her own ability, not by the average ability of his or her ethnic group.

>> No.9384145

I think the reason "racism" is on the rise is because while there is a nuance to the differences between races, government policy doesn't take that into consideration. The agenda is "need more brown people, white people evil". So of course, whites want to be separated.
Regardless of any rationalization, proximity+diversity=conflict. There's not really much to be done about it. It's more logical just to create policies that align with human nature instead of opposing it for the sake of social engineering.

>> No.9384155

Woah so diverse and tolerant! I bet you let those Pee-Oh-Cees fuck your wife as well, must be fun being crippled by guilt and hating your own race!

>> No.9384164

The only reason race became political is because under our current system, race relations are dictated by government policy.
There are laws in place that specifically are designed to diminish white demographics and uplift non-white demographics.
Not to mention it is a government policy that is bringing in non-whites in the first place, in massive numbers.

>> No.9384177

Not all though. In the US for example, african americans are given a whole lot of benefits while asian americans have to make it on their own.

>> No.9384184

That's still the government making policies around race. I don't see how that refutes my point.

>> No.9384191

ITT: Sargon of Akkad cult followers

Get a grip, racism is unfounded and has been debunked over and over again. Not only do cultural scholars laugh in your face, scientists laugh at you as well. If you wanna talk about IQ, a high literacy rate correlates with leftism. What does that tell you about reading? Read a fucking book.

>> No.9384192

I fail to see your point, if feelings now count as ideas. Are you trying to imply that, unlike what I said before, books can actually make people less racist ?

>racism is an idea. it is the idea that one race is inferior to another. that's fucking it.

That's wrong, a palestinian will hate israelis, but won't think he's superior to them. Does that not count as racism ?

>> No.9384207

what is your obsession with cuckoldry and "white guilt"

its almost like the far right are losers who can't function irl

>> No.9384212

I sincerely hope this is bait.

>> No.9384226

high verbal intelligence correlates strongly with openness and lower uncertainty avoidance. this sort of explains why leftists are more 'literate' as you stupidly put it.

Conscientiousness and Industriousness correlates highly with lower openness which is why conservatives tend to make for more successful business people.

I do agree that racism is unfounded and people are too quick to point to biology when discussing preformative differences amongst races. Funny how they don't do the same for people in general. It's a case of simplicity vs complexity, where both extremes of the spectrum view it either as a matter of environment (a brand of leftists), or a matter of genetics (alt-righters). They're both retarded.

>> No.9384235

no. it's a cultural difference, not a racial one.

>> No.9384242

This isn't totally wrong.

>> No.9384253

Call me racist, but black people usually have dark skin.

>> No.9384256
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>Sargon of Akkad cult followers
Sargon is a leftist and basically says the same thing about race you just did.
Debunked usually just means leftists disagree with it.

There are undeniable differences between the races and how they express themselves through their cultures. People don't want foreign races/cultures coming into their society in large numbers and fundamentally changing their nation. Sure, you could make an argument that you can effectively de-program someone from another culture and get them to assimilate, but ultimately it is time and effort wasted for something that is not fully guaranteed (and is probably inhumane). It will definitely never happen if you invite them in in large swaths as well.

Ultimately multiculturalism is a failure and has only served to be an endless pit to throw resources into. The people who you call "racist" are just people who want to divorce from the multicultural experiment.
If you think that social engineering can uplift other races, and we can make everyone in the world "western", then do it on your own. No one wants their money to be spent and their nations sacrificed for a progressive hypothesis.
Pic related, though. What might happen if you decide to uplift the 3rd worldists on your own instead of letting the government do it for you.

>> No.9384259

>Not only do (((cultural scholars))) laugh in your face, (((scientists))) laugh at you as well.

>> No.9384277

>falling for blatant clickbait headlines about isolated incidents involving migrant crimes


>> No.9384280

Cultural scholars seems like another term for pseudo-intellectual.
Scientists probably refer to political, sociological, and historical scientists, which are basically not even scientists at all.
I would honestly like to see the names and the credentials of these "scientists" who have thoroughly debunked racism. I'm certain they're probably leftist professors who only parrot liberal talking points and have never done an ounce of honest research and study their entire careers.

>> No.9384290

Blacks and Hispanics are notoriously racist so this could be true

>> No.9384299

It would have been nice if you read my post instead of getting triggered at an article you don't like.
Immigrant crime is almost irrelevant when you account for the larger societal, cultural, and fiscal damage they do to a host nation when they become large in numbers.
It just doesn't help that since inviting non-white immigrants crime rates have skyrocketed in nations that were once the most safe in the whole world.
You're right, they don't belong in Sweden. Just as a Swede does not belong in Eritrea. Sweden has a right to national sovereignty, and not be subject to becoming yet another failed leftist diversity project.

>> No.9384301

its almost as absurd as accusing everyone who disagrees with you a pseudo-intellectual parrot who is feckless and dishonest. weird that.

>> No.9384315

Swede here. She was in fact stabbed by a 36-year old eritrean refugee who was allowed to live with them. Whether it was reported on by international news, in this case to push an agenda opposing your own, is completely irrelevant.

It was a fair example. Perhaps insignificant by itself, but it is part of a larger trend which shouldn't be denied no matter where you stand politically.

>> No.9384361

I'm not saying anyone who disagrees with me is a pseudo-intellectual, just that people who claim these prestigious titles often don't have any evidence to back their claims.
If any "scientist" or "cultural scholar" has and solid evidence that racism has been debunked I would say they are worthy of their title. However, I have never seen any concrete argument against even the most basic facts about race from the left. Only denial and then obfuscation to improvable things like "institutional oppression" and other nebulous immeasurable hypotheses. That is barely a "debunking" of anything.
So yes, it is soft-science and postulating by pseudo-intellectuals.

I cannot for certain say why there are differences between the races, whether it be biological or environmental, but I can definitively say that they ARE fundamentally different. Forcing proximity between two or more racial/ethnic groups always leads to hardship, strife, conflict, war, genocide, etc.
For this reason I am against multiculturalism. Not because I have ideas that my race is superior, or other races are biologically sub-human, but because it has been proven time and time again that races generally do not mix together without immense human suffering.
It seems that my nation has been chosen to be sacrificed on the altar of progress for leftist social engineering in vain hope to attempt to change humanity. It's even more destructive since there are no real proven ways to fix these differences or even concretely identify heir origin. Maybe if the leftists found an ethical method to make a nation fully multicultural with no issues, I could actually see their perspective. As is, their strategy is to ignore serious grievances and double down on mass migration and extracting white guilt.

>> No.9384374
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made me think

>> No.9384378

what a shit thread.

this trash has no place here. take it to /pol/.

>> No.9384403

Every time. Every time there is a thread where a leftist makes a claim and a rightist explains their opposition, the leftists will respond "take it to /pol/".
I could just as easily say take this to tumblr, but I'd like to have an actual discussion.

>> No.9384416

actually, i'm from /pol/ and this thread is trash because it's a flimsy attempt to have a left leaning debate on racism. fire your missiles elsewhere, this thread belongs on /pol/ and nowhere else.

>> No.9384420

Yet tomorrow we'll see the same thing all over again.

>> No.9384426

and again i shall say "move it to /pol/" and report it.
>but muh book related topic
oh fucking please. this isn't about books. it's a wankfest of the dullest proportions.

>> No.9384427


This board is for literature you fucking invalids.
Where are the mods?

>> No.9384444

By this point I feel a sense of Schadenfreude whenever Swedes get killed, the truth is they've always been a beastly people those Swedes, a swedish caliphate would definitely be an improvement over Sweden as it exists now, the most Americanized, soy bloated country in Europe

>> No.9384462

Nice quads. I doubt an islamic caliphate would be any more useful than a wildfire from which something useful might grow from the ashes.

As a swede it's conflicting. As much as it is their fault in many cases, there are always those who suffer because of the choices of another. In any case they're my people and I have to care for them even if they don't care for themselves.

>> No.9384487

No one can say for sure why there are differences. The current thought is somewhere between 50/50 or 60/40 genetic/environment. The problem is, genetics is not as good a predictor of future behaviour as environment is. Correct me if I'm mistaken but the right claims genetic behavioural determinism which I think the left is right to reject.

Name me one homogenous society that has never had war. I think reducing social conflict to race relations is incredibly dishonest if we are talking about evidence. No society whether it is multicultural or monocultural is free from issues, so how could the left come up with a model that presents no issues? The sooner people ditch utopian thinking the closer we'll able to solve these problems. I would say that instead of attacking the left and just perpetuating a self-defeating cycle, if you truely believe that a monoculture will be free of the suffering we have now in our nations then you need to address the issues that create migrant crisis' in the first place. Stop taking other countries resources for leisure, stop intervention, accept genocides and atrocities, and learn to deal with the lifestyle your country's natural resources will allow.

Somehow, I don't think first-worlders are willing to make those sacrifices. International labour and multinational corporations make their life too comfortable to give up.

>> No.9384511
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>> No.9384538
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No society will ever be free from issues but openly inviting racial hostility into your nation is pretty stupid, and it's no wonder people who live in more diverse areas are more likely to be "racist". I have heard arguments similar to this, specifically from "skeptics" like Sargon. That the rape of 1,400 white girls by Pakistani men in Rotheram would have happened anyways if there were no Pakistanis in the area, presumably by native white Brittons. It is a hyperbolic example, but it shows that just because bad things happen in homogeneous nations doesn't mean you need to cause unnecessary ethnic trouble.
>Stop taking other countries resources for leisure, stop intervention, accept genocides and atrocities, and learn to deal with the lifestyle your country's natural resources will allow.
Oh, I definitely want that. I would say that the traditional right and libertarian movements were always very non-interventionist and isolationist. It wasn't until neo-conservatism that both the left and the right began war-mongering.
>I don't think first-worlders are willing to make those sacrifices
It's not really the citizens of first world nations, but it's leaders. Your average person is not benefiting from multiracialism and foreign intervention, but politicians and corporatists are. As things are now, the elite class works completely independently from its population base. They reap the financial benefits of their policies but face none of the consequences.

>> No.9384554

who will save us from da niggurs?

>> No.9384557

>soy bloated
You say that like it's a bad thing to avoid killing sentient beings.

>> No.9384583

Why is it leftists are so determined to fit all people who do not agree with multiracialism into a stereotype of an unthinking illiterate redneck?
Look, understanding the history of multiracial societies and not wanting your nation to be the subject of leftist utopian fantasies doesn't make you stupid.
Wanting unquestionable mass migration of 3rd worldists into your nation doesn't make you an intellectual. I know that the left wing has completely taken over academia but it doesn't mean their ideas are "smart".

>> No.9384584

The problem is you are blaming the crime on them being Pakistani. What happens when the race factor goes away but the rape stays? How do you fix a problem you've convinced yourself in racial in conception.

>It's not really the citizens of first world nations, but it's leaders. Your average person is not benefiting from multiracialism and foreign intervention, but politicians and corporatists are. As things are now, the elite class works completely independently from its population base. They reap the financial benefits of their policies but face none of the consequences.

How do you think your standard of living is the way it is if you're not benefitting then? You can afford more food, have more leisure time, live with reliable electricity, plumbing, etc., living longer, etc. These are all benefits from cheaper labour and resources like oil and gas that is traded by easily influenced regimes in countries that have these resources in abundance. The reality is, your lifestyle will take a huge plunge without these things. It'd probably look like the 17th century than an Aryan utopia.

>> No.9384591

Yes it is.
> Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

>> No.9384605

>What happens when the race factor goes away but the rape stays?
What happens when Moon is made of blue cheese?

>> No.9384637
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>The problem is you are blaming the crime on them being Pakistani.
For whatever reason, pedophilia and child rape is rife in Pakistan. Whether it be due to race, culture, environment is irrelevant. All I can determine is that Pakistani men have a higher propensity to commit child rape than native Britons. This is an undeniable fact.
>What happens when the race factor goes away but the rape stays?
Well that is not really a reasonable question since all of the rapists were Pakistani men. I mean, someone has to be raping in order for there to be rape. Rape isn't some mystical entity that randomly afflicts people like a curse.
>How do you fix a problem you've convinced yourself in racial in conception.
I have not convinced myself of this, it is observantly true.

>How do you think your standard of living is the way it is if you're not benefitting then?
Now we're just going to be arguing economics. I don't really want to get into that discussion. I will just say this; if you replace the population of a first world nation with 3rd world people, it will start to become a reflection of the third world.
I would also like to point out that the standard of living is not actually increasing for the American middle class, it is, however, increasing for the American upper class, foreign middle class, and foreign underclass.

>> No.9384646

Well, the moon isn't blue cheese because we've been there. We also know that rape isn't racially determined because it happens in every society on the planet. It seems a government built of solving problems by excluding undesirables is doomed to cuck itself to social problems.

>> No.9384658

>tfw your whole political ideology has no substance beyond an overwhelming fear of da niggurs

>> No.9384666

>We also know that rape isn't racially determined because it happens in every society on the planet
We know that the prevalence of rape is racially determined, however. Pakistan has a huge pedophilia problem. The UK has communities of Pakistani immigrants, and surprise, surprise, they end up raping children at an alarming rate. How can we explain it? Maybe you can help us with your moral relativism and obfuscation.
Or maybe we should just stop inviting people with known problems into our countries where those problems are already minimal.
It's almost like it's just so simple.

>> No.9384679

>Pakistani men have a higher propensity to commit child rape than native Britons. This is an undeniable fact.

this is scientifically unsound. Unless you agree that elite britons have a higher propensity for child rape. The abuse of children by the British elite is an undeniable fact.

>Well that is not really a reasonable question since all of the rapists were Pakistani men.

In this one isolated case. However, if we extrapolate the above child abuse in elite circles then the Britons aren't looking so good for lowering the child rape numbers.

>it is observantly true.

so you then agree that Britons have a problem with child sex rings? Whether that be due to race, culture, environment, is irrelevant.

How do you tackle such a problem in a British utopia?

I would also point out that increasing the standard of living is not what I said. I said, how do you convince people to lower their current standard of living back to something like the 17th century?

>> No.9384703

>tfw your whole argument is a strawman
What you call "racism" will only increase since leftists are incapable of even recognizing there is a problem. All you do is ridicule, mock, and turn your nose at people who have legitimate concerns about their nations changing drastically.
The left has brought no evidence, no arguments, and no substance to convince the white middle class that their replacement is going to be for their benefit.
You ignore the foundation of American society to meet your utopian ends, without even considering that your ideas may not be what is best for everyone.

I think, especially under a democracy, the American people have a right to a say in how their nation's future permanently changes. Instead, you deny them that right and call them stupid for even caring.

>> No.9384752

>this is scientifically unsound
Just because you don't like the fact that pedophilia and child rape is a problem in Pakistan and among Pakistani immigrants doesn't make it "scientifically unsound".
And yes, child abuse among the elite is also an undeniable fact, just as it is across every western nation. I have already made my complaints about the elite. They are a hostile parasitical class whose interests are trans-national money hoarding, not in their own people.
>In this one isolated case
1,400 girls is "one isolated case"? This is only just in Rotheram, there are dozens of cities in the UK that have known Pakistani rape gangs who have been functioning for decades. Rochdale, Bradford, Leeds, Nelson, Oldham, and probably more since the British media notoriously covers this up due to fears of being called "racist".
Tell me, when does the left finally admit that something is no longer just "isolated incidents"? When thousands of girls are being raped, when dozens of towns have the exact same problem, when the entire nation of Pakistan is known internationally to do this exact same thing? When do you finally admit there is a trend worth being concerned about? When every Pakistani man rapes someone? So you can no longer cry "not all, not all"?
Why is it completely irrational and unjustified for a native Briton to not want mass Pakistani immigration? Why is it irrational to say they are worried about the rape epidemic?
See, you just obfuscate, rationalize, and ignore. You deconstruct everything about the situation until your opposition can't make any discernible claims. Instead of fixing the problem you muddy the water until you just can't see it anymore. That is not helping.

>> No.9384769

It's not that I don't like the fact, it's that I'm not convinced that it is a racial fact. With western nations, you seem ready to attribute child rape to wealth which is more convincing than saying Britons have a racial predilection for child rape. Just as I would be more convinced at environmental factors in the Pakistani case than a racial predilection but you claim that environment is irrelevant. So I must conclude that native Britons have a racial drive to rape children as well. How will excluding Pakistanis fix the problem? Do you think there is another non-racial way to address the both problems? I would argue that is the more reasonable assumption.

Oh, it's all my fault now? lol and you accuse me of mudding the waters.

>> No.9384773

>how do you convince people to lower their current standard of living back to something like the 17th century?
>if we don't let in massive waves of millions of third world immigrants we will regress to the 17th century.
Mind you that massive 3rd world immigration to western nations only started happening a few decades after WWII. You might has well have said the stone age.
Yes where would us dumb, substanceless white people be if it weren't for those brown people enriching us with their vibrant 3rd world cultures? Probably living in caves and eating unsalted mayonnaise sandwiches or something. The horror.

>> No.9384784

mass migration is the history of humanity. You Britons are Anglo-Saxon, Viking, Celtic, French, and Roman. However, you miss the point. Without the benefits you enjoy from interventionism and multinational labour then you'll be limited to the resources of your immediate geography. Assuming an isolated world, trade and resources won't be accessible like they are now. Resembling a more isolated time (like the early-mod period) than a utopia.

>> No.9384786

>be me
>in high school years ago
>never read, frankly uneducated on the world

>late high school / early college
>get into drugs
>still don't read
>turn away from racism, see it as immoral and reprehensible

>mid college
>while high I decide I should start reading to learn about the world
>actually do it, I've read quite a bit since then
>quit drugs, keep reading
>become racist again

>> No.9384801

>I'm not convinced that it is a racial fact
You mean biological fact? Maybe, maybe not. Like I said, the cause is irrelevant. What we have to deal with is the problem. I don't ask why it is someone wants to rape me. Was it their upbringing? Nebulous social institutions? The amount of grey matter in the brain? I don't care. All I know is that they're harmful and they should be removed from society.
If you think that they can somehow be engineered to change their behavior, I would say "Why is it our problem? Why should we invite harmful people into our nations just so we can waste our resources making them like us?". This is pretty much like nation building, but instead of going to where the third worldists live, you bring them home and try to change them. But, you are bargaining child rape of your own nations children, which is way more heinous.

>Wealth is more indicative of propensity for rape than race.
You readily believe this with no evidence. I see, you're just a racial egalitarian lefty. You're so willing to believe wealth explains everything over anything else with even less evidence.

> So I must conclude that native Britons have a racial drive to rape children as well
Now you are obfuscating native Britons with trans-national elites.
> How will excluding Pakistanis fix the problem?
>how will removing the demographic that commits the most rapes start to fix the rape problem?
Leftists "intellectuals".
> Do you think there is another non-racial way to address the both problems?
If the racial way works then what is the problem? I see, it doesn't settle well with your racial egalitarian ideology. We can't fix racial issues, we have to walk on eggshells around them and try to place the blame on something else less effective.