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File: 464 KB, 800x1296, plato-the-republic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9383563 No.9383563 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Plato's Republic? What should I expect from it?

>> No.9383571

Read the dialogues on the trial of Socrates first at least.

>> No.9383572

An exoteric reading, dissatisfaction, and a hasty return to your gay porn collection

>> No.9383576

Why should he go back to the Dialogues, though

>> No.9383615

Maybe because he still believed in democracy when under Socrates' influence. Later he changed his mind to adore Spartan elitist country.

>> No.9383628

This book is basically gay Game of Thrones fanfiction, right?

>> No.9383636

An outdated fantasy political view .

>> No.9383657

a religious idealist blathering about his delusions and fantasies which are the touchstones for today's liberals

>> No.9383703

You took my clumsy attempt at making a joke about the Dialogues as a gay porn collection much more seriously than I expected.

I'd rather say that his political system has always been coherent with his ontology and anthropology, becoming more and more "practical" with each iteration.

>> No.9384922

Plato was retarded.

Souce: Diogenes

>> No.9384931
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>> No.9384933
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Diogenes doesn't have statues made in his honor tho

>> No.9384937

he did, but they were in his light so he tore them down.

>> No.9384942

What a great man

>> No.9384948

One of the most beautiful and profound works of Western literature and philosophy

>> No.9384965
File: 35 KB, 320x480, IMG_0030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kim jong il has statues devoted to his honor too.

>> No.9384966
File: 218 KB, 800x1067, turkish delight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

according to some sources, a statue was erected shortly after his death, but considering that Cynicism was popular until about 500 CE, it's not surprising it didn't last

>> No.9385025

Let me explain why I'd recommend this book to everyone: Plato is stupid.


And it's important that you all understand that Western society is based on the fallacy-ridden ramblings of an idiot. Read this, understand that he is not joking, and understand that Plato is well and truly fucked in the head.

Every single one of his works goes like this:

>SOCRATES: "Hello, I will now prove this theory!"
>STRAWMAN: "Surely you are wrong!"
>SOCRATES: "Nonsense. Listen, Strawman: can we agree to the following wildly presumptive statement that is at the core of my argument?" {Insert wildly presumptive statement here— this time, it's "There is such a thing as Perfect Justice" and "There is such a thing as Perfect Beauty", among others.}
>STRAWMAN: "Yes, of course, that is obvious."
>SOCRATES: "Good! Now that we have conveniently skipped over all of the logically-necessary debate, because my off-the-wall crazy ideas surely wouldn't stand up to any real scrutiny, let me tell you an intolerably long hypothetical story."
>Insert intolerably long hypothetical story.
>STRAWMAN: "My God, Socrates! You have completely won me over! That is brilliant! Your woefully simplistic theories should become the basis for future Western civilization! That would be great!"
>SOCRATES: "Ha ha! My simple rhetorical device has duped them all! I will now go celebrate by drinking hemlock and scoring a cameo in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure!"