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/lit/ - Literature

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9383184 No.9383184 [Reply] [Original]

How do I read without losing track of the meaning of the words in my head?
The words are all familiar to me its just I can't piece them together quickly and sometimes I just hit a wall where I stare at the sentence and can't read further without thinking about some memory I had when I was called not very nice things
What is wrong with me? I am 20 years old

>> No.9383203

There's nothing wrong with you. People like you should only read poetry

>> No.9383214

But I have exhausted all the shows I can find so in order for me to ascend and reach greater levels of escapism I have to read, I have to read books
I have to read books and read them fast enough to feel immersed, I can't keep on backtracking and rereading because my brain doesn't function properly

No I have to read books fast to feel immersed enough for escapism

>> No.9383296

Read and after that re-read. I had to read every short story from borges 2 times.

>> No.9383309

Keep refocusing on what you were reading. There's no other way around, no other trick who can save you.
Your attention span is now ridicolously low (I guess you've spent lots of time on the internet and videogames, haven't you?), so you have to train it again. You can do so, it's not impossible, but it will require some effort.

Keep focusing again on what you're reading. Keep losing your focus? Read it aloud. Keep losing your focus? Take a 10 minutes break and start from where you stopped reading. Eventually in a couple of months it will become an effortless practice, and if you'll quit videogames and stop wasting so much time on the internet (and it will be hard, treat it as an addiction) reading will become your favourite entertainment.

By the way wether you want to become a good reader or not, you should still quit videogames and internet for the most part (limit it to a couple of hours everyday) since your attention span is THIS fucked. You really have to do something about it, I'm pretty sure you're not fine with being a borderline retarded guy.

If you have questions don't hesitate to ask.
t. a guy who was in a situation similar to yours and fixed himself

>> No.9383335
File: 861 KB, 951x1024, poetry chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People like you should only read poetry

This. Poetry forces you to take your time and digest the words. I often end up rereading a poem two or three. Starting with poetry will help with your short attention span. This chart isn't bad, albeit you could skip the Dylan and Pac.

>> No.9383349

I mostly spend 12 hours or so at a time each day on here and break up the monotony with shows/films
I understand what you're telling me, sometimes when I try to focus really hard I end up feeling even more confused and its like a fog descends on my brain and I end up taking 30 minutes or so to understand one small paragraph after I've repeated it in my head/wrote it down/said it out loud.

I don't really know what to ask you its just I feel like this is permanent, if I go for a walk for a few hours and come back I feel slightly better but after 5 minutes of me reading I just go back to feeling like a vegetable, when I was younger I could read 500 page books e.g. Chris Ryan/Jack Higgins novels without stopping and I remember forgetting about everything around me but now I can't

thanks for this

>> No.9383404
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>I don't really know what to ask you its just I feel like this is permanent

Trust me, it's not. It's just not effortless.
The only thing I can tell you is to become as aware as possible of your habits. Try to notice how much time are you passing on the internet, what are the thought processes that bring you on /lit/ even when you wanted to read (you will quickly realize that selective amnesia of your priorities is a costant in most addictions).

It's hard. Again, treat it as an addiction: look at yourself in the same way you would look at a crackhead, while still keeping in mind that you have not ruined yourself forever.
The overcoming of this addiction has to be deliberate, it's something you're ACTIVELY doing.

Please promise me that you will actually make an effort for it. I know what's at the end of the road (if you're curious: there's nothing but regrets), and I genuinely want you to avoid it. Don't waste your life on such a unsatisfying, meaningless gimmick.