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9382220 No.9382220[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Paid $40 for this. Did i get ripped off?

>> No.9382233

yes, because those kind of "new york times bestseller list" bait political books always have huge amounts of "remainders" which end up on ebay or other places for pennies, that goes for shit both on the right and crap like hagiographies of hillary clinton

>> No.9382235

At $40, yes - most of the book is a rehash of old talking points with an idpol update

>> No.9382243

I personally like going through boxes of them at used book stores. It's like looking at geological strata or an archaeological dig, seeing what talking points were being used to con people who yell at their tvs out of their money

>> No.9382252

>tfw you'll never be a smug, conservative bimbo and expend the sexual energy donated to you by your incel fans through creaming on jihadi cocks
Why live?

>> No.9382255

i like getting the old pop business books by long gone self-promoting ceos of yesteryear like jack welch or lee iaccoca or donald trump for a nostalgia trip

>> No.9382259

through the wonders of jewish medicine you can become a woman if you want, there's even an anti-islam trap who has a semi-successful channel on youtube, i don't blame her tho to be honest, if the democrats let islam take over she'll be dead meat so i don't blame her to be honest

>> No.9382261

why did i put i don't blame her to be honest twice, i guess because it was refreshing to see a tranny who realizes the trap lifestyle is not compatible with islam and one or the other must be defeated, rather than trannies who coddle their mortal enemies

>> No.9382287

how the fuck has _islam_ screwed american millenials? i could understand a case for the uk or france maybe, where its sudden and alien presence is palpable, but america? the land of 9/11, really? who are these powerful muslims destroying your way of life?

>> No.9382299

imagine a world without islam, 9/11 or isis...would millenials be better or worse off in this fantasy world? her argument is probably that the war debt and surveillance state is islam's fault which is only partially true, most that is due to the mishandling of iraq by bush and the arab spring by obama/clinton, if bush just went into afghanistan not much would have happened...baby boomers definitely did more to fuck us over than anything, immigrants are a wash, yeah, some over the productivity americans (i.e. blacks and poor whites) probably have been screwed by immigration but i'm fine so FUCK EM, BRING IN THE CHEAP MAIDS!, just kidding hopeful trump will do something about the complete shredding of any kind of immigration controls

>> No.9382308

This is a joke thread, right?

> buy this book before liberals ban it
[laughs in immigrant]

>> No.9382311

>Paying money to read the opinions of a 21 year old girl

Southern was literally born in 1995. Who gives a fuck what she has to say about anything?

>> No.9382321

To think, if we had just kept Islam quarantined in the Middle East instead of constantly starting revolutions, engaging in regime change, or trying to prod the Soviets, we could have avoided 9/11.

>> No.9382330

the greatest trick liberalism ever pulled was convincing the world that young people have anything to say

>> No.9382332


It's interesting to me that both women and gay men found out they could get heaps of attention for saying incredibly stupid, far-right nonsense for the sole reason that it's not expected to exist within their politics.

It's like a fourth grader saying "the F-word" because he knows it'll shock the class and give him notoriety.

>> No.9382333
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Idiot prejudices aside, I have to agree that any book possessing a subtitle including the words "screwed my generation" isn't worth reading. But that holds true regardless of the author's age.

>> No.9382338

Just looked this up because I didn't believe you and I'm honestly floored. She looks much older

>> No.9382339

exactly! the only hope i get from that is that it shows how easy it is to manipulate religious people into doing whatever we (meaning the cia/oil industry) want, hopefully self-driving electric cars and drones will make oil demand crater and we can dump those thugs once and for all

>> No.9382341

Based Lauren working the obese SJW marks into a shoot.

>> No.9382387

/b/ memes on my /lit/?

>> No.9382389

>her argument is probably that the war debt and surveillance state is islam's fault which is only partially true, most that is due to the mishandling of iraq by bush and the arab spring by obama/clinton, if bush just went into afghanistan not much would have happened
Doesn't help that we've actively aided our nominal gulf petrostate allies spread salafism across the MENA, where they actively fight to crush and persecute native sufi/secular denominations of islam that have coexisted with local non-muslims for centuries

but nah, finding nuance in religious conflict is for fucking nerds, crusade 2.0 deus vrunt amirite fellas

>> No.9382394

it's funny how you can con republicans into literally supporting salafism by whipping up fear of a monolithic muslim threat. Sam Harris also went full neocon Al Qaeda shill recently, so much for 'rationality' I guess

>> No.9382395

>some over the productivity americans (i.e. blacks and poor whites) probably have been screwed by immigration but i'm fine so FUCK EM, BRING IN THE CHEAP MAIDS!
funny how Southern is from Canada where large swathes of the rural economy and the oilpatch literally cannot function without overseas temp workers willing to work minimum wage jobs for more than two months

>> No.9382402

well (((Sam Harris))) does have some ethnic interest in America fighting wars against Islam

>> No.9382405

>but nah, finding nuance in religious conflict is for fucking nerds, crusade 2.0 deus vrunt amirite fellas
"Nuance" is tool used by the left to subvert healthy societies.

>> No.9382406

The whole spectacle of neurotic 'campus activists' and unfunny 'right wing' shock jocks has been exploited and monetized to hell and back. You can make a decent living by 'triggering' 'SJWs'. By this point this is yet another simulacrum with only a vague connection to 'reality'.

>> No.9382424

??? I'm looking at his Twitter TL right now and he's retweeting Breitbart clone videos about pakistani suicide bombers and also having a minor tantrum over the fact that Richard Spencer got his speaking gig cancelled. Are we talking about the same guy?

But yeah. I've spent enough time on campus to know that salafists and orthodox, racist sunnis do exist and that the secular/agnostic/shia muslims that I got drunk, crossdressed and ate during ramadan with hate their fundie guts and are afraid of the rise of groups back home like hizb-ut tahrir

And it's not just republicans vulnerable to this shit - some of the wokest campus identity politicians turn a blind eye to conservative islamists (who are, by the way, some of THE most racist and bigoted people you will find on the planet) either out of fear of potentially giving aid to the right, or just out of fear of being called a racist. If anything, I hate the idpol #STILLWITHHER liberals for being so clownishly awful on uniformly fighting for human rights while expending 4-6 years of political oxygen during a democratic presidency on bullshit like microaggressions

>> No.9382433

I would not be surprised if milo hired actors to disrupt his own speeches at one point, since the protestors were equally a part of the entertainment for his fans

>> No.9382449

damn i just saw this on his twitter, shit bloom looks like hes fixin to croak any second


>> No.9382461
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>$40 for a 90 page pamphlet.

>> No.9382462
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>The literary scholar Harold Bloom wishes that he were a bit more like Sir John Falstaff, the convivial, indecorous knight who appears in three of Shakespeare’s plays

>> No.9382466

it's only 90 pages? or is this 90 pages pamphlet thing a meme

>> No.9382467

damn that pic just made me lol the fuck up, damn i must be tired i need to sleep

>> No.9382476
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>> No.9382485

also this is about $10 in Canada, how in god's name did OP manage to drop $40 on it?

Does the hardcover come with a pair of Lauren's used anime panties?

>> No.9382514
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Maybe he paid for the book + Rebel Media premium content subscription

>> No.9382516

>Rebel Media premium content subscription
I would rather the used panties

>> No.9382709

Anyone got Southern nudes?

>> No.9383006

Thanks to Islam I can't take honey on an airplane anymore.

>> No.9383025

>how the fuck has _islam_ screwed american millenials?
Read the book and find out?

>> No.9383028


Actually, that's thanks to your government taking any and all excuses to fuck you in the ass.

>> No.9383029

>Islamic interaction with the West only began a few decades ago
Never go full retard, anon. Never.

>> No.9383064


I could've told you the problems of Islam from a Muslim's perspective for free had you asked.

>> No.9383079
File: 91 KB, 323x323, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have bought 40 classics from the dollar bin instead

>> No.9383085

>muh baby boomers
>muh immigrants
>muh islam
>muh generation
Even if someone offered you $40 dollars to read it you would still get ripped off.

>> No.9383114

>Did i get ripped off?

If you have to ask I think you know the answer.

>> No.9383123

Falling for blatant marketing ploys is not being redpilled you fucking sheep.

>> No.9383128

>buy this book before liberals ban it

If that didn't tip you off..

>> No.9383141

Yeah if there are.no pictures of Lauren on it.

Her opinions are discardable

>> No.9383146

She looks like she's 38 here. """My generation""", kek

>> No.9383150
File: 87 KB, 645x773, 1440249982919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine a world without islam, 9/11 or isis
imagine a world without US imperialism

>> No.9383154

Imagine a world without American politics. No retarded liberals, no inbred kekservatives, etc.

>> No.9383174
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>imagine a world without Islam, Christianity, and Judaism

>> No.9383269
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>mfw I imagine a word in which everyone is nice

Fuck this gay world.
There are infinite universes and I had to be born in the one in which everyone tends to sociopathy.

>> No.9383350


>> No.9383375
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>tfw a 22 year old makes big bucks of being a far right woman while I sit here at 25 hoping to find a job

>> No.9383381


>/pol/ go

>> No.9383408

Why don't you just become a far right woman?

>> No.9383409
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>Buys a self-published 80-page pamphlet for $40
>"Did I get ripped off?"

I don't know, did you spend $40 so that you would have a book that agrees with you?