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/lit/ - Literature

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9381278 No.9381278 [Reply] [Original]

Goodreads thread.

Post your profile, get some friends, find some cool books.

>> No.9381284

I don't have a goodreads profile. convince me why I should make one

>> No.9381291

You shouldn't, it's a pointless circlejerk.

>> No.9381296

I find it to be a useful way to keep track of what I would like to read in the medium to long term, and that setting a yearly goal encourages me to read more than I would otherwise.

>> No.9381302

It has a decent recommendation algorithm and tracking for autists. Also you can collect "friends" from /lit/ and look at them as a means to suave generalized anxiety.

>> No.9381311

Goodreads is very much a pseud magnet, but it can be a good way to keep track of everything that you've read and want to read. It's literally filled to the brim with circlejerking pseuds, so watch out.

>> No.9381325
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>> No.9381340
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>> No.9381401


>> No.9381439

I rather prefer LibraryThing.

>> No.9381678
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Yes, why no.
dank memes always welcomed

>> No.9381792


>> No.9381802

I was hoping for the cute one

>> No.9382155

Just started reading seriously again in the last year or so.


>> No.9382260

tracking books you've read and logging books you are going to read. it also gives you neat statistics over the course of the year about pages, popularity and whatnot.

dont bother reading reviews. it's filled with pseuds and normies. if you stay in the /lit/ circlejerk you should be ok.

>> No.9382275

If you filter out the idiots and follow people with genuinely good taste, it's worth following the reviews. I have an overwhelming amount of books on my to read shelf, and it's nice to see others reading them and posting updates, it helps me get hyped for my next read. Goodreads can be nice, but you really need to find people worth following. There are good discussions for certain books as well. The Women and Men group has some chapter discussions worth reading, for example. I unironically enjoy goodreads now that I have ~40 people on my friends list who's tastes line up with mine. Better than Facebook, that's for sure.

>> No.9382390


Always fun to see what everyone else is reading.

>> No.9382732

I've gotten much better suggestions here.

>> No.9382737


>> No.9382761


>> No.9382767


>JRPGS, Danmakus, and of course books.

>Favorite Books
>Science fiction, Horror, narrative, dank meme books.

>About Me
>This silence is mine.

Jesus Christ kys.

>> No.9382953

Just don't use the social part of the site.

>> No.9383018


>> No.9383290


>> No.9383622


>> No.9383630
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>> No.9384806


>> No.9384939

you are right i should change the about me to the lyric of "i am a barbie girl"

>> No.9384994


Been on a weird fantasy streak recently. Not my favourite genre at all but its been fun.

>> No.9386291
