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/lit/ - Literature

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9378448 No.9378448 [Reply] [Original]

what is some 'psychedelic' literature? I don't mean books explicitly dealing with psychedelics or studies on LSD and mushrooms, but rather stuff that intentionally produces a hallucinogenic feel when reading, that plays perceptive tricks on the mind, etc.

>> No.9378459

what's on the plate?

>> No.9378463

its chicken boiled and marinaded in whiskey and nyquil. I'm /ck/ crossposting

>> No.9378528

When my friend read "fear and loathing in Las Vegas," his nose started bleeding. HST is a powerful drug.

>> No.9378536

What is that pic trying to convey?

>> No.9378538
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Also I'd say Valis and Scanner Darkly made me feel weird and disconnected.

>> No.9378816

Borges, some Pynchon stuff, Burroughs. The Illuminatus is kind of trippy but it also sort of sucks.

>> No.9378821

Murakami After Dark

>> No.9378823

movies and music are more psychedelic than literature, most of the insane shit that happens on lsd is "beyond language" or maybe "below language" if you think of the brain like a computer and language is some assembly code running on the processor and the subconscious is the electricity across the logic gates, then lsd is lower than language, it's dream like, animalistic, usually if you try to get all logical you just fall into some weird loop that people who aren't tripping can't understand, so honestly i can't think of anything that really captures that experience unfortunately

>> No.9378824

Some of the passages in American Psycho did that for me. Might have just been because I was sleep deprived for several days while reading it though.

>> No.9378825

Robert Anton Wilson

>> No.9378827

although ... Invisible Cities by Calvino, that's pretty fucking trippy actually now that i think about it, that kind of thing where the location, time and context keeps shifting on you, and everything is same, but totally different, and every so often you snap out of it and realize you're sitting on a coach having a conversation with someone before you get lost again...

>> No.9378867

Finnegans wake

Read it for a year cunt

>> No.9378887
File: 21 KB, 331x499, 41OfliaBmnL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To this I'll add If on a winters night a traveller also by Calvino. Felt very psychedelic to me and is my favourite book I've ever read.

>> No.9378892

haven't read that yet but definitely looking forward to it

>> No.9378893

Geneology of Morals will make you go "woooah dude" for 160 pages.

>muh cavemen and ancient men
>muh you're not deep enough
>muh you don't understand your brain
>muh reality is way weirder than you might think

>> No.9378897

As a dxm enthusiast, dont do nyquil it yas Tylenol in it. You'll kill your self. Go to CVS get those gel caps. With just dxm.

Principia discordia

>> No.9378937

You are everything I hate. Just so know you. At least, I may say, you inspire something within me.

>> No.9378943


Also this

>> No.9378951

Time out of joint is a good one to get you feeling paranoia too

>> No.9378964

i did dxm a couple times and it was p interesting, especially when i smoked weed with it, definitely far out, but the last time the next day i couldnt stop coughing, it was in the spring and probably my lungs filled with pollen or something the night i was on it, but i didn't do it again after that

>> No.9379800

obligatory doors of perception - huxley contribution

>> No.9380139
File: 33 KB, 288x436, thestreetofcrocodiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this, then his other.

>> No.9380157

Isn't that how Lester Bangs died?

>> No.9380263

I tried those pills but they made me vomit. What do you suggest as a workaround?

>> No.9380269

I love Bruno Schulz

>> No.9380271

drink the syrup out of the bottle, that's what i did, it tastes fucking nasty after a while though, it's actually kind of neat how some chemical engineer came up with a flavor that tastes good for one cup but fucking super gross after three, still just sip it down over an hour or two and you'll feel it

>> No.9380308

>finnegans wake desu

>> No.9380588

Gravity's Rainbow is like LSD
Ulysses is like shrooms

DXM is gross

>> No.9380599


>> No.9380676
