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File: 875 KB, 3000x2046, 001-jack-kerouac-theredlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9376280 No.9376280 [Reply] [Original]

fuck your dfw and your pynchonu. He was the only american genius of the late 20th century.

>> No.9376296


>> No.9376297

He's certainly underrated on this board. Probably a combination of people trying to fit in and a juvenile faux-distaste towards something relatively popular among adolescent readers. It's like when you get hordes of socialite commentators railing against a trending phenomenon. Kerouac created works that were sincere, unfiltered, and genuinely enjoyable. The original scroll of On The Road is very good but someone has to be the punching bag

>> No.9376303

While I did not enjoyed the Road, I agree with you and I want to read more books from him (But it's weird to find english books to begin with in my town).

>> No.9376304

dude roadtrips lmao

>> No.9376315

Maggie Cassidy is my favorite. I haven't read him in English and still enjoyed most of his works. I definitely need to re read them in original

>> No.9376361


>garbled and broken amphetamine prose
>muh bohemianism
>poorly executed ripoff of early Hamsun

Don't short-sell yourself America, you can do better.

>> No.9376364
File: 53 KB, 545x365, tom waiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here, OP

>> No.9376375


pick 1

gaddis is the only good author to come out of america in the last 150 years.

you guys dont read very much do you

try being not 18.

>> No.9376378

He was so genius for doing the things other guys were doing in Paris 20 years earlier.

>> No.9376477

I've only read On the Road and Big Sur. I honestly enjoyed them both, but his writing is so sad. Not in a bad way, but it literally makes me sad to read his books and see how depressed he must have been.

>> No.9376521
File: 280 KB, 1024x463, dharma-bums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dharma Bums and Big Sur are both much better than On The Road imo.

Read The Dharma Bums first.

>> No.9376767

burroughs is the only beatnik who wasn't a complete hack

>> No.9377000

i like kerouac for his pure, wide-eyed appreciation of the world around him. when reading him you can just sense the bliss he experienced from being alive.

then he went and drank himself to death.

>> No.9377046

He had nothing in common with them apart from being part of the same social clique.....Burroughs hated the idea of the "great American novel" the American dream and hippies/beatniks in general.

>> No.9378533

He's a throwback to a simpler time. He's one of the last of the Modernist. His stuff reminds me of Thomas Wolfe but Kerouac had more control of himself, and was a better thinker (not a compliment Wolfe was all belly no brain). I don't like DFW or Pynchon personally.

>> No.9378553

exactly why he was the only one who wasn't a hack. he actually cared about the art, the rest were just posing as artists.

>> No.9378560
File: 14 KB, 252x300, 1365476520860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will you hippies learn to appreciate real literature