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/lit/ - Literature

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937576 No.937576 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone name a good female author other than Flannery O'Connor?

Not trolling, not trying to be a dick. I have just seriously never read another female author that I enjoyed at all. All of their novels are just stupid and self-important.

>> No.937580

Truman Capote was practically a woman.

>> No.937582

Joyce Carol Oates

>> No.937583

Alice Munro

>> No.937586

Ursula LeGuin

>> No.937588

I really liked Weight by Jeanette Winterson, it's pretty short, too, so you might as well give it a shot.

>> No.937589

I'd say Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte but it sounds to my like you'd hate Victorian authors, regardless of sex

I'm reading Handmaid's Tale and am pleasantly surprised by Margaret Atwood, and I've found Virginia Woolf is streets ahead of James Joyce as a "Britannia" modernist

>> No.937590

Amy Hempel

>> No.937592

Joanne Rowling

>> No.937593

hilda doolittle

>> No.937612



"Thus, particularly with respect to her male characters, she may be said to capture the essence of everyman. Her female characters, though, are more complex."

"A frequent theme of her work—particularly evident in her early stories—has been the dilemmas of a girl coming of age and coming to terms with her family and the small town she grew up in."

"She has shifted her focus to the travails of middle age, of women alone and of the elderly."

This is the crap I'm talking about. Females trying to prove they can play ball by using strong female characters and weak male ones. And writing about young girls when they're young and old ones when they're old...well, hey look at me, I can write a thinly veiled autobiography many times over and be a great author. Whoop de doo.

>> No.937614

Stephenie Meyer

>> No.937618


I do appreciate all of the suggestions, though, and I am looking into all of them.

>> No.937622



Her male characters aren't weak, they just aren't the main characters (hence less complex). You find the exact same thing, but reversed, in Philip Roth, Cormac McCarthy, Henry Miller, Norman Mailer, etc.

>> No.937626


Well, I'm not really into any of those guys anyway. It's not that the main character has to be male or anything. I just think most female authors are too transparent with their feminism.

>> No.937638

Don't you fucking dare, Greenspan. Just don't you dare.

>> No.937635
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Do I dare say her name?

>> No.937641


Didn't you reject all that?

>> No.937650

Seconding Joyce Carol Oates. A favorite author of mine. Read _A Garden of Earthly Delights_, _Expensive People_, and _them_ (moot give us fucking italics man!)

>> No.937652

Anne Sexton

>> No.937655

The whole banking/mortgage crisis was nothing more than all the wealthy people escaping to Galt's Gulch.

>> No.937661

Surprised no one has mentioned Virginia Woolf

Her prose and style were pretty killer. I'd recommend you check out "Mrs. Dalloway" if you're really curious.

>> No.937668
File: 39 KB, 469x428, I_am_totally_serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayn Rand

>> No.937670


Ayn Raaaughh

Sorry, I can't quite bring myself to say it.

Diana Wynne Jones is one of my favorite YA fantasy authors. She deserves to be more widely read.

>> No.937672

Angela Carter

>> No.937673

OH, you double nigger. Pre-empting me like that.

>> No.937681

Mary Shelley.

>> No.937691

More like Galt's GOOCH, amirite?

>> No.937696

Bitches don't know about my Octavia Butler.

>> No.937699

>I enjoy Flannery O'Connor
Your opinion is invalid.

>> No.937702

U.K. LeGuin, Octavia Butler, George Eliot, Dorothy Parker, the Brontes, Mary Shelley, etc., etc.

I know this is 4chan and I enjoy the constant "bitches & whores" drum roll as much as the next Anon, but there are some excellent female authors out there.

>> No.937707

Sylvia Plath.

>> No.937719

That, bitch wrote Frankenstein and created one of the few early end of the world/dystopian novels. She wasn't even that bad, considering most of her work are very pro-'feminist'.

>> No.937729

Amy Tan
Philippa Gregory
Jean Plaidy

>> No.937730

>I don't like Flannery O'Connor

Go directly to /jp/. Do not pass /co/, do not collect your books.

>> No.937734


Because I enjoy something you don't?

Cool, bro.

>> No.937763
File: 102 KB, 318x318, 1279137327756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.937771

Amy Tan blows

All of her stories focus on Asian/Western culture shock that wouldn't be surprise a five year old. And the plots are boring and predictable.

>> No.937784

I know, I hated that piano story we had to do in highschool to.

You'll grow up eventually, don't worry.

>> No.937785


If you don't like lit, then get off /lit/.

>> No.937788


>Amy Tan


>> No.937799

I liked Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, although it is prone to melodrama.

Barbra Kingsolver fucking sucks. I don't get how she's so popular.

>> No.937804

Mushmula Legume

>> No.937846

Carson Mccullers, Georges Sand, Jane Austen

>> No.937862

>Diana Wynne Jones
read howl's moving castle and i loved it. had to read it since i loved the miyazaki movie so much.

another anon mentioned sylvia plath and although not the best writer ever she's good. people diss on her poetry too and i think it's not bad.

>> No.937929

Jody Lynn Nye
Diane Duane

>> No.937957

What is the piano story?

>> No.937961

pearl s. buck's alright

>> No.937963

I just mentioned her in another thread but I'll bring her up again: I have enjoyed the work I've read by Hannah Tinti.

>> No.937995

ayn rand? :D
alice munro

>> No.938001

I'd hit it.

>> No.938035


Robert Lowell wrote something to the effect that Plath's poems are so searing that all other poetry seems silly after reading it.

>> No.938042


I can't help but think him completely full of shit

>> No.938080

>ayn rand?

You be trollin', son!

>> No.940080

O. Henry if you like short stories.