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/lit/ - Literature

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9373154 No.9373154[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9373160

/pol/ was right gain.

>> No.9373166

/lit/ is for the discussion of books.

>> No.9373167

I am a marginalized white male.

>> No.9373169

The Curry-Howard isomorphism

>> No.9373173

There are some facts of life that haven't been changed for a good reason; the new generations don't understand this.

>> No.9373174

In the beginning was the Will,
And the Will was with God,
And the Will was the will of God.

>> No.9373181

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/.

>> No.9373183

I don't mean to be the way I am and I'm trying my best not to be

>> No.9373186
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America is the greatest country on earth.

>> No.9373187

It's really hard to earnestly rip something off and do it right.

>> No.9373189

which are?

>> No.9373190

That the white male like me is inherently superior to everyone else

Wish people realized we were being oppressed and genocided

>> No.9373195
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By asking that people post their opinions, I am encouraging them to "write" creatively.

>> No.9373200

Just as the generation before this one, or that before,or that before etc. didn't understand.

>> No.9373201

Women aren't fit for politics, LGBQT is a virus, nationalism is healthy, and your life is determined only between age of 10-22.

>> No.9373207

You write like a woman, bud.

>> No.9373208


>> No.9373211
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Deleuze and Spinoza belong to the right-wing now and the left-wing need to stop attempting to reclaim them, it only proves >>9373160 and hurts us.

>> No.9373218

Oh, you're right. I surely need to add some "bros" and buzzwords in my sentences while posting on this manly board. My bad, my bro.

>> No.9373221

I didn't mean to offend you, m'lady.

>> No.9373225

I'd settle for "why the type system is your friend". Or even "stop writing Excel macros for fuck's sake".

/lit/ relevant: your "new" "edgy" "philosophy" was probably thought up by some Greek 1500 years ago and debunked by some German 300 years ago.

>> No.9373228

Japan was the closest to obtaining a Utopian-like state.

>> No.9373233

That Never Mind the Bollocks is one of the finest albums of punk's first wave, and those who denigrate the Sex Pistols for being a glorified boy band privilege political posturing over aesthetic appreciation.

Also that Metallica is easily the best of the big four, the Black Album, while unabashedly poppy, successfully sheds complexity while retaining (if not enhancing) the sense of power that every note exudes, St. Anger is profoundly underrated, and Lulu is the best work of music of the 2000s so far. Still, none of these top Ride the Lightning.

>> No.9373234

Or 2500. FML.

>> No.9373235

An androgynous male is superior than any female, and it's not inherently gay to say so.

>> No.9373239

Calories In, Calories Out.

>> No.9373247
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I like anime too, anon.

>> No.9373248

In what era tho

>> No.9373254

Different wings can take ownership of different philosophies?

I guess wings don't mean anything then

>> No.9373255

Hirohito rule.

>> No.9373256

The world is inherently interconnected and nothing is intrinsically more important that any other thing or relation-between-things - causality is the ultimate, protean law of everything that exists and "our lot, as mysterious beings in a mysterious world", is to see, know and, perhaps, understand as much as we can, outside of preconceptions and boundaries.

>> No.9373262

>and your life is determined only between age of 10-22.

This really isn't true anymore. If you're in the west you can easily waste a decade or two and come out ok.

>> No.9373264
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People's feeling and how easily they are influenced by what others say

>> No.9373266
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Scruton is a Christian Socialist and academically underrated.

>> No.9373277

Most of you are only liberal because of your lack of experience. When I was young I hated it when people said I would become more conservative as I got older because it came off as so condescending but there's some truth to it. When you get to about 30 years old your body will change and you'll get it. Things will start to make sense.

On the other hand some of you are beyond hope. An extreme example of these sorts of people are those who get abortions because in most cases once a woman gets one if she ever came to realization that she killed her child it would destroy her psyche. She can never stray from the belief that the unborn are just a clump of cells and she has to surround herself with like minded people. Anyone that might threaten to push her towards that realization is seen as evil. She's stuck being a Democrat for life.

>> No.9373279

Next you'll be surprised Libertarianism used to mean French anarcho-communism.

>> No.9373289

Or maybe you're just predictable, and were never as intelligent as you thought you were?

>> No.9373302


Yeah maybe. I never did make a claim to intelligence though. Where did that come from?

>> No.9373303

Rock music is for nerds

>> No.9373311

It took you to 30 to realize this? Jesus Anon, usually most people realized how fucking stupid they were when the taxes eat their first real paycheck.

>> No.9373317

Automation is not the same as previous advancements as the technology is self sufficent.

Capitalism has outlived it's purpose and we need to change to spread the benefits of automation.

>> No.9373329


Or maybe you're just a communist looking for a plausible excuse to push your ideology. People are still working and industry is automated. Any potential problem with automation is purely science fiction because the technology doesn't exist, if it did we would all be unemployed.

>> No.9373332

Capitalism has already solved this problem Anon; tax the robots and require an adjustable speed of automation.

>> No.9373338


>> No.9373348

life experiences are constantly changing people anon and they won't change people in the same way. you're conservative now but that could change, it already has.

>> No.9373351

only thing you got right is that Ride the Lightning is good

>> No.9373360
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Freedom and democracy are incompatible.

>> No.9373394

Say that to my face fuck*r not online and see what happens

Lulu praise may have been a bit exaggerated but beyond that it's all correct

>> No.9373395
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Do go on.

>> No.9373409
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> maybe you're just a communist looking for a plausible excuse to push your ideology.

Nobody needs an "excuse" to say what they think. Or are you against freedom of speech? Anyway. Stop trying to oust people as something they haven't claimed to be. Focus on their words, not some strawman image of them you have in your head. Or is that a courtesy you only want to be on the receiving end of?

>Any potential problem with automation is purely science fiction

>Wealthy individuals inheriting huge companies
>profiting off of automated systems they didn't create
>for their entire lives
This is not science fiction.

>> No.9373415

>I-I-It'll be different this time
Where have I heard this before

>> No.9373418


You got yourself a case of the 'tism.

>> No.9373423

>Wealthy individuals inheriting huge companies
>profiting off of automated systems they didn't create
>for their entire lives


>> No.9373430


>> No.9373438
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>putting words in my mouth

Wait till I put my dick in yours you disingenuous little shitweasel

>> No.9373442

it wasn't aimed t this thread.... I just wish more people understood it

>> No.9373454
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Yes. It creates massive amounts of economic leverage.
There are people who make the average ANNUAL *household* income for a middle class family in one hour of "working."

Do you really expect me to believe that billionaires actually work as hard in a single day as a household does in an entire year?

Or is this kind of bullshit justified because "muh market forces."

Believe it or not, I'm not against automation. It's just that wealth and inheritance and the underhanded tactics of the oligarchy create huge barriers to entry for most forms of business and prevent the capitalist playing field from actually being level.

But there I go noticing shit again so I must be Josef Fucking Stalin

>> No.9373458

Hegel is not really that hard.

>> No.9373466

>Do you really expect me to believe that billionaires actually work as hard in a single day as a household does in an entire year?

why do they need to?

>> No.9373476
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Don't worry, one day you'll have enough money to make everyone you hate miserable and be out of the reach of the law.

That'll show them.

>> No.9373478

Selfishness is not the "me me me" toddler tier greedy phase everyone thinks it is.

>> No.9373484
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>> No.9373488


Yeah I'd like answer to this. It seems like every communist operates under these sorts of assumptions but they never want to explain why they believe it.

Why is it immoral for somebody to make more money while doing less work? Why is it a problem that needs to rectified?

>> No.9373503

hmmm, how materialistic

>> No.9373522

Western civilization is collapsing, our culture is gone and white genocide is real. It will all be over in <50 years.

>> No.9373532

Don't worry lads.

There is no answer.

We're just irrational. Horde as much wealth as you want, pollute all you want, fuck everyone else and the future, your behavior is excused because you'll excuse yourself anyway

Only dummie cucks believe being nice and sharing will raise the standard of living for everyone in the long run.

Why would underhanded animalistic tactics and hording of resources be an unsustainable gambit?

>> No.9373551

Reddit spacing is real.

>> No.9373567


Who's hoarding resources? Do you think of billionaires as Scrooge Mcducks who go home and swim in their giant rooms of gold? Billionaires who do that don't stay billionaires for very long. They stay rich by investing in their money in things that make a lot of people happy, because if those things didn't make people happy the billionaire wouldn't make any money. Who do you think is better suited for picking and choosing what to invest in, what is most beneficial to society, the government who has no personal stake in picking investments that are likely to succeed or the person that's intelligent enough to become and stay a billionaire?

When the governments chooses what to invest in they tend to pick things like solar roadways which is a complete waste of money that will never go anywhere.

>> No.9373568
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>Not being the majority anymore in my multicultural expansionist empire is the same thing as being systematically killed off by a brutal regime.


>> No.9373576

>Didn't believe "reddit spacing" was real
>Yet within the last month it has exploded out of nowhere
Why the fuck are suddenly people formatting their posts this way?

>> No.9373578

One more brainwashed mongoloid that can't see what's going on. I can't blame you for your stupidity and ignorance.

>> No.9373581


>> No.9373591
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One thing I wish people understood is I've spent far more hours of my life in this horrible place than anyone deserves to. I've been here longer than the 18yo the_donald migrants, for sure. I've been here since almost the beginning.

And every day since reddit has existed, I have been accused of "belonging " there.

By not being part of the white nationalist consensus I am constantly accused of being a "redditor," "SJW," and other ridiculous things. I have opinion that I never uttered
and other cheap tactics. I am accused of being "sensitive" and desiring a "safe space."

And yet I keep coming here, the abuse does not bother me, and providing counseling to disturbed teenage whiteboys who would otherwise go on school shooting sprees gives me much joy.

I am a resident liberal. I am here to stay. Stop implying I'm some 2bit shill who was paid by soros to post here.

Stop trying to turn this place into a safe space by constantly insisting I should go back to one that I didn't actually "come from."

The rhetorical hypocrisy here is relentless. I can only hope it's not the same five faggots, but their little brothers going through the same American History X phase.

>> No.9373594

Please tell me how "white genocide" is happening and why it's more serious than, for instance, 17 million people starving in Yemen right now.

>> No.9373602

There a probably less than 20 films worth watching. Watching films is not important. Nobody cares. It will never make you "cultured" or anything. Same for popular music: pop, country, rap, rock, it's all the same in the end. It doesn't matter.

One of the only thing (maybe the only thing) worth it is to enjoy beauty and to make beautiful things.

That, and maybe praising God, but I'm not sure.

>> No.9373605


How about you just learn to format so it doesn't look retarded? Why the fuck do you hit enter twice after every sentence? It makes no sense.

>> No.9373613
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Meanwhile, in reality, income distribution is independent of economic centralization.

>> No.9373626

Art is actually pretty great.

When you grow up it's really easy to get brainwashed into thinking that all art is basically as vapid as the pop culture you get flooded with, but if you loosen your cynicism then there's this whole world of worthwhile stuff to consume and learn about, stuff that actually has meaning and purpose.

Art won't give you the meaning of life, but art will give your life meaning.

>> No.9373632

you don't have to prove your hatred. you can hate someone and leave them alone anyway.

i don't understand killing people, or beating people, or hurting them... it's so fucking easy to just...not. it's really weighting on me lately. glare at them and walk away, just stop hurting eachother.

>> No.9373634

>Anally obsessing over the aesthetics of my posts and personality instead of actually ever addressing what I say

4chan you never fail

Doesn't matter what board I'm on

>> No.9373640

Did I say anything about centralizing?

Or are you just attaching memes to me again, in lieu of actually responding to MY FUCKING POINTS YOU COCKSUCKER

>> No.9373641

USA is <60% white. Europe is getting darker. More than 30% newborns in France are not French. In 20 years young Germans will be a minority in their own country. And so on.

>why is it more serious than 17 million people starving in Yemen
I don't give a fuck about Yemen. My own people are perishing before my very eyes and they have been brainwashed into happily embracing their own doom.

>> No.9373642

Unfortunately your implicit solution (i.e. more state market control) leaves you with strange bedfellows and invariably makes the situation worse.

>> No.9373648
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Modernism was a mistake. Check out this 140 million dollar painting.

>> No.9373656
File: 61 KB, 190x371, e443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait a minute I confused those scribbles for another set of scribbles. That painting is worth 40 million.

This one is worth 140.

>> No.9373658

It's quite beautiful actually.

>> No.9373662

how economy works
how a market works
how there's no such thing as a free lunch

the importance of doing what you love
why jewish inventions are actually NOT GOOD

if nationalism is good for jews it's good for us too.
it's ok to be proud of your heritage
it's ok to be proud of your family

family is everything - upbringing makes kids into healthy adults.
nuclear families work the best assuming the father is ~good~ and the mother is ~good~

a lot of troubles, involving people: greed, selfishness, etc. stems from poor upbringing

having two fathers, two mothers, or only one of either, creates significant imbalance in intimate understanding of psychology.

what makes the father good: stoicism, love of children, love of his linage, love of fellow humans. love of life. love of work. knowledge.
what makes the mother good: ability to lead, love of children, love of teaching, love of fellow humans,love of life, love of work. knowledge

these are all just my ideas but I paint such a vivid utopian lifestyle for myself when I grew up in 2 single mother households and was born in the gutter.

>> No.9373663

I'm forced to read between the lines of your posts because you haven't actually made any points.

>> No.9373665


Shut up.

>> No.9373679

You don't like "modern" art because you don't understand it. You have a prejudiced view of it because you are one of those people who think "if it's easy to make, it must be shit!"

Honestly, you just need to look at more art. Eventually you will appreciate what some modern artists have done.

>> No.9373685

Kafka is the greatest writer of all time, he embodied Art. This should be clear to anyone who read his complete works and his diaries

>> No.9373687


I understand it's not necessarily about the about painting but the story behind the painting that makes it valuable. It's bullshit. It's pure absolute bullshit.

>> No.9373702
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And that's when I started liking a lot of the more modern stuff, I try to take the painting for what it is.

>> No.9373706

The problem is that this sort of stuff has meaning, too. But it's so easy to be cynical about it that a lot of people just grow up thinking that all art is just pretentious nonsense. People look at any book or movie that seems a little inaccessible and they label it as pretentious or dumb just because this sort of painting and the praise for it turns them off so much.

>> No.9373719


It's not the pretentiousness that really bothers. It's the shift in focus from art that took incredible dedication and skill to create to some abstract bullshit and behind the scenes stories of the artists. I'm tired of seeing people shit paint out of their ass while hanging upside down from a skyscraper and then getting paid millions of dollars for it. Modern artists and their patrons deserves every bit of mockery for the things they value.

>> No.9373737

candy crush = enlightenment

>> No.9373741

What did he mean by this??

>> No.9373752

Because one of the most pervasive myths of capitalism's defenders is that wealth reflects how hard you work, how many risks you take, even your intelligence. Anyone can poke holes in that with the least bit of thought, but you still hear the poor being derided as lazy moochers by the right every single day.

>> No.9373764


sure anon there are exception to everything. doesn't mean all of that art funded by wealthy patrons is gutter trash.

>> No.9373781

So, people get stupider as they get older? I'm on board.

>> No.9373786

Do you know which films are those?

>> No.9373788

Alcohol is a drug, sugar is a drug and tobacco is a drug. If these are allowed freely into our society so should all other drugs. The war on drugs is the most stupid thing I have ever heard of, not only are some drugs much less dangerous than the ones mentionned above, restricting the access to them does nothing to stop people from having acquiring it. I wish people were able to understand this instead of associating drugs to the devil and crap like alcohol to a fun and acceptable substance.

>> No.9373790

Freedom and Justice are ideas humans made up, but they're fundamentally incapable of either.

>> No.9373801

Why is Deleuze right wing?

>> No.9373805
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>They stay rich by investing in their money in things that make a lot of people happy
Like lobbying the government to cut their taxes and allow companies to overprice basic needs such as education or healthcare.

>because if those things didn't make people happy the billionaire wouldn't make any money
>m-muh free market
Because of monopolies and industries built on advertisement, it is entirely possible to become wealthy without contributing anything to society.

>the person that's intelligent enough to become and stay a billionaire?
If the Trump administration has done something positive for humanity, it is proving that wealth has no correlation with intelligence. Capitalism doesn't give a shit about what's the most sustainable or long-term profitable decision, it only optimises immediate gain.

The one better suited for picking and choosing what to invest in, if the goal is to benefit society, is definitely not the type of person to hold Ayn Rand on a pedestal and follow a philosophy primarily based on egoism.

>> No.9373821

forgot to mention

men and women are completely and utterly different and that "men and women are the same" is a meme.

>> No.9373822


The issue I have with this is that there are legitimate uses for alcohol, sugar, and tobacco that don't create the sort of externalities that illegal drugs do. For example taking communion and drinking a little wine isn't putting anyone in harms way in any significant way, eating a cupcake every other week isn't going to burden the health system, and certain forms of tobacco like pipes and cigars aren't nearly as harmful as others.

I know the research is inconclusive but there's been a significant increase in traffic accidents since Colorado legalized marijuana, and I don't think I have to bother arguing the negative effects that cocaine has had on society. These are externalities that are unacceptable. Our laws should be calibrated to discourage people from doing these drugs, and I think the most efficient way to do this is to keep it illegal and enforce these laws even moreso than we already do. I know a lot of people talk about the prisons being filled with potheads but this isn't really the case, most of the time they're drug dealers that plead down to lesser charges. We need to stop letting them do that.

>> No.9373831


I'm not reading your post because if you're not going to put in the effort to form a coherent reply without resorting to quoting individual sentences then why should I?

>> No.9373836
File: 378 KB, 785x399, 5ffdd3829a6bd2221095e031b35d5302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is supposed to be enjoyable
compulsive education system is inherently flawed, any and all systematic means of programming children and curtailing their inherent freedom-loving nature - their desire to be outside playing and exploring and creating instead of stuck at a desk being fed data from uninspired textbooks - is a crime against humanity
love between two people as a legal contract (marriage) is a disgrace to human relations
people have a naive faith in law and its enforcement as a means to 'correct' human behavior
a larger part of what makes life so intolerable and unnecessarily complicated is the sequestering over to far away specialists the core activities of life that were once the natural purview of the people in your immediate surrounding community.
what you allow to enter your senses constitutes your time, your life - if you let an endless stream of vapid sense data constantly assault you in the form of television advertisements, radio, inane conversation, uninspired music, that this is not without consequence. The consequence is that these experiences will echo / rebound in your mind and generate a lower level of thought highly selective about what enters your eyes, ears, and mouth. The brain requires refined nutrients in the form of artistic or natural beauty that is largely not present in the lives people unconsciously construct or accept for themselves. Taste is not something merely coincidental and marginally important, it is the very soul of your experience, and its general refinement constitutes your evolution as an individual. The more you flood your senses with an endless stream of more or less inconsequential stimuli in the form of TV shows, sports, popular music, news, political dialogue, trite workplace interaction,.. the more you can expect your discerning abilities to atrophy.

>> No.9373839

He isn't, the problem with Deleuze is that he's completely and totally fucking useless for left-wing ideologues but his theories are a gold-mine for imperialism and the far-right.

>The attack conducted by units of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) on the city of Nablus in April 2002 was described by its commander, Brigadier-General Aviv Kokhavi, as ‘inverse geometry’, which he explained as ‘the reorganization of the urban syntax by means of a series of micro-tactical actions’.1 During the battle soldiers moved within the city across hundreds of metres of ‘overground tunnels’ carved out through a dense and contiguous urban structure. Although several thousand soldiers and Palestinian guerrillas were manoeuvring simultaneously in the city, they were so ‘saturated’ into the urban fabric that very few would have been visible from the air. Furthermore, they used none of the city’s streets, roads, alleys or courtyards, or any of the external doors, internal stairwells and windows, but moved horizontally through walls and vertically through holes blasted in ceilings and floors. This form of movement, described by the military as ‘infestation’, seeks to redefine inside as outside, and domestic eriors as thoroughfares. The IDF’s strategy of ‘walking through walls’ involves a conception of the city as not just the site but also the very medium of warfare - a flexible, almost liquid medium that is forever contingent and in flux

Post-Modernism has backfired.

>> No.9373850

*lower level of thought. [It is good and proper to be] highly selective about what

>> No.9373866

The problem about modern art is that people think they cannot say anything about it, and that some sort of education is needed in order to say something about a abstract painting.
Sure you need to study a few things, but sophistication comes from a costant refinement of your judgement, so it is worth it having opinions on art even if you know them to have no basis whatsoever but your istinctive taste.

Also, especially for visual art, it helps to discuss your ideas with people who actually appreciate it (galleries offer this function, you can just walk to the side of anybody and start commenting the art in front of you): they may have understood something that you have still not figured out.
Or maybe they're phonies and they're just appreciating it because it's in a gallery.
Or maybe you were right, and that art was really uninspired, worthless.

The question at this point is: it is worth it doing so? I honestly think that both answers, yes and no, are acceptable ones, but if the answer is "yes" people should follow the advices I've written above, instead of just shitting on it without even having an actual opinion about it. Either you care or you don't, if you're in the middle ground (you care only enough to say all day long that all contemporary art is shit, but not enough to educate yourself on it) you just suck.

>> No.9373868


>> No.9373873

>why should I?
Because you're an earnest intellectual and abide by the principle of charity.

Don't be lazy, Anon. If you can't refute him that means he's right.

>> No.9373878

Fucking great album

>> No.9373880

This makes sense only if you don't really have a creative passion. If you're obsessed with physics, architecture, math, playing the piano, painting, anything creative, it makes sense to spend entirely some of the first years of your life secluded, studying, in order to be able, later in life, to not only live a peaceful, serene life, but to also have complete mastery of the tools for that craft you were just born for.

>> No.9373885

my diary desu

>> No.9373890

I'm not sure.

One or two Bresson, one Tarkovski, one Chaplin, a few Hitchcock films. Meshes of the afternoon, maybe.

>> No.9373899

>Meshes of the afternoon

I completely disagree with your "only 20 films" but since you like this you can't be bad.

>> No.9373903

Bitches ain't shit but tricks and hoes

>> No.9373911

Well, it's a proof that cinema is as much about time as it is about space. It's obviously one of the most important film ever made. You should read what Maya Deren wrote about art and cinema, it's interesting.

>> No.9373917

I mean to give children the freedom to do just that. Human beings, when given the space to do what they please, naturally develop interest in life, in some aspect of it. School does not nurture creativity, if that's what you're implying. What nutures ceativity is freedom.