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/lit/ - Literature

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9372900 No.9372900[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the /lit/ equivalent of this?

>> No.9372917

Hitchhiker's desu

>> No.9372992


not even close lol

rick and morty breaks the fourth wall, hitchikers does not

there are no scifi books that come to mind that do this

>> No.9373005


>> No.9373027

ready player one

>> No.9373082

The screenwritting for it.

>> No.9373138

Why is this so popular? It's pretty entertaining, but it's just the same formulaic shit every episode.

>le old man is in intergalactic trouble
>kids invariably join in
>shit is resolved after kids fuck everything up or saves the day
>old faggot knew everything would happen anyways and it was all part of the plan
>'we love you Old faggot'
>'lol ur gay kids burrp'

>> No.9373182
File: 432 KB, 1280x763, ATD_Chums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it follows the tropes of typical serial adventures but it has

>Muh 5D universe
>Avoids time travel
>Central finite curve
>freewheeling dialogue that sounds unscripted due to being full of self-interruptions, stutters a-and interjections.

>> No.9373204

It's literally r3ddit: the show

>5d universe
kill you are selve

>> No.9373206

Bretty good show completely ruined for me by shitty animation style and jarring voice acting. Never was picky about those things, but this is the one show where it almost physically hurts for some reason.

>> No.9373212

>it's literally 13 year old: the post
back to your containment board

>> No.9373213

sh-shut up *burps* Morty we we are on 4chan now Morty *burps*

>> No.9373217

He burps when he talks xDDD

>> No.9373222

It's just a fun sci-fi cartoon and different stuff and settings happen in each episode.

You don't need to overthink why everything is so popular, just enjoy it for what t is, and if not, dont watch it...

>> No.9373237
File: 212 KB, 504x640, 588ed2f24ca99bc40406a4018905df79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit's awesome. It's a helpful community with thousands of subforums and interest boards.

4chan is edgy faggots who get mad at anything that doesn't directly conform to their snowflake standards (for instance, by simply saying "5D" you got buttblasted af). They are white nationalist sludge clutching desperately to a world that doesn't exist anymore. They need anonymity to even get by because people would wreck them irl, even if they had guns lmfao

lmfao richard spencer army

>> No.9373240

>yfw this bait is completely true nowadays

>> No.9373249
File: 871 KB, 500x290, ven.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny and easily digestible, and at least vary up the "universe" in episodic ways. But what irks me the most is fucking Harmon does this in every show he writes, about how uncliche he's being, while drawing attention to it. I mean the audience has been waiting for a few years for season three and they drop the first episode on April Fools (wherein everyone would expect it to be a joke, but then its not! HAHA HOW UNCLICHE) If anyone argues that it's the best animated show I will literally fight them

>> No.9373283
File: 247 KB, 283x427, cucc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add to this I'd like to say that I've been here since 2005 and still think this.

Fucking 14 year olds on /pol/ call me a newfag because I don't agree when they fap over the thought of hanging Tyrone and Pedro and Mehmed and pretty much everyone other than Justin.

>> No.9373284

reddit is for liberalism and for the destruction of white nationalist values

4chan is for traditional gender roles and getting women back in the kitchen where they belong.

Look at the difference in mascot. A faggot alien on reddit who smiles and represents le equality of inferiors. While we have Pepe the frog and Lord Kek of meme magic.

>> No.9373304
File: 183 KB, 950x573, 587683a91700008801929894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Which is why you all parrot the same half-true shit rhetoric and expect us to draw the same repulsive conclusions as you about what should be done to entire populations of people who happen to not be you at all.

So many threads start with
>Redpill me on
Like you need Morpheus there to shove the pill up your ass for you.

Suck my globalist cock. Humanity is more important than nation or race. Your best efforts will still result in a mixed race world of technologically driven globalist empires in which individuality is unimportant. You guys just make that transition more painful and dull than it has to be.

>> No.9373308
File: 17 KB, 600x600, vFLIbH6[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9373312

>this 14 year old imbecile: the post
not sure if irony or we've actually fallen this low

>> No.9373316

You're a newfag because 2005 though

>> No.9373325 [DELETED] 


>> No.9373327
File: 229 KB, 1571x2000, David with the head of Goliath - Caravaggio 1610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


4chan's awesome. It's an anarchic community with a few dozen subforums and interest boards.

Reddit is fedora losers who downvote or ban anything that doesn't directly confrom to their snowflake standards (for instance, by simply saying "illegal immigrant" instead of "asylum seeker" they get buttblasted af). They are liberal progressive sludge clutching desperately to a world that is never going to exist. They need safe spaces to even get by because people would wreck them irl, and they don't even have guns lmfao.

lmfao richard dawkins army

>> No.9373328

It is one person indeed. Are you mentally handicapped?

>> No.9373340

fuck off shill

>> No.9373349

he probably doesn't even hate woman and minorities pmsl

>> No.9373355

Yes, I meant to select only >>9373284 and >>9373304.


>> No.9373357

It bothers me that you think the majority of people on 4chan actually do.

>> No.9373366

Because people don't watch television for the formula. Rick and Morty is great where it counts: blisteringly creative sci-fi settings and a consistently entertaining moment-to-moment flow. That said, it isn't literary and if that's what you're looking for you're in the wrong medium.

>> No.9373367
File: 67 KB, 181x201, 1443559101154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ohh noo my finger slipped and I accidentally quoted 2 extra posts!!

>> No.9373368

4chan has it's ups and downs. There are some genuine thoughtful discussions, if you know where to look. But the most prominent boards are the absolute worst, with I think the stupidest people ever to walk the Earth. Don't come here everyday, it rots your brain.

Then again, reddit can be just as bad, depending which subreddit you frequent

>> No.9373377

4chan is actually funny while reddit relies mostly on god awful cringy comments.

>> No.9373387

Bouvard and Pecuchet

>> No.9373392

>with I think the stupidest people ever to walk the Earth. Don't come here everyday, it rots your brain.
Another brainwashed bluepilled normie drone who can't handle objective truth because it hurts his libcuck feefees

>> No.9373413

>rick and morty breaks the fourth wall, hitchikers does not

You've never read Douglas, have you?

>> No.9373419


>Turn off your brain or turn off your tv!


>> No.9373421

gb2 ytmnd/gaia online

>> No.9373434

this is embarrassing. i feel embarrassed for you.

>> No.9373453

and another Trumptard sprouting ad hominem because he can't think for himself.

>> No.9373467

That's not what it does at all. If anything I think the show inspires you to think a little more and inspires imagination more than most shows I've seen.
I like it because it's imaginative, and it's short. Entertainment is only as intellectually empty as you want it to be.

>> No.9373474

>the thread

>> No.9373481
File: 112 KB, 500x280, bojack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started watching Rick and Morty recently but it's not even close to Bojack desu