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/lit/ - Literature

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9372249 No.9372249 [Reply] [Original]


Last three books you read
Secretly insane thing you do
Number of people you have had sex with

>Concrete Island, J.G. Ballard
>Ready Player One, Ernest Cline
>Money, Martin Amis
>when no one is listening say stuff like "fart on yourself you dumb Jew" in high-pitched Mickey Mouse voice

>> No.9372273

Baudrillard's The Perfect Crime
Virilio's Negative Horizon
Part of the CCRU archive
Sometimes when I'm alone I mutter phrases like "reptile rapist", generally there is some alliteration. I have no idea where I get these phrases.
3 people sexed with me

>> No.9372301

> Blink - Gladwell,
> Book of Talent - Coyle
> Devil's Detective - Unsworth
(please don't judge my choices, they are all free from my wife, she works at Penguin)

> Believe the holocaust is a hoax

> 21

>> No.9372303

>The Forever War
>Altered Carbon

>> No.9372395

This is the best thread I have read on lit and its only 3 posts

>> No.9372411

>A Hero of Our Time
>Incidents of Travel in Yucatan, Vol 2
>I have intrusive thoughts regarding suicide by hanging about every 2 hours

>> No.9372437

Aristotle's Poetics
Hans Fallada's Alone in Berlin
Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities

I feel the need to wash my hands an even amount of times after going to the toilet and I get anxious when I know people don't wash their hands in my own house. I also hold little conversations with myself about movies I just watched etc.


>> No.9372451

Holding conversations with yourself isn't so insane, lots of people do it

>> No.9372467


>A History of the English-Speaking Peoples
>The Last Season
>When I'm in the shower, I like to hum the theme to the Pink Panther and in a totally non-sexual way pretend my cock is the slide on the trombone

>> No.9372474

The Face of Another

If there is a bad smell in public or class or something like that, I will always worry that people will think it is myself who is stinking up the place, even though I'm very hygienic.


>> No.9372480

y'know if i was freud i would probably suggest that is totally sexual bro but nah it's fine you probs don't fantasise about horse cock ramming butts

>> No.9372491

Don Delillo Players
Stoner John Williams
Underworld Don Delillo

I compulsively wash my face with cold water.


>> No.9372509
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>Notes from Underground

>I clip my fingernails every day


>> No.9372519

Zen and the Art of MM

I've been pissing in cups and bottles the past few nights because I've been staying up late and don't want to wake my roommate.


>> No.9372536

Jane Eyre
Lady Audley's Secret
Let it Rain Coffee

>> No.9372538

but how can you do that when you won't have fingernails left

also dude shelley duvall used to be so pretty in that dorky way, that girl needs serious help now ;_;

>> No.9372546

dude what the fuck just use the toilet it's right there we all gotta go sometime he'll understand and forgive you for using the toilet at night but he will fuckin freak if he sees you have piss bottles what the fuck dude cmon man get your piss game on point this is weak my man wtf

>> No.9372558

end thyself

>> No.9372583

>On The Divine Images-- St. John of Damascus
>Gifts Of the Desert-- Kyriacos Markides
>Praying with Icons-- Jim Forest

I talk to myself about reforming the college system, random topics on whatever, discuss my life and how I should've done it. Also, job hunting, but that creates insanity.

0 sex partners.

>> No.9372589

Just go full desert hermit.

>> No.9372605


It's mainly from exercising at night combined with drinking beer. If I work out then go buy a 40 to drink at night I'm pissing every 20 min. Just need to manage my time better.

>> No.9372613

I'm almost tempted to join a monastery.
I think God has other plans for me, I dunno. Need to pray on this more.

>> No.9372639
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>Master and Margarita
>Pedro Paramo

>I talk to myself, or rather, I think out loud.
>Always self-sabotage any potential for making friends/gfs by telling everyone I like being alone or don't like doing so'n'so activity.


I just can't stop digging myself deeper into my grave, /lit/. I think I have agoraphobia.

>> No.9372652

John Rechy - City of Night, China Miéville - The Last Days of New Paris, Michel Houellebecq - The Map and the Territory
I do lots of weird things but I don't really keep them secret.
Around 20.

>> No.9372672

Agoraphobia is the true patrician's phobia.

>> No.9372702

>The Mote in God's Eye
>Virtual Light
I never add cold milk to coffee. I always heat it up first.
I think 9 or 10, but about half were whores.

>> No.9372709

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Snow Country & Thousand Cranes
To the Lighthouse

I fantasise about various tragedies befalling me or my family and friends, imagining how much more interesting my life would be.


>> No.9372711

How was Pedro Paramo?

>> No.9372718


You're starting on All Tomorrow's Parties next, right?

>> No.9372719

>Journey to Ixtlan, by Carlos Castaneda
>Confederacy of Dunces, by John Kennedy Toole
>Empire, by Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt
>I talk to myself in short bursts when not concentrated on something often with my girlfriend in the same room; I also believe, with the utmost certainty, in the existence of presence in the darkness, eldritch "intelligences" ordaining our reality and in chaos magick's sigils
>5 I guess

How did you like those three tomes? At some point or another, they were all near the top of my reading list. Wanted to get into Virilio for a while, what's a good jump off point?

>> No.9372725


>and in chaos magick's sigils

Shadilay, brother?

>> No.9372731

>Il cavaliere inesistente, Italo Calvino
>Grande Sertão: Veredas, Guimarães Rosa
>Livro do Desassossego, Fernando Pessoa

>I like to run around my house while pretending to be some sort of courier in an important mission


>> No.9372766

Halfway through it. It's starting to get spicy!

>> No.9372775

hello fellow deni/x/en

>> No.9372783
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Comfiest ghost story I've read so far. Feels like most other places portray ghosts as some evil and hostile entity. Here, they're just like normal people that happen to be dead and haven't been able to move on for whatever reason. Sill very much human.

Only problem for me was that I read it in Spanish, and my vocabulary isn't as good as it could be, so I feel that held me back from understanding certain parts.

Here's the black and white 60's film adaptation for when you're done reading it.

>> No.9372786

Sublime Object of Ideology, the Ziz
Schroedinger's Cat Trilogy, RAWilson
The Stranger, Camus

I tear the fuck out of the skin on the tips of my fingers, There's usually 2-3 fingers that are bleeding at any given time and when one heals I move on to a new one

2 people

>> No.9372802

/x/ has gone to shit in the last couple of years, the degenerative process that pollutes everything on this site appears to work faster there. Sad, really, but the only reason to go there anymore is the Library.

>Schroedinger's Cat Trilogy, RAWilson
how does that compare with his other stuff, if you've read it?

>> No.9372804

Clavell's Shogun,
Dumas' CoMC,
Faulkner's As I Lay Dying

I almost always shower after I poop


>> No.9372816

A Poetry Handbook

Intentionally lucid dream about fucking my friend's gfs

Over 30

>> No.9373192

>Last three books you read
Selected poetry - Milosz
Dos Crimenes - Jorge Ibargüengoitia
À rebours - Joris-Karl Huysmans
>Secretly insane thing you do
I like to run around the house making weird noises and battle chants and pretend I'm a space pirate or ninja bear or some stupid shit and fight my way to the final boss
>Number of people you have had sex with

>> No.9373194

One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich- Solzhenitsyn
Meditations- Aurelius
The Rising Tide of Colour- Stoddard

Always put as little effort as possible into things, except when helping others, to convince myself that I have more potential than I do. pathologically lie to people I care about to make myself sound better, even if it's just via misleading implications or my aforementioned fault. Beat myself no less than five times with a belt before or after taking a shower in the morning.

0, believe it or not

>> No.9373229

How did you like A Rebours? Have been meaning to give it a twirl for the last few years, along with "De Lautremont's" Maldoror

>> No.9373246

>Iliad, Gilgamesh, Don Quixote
>Talk to dead people, like Chingiz Khan or Pu Songling (in my imagination, obviously)
>5 (all of them prostitutes)

I am enlightened.

>> No.9373253

I would highly recommend it, I usually avoid any book that revolve around aristocratic families and that period of time but he manages to capture the human condition in a neat way, also
it's a bit depressing at times but I like that

>> No.9373261

>0, believe it or not
it's not really a crazy statement, desu

>> No.9373275

Wtf I'm just like you, except the belt thingy. May I ask why?

>> No.9373276

>diary of an oxygen thief by Anon
>stuck up by John Dolan
>babbling corpse by Grafton Tanner
>talk to myself about other peoples pets I see on the street
>20ish if you mean penetration

>> No.9373281

Oh I'm 18 btw

I just feel like that's relevant to the last point.

>> No.9373291

>Talk to dead people, like Chingiz Khan
that's fun, but not really enlightned

>> No.9373296

Chingiz Khan says you're a faggot.

>> No.9373307

>the Conservatarian Manifesto, the 10,000 year explosion, short story comps
>walk around alone in the woods expecting to run into this girl i fell in love with even though she lives far away and won't respond to my texts
how do we trade lives man, srs question

>> No.9373315

Dude's probably in an open relationship with his wife, intentionally or not.

That, or he's too old to post here.

>> No.9373361

>How did you like those three tomes? At some point or another, they were all near the top of my reading list. Wanted to get into Virilio for a while, what's a good jump off point?
Negative Horizon is the only Virilio book I've read so far. It is pretty interesting and delves into a kind of anthropology of his theory of Dromology, a philosophy that understands humanity and evolution/technology through increasing speed and decreasing distance.

The introduction to my copy was completely dense and unintelligble, I suspect the translator was trying to arrive at some kind of poetic synthesis of the book's theories, but it made very little sense. So you might want to skip the introduction if your copy has one.

The Perfect Crime is an amazing book, I've read it 3 times now. Its not a good introduction to Baudrillard's theory of Simulation, but it's probably his best developed version of the theory. Start with Simulations and Simulacra to understand his theory of simulation, but the Transparency of Evil is probably the best overall introduction to his theory.

the CCRU archive.... has some gems. I haven't finished it. But the Lemurian Time War essay on Burroughs has radically changed my opinions on the possibilities for framing both critical theory and art making. Hyperstition is probably an insane idea, but I'm still exploring it.

>> No.9373374

>Perdido Street Station
>Roadside Picnic

>I have this strange coping mechanism when i fuck up something up: i lie to myself (by not placing the responsibility of said fuck up on myself) so i don't have to feel bad, then i internally acknowledge that i'm lying to myself so i don't feel bad about lying to myself, then i recognize the fact that i'm not feeling bad anymore because of aforementioned acknowledgement as a bad thing, and at the end i stop caring about the original fuck up. I can't say it doesn't work, but after the whole process i'm left with a feeling of Weltschmerz.


>> No.9373400

Apparently, Negative Horizon is one of the few books I can't get via my library, which is a shame. I'l try some of his other texts, as
>philosophy that understands humanity and evolution/technology through increasing speed and decreasing distance.
this is my jam. One thing I'll say, the anglo people writing an introduction to whatever "big book" of continental philosophy usually manage to be the lonngest winded, most obscure bastards this side of pure synesthesia.

As far as Baudrillard goes, I think I have a decent grip of his theories though I've yet to read a few of his books. Would you say that Fatal Strategies comes before or after The Perfect Crime?

Shit, I forgot there was (at least) an essay on Burroughs in that cornucopia of weirdness. I have to come back to it. Is there anyone still working on Hyperstition and the likes? In the last couple of years, it seemed like the entirety of the "aleternative" philosophical blogo/article-sphere collapsed in ignominy.

>> No.9373402
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grey aliens are harvesting our souls
im a clinical pyschopath
..over 150

>> No.9373417

It makes me feel less I guess, or think less, I've always did something of that nature when I take on too much stress or disappoint myself

Meant it as a joke, amicus meus

>> No.9373462

>Madame Bovary - Flaubert
> Everyman dies alone - Hans Fallada
>The Emigrants - W.G. Sebald
>I honestly can't think of anything

>> No.9373544

>Would you say that Fatal Strategies comes before or after The Perfect Crime?
I've only read an excerpt of Fatal Strategies, so I couldn't say. But if you haven't read any of Baudrillard, I'd recommend reading Simulation and Simulacra, then The Transparency of Evil, then the Perfect Crime, then Impossible Exchange. Those feel like key texts, but Cool Memories, America and the Conspiracy of Art are also interesting books, if not key to his theory.

>Is there anyone still working on Hyperstition and the likes? In the last couple of years, it seemed like the entirety of the "aleternative" philosophical blogo/article-sphere collapsed in ignominy.
I have no idea, I know very little about the CCRU and it's off shoots. I grabbed some pdfs recently of Fanged Noumena, Nihil Unbound, Cyclonopedia and some other stuff I'm forgetting. It's currently on my reading list to sort out.

>> No.9373580

>Last three books you read

Enochian magic foe beginners by tyson, magick law by crowley and dostoyewski bright nights

>Secretly insane thing you do
nothing, im conservative and pretty normal


around 6

>> No.9373736

>nothing, im conservative and pretty normal
you should be troubled by this. You surely do something very unusual and hide it from others. If you can't recognize it, you may be hiding it from yourself.

I used to shit with the toilet seat up. I did this for years, recongizing it was wrong, but not really being conscious of it at the same time. It wasn't until the age fo 24 I really recognized it fully, saw it head on.

>> No.9373809

Latro in the Mist ( reread)
Foucalt's order of things
In search of silence, delany's journals.

Believe that I am the chosen one, the smartest. During the week I stay upstairs in an 85 year old ladies house near where I work, but I own a house 2 hours away. Her 55 year old son clogs up the toilet downstairs with his poop all the time so i just pee in bottles and don't poo there, to avoid opening the toilet and seeing a turd.


>> No.9373811

>The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon.
>The Prince, Machiavelli.
>The King in Yellow, Robert Chambers.

>I suck my thumb sometimes as I'm falling asleep like a child. No idea why I do it, probably a comfort thing.


>> No.9373843

>1984, Lolita, Life: The Movie

>I occasionally spazz the fuck out, intentionally. Just flail my limbs and scream for 2-3 minutes.


>> No.9373852
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>King Lear, Shakes (>book)
>Housekeeping, Marilynne Robinson
>The Making of Americans, Gertrude Stein

>I poop naked and wipe standing up


>> No.9373853

>Under the Dome by Stephen King
>The Demon Lover by Robin Morgan
>The Plague by Camus

>Constantly imagine how various people would react to the news of my death, and how they would behave at my funeral


>> No.9373863

why are there always so many people posting these intro to /lit/ books? you'd thing people on this board would be actually interested in literature and not college kids who want to start reading "serious" books to prove to themselves they can.

>> No.9373906

The Recognitions by William Gaddis
The Court Society by Norbert Elias
Gutenberg Galaxy by Marshall McLuhan

I pray

I don't know how many people I've had sex with. Over 100...

>> No.9373927

Because OP asked what the last 3 books I read were, not what 3 books would make me look best in the eyes of anonymous autistics who I will never meet. Also, I enjoy re-reading the classics. Sue me.

>> No.9373945

>what 3 books would make me look best in the eyes of anonymous autistics who I will never meet

that's my point, people play it safe with 1984 and lolita which just seems strange

>> No.9373963

>The Name Of The Game Is Kidnapping
>So You've Been Publicly Shamed
>Universal Harvester

>whistling to get my cat to claw at my face


>> No.9373990

The 42nd Parallel by John Dos Passos
Omon Ra by Victor Pelevin
Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol
I have incredibly specific patterns with where I walk on sidewalks, probably autism, but can conceal it very well
11 people if we're talking strictly intercourse

>> No.9374054

I'm the guy who said he read 1984 and Lolita, because it's literally 2 of the last three books I read. Before that I read The Art of Immersion by Frank Rose, and before that Anyone You Want Me to Be by John Douglas.

>> No.9374085

>Morphine - Mikhail Bulgakov
>Norwood - Charles Portis
>Virgin Suicides - Jeffrey Eugenides

I sing to my pet bird with made up lyrics to the Sandford and Son theme.


>> No.9374105

>Land to Light On by Dionne Brand
>A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr.
>Humans and Other beasts
Been reading a lot of poetry lately.

>I haven't told my psychiatrist yet but I think I might have schizophrenia


>> No.9374109

>all these non virgins
Maybe I should've pursued a /lit/ life, not a /sci/ one...

>The Feminine Mystique
>Thermal Delight in Architecture

While walking around, I imagine shooting people

0 :^)

>> No.9374122

>Giovanni's Room
>Tortilla Flat
>The Brothers Karamazov

I compulsively check the mail three or four times a day, even on Sundays and holidays, and even if I've already gotten the mail and i know it's empty


>> No.9374169

>Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Ulysses, Crime & Punishment
>pluck my pubic hairs, each one, as a form of meditation

>> No.9374197

>Mason & Dixon, Robinson Crusoe, Great Gatsby
>Nothing, I even have a certificate proving I'm sane

>> No.9374276


I have many issues when it comes to interacting with people in real life but most of the time I listen to loud music, thing, dance, produce and vidya. Pretty average

>> No.9374297

>The Name of the Rose - Eco
>An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth - Hadfield
>The Sheltering Sky - Bowles
>whenever I walk by someone either old, frail or disabled I wonder how I would go about attacking them, if I should kick them down or punch their face in

>> No.9374327

>Last three books you read
Ringworld, by Larry Niven
The Complete Essays, by Montaigne
Faust, by Goethe

>Secretly insane thing you do
I count everything. Like, insanely so. For example, I know how many keys are on my keyboard and count them in new ways sometimes.

>Number of people you have had sex with

>> No.9374347

>Atlas Shrugged
>The Instructions
>Pride and Prejudice

>Sometimes I look myself in the mirror while making art and give myself pep talks

>1 but she's something else

>> No.9374386

>The Death of Socrates
>Gravity's Rainbow
>I have a pretty vivid imagination and cycle through different imaginary lives, or storylines that I've made up, in my free time. These aren't just single scenarios like a regular daydream, they are fleshed out and I have a lot of fun just imagining, and have done this since I was a child.
>you know the answer ;_;

>> No.9374942

>A Canticle for Leibowitz
>Psychopathology of Everyday Life

>I have social anxiety, I either think everyone on the street is glaring and laughing at me or I get lost in a vivid, detailed reverie about choking and violently fucking some random girl I see on the street. I recognize it as a revenge/power fantasy related to the anxiety.

>One (1)

>> No.9374969

not telling

>> No.9374990

>this girl i fell in love with even though she lives far away and won't respond to my texts
That's some next level cringe, and makes the next line of your post seem rather unlikely

>> No.9375130



>> No.9375207

> Fear by Thich Nhat Han
> No Longer Human by Osuma Dazai
> 1984 by Orwell
> unironically use the word " Jew " as an insult
> 11
> 21 years old

>> No.9375218

> Fallout
> Foundation and Earth
> The Chrysalids
> Masturbate
> Lost count

>> No.9375220

>Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
>No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai
>The Pigeon by Patrick Suskind
>I make sim date games of mass murderers. No one is allowed to play them but me.

>> No.9375230

>why are there always so many people posting these intro to /lit/ books?
Because a large proportion of 4chan's demographic are around eighteen years old.

As for "playing it safe" -- you know, sometimes people really do read the books everyone thinks you're meant to read.

>> No.9375231

dear god, i thought that was Old Age Dave Lister for a moment.

>> No.9375235
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>wage labour and capital by karl marx
>good old neon by david foster wallace
>i have no mouth and i must scream by harlan ellison
>i pick my skin off compulsively and count everything while clicking my tongue and blinking hard and fast compulsively
>i lost my virginity exactly 34 days ago

>> No.9375243

> not using Jew as an insult

Don't worry you're a patrician

>> No.9375273


>Invitation to a Beheading, Vladimir Nobakov
>Notes from the Underground, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
>Kafka on the Shore, Haruki Murakami

>Bought a shit ton of Pepe stickers, sticking them all over the Antifa/communist/gender/etc stickers at uni of all the far left student groups
>Now they're looking for the 'right-wing-sticker-nazi'
>Know it's dumb, but it makes me giggle like a little faggot


>> No.9375375
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>Pepe stickers

Classic smug Pepe or a rare variety?

>> No.9375423

I hope you're doing it because they're a bunch of faggots, and not because you're a massive faggot.

>> No.9375436

>Golden Temple by Mishima
>Magic Mountain by Mann
>Malte Laurids Brigge by Rilke

>Write, consider suicide


>> No.9375443

How's the Pigeon? I found an old copy that I didn't know I owned, was thinking about reading it.

>> No.9375466
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Manual for Cleaning Women
Barefoot Dogs
Lazy (Sotos)

When I'm in the car alone, I yell pretty much non-stop. Mostly it's complaining about other people's driving, but sometimes it's just random things.


>> No.9375470

There was one nice passage somewhere between pg. 86 and 88, but on the whole it was bland. There are better books on the subject matter.

>> No.9375513

>The Lives of The Noble Greceans and Romans
>EVE Online the History of the Great War
>Rackety Tam

>I regularly think about redoing my life from the age of 8 but I want to keep my current memories.
>I mentally prepare myself for risking my life to defend my fellow Americans if a shooter starts firing, I tell myself that worrying about my life isn't as important as trying to protect the people around me.
>I regularly mentally prepare myself for joining the marines and having to kill innocent villagers for the sake of the United States.
>I regularly prepare myself for being a person responsible for launching a nuclear strike.
>When I was in highschool and we had to give reports about what we wanted to be when we grew up I told all my classmates and my teacher that I wanted to be a Senator and be elected as a Libertarian.
>I still think about being a Senator every day and constantly debate myself regarding what I think about current events as well as my ideals.
>I regularly tell myself I'd rather die for my ideals than live compromising them.
>I work part time at a gas station and have failed at losing weight to join the military for several years.
>I want to serve on a Nuclear Submarine.
>As a capitalist I'd let the country enter poverty before I'd let the state take control and fix the problem.
>I firmly believe in not fucking with the natural order of the market.
>If the economy fails then it just means it was functioning as intended and people weren't doing the right things for a working economy to exist. If a market can't fail, then its gains are artificial and will collapse eventually.

0, I've never even kissed a girl.

>> No.9375522

Game dev is fucking hard. Even making newgrounds tier flash game dating sims is a respectable accomplishment.

>> No.9375537
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Thank you, but I'm not even going to pretend this is respectable. It's just a delusion I like to maintain at the cost of my pride.

>> No.9375540

I think it's hilarious, but on the other hand, I'm glad you're not my neighbour.

>> No.9375553

Jon Arbuckle, 2

>> No.9375564
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Meh, I mean the content is pretty fucked up but as someone who barely pieced together a simple 2D rpg in XNA/Monogame I know how fucking hard game dev is. I can't hate on anyone that's actually managed to make a game. Fucking normies shit on triple A games for the dumbest shit without realizing the faintest bit how complicated the thing they're playing actually is. Like for example people shitting on Mass Effect Andromeda for having shitty animations.

>its a 40+ hour game
>it was the first mass effect game developed in their new engine

Like the complexity of a dialogue animation system like the once that exist in bioware games is fucking brain combusting.
>dozens of facial expressions per face
>generated lip syncing based on phonetic parsing of the text
>stringing the facial expressions together so that they are reusable
>automated camera angleing that doesn't clip into the surroundings
>making sure actors don't walk in the middle of a conversation
>Eye tracking based on gestures and talking
>Making sure the scene is properly lighted regardless of the time of day when it takes place

Its not like this is some fucking 2 hour animated film either, this is 40+ hours of gameplay, tens of thousands of lines of voice acted dialogue. Like, I can't even fucking.

>> No.9375569

>The Epic Of Gilgamesh.
>Enuma Elish.
>The Sumerians: Their History, >Culture, And Character.
>I sometimes laugh completely randomly, it can be alone in a room with nothing happening, it's just completely random and has happened when I'm close to other people (it's like an inhale laughter, sounds almost like I'm grasping for air).
>0, my personality hinders me a little from creating relationships.

>> No.9375584

The Count of Monte Cristo(reread)
The Knight
Book of the New Sun

>> No.9375601

>Last three books you read
'The Mass Psychology of Fascism' by Wilhelm Reich
'Gnosis: Study and Commentaries on the Esoteric Traditions of Eastern Orthodoxy, Volume II - The Mesoteric Cycle' by Boris Mouravieff
'Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?' by Mark Fisher

>Secretly insane thing you do
When walking on tiled floors, sidewalks, stairs, etc., I either have to put my left foot on the tile or stair first and then the right foot or I have to put my left foot on the first tile or stair and then the right foot on the next.

>Number of people you have had sex with

>> No.9375659


Wayfarers - Knut Hamsun
Under the Autumn Star - Knut Hamsun
Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals - Kant

I spend more than 10% of my waking time on 4chan, that really is profoundly fucked up.

4 or 8, depending on whether you count oral.

>> No.9375673

the alchemist
as you like it

not suicide

like 39 or maybe just 6

>> No.9375675

Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
Realpolitik by John Bew
Mythology by Edith Hamilton

>> No.9375774
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>T.H. White's The Once and Future King
>Harper Lee's To Kill a Mocking Bird
>Terry Pratchett's The Color of Magic
>I imagine myself being happy with a kind onee-san who loves me

>> No.9375794

>Ilium, by Dan Simmons
>Leviathan Wakes, by James S. A. Corey
>When Breath Becomes Air, by Paul Kalanithi

>Pee sitting down when I can so I can wipe away the leftover urine so that it doesn't dirty my underwear


>> No.9375809

>Understanding Poetry, Cleanth Brooks
>A Brief History of the Philosophy of time, Adrian Bardon
>The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, H. P. Lovecraft

>Imagine how my entire life would go with random people/acquaintances when I am alone in the subway


>> No.9375816

>Tractatus Theologico-Politicus—Spinoza

>When I'm wiping, I use the TP once, fold it in half, use it again, then fold it in half and use it again before throwing it in the toilet.


>> No.9375830

I do the same thing, just more efficient.

>> No.9375839

Hah! Jon Arbuckle, zero.

>> No.9375848

>Rendezvous with Rama
>This Side of Paradise

I try to control people I'm close to with my mind. I think I can implant thoughts into their subconscious and make them do tasks.


>> No.9375873

How did you like Invitation to a Beheading?
I have it on my shelf but haven't read it

>> No.9375887

>Hadji Murad
>Doctor Zhivago
>Brothers Karamazov

I believe that I am a genius and that nobody sees this because I am just not trying. I am extremely lazy and spent the last four years mostly smoking weed, the occasional reading and getting really good grades in uni easily. I am extremely unsatisfied with my situation and I know exactly what to do to change it (quitting weed for example). Once I make progress in this I sabotage myself. I am afraid that one day I will truly see what I'm capable of and it will turn out that I'm not so smart after all, which is why I rather live in this fantasy world where I overvalue my capabilities than actually exploring them. But deep inside I know that I'm not special and that life will slap me in the face hard when I'm done with my humanities degree. I lost my identity a long time ago and I have no idea who I am now.

>1, my current gf

>> No.9375897
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>Consider the Lobster
>Kafka on the Shore
>Inherent Vice

>Do this weird thing where I am mentally ill and take hormones so I can be a pretty girl

>2 (it's also funny that I've fucked more girls as a tranny than some of you guys on here lol)

>> No.9375911

It's no secret faggots have sex with more girls than the average guy.

>> No.9375929

I only like girls, faggot. :^)

>implying someone from /lit/ is the average guy
Average guys don't stick their dick in a copy of Lolita

>> No.9375948
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>Ada, or Ardor, Vladimir Nabokov
>Albertine Disparue, Marcel Proust
>Sesame and Lillies, John Ruskin

>I spend preposterous amounts of time in front of the mirror, grooming myself or deciding what combination of clothes I should wear the next morning.


>> No.9376005

Last 3 books: Fragments of Lichtenberg, Slayground, When Paris Sizzled
Insane thing: Talk to myself when I'm alone.
Number of people: 4

>> No.9376097

I'm 33,

I was on 19 females when I met my wife 10 years ago at age 23. I got about 80% of them in a two year period, aged 21 to 23.

I transgressed once. The guilt nearly ended me. I lived in a large city and if you are prepared to observe the rituals and sub-cultures you can get laid fairly easily.

>> No.9376109

>American psycho
>Do androids dream of electric sheep?

>finger my butthole when I wipe my ass after a shit


>> No.9376114

did you liked ada? is too much background reading necessary to get all of it?

>> No.9376236

Why should I trust the lies of a slut?

>> No.9376281

Get an ebook if you are serious about reading in any language other than your mother tongue, the built-in dictionary is a godsend.

>Last three
To The Lighthouse
Heidgger's conferences about space: Kunst und Raum and Bauen Wohnen Denken among others
Panorama general de la ciencia moderna

I yell at myself when I'm drunk and there's nobody around

7 people

>> No.9376342

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9376353

The Vegetarian, The Dwarf, Funeral Rites.
Talk to a thing in my head that's more than a character but less than an alter.

>> No.9376381

>Last 3 books I've read
Sharpe's Regiment, Sharpe's Sword, and Left to Die perhaps? I've admittedly not been reading much in the last 7 months or so.

>Secretly insane thing you do
Mutter to myself from time to time, occasional Tourette's-like twitches or curses but quite quiet, and I've been keeping track of what and when I drink, often to the minute, in terms of alcohol. I know it's fucked up, but I've also been fapping less lately. Not entirely sure why, perhaps because of all the stuff going on in life.

>Number of people you have had sex with
9, I think, which isn't too bad for a fellow still in his 20s. Very possible #10 in the near future, potentially even Friday. It's been a loooooong dry spell if I'm to be perfectly honest, but I believe a lot of pussy awaits me as I get my life back on track. Good things are happening.

>> No.9376396

Comrade you will be a great help in our endeavor! Let us take down this antiqauted and corrupt form of education and bring a golden age of didactism!

>> No.9376690

I really liked it yes. Well, of course, Nabokov puts plenty of references and wordplays in the text, much like what you would find in Ulysses (although less dense). I read it without much preparation/compagnon material though and I didn't find it hard to follow at all.

>> No.9376917

Don't know what lies you mean desu.

It's easy enough to pull girls. Try, fail, try again, fail again, keep trying until you succeed.

You might mean the fact that I transgressed, in which case, you can hate me too and we can talk about how shitty I am at the a weekly get together.

However, I'll leave you with the quote that helped me pass through my guilt.

“Chronic remorse, as all the moralists are agreed, is a most undesirable sentiment. If you have behaved badly, repent, make what amends you can and address yourself to the task of behaving better next time. On no account brood over your wrongdoing. Rolling in the muck is not the best way of getting clean.” - A. Huxley

>> No.9376943

Hmm, yes, indeed

>> No.9376992

>Last three books you read
The Trial
White Noise
>Secretly insane thing you do
I talk to myself out loud to the point where I am able to hold entire conversations with myself. I am also extremely sexually frustrated.
>Number of people you have had sex with
0 of course

>> No.9377118


frankenstein mary shelly
Nausea sartre
Brothers karamazov dostoyevsky

I havent been outside my house for 8 months

Im a kissless hugless friendless neet virgin

>> No.9377201

Wuthering Heights - E Bronte
Beyond Good and Evil - F Nietzsche
Don Quixote - Cervantes/E Grossman

Perform obnoxious harsh noise sets at cutesy indie shows

11 yes I'm a slut

>> No.9377225

I played a noise set at a battle of the bands in my town, it was hilarious honestly. All the bands were dad rock cover bands.

>> No.9377274

or do you always poop before you shower because it makes a big difference

>> No.9377335

brief history of humans
the stranger

im paranoid that im on a truman like show and whenever i do anything weird which often like make noises or talk to myself i catch myself thinking about how im on this show and then i think about knowing that im on this show and they can read my mind so they know that i know kind of situation.
so it sure is comforting to see all you other weirdos out there unless of course its all fake and its all a set up


>> No.9377474

Aw, I'll be your friend anon!

But I hope you hated Frankenstein.
>im paranoid that im on a truman like show
Don't worry, you're not. I do something similar, but with fairies, or imaginary audiences of the documentary of my life (made after my rise to power).

>> No.9377489

But rolling in the muck is fun. It's why pigs do it. You've never heard the saying? Don't you want to be happy?
What're you reading/what're you going to read next?

>> No.9377491

I think there has to be some medical/evolutionary reason for this, Good liars can see outside themselves, Self reflection is a trait that helps us develop.

I'm also drunk.

>> No.9377494

I think paranoia about being watched has its own obvious advantages.

>> No.9377501

>Girl with Curious Hair
>Broom of the System
>Billy Bathgate

I have an Excel spreadsheet of every porn star I've ever jerked off to, in which each woman is ranked on a 1-10 scale in various categories such as face, hair, tits, thighs, ass, screen presence, etc., then given a cumulative total "score." This way I can numerically asses my favorite porn stars, or I can sort by column to obtain the optimal fap material for my current mood (e.g. I can instantly get a list of every girl who has a 10 in "ass," a 10 in "tits," whatever). There are also sections for demographic information like body type and skin tone.


>> No.9377536

I bet you jerk it to the spreadsheet

>> No.9377555

post spreadsheet now

>> No.9377580 [DELETED] 


>> No.9377616

>Sam harris "the moral landscape"
>Don Quixote
>Fear of the dark by Trevor Baxendale
>My inner monologue is filled with random clusters of sentence fillers like "Dude fuck yeah" that just repeat on a loop in intervals of five syllables because for some reason i've always had this OCD hangup about fives.

>> No.9377623

So what this thread is telling me is that crazy people get laid more often than you'd think and also that /lit/ is crazy.

>> No.9377648

What did you think of Giovanni's Room?

>> No.9377662
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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Songs of a Dead Dreamer, The Corrections

have intrusive thoughts about people doing explosive farts


>> No.9377670

What orders are you interested in?

>> No.9377673


>last three books
The Tunnel by Gass
Mrs Dalloway by Wolfe
Almost Invisible by Mark Strand

>secretly weird thing
I've had jock itch for past year and won't take care of it because I like to scratch it.

>number of partners

>> No.9377674

This is the culmination of all /lit/'s purpose

To create the new Joyce

>> No.9377692


Last three books you read
>Nausea - Jean Paul Sartre
>Stoner - John Williams
>Animal Farm - George Orwell

Currently reading Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis

Secretly insane thing you do
>masturbate by rubbing erect penis on bed rather than using hands

Number of people you have had sex with
>fucking 0

>> No.9377697


we have a winner.

>> No.9377698

I don't get turned on by these thoughts, they are annoying. Hence the intrusiveness

>> No.9377702

We never asked if you wanted all this.

>> No.9377703

That was just the women. If I counted the men, I'd be over 20.

>> No.9377705

Yeah but we have another dude who's fucked 21 women.

>> No.9377719

Hetero men are plebian compared to bisexuals.

>> No.9377725

If the Greeks and Christianity are patrician, which they are, then fucking little boys surely is too.

>> No.9377738
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Your point?

>> No.9377740


>> No.9377754

>I am also extremely sexually frustrated.
Do you fap?

>> No.9377771

everybody faps

>> No.9377775

>The Cultural Politics of Emotion
>Giovanni's Room (re-read)
>Bonds of Civility

>constantly playing desk surfaces and tables as if they were Akai MPCs/Novation Launchpads

I'm not your anon, but it's my favorite book. Just thought I'd say that.

>> No.9377826

I heard that can lead to ED, man.

>> No.9377858
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>American Psycho
>Les Misérables
>Don Quixote
>I'm very lonely, so I made this girl that is kind of a female me in my head and we talk in bed. We are the only people who understand each other but we get into fights ocasionally. I'm also prone to saying "I love you!" randomly to no one in particular when I remember something embarassing, and when I get angry from something online I get up and walk around my house really fucking pissed off shouting at people I pretend are there and ocasionally break stuff.
>What the fuck do you think.

>> No.9377886

I've only read Illuminatus!, and Schroedinger's Cat is about as funny but not as satisfying otherwise. Because he's so committed to the Many Worlds shtick , its hard for the narrative to have much impact, as soon as something important happens, we jump to a timeline where the opposite happened, etc. I really need to read Cosmic Trigger and I have a feeling I should have read that before this.

It is hilarious though.

>> No.9378065

The Savage Detectives
Letters to a Young Poet

I give lectures to an imaginary classroom in my head

I'm a pure virgin soul

>> No.9378087

>In Cold Blood
>Europe Central
>The Sot-Weed Factor

>I spend most of the time I'm not reading standing in front of my bookshelf, reading random pages from random books. It helps me get excited for the next one, and it's strangely comforting. My fiance makes fun of me.

>7, I think?

>> No.9378103

>Homeland, RA Salvatore
>Moby-Dick, Melville
>City of God, Augustine
>saying things privately and in select company like OP

>> No.9378513

The Forever War
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Histories

I write suicide notes. I've never had any inclination towards killing myself or depression . I did it as a thought experiment once and found it really opened my eyes and put things into perspective better. I have almost a full journal (~200 pages) that I keep in a lockbox for fear of anyone finding it and think anything unbecoming.

5 whole sexes.

>> No.9378541

-Mt Analogue, Rene Daumal
-Difficult Loves, Italo Calvino
-Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu

Tell people I'm busy, spend the entire night walking around my house in circles, going over every single thing that's happened to me in the past few days, over and over again


>> No.9378549

same, my name is actually truman so its an even bigger mindfuck

>> No.9378570

I was pleasantly surprised. Baldwin is very insightful and he covers a lot of psychological and emotional ground in such a short book. Its not super homo, if you find that sort of thing off-putting. The gay themes are almost entirely emotional, the only sex scene is hetero and is unforgivingly real. Its definitely on my reread list.

>> No.9378605
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>Virtue of Selfishness - Rand
>A book containing a large, random collection of Aboriginal Myths
>Walden - Thoreau

>Whisper under my breath 'you fucking cunt' directed at myself pretty much daily.


Looking at this thread I'm surprised that I'm considered a manslut. Enough though I still feel that I need to hook up more and more, that I'm lagging behind everyone else. I've been single for a year and a half now. In that time I've made out with ~50 girls at parties/clubs.

Its hitting me that its unsatisfying, its like getting 'likes' on Facebook, yes its a nice short term ego boost but its never enough. I thought that I had 'made it' but I still feel empty inside.

Nothing really makes me happy anymore. On that note does anyone have a book recommendation for me based on that?

>> No.9378643
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>John Cabot: The Discovery of Newfoundland
>Great Britain & The Empire; A Discursive History
>Caesar Against the Celts

currently reading "Everyday Life in Ottoman Turkey," neat stuff to read but a bit dry and overly detailed to keep a good pace

anyone know of a good book about the HRE? the only one I've found that seems gud is "The Holy Roman Empire: A Thousand Years of Europe's History" by Peter H. Wilson


>> No.9378646

oh, and I play with my foreskin nearly every single time I'm home alone, whenever I don't need two hands for something

not quite sure why

>> No.9378648

>2666 - Bolaño
>Europe Central - Vollman
- Infinite Meme - the meme bandana faggot

I eat soak my pancakes in cum that i store in the fridge

>> No.9378842

Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids
The Rings of Saturn
The Letter Killers Club

i will occasionally remember some horrific shit i did and cuss out loud



>> No.9378872
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> Celine Rigadoon
> Celine Castle to Castle
> Celine North
> Habitually climb on roofs. Can't stop doing it. Spent a night in jail once because of it.
> 9ish

>> No.9378888

>principia discordia
>The ethics of selfishness (was free)
>Guess who's back(yes the hitler book)

I constantly fear I will wake up in a different life and the current life i have will of just been a dream.


>> No.9378894

Les Miserables
Henry V
James Clavell - Shogun

Sometimes I repeat myself under my breath.

11 women and 6 men
i'm a dude

>> No.9378907
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>Baron in the woods
>I eat skinflakes and any secretion on my skin

>> No.9378908

Why spoiler it? Its 2017, its 4chan, we're faggets here.

>> No.9378910

But anon, I'm majoring in industrial engineering and I get laid.
I would suggest to be less autistic with people :^)

>> No.9378918

He could always just pay people. 120 an hour half my bangs have been at them asian whore houses.

>> No.9378922

dramatic effect

>> No.9378947

White Fang/Call of the Wild - Jack London
Morning Star - Pierce Brown
Golden Son - Pierce Brown

I shower after every shit.


>> No.9378959

Agua Viva
The Mezzanine
The Loved One

Almost all sounds have some tone to me, so what sounds like tapping my feet to other people is actually me playing a little song to myself

5 different females penetrated

>> No.9378965

>Mo Yan - Red Sorghum
>Junot Diaz - The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
>Jamaica Kincaid - The Autobiography of My Mother

>Listen to power electronics while I study

>> No.9378989

>Hunger - Hamsun
>Metamorphoses - Ovid
>The Iliad - Homer

>whenever I take notes about things I have a tendency to write full conversations with myself. Didn't think it was strange until someone else brought it up and made me realize it is apparently not normal. Still do it though. Also, recently when I visit my parents I joke a lot about me killing myself to my mother to see how she reacts. Oh, and I kick dropped ice under my fridge ;^)


This isn't too bad. How much you shit? I shower twice a day no matter what, even if it means having two showers within a few hours of each other.

This is pretty normal I think, or at least very understandable. Nothing quite like sitting out on a roof for a while.

I do this when I am not writing anything and no one is around, except mine are more like I am in an interview.

I do this too, but I am too scared to go out and buy more nice clothes and I always look bad so it is just a waste of time.

>> No.9379002

> On Life and Letters by Anatole France
>Asia's Cauldron
>A Confederacy of Dunces

I constantly jack it.


>> No.9379020

Aeneid in original
Auden's selected poems
A Rebours

As for an "insane thing" I do, I've got nothing that can top some of the shit in this thread, but I guess it's weird that I sometimes pick and eat my own dandruff. I'll also periodically laugh manaically at my dog and start hopping up and down and flailing about and shit. This gets her very riled up, of course.


>> No.9379021

Pushkin - Eugen Onegin
Max Weber - Politik als Beruf
Georg Büchner - Leonce und Lena

I want to hurt people all the time. It´s an enourmously pulling impulse. Imagine walking through the streets and wanting to bash that guys head repeadetly on the wall, or pulling that girl onto the sidewalk to kick all her teeth out.

~35 (±5) dont remember all.

>> No.9379025
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Haha, always gotta fuck with my dog if I see it sitting not doing anything. Love to just do weird shit and watch it getting confused. Also love it when it comes into the room and tries to sleep, and I call out its name and make it look at me every time it tries to put its head down. Dumb little mutt.
Fucking love my doggo.

>> No.9379035

>Wheel of Time parts 1 through 3 (unless you count an accounting ethics text book)

>When I'm swampy at the end of the day I sniff my fingers after scratching my balls/gooch


>> No.9379038

>stop liking what I don't like
>look how cool and enlightened I am

This board is filled with hipster pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.9379052

>VALIS by Philip K. Dick
>Elizabethan Drama: Marlowe-Shakespeare
>The Oresteia by Aeschylus
>literally constant thoughts about my toe/finger nails being pulled off that I can't make go away for over a year now

>> No.9379066

>Mill on the Floss
>Mark E Smith and The Fall: Art, Music and Politics
>Collected Poems of D. H. Lawrence

>I sniff a first English edition of Mao's LRB before sleeping. Forgetting to do this seems to correlate with the occurrence of violent sexual dreams involving scat and leeches. However, instead I sometimes sniff a 1946 copy of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer just for a treat.

>13 (3 females and 10 males)

>> No.9379128

I get the appeal to some people to pay a whore and be done with it but I find it kind of dull.
Plus, you can't simply base your whole sexual experience on prostitutes.

Talking to girls is fairly easy and it helps to develop social skills and it's way more fun and engaging than an hour with a whore

>> No.9379142

>Last three books you read
I honestly can't remember, it's probably been years since I've read anything cover to cover.

>Secretly insane thing you do
I post on /lit/ and say mean things about books and authors that I haven't read. I especially like to badmouth Derrida.

>Number of people you have had sex with

>> No.9379149

>I made this girl
Anon just get a waifu like a normal abnormal.
>I'm also prone to saying "I love you!" randomly to no one in particular when I remember something embarassing
At least it's better than mine.
>I will kill myself!

>> No.9379163

Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher - Bruce Coville (read it to my kids)
The Book of Five Rings - Myamoto Musashi
Rising Thunder; Dynasty of Storms Book 1 - Brandon Cornwell

I regularly go back and read things that I know will bring up bad memories and fuck my week up. Messages from my ex best friend, who had an affair with my wife, shit like that. I recently deleted all of them. I still stalk his Facebook from an alternate page, just to make sure his life is still shitty, and mine is improving every year. But I secretly hate my life.

1 sexual partner.

>> No.9379184

>my kids
>1 sexual partner
>an affair with my wife
Sounds horrible but predictable.

>> No.9379191

Eh. Not the first time it's happened in this world, won't be the last. Life goes on. We're all just bugs on a moldy ball of wet dirt.

>> No.9379228

Practice makrs perfect yougottta pay to get i to the batting cages before people pay you to hit a ball

>> No.9379263

>The Myth of Sisiphus; Camus
>Almost Transparent Blue; Murakami
>The Sun Also Rises; Hemingway

>I've been an expat for five years(asia, Middle East, Europe) and have lost all ability to enjoy sex about three years ago


>> No.9379544
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>Perfume - Patrick Süskind
>Satori in Paris - Jack Kerouac
>Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov

>Really wanted to kill myself for a while. Was really depressed and didn't go a day without thinking of putting my neck on a railroad


>> No.9379558


Tell me to fuck off if it's too personal, but how in the fuck did you manage to forgive her?

>> No.9379565

You're assuming he did.

>> No.9379571

>The Last Days of New Paris; China Miéville
>Persian Fire; Tom Holland
>His Bloody Project; Graeme Macrae Burnett

>I compulsively throw up in my own mouth, originally I did it to re-taste the food I'd eaten but now I just do it out of habit.


>> No.9379583


I presumed they were still together, and from that, that he had forgiven here. Both might be wrong though, you're right.

>> No.9379610

> Ceremony- Leslie Mormon Silko
> To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
> The Master and Margarita - Bulgakov
>I get a strange satisfaction from pissing into cans and bottles, not only in the car when it's necessary but also when i'm in my room that is four feet away from the bathroom

>> No.9379779

But some of us look at the stars, anon.

>> No.9379829
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>La Peste, Alberto Cumulus
>Putkinotko, Joelle Lehtimetsäperhonen
>Ulysses, Jimmie Juice

>I like people but once we start spending time together I get annoyed and I treat them like shit --> no human reltionships
>I secretly believe that that my thoughts can affect people and things around me. I also hear voices but I'm not sure if they are just my thoughts or if I'm just pretending to myself that they are not my thoughts

>0.5, she grabbed my balls during a steamy makeout session and I bit her perfect round nipples but we were interrupted. The most precious memory of my 19 years of existence

>> No.9379885

>The emperor of all maladies
>Brief interviews with hideous men (i know its a collection but i can't remember the book before it)

>used to flex my already closed jaw every time the corner of the car lined up with the road stripes while driving.


>> No.9379902

Something to be Desired
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Moby Dick

I go on dating websites just so I can seduce girls and make them fall for me, and then stop talking to them. (Its like a game)


>> No.9379904

you have power issues if you think about initiating fights where you clearly have the upper hand

>> No.9379930

you're not alone

>> No.9379935

It's a struggle. I still feel the betrayal daily, but for some reason, I still love her. She is repentant, which helps, as does having kids. When she's bitchy, though, as all people can be, or if I'm horny and she turns me down, I catch myself dwelling on it. It's not logical or fair to either of us; of I'm going to forgive and try to reconcile, then I need to not be a cunt. Nobody wants to live with a reminder of their shittiest mistake, if that reminder is also an asshole.

So I do my best to be above reproach myself, and be a good husband and father, and it's up to her to be a good wife. We just try to move on as a normal marriage from here on out, and if either of us make it no longer worth it, well, then we will end it.

Doing my best, but I'm only human.

>> No.9379942

>House on the Borderlands - Hodgson
>Pride and Prejudice - Austen
>Blood Meridian - McCarthy

>When my dog licks me, i sometimes lick him back


>> No.9380150

>The Plague - Camus
>The Bell Jar - Plath
>The Picture of Dorian Gray - Wilde

>Every time I shave, I think of that scene in Un Chien Andalou and get nervous about cutting my eye open.


>> No.9380161

>For Whom The Bell Tolls by Hemmingway
>Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
>Quiet - Power of Introverts by Susan Cain
>I talk in a black guy voice when driving/home alone
>5 and a half

>> No.9380301

>Pere Goriot - Balzac
>Swann's Way - Proust
>The complete plays of Chekhov
>nothing really desu. I'm a weird guy though with weird mannerisms

>> No.9380437

Right now, technically, I'm not reading anything. Quite busy, but I plan to continue the Sharpe series.

>> No.9380557
File: 21 KB, 250x352, Freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When my dog licks me, i sometimes lick him back
>1 sexual partner

>> No.9380672
File: 160 KB, 1920x1080, received_10208933168474242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen
>Last of the Mohicans -James Fenimore Cooper
>America Alone - Mark Steyn

>Drive around in circles around my town aimlessly, burn $30 of gas doing this alone every week


>> No.9380690

As You Like It, Shakespeare
Taming of the Shrew, Shakespeare
Twelfth Night, Shakespeare

I enjoy sitting in the washroom at my University for a couple hours at a time. I find it very relaxing. Hemorrhoids when?

>> No.9380827

>implying you aren't cruising for gay sex

>> No.9380928

Count of Monte Cristo
When I'm on the wc I use the longest digit of my left hand to remove faeces from my rectum
0 (Zero)

>> No.9381457
File: 1.46 MB, 1106x1024, 1492167358977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9381567

The Leopard
Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens
The Vivisector

In any group I'm part of (class, work, party, family, etc), I decide which half should die and which half should live in case a random mass murderer should ask for my input.
