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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 354 KB, 988x1500, mein_kampf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9371571 No.9371571 [Reply] [Original]

Should I read it?

>> No.9371612

live it

>> No.9371621

unironically yes

>> No.9371624


>> No.9372244

It's worth a read if your only knowledge of Hitler and his life comes from high school history teachers talking out their ass

>> No.9372270

After you get to Vienna you will put it down. Without considering the ideology, it just isnt very well written.

>> No.9373036
File: 26 KB, 241x346, 51MRV-L3-NL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First part is worth reading, with the second part ymmv. Depends how interested you are in NS ideology and political strategy.

Pic related if pretty good if you liked the biographical part.

>> No.9373044

No, Uncle Adolf will suck your soul if you do, use the pages to wipe your asshole like a civilized, non-nazi would.

>> No.9373080

Nah. Hitler's personal views aren't all that important. Its not like people turn to it for insight. They turn to it to see how crazy he was./

>> No.9373112

bad post

>> No.9373579

Table Talk is better Hitler
Neither are particularly good though

>> No.9373709

Yes. I'm about a third of the way through, and it's surprisingly relevant for our times. That grasping for renewal in a time of imperial decay...

He is not a good writer, though. It would be a much more effective book if he related his anecdotes directly, rather than diluting them into generalities -- lots of "if a man should" "when one sees" and the like. Just tell the story.

>> No.9374295

Isn't that every teacher?

>> No.9374399
File: 2 KB, 80x70, 1481878554824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of these unironic Nazis in this thread

Don't read books written by evil psychopaths.

>> No.9374403

The problem with Mein Kampf is that it is nearly impossible to give any valid criticism or praise to it other than the writing style since the ideas and person are so demonized.

>> No.9374472

Yes, read Stalag if you want it closer to the original.

>> No.9374511

>worrying about offending normies

>> No.9374520

For historical value, if you want to. It's a pretty shit piece of literature though. Not really beneficial in anyway, only to see how insane the cunt was.

>> No.9374533

Aren't pretty much all coherent parts written by someone other than Hitler?

>> No.9374539

i could not get past the first few pages of jerking of other despotic morons egos.

>> No.9374569

It was actually all written by Rudolf Hess. While in prison Hitler would pace around ranting amd Hess would record what he said with a typewriter. The words are Hitler's own, they were just dictated. That is why the style is so shit: it was spoken rather than written.

>> No.9375084

Listening to a nazi opinion doesn't make you a nazi. The only people who fear ideas are people who are insecure in their own ideas.

>> No.9375098

Thinking about reading it also OP. Not sure which edition to get. I've looked and it appears the Ford translation is the best. Can anybody in here chime in on this?

>> No.9376235

Are you implying we should... burn such evil literature?

>> No.9376274

Does evil believe it is evil or does it believe it is righteous?

>> No.9376295

Define 'evil'

>> No.9376341

well can one really?

>> No.9376355

actually laughed at this

>> No.9376389

yes read it, all knowledge regardless whether it is useful to human life , is important

>> No.9376432

Of course you should read it, OP. Read it for the same reason that I wish to read it; to get a personal insight as to just how fucked Hitler was in the head.

>> No.9377554

>Don't read books written by evil psychopaths.

>> No.9377666

why is everyone so excited about this, its just a really bad written book.

>> No.9377682

Because they're Nazis, Lucifer.

>> No.9377757

Sure, if you fancy a waste of two hours.