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/lit/ - Literature

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9367884 No.9367884 [Reply] [Original]

My mother is not doing well (speaking but incoherently at times, seems saddened, I had the feeling intuitively that something was wrong before anyone even informed me that she's been off, etc.). I live away from her but wanted to ship her some novels once I have enough funds. I do not want to send her anything violent or too depressing--she has told me all she ever wanted was to be 'innocent,' while I might regret letting her shy away from the world one day, I would greatly appreciate some recommendations that might help her be like that. I am not sure how well she'll be able to read a novel right now, so anything too complex is probably not a good suggestion, but I have to assume she can still read an item and take something from it.

In short: could we recommend me novels that are happy, not vulgar, with simple prose but a big theme?--basically, whatever you would want your mother to read. I might not respond right away--I have a busy day--but would like to thank anyone in advance for offering help.

>> No.9367889
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Your mum's gonna die bitch

>> No.9367898

i'd say jane austen is a very mother-friendly writer

>> No.9367910
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My condolences, OP. I hope she gets better.

If you want a book with content, innocence and beauty, I couldn't recommend more "The Little Prince".
This is everything you want. Also, read it yourself if you haven't yet (but with no prejudice, this is a children's book only in the sense that children will enjoy it too, though not by the same reasons).

>> No.9368219

Thank you!
And thank you, too. This reminds me of a book I would read with her as a child- the story was of a young boy who played his drums. Would anyone happen to know the name of it? I'm sure she would love to see it again.

I'll check out both recommendations. :) thanks again

>> No.9368227

send her some Ligotti my man

>> No.9368288


Ya can't speak English, ya can't read English.

Don't be upset, OP.

>> No.9368348

Seconding this. Also, my mom's favourite book is Jane Eyre. She also enjoys Bill Bryson 's books.

>> No.9368363

Yeah that should cheer her right up

>> No.9368395

Wittgenstein sure looks happy.

>> No.9368398

We all are anon...

>> No.9368447

Little House on the Prairie