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/lit/ - Literature

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9367333 No.9367333 [Reply] [Original]

How does /lit/ feel about people reading on the train during their commute to and from work? Is it patrician?

>> No.9367340

It's autistic as fuck and frankly embarrassing. Nobody but you should know that you read

>> No.9367366

As long as you're not checking every 10 seconds that people around you have noticed that you're reading, yes it is.

>> No.9367385

If it's non-fiction it's okay.
If it's fiction, lol, what the fuck are you doing? Do you really care that little about literature?

>> No.9367392

>non-fiction = literature

Nice b8

>> No.9367424

> not reading to pass the time on a 2 hour commute in the morning

>> No.9367431

Nice treble-trips, OP.
If you really like reading, you probably do it whenever you have free time. I read on the train or at bus stops, and at cafés. It's better than being a slackjawed Chad staring dead-eyed into his smartphone.

>> No.9367447

i grew up a farmboy corncobber, so whenever i ride on a train/bus i just look out the windows and appreciate the world going by. i guess when the visual wonders of existence start to bore me i'll expand my looking at words on paper time outside of the house

>> No.9367455

Flyover faggot

>> No.9367473

Taking a train with plebeians is inherently plebeian, pleb. Reading doesn't fix that.

>> No.9367479

no one gives a fuck what you do

>> No.9367483

my anxious ass brain tells me otherwise

>> No.9367484
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youre so smart for not liking fiction dude

>> No.9367529

i feel bad for gays in middle america. there's no way that doesn't suck dick

>> No.9367556


If you have good internet and a core of decent friends it's a wash

>> No.9367566

This. Matthew 6:5-6

>> No.9367568


oh fuck misread this as "guys" - anyway, that does suck worse, they definitely flock to bigger cities. you end up with places like Atlanta or Tulsa feeling "gayer" than a typical coastal city but the flip is there's gay drain from anywhere with not enough lgbt to support an out community

>> No.9367569

It sucks because I read on my kindle, and I'm sure most people think I'm just a tabletfag.

>> No.9367607


You're right, we should just fuck around on our phones the whole time. Or stare into the distance.

I mean, fuck doing what you want to do, right? What other people think is much more important.

Which is what Matthew 6:5 was actually about. Reading on the train is fine if it passes the time, reading/writing at starbucks or something fits closer to what you're saying.

>> No.9367612

Joke's on you. I read from my phone while commuting. Every e-reader has a phone app now. I like to think of it as Guerrilla reading. You don't even know that I'm a fucking nerd.

>> No.9367625

nice job destroying your eyes senpai

>> No.9367626

Is this just a /lit/-meme or are people actually this anxious about reading in public? I thought it's just a normal thing to do? I do it all the time and see a lot of other people doing it every day and never thought about it twice.
Some people on here really must have turbo-autism

>> No.9367636

I'm a software developer. My eyes are doomed from staring at screens 10 hours a day anyways.


>> No.9367649

>Some people on here really must have turbo-autism
Are you just now realizing this? The average person on this board is socially autistic. Reading in public is one of the most normal things you can do, and nobody but you cares. I see normal people reading physical copies of books every day. It's fucking normal.

>> No.9367667

I think people think it's weird in many settings. On a train, not a big deal. Travelling alone is common, and boring. However I always feel a little odd being the guy sitting alone in a restaurant reading while I take my meal. The implication is that I have no friends who would go out with me, But that's not the case at all. Usually I'm taking in a quiet meal and getting in some reading time in before I go out to hang with my friends. I just appreciate the quiet time before I meet up with my fellow drunks. But maybe that has nothing to do with the reading at all. For some reason there's a stigma about dining alone.

>> No.9367689

I don't care what other people do. I'm a grown man.

>> No.9367705

Why do you care about what strangers think of you?

>> No.9367763


Not the guy you're responding to, but how do I actually stop caring? It's gotten better over the years but I sometimes I still catch myself acting in a certain way just because I don't want people thinking I'm an idiot.

>> No.9367806

Why do you care if idiots think that you're an idiot. Just imagine that everyone around you is a mouth-breathing, drooling autist who couldn't even form a grammatically correct sentence if their life depended on it--and you'll probably be right, regardless, but it'll help with just not caring what they think.

>> No.9367814

I've never been able to read or even focus on a screen in a car/bus/train/plane without getting intense motion sickness fucking reeeee

>> No.9367819

holy shit are you retarded? he's implying fiction is more serious and required concentrated focused environments. he's implying the exact opposite of what you thought

nice reading comprehension faggot

>> No.9367849
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I think it's more autistic that you are this anxious about how people view what you do with you're free time. You're just reading a fucking book.

>> No.9367883

where do you gather he thinks fiction is more serious and requires concentration in his post, to quote, >>9367385
>If it's fiction, lol, what the fuck are you doing? Do you really care that little about literature?

>> No.9367908


I know some people like that.
Don't worry, you're just inferior.

>> No.9367920

because I live in a relatively small town, and they aren't all strangers. I am a somewhat well known personality in my town, and pretty much everyone knows me or my family within very few degrees of separation.

And even if they were all strangers, Ego is a thing.

>> No.9367954

I guess I'm forever stuck with music and ocularly molesting teenagers.

>> No.9367968
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no what do you do when no amount of mental gymnastics frees you from the anxiety of self awareness?

Do you try more mental gymnastics? Why is it so important that you not care what people think about you?

>> No.9367982

now continue those gymnastics for several thousand years, and you have philosophy.

>> No.9368009

>How does /lit/ feel about people reading on the train during their commute to and from work?
If you can, great. I used to read on the bus if I felt I had the energy to do so.
>Is it patrician?
It doesn't matter where you read but what you're reading.

>> No.9368037


Just out of pure interest, are your parents/siblings able to read while on the bus, rain, etc?
A friend of mine and his whole family can not read or look at a screen while driving without getting nauseous. I took a long drive with them once and passed some time with reading and they would not stop talking about how they are not able to do that, like I'm a fucking wizard or something.

>> No.9368074

They can do it just fine as far as I know--and I'm a triplet so I figure if it was genetic in my case one of my siblings would have it.

But no, I was always the only one getting carsick while traveling as a kid.

>> No.9368075

>tfw Reading Infinite Jest in a South American spanish speaking country

People probably think it´s YA, I´ve met someone who thought so

>> No.9368095

Are they Asians?

>> No.9368113

Typically it's an inner ear problem. Forward motion while tilting you head forward to read causes it. When you aren't reading your head tends to be upright so you can look about. You can try holding the book higher so you keep the inner ear level, but you end up looking like a dork who wants people to see what book you are reading,

>> No.9368122

It's okay anon just listen to patrician music on the ride

>> No.9368174

This is just ridiculous. I mean,i get why /v/ would be insecure about playing games in public,but even then only assholes would look down on you. Reading is about as socially acceptable as it gets.

>> No.9368259


No, Romanians.

>> No.9368285

I meant that when it comes to fiction immersion and concentration can only be beneficial. Of course you can read on a train, but you could magnify that experience by reading in a place where no distraction is available.

I meant that if you actually value art in fiction form you should do everything possible in order to be "in the book" as much as possible. Imagine how many times one stop reading on a train cause of all sorts of distractions: a guy touches your shoulder, someone talks too loudly, you have to check if this is your stop, loud train speakers saying something that you don't need to hear. All of these things just drag you out of that world.
It's not a worthless experience, but it's still a worse one by default.

>> No.9368328

My bad then, apologies
That being said, I can agree with the point of immersion, being really engrossed in a book has made me almost miss a stop or get on the wrong train before.
On another note, probably varies from person to person in terms of how big a hindrance that is though, not like most fiction people will be reading on the train is going to be world class literature with triple meanings

>> No.9368355

That's because it is, faggot.

>> No.9368373

Personally I think the idea of reading while traveling is romantic. Being transported physically and otherwise. I get distracted all the same in a quiet room but if I'm really entranced nothing breaks the focus.

>> No.9368394

I've never had a problem with this. I throw in my headphones with some motherfucking rain sounds and I can't hear anything. It's an extra hour and a half of reading every day, why would I pass that up?

>> No.9368428

Even though I tend to disagree, this was a pretty based reply.

However, I do think writing in public/during transport can be useful and productive. Walter Benjamin has some interesting stuff to say about it. ("The writing should cut through the noise.")

Literature is probably best absorbed in private. Reading King or an airport novel in public is fine, and it's nice to mix things up anyway.

>> No.9368975

You care too much about what you think people on the train think and you care WAY too much about what people on /lit/ think.

>> No.9368981

You guys act like you're in some special club. Everyone reads.

>> No.9368984

Who fucking cares. I always do it.

>> No.9369005

Stop worrying about what's makes you seem good, smart, funny, etc...

Work towards truth and live in humility.

It is what it is.

>> No.9369017

Anxiety is just a sensation in the body. Recognize it for what it is. In me I feel it as my heart beat increase, my temp increase slightly, and my body is a bit tighter. It isn't good or bad. just observe your bodily reactions for what they are and don't assign rightness or wrongness to them.