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File: 1.26 MB, 1008x1593, The-Next-100-Years-A-Forecast-for-the-21st-Century.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9365614 No.9365614 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth reading?

Considering the 2020 prediction on the front is "China Fragments" I don't think the prediction-forecast is looking good.

>> No.9365627
File: 31 KB, 506x527, 1469041012524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US, Turkey, Poland and Japan - The new great powers

>> No.9365631

If you want to get an idea of how the future is going to be like, read Nick Land

>> No.9365639

Is there a book similar to this one written in 1910 so I can have a laugh

>> No.9365647
File: 130 KB, 617x627, 1392685463848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Great Power
Is this a joke?

>> No.9365655
File: 27 KB, 330x500, 41BT4E7JJFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1901 close enough?



>> No.9366214

As a read it's not a horrible one, but it goes off the rails quickly.

His comments about the rise of Canada and Mexico are worth reading I think. Though the demographics on the SW probably won't come to pass.

His WWIII scenario is probably pure Sci-Fi. Though his comments about a revived Islamist Turkey may very well come to pass, given the past few years.

Unless you really like geopolitics I'd give it a pass.

>> No.9366331

>there are people who will read this and every time they state their opinion about geopolitics they will do so with a smug self satisfaction that they have the ultimate truth
I don't want to meet any of them.

>> No.9366439

Say pass one more time, motherfucker.

>> No.9366736

It's pretty shit and I regret I wasted time reading it

>> No.9366749

I, for one, welcome our new kurwa overlords.

>> No.9366772

Dziękuję Pan Papieź.

>> No.9366788

>China fragmenting by 2020
>Japan becoming a new Great Power with full warfare by 2050
>Mexico unjusting itself in the next century enough to challenge the US
Why would any sensible person buy this book with that cover?

>> No.9366961

Why did he think China would fragment by 2020?

>> No.9367001

You can just read McCarthy's "The Road" and get a better picture as well as a better read

>> No.9367091


Even McCarthy agrees that he went too far with his doomsday and that a world like the one he presents in the road would not sustain human life

>> No.9367105

he was off by a couple of years, of course he meant Chyna the professional wrestler.

>> No.9367183

Poland can't even into space, how is it supposed to be a "great power" by 2050

>> No.9367190

>Tyrkey and Poland "new """great""" powers"
>space-based energy powers earth in 2080
>not 2180
>Mexico ever accomplishing anything ever

>> No.9367195
File: 2.86 MB, 2000x1093, the-road.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, the world in "The Road" DOESN'T sustain human life and it's made pretty clear we're on the way out, slowly but surely.

>> No.9367199

>Friedman claims that around the year 2050 a Third World War will take place, between the United States, the "Polish Bloc," Britain, India, and China on one side, and Turkey and Japan on the other, with Germany and France entering the war in its late stages on the side of Turkey and Japan. The war will probably be started by a coordinated Turkish-Japanese sneak attack against the United States and its allies. In the book, Friedman predicts that the attack will take place at a time in which the Americans will be taken completely off guard, and hypothesizes 5:00 p.m. on November 24, 2050 (Thanksgiving Day) as a potential time.

What is his reasoning for a Japanese/Turkish alliance? Japan is literally an american bootlicker.

>> No.9367453

For the same reason Japan and Germany became allies: control of each end of Eurasia.

Nations only remain allies so long as it is politically expedient for them. Also, the US supports the growth of both nations since both of them are nominally American allies. Only objecting when it realizes that Eurasia won't remain as divided as it likes, even though neither of them have designs on the USA.

Also to be fair to him, his idea of Poland, Turkey, and Japan becoming major powers is predicated on the idea that Russia and China collapse, and they are the nations best able to exploit that. If neither of them do fall apart given the timetable he's made, it won't happen.

>> No.9367508

The Stratfor guy isn't credible. If you must, read it like near-future SF.

>> No.9367536


>New Great Power

I don't fucking understand

>> No.9367573


>> No.9367588

>impliying that glorious china will collapse
dumb gweilos

>> No.9367599

Probably good food for thought, but anything that claims it can predict what will happen in 5 years, much less 100, is bunk. It's just impossible to account for all the different interactions events can have. Experts couldn't even predict who would be the next fucking president.

>> No.9367616


>> No.9367691


Experts did

Don't mistake the media for Experts

>> No.9367765

>2100: México challengess US
Can't come soon enough