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/lit/ - Literature

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9364369 No.9364369 [Reply] [Original]

>studied literature and philosophy
>spent countless hours banging my head against incredibly complex and dense pieces of writing, all to get a useless degree
>now 27, finally got a decent job after 3 years of side-jobs and barely avoiding complete poverty
>it's at a call-center

I fell for the meme, don't make my mistake young /lit/terers.
You can reject Materialism all you like, reality will catch up to you, and it's cold and not inclined to argue with you.

>> No.9364382


take some prereqs and go to grad school for something useful you fucking retard

>> No.9364387

There's no such thing as a grad school where I live, burger
Uni or Trade school, that's it

>> No.9364393


I don't know where you're from, but doing philosophy for a bachelor's degree here still allows you to take pretty much any non-STEM graduate degree. For some reason, people with political science degrees (which I've always thought were a meme) make mad money here, about as much as lawyers and doctors.

I wouldn't do philosophy for a graduate degree unless I was so fucking good at it I was almost ensured a job at a university, but even then, academia as a lifestyle seems soul-crushing.

I have absolutely no idea why you'd study literature in an academic setting. Why did you do that? Did it enhance your enjoyment of it? Seems like it would suck the joy right out of it.

>> No.9364402

You should've double majored in something that you could make money with.

>> No.9364414
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>lives in a shithole with no graduate studies
>chooses to spend his valuable time studying archaic literature about ideas he'll never be able to talk about with anyone in his low IQ country

lol this nigga

>> No.9364420

I didn't enjoy it very much beyond the first year, and it did honestly prove to be an obstacle to reading purely for pleasure and interest, but I kinda felt stuck in it and didn't want to be that guy that studied something stupid and then dropped out, so I finished it

>> No.9364424
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Your doing really fucking good for a meme major.

>> No.9364434

nah, I'm an unhealthy, slightly overweight, frustrated, almost friendless piece of shit that leeched off his parents for years and years and will never be able to provide a good life for a family
and I'm so tired of trying to put these things in an eloquent way and to convince others that my misery comes from some general apparition rather than my own inaction

>> No.9364437

>no head for business or self-promotion
>no idea how to contribute to society with big brain
>blames literature and philosophy
Studying literature and philosophy isn't a magic bullet. There are always losers in every group, and if you don't know how to do anything with your knowledge it will always be useless.

>> No.9364454

Go to law school.

>> No.9364458

Not really much of an option in my country, at least having an undergrad degree doesn't help much, and it would be incredibly hard to finance my studies and succesfully complete a law education here in an acceptable amount of years. Would take at least 5 anyways, probably 6 for me, probably more like 7.5 or 8 if I have to work on the side to get by.

>> No.9364461

Philosophy is not getting a philosophy degree. Philosophy is what to do with a philosophy degree. Philosophy is what to do without a philosophy degree.

>> No.9364468
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Jordan Peterson is making $27,000 a month on patreon, and he's a boring philosophy professor. If he can do it, anyone can. Sort yourself out and stop making excuses. Teach what you know on your tube.

>> No.9364522

I admire your optimism

>> No.9364547

Admiration without imitation is a kind of cowardice.

>> No.9364557

You're right, I'll start right away and won't stop until I've recommended starting a youtube channel to everyone on /lit/

>> No.9364668

You were admiring the optimism, not the recommendation. Not knowing the difference is pretty sad.

>> No.9364680

>didn't want to be that guy that studied something stupid and then dropped out
>so I went all in on stupidity

>> No.9364681

I was making a joke, bucko

>> No.9364685

Yeah, but I managed to save face for another 2 years infront of the few friends, acquaintances I have left and infront some of family. I have since lost even that

>> No.9364689

Jokes are usually funnier, Johnny.

>> No.9364696

>staying in university instead of dropping out just for the sake of saving face
That sounds like a tragic comedy.

>> No.9364884

This is exactly how I feel about my journalism degree. I didn't want to study English (creative writing ,etc) because I thought I'd have more employment opportunities in journalism. All journalism did was water down my writing and made it painfully dull. Little did I know the more lucrative positions in media/journalism are in PR and strategic communications but I didn't feel like starting over or dropping out.

I didn't really bother doing any internships other than writing for a couple shitty blogs. Now I'm stuck with no real experience in the field working at a dead-end job at Barnes & Noble and living with my parents.

>> No.9364896

You were unable to find a journalist position at a major newspaper? I like the idea of being a journalist, and love to read the news. Was it impossible to find a magazine to take you?

>> No.9364908

It could be worse, at least you got a job and you got a place to stay.

>> No.9364944


what did you expect to happen

>> No.9364985


>journalism degree

Interesting. Couldn't you do a postgrad degree in something you feel you'd get something out of?

I planned to do a journalism MA for the longest time but have completely dropped the idea now given the current state of journalism (ie how unpaid and shit it is). My life has gotten dull lately though so I'm considering jumping into a Philosophy MA or something. However, this thread doesn't make it sound like a promising idea.

>> No.9365040

Something similar happened to me anon.

>26 year old
>Got my sociology degree
>Working as an errand boy for a high school
>After one year of job searching, got a well paid job
>At a call-center

But that was 10 years ago. After 7 years I decided to quit that call-center and got a fabulous job, where I earn a little bit less, but where I will be able to have a career, and everyday I apply what I learned on the university.

Don't give up anon. It will get better. The important thing now is that you can make a living. You'll have some security while you look for something else.

>> No.9365054

Fuck you

>> No.9365058

What's wrong with it anon?

>> No.9365068

>not getting a BA in liberal arts
are you even trying to ruin your life?

>> No.9365072


whose materialism? don't confuse naive scientistic ideology with a fully developed philosophy like materialism if you're trying to trick people into thinking you studied philosophy.

and not for nothing but there's a handful of philosophical problems in the continental tradition and a textbook's worth more in the analytic. so once you really know one major philosopher they all become more or less legible. not to say there aren't still impossible passages in hegel or whatever, and not to say the sometimes undecidable nature of some arguments dissolves, but after your first year in undergrad you really shouldn't be "banging your head" and should instead be relatively quickly working through larger texts and digesting the outline of the argument while reserving hardcore hermeneutics for a later moment.

>> No.9365077

>You can reject Materialism all you like, reality will catch up to you
what did he mean by this

>> No.9365079


and failing that you should know to read the fucking intro and secondary literature if you're stuck

>> No.9365084

Too high and drunk to explain why your discipline is fraudulent self-confirming bullshit when it isn't successful at being soul-sucking psychological engineering projects/flesh-drone farming with a compassionate face, but trust me, it is

>> No.9365087

>thing is BS
> when it's not ruthlessly efficient that is
You don't say.

>> No.9365091
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It's nice to see people with a journalism degree unemployed. Journalism is cancer and shouldn't exist in civilized society desu

>> No.9365096

Nice reading comprehension, buttmunch, there was a judgment about the value and moral status of flesh-drone farming in there. Enjoy being a failure at state-sponsored soul-breaking

>> No.9365102

To be honest, the best argument for fascist or Communist retaliation against social parasites is watching an hour of CNN, FOX, the BBC, Al-Jazeera, RT, Xinhua, or MSNBC or consuming the equivalent amount of content from one of those outlets in printed/digital media.

>> No.9365104
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>sociology degree

>> No.9365107

Oh, I understood what you meant, it's just not what you actually said.

See, I'm able to interpret low-quality communication while still understanding what high integrity communication is. Your assumption that I'm sociology-anon is amusing, too.

>> No.9365110

Wow, you're a moron lol.

>> No.9365115

Reality doesn't exist.

>> No.9365119

You got me good lol
yeah lol what a fag

>> No.9365158
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>know a girl with a journalism degree from a top uni
>couldn't find any job despite fancy status
>her rich parents just bought her an expensive photoset instead and now she takes mediocre wedding photos and makes money like a mofo

>> No.9365170
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>tfw don't have rich distant parents who just buy me an apartment and let me do whatever I want with my trust-fund
fuck that bitch

>> No.9365173

Yes. I worked at my university's newspaper for a few months and had a falling out with the editor that led to my premature departure. I omitted it from my resume because I'm afraid she's going to give a poor review of my character to any newspaper or publication I apply to. Thankfully she graduates this year.

Also my lack of experience is the major hindrance in my inability to find a job in journalism. It doesn't help how competitive the job market it is in my area.

I'm strongly considering grad school but I can't picture myself going back to being a broke ass college student. I hate my job but at least I can afford recreation, vices, food, etc, without having to ask my parents for money. I hate having to rely on my parents for everything, and despite being chronically depressed, the independence and autonomy is liberating. Then again, the few years sacrifice I'd make by pushing through grad school could benefit me in the long run. Or I'd just end up where I am now with a new degree.

As far as programs go, I've considered English (cultural studies or professional writing & rhetoric) or political science. You made a great decision in abandoning the plan to do a journalism MA. You're absolutely right about the state of the industry.

>> No.9365205
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I'm not unemployed. I just have a shitty job at a shitty bookstore.

Also, you're an idiot but I'm assuming this is just low-quality bait.

>> No.9365278

>it's at a call-center
Why the fuck do you do this. I work part-time at one for 10 hours a week and I still want to kill myself every time I do it.

>> No.9365288

You should have read more Nietzsche

>> No.9365343

Where should I start?

>> No.9365369

Beyond Good and Evil. Try Kaufman, but be aware his translation is overly Existentialist.

>> No.9365374

attend grad school in another country

>> No.9365377

>be 24, living in mom's basement
>shut-in, social anxiety, never had a job, living on student loans
Wew lads. At least I'm studying STEM but I feel the pressure rising.