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/lit/ - Literature

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9364223 No.9364223 [Reply] [Original]

From what I have read this far, The Accusation by Bandi is the first piece of homegrown North Korean literature that is critical of the regime. What does /lit think of it, and does anyone know where I can get a PDF of it?

>> No.9364250

isnt it funny how every single book that comes out of eastern europe/east asia into the west is all about
>muh evil communists?

it's almost like government agencies and special interest groups selectively choose what to translate.

>> No.9364253

From my understanding the U.S. State Department was pretty open about sponsoring the publishing house that printed the original Korean version.

>> No.9364258

t. antifashionista

>> No.9364263

wtf is an antifashionista

they're open in that they dont straight up deny it/hide it, but it's certainly not something that's advertised or even publicized

>> No.9364275

I think they quoted a State Department official in the second article I read about the book. I don't think you can get much more open unless you want paid advertising.

>> No.9364276

Пибaлти фaшиcти

>> No.9364316


It's almost like communism actually is evil and killed millions of people.

>> No.9364333

go back to /pol/

>> No.9364338
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>not liking communism makes you /pol/

Now I've heard it all. Fuck off you utter moron.

>> No.9364343

No, not knowing how to define words makes you /pol/. Go back there

>> No.9364351

>you're a moron!

hah, got'em.

go back to /pol/

>> No.9364353


Go back to leftypol or reddit you wispy bearded little imbecile.

>> No.9364359

I've never been to either of those places.

Calling people names doesn't change the fact that you don't understand the concept of words having a concrete definition. You seem much better suited to first order political discussion. I'm telling you this for your benefit.

>> No.9364360

Garbling shite makes you look like a little bitch. Try better next time pls.

>> No.9364372


I don't care about your special snowflake definition of communism. It's all the same.

One day you're going to grow out of your edgy leftist phase and you're going to look back on those years with embarrassment. I'm telling you this for your benefit.

>> No.9364423

I'm not a leftist.
>I don't care about your special snowflake definition of communism. It's all the same.
Ah, so you're an idiot. That explains things.

>> No.9364429

how's freshman year of college going for you buddy?

>> No.9364435

Has anyone actually read the book?

>> No.9365911

i torrented it from tpb, and i found it kind of ordinary, to be honest. yeah, they live in a full-on communist state, and, yeah, they have to worship Lil' Kim like a god, and, of course, everyone's spying on everyone else and everyone above the level of peasant is an asshole. i expected that, but there wasn't anything new in these revelations.

>> No.9366811

Guys, is this bait? I've been on this site for a while and I still can't tell. Having lived for the first nine years of my life in a communist shithole and the rest in the same shithole, now turned pseudo-democratic, or rather kleptocratic, it is an exercise in the absurd to see young people this deluded. Is this typical for left-leaning westerners, I wonder? I'm looking at this person arguing about how light is actually dark and dark light and he (she? they?) is so convinced, he knows his stuff, he has seen the truth...it's surreal. In a bad way. Still, what else is there to do but laugh bitterly at the pompous, steady march of human folly? If I could turn back in time for a day, to 1987 say; if I could take this anon with me to this time when he hadn't probably been born yet; if I could have him switch places with me for that one day. I'm asking for far too many miracles.

>> No.9366817

Thank you

>> No.9367111
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>it's only communism when i say so