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9360622 No.9360622 [Reply] [Original]

Is this accurate? Is the intelligence of a population directly linked to their ability to function inside and understand increasingly complex social and political ideologies?

Is Latin America what happens when you bring advanced political ideas to a population that lacks the philosophical foundation to support it?

>> No.9360638

Latin America is the cultural hotbed of the world today. Their academia is full of interesting ideas that will be foundational for the next phase of Western culture should we survive the current one.

>> No.9360644

jose please half of latin america is on the verge of collapse

>> No.9360649


>> No.9360662

Most people say pretty much the same thing today, they just replace intelligence with "cultural traditions." Then to make it 100% clear they're not racist they repeat some cant about neo-colonialism, the CIA, and the IMF.

>> No.9360665

Yeah, and that's gotta be their racial inferiority rather than the constant clandestine destabilization undertaken by the US government. Disregard the most thriving philosophical and literary culture of our time because Uncle Sam says so, it's your patriotic duty!

t. Irish/English/Italian mutt from New Jersey

>> No.9360718

It's funny, really. The revolutionaries that had the power to actually change their regions (like Thomas Sankara) were killed by IMF goons, while retarded warmongers are financed by the financial elite. The Third World is like an 80s action movie, just with less explosions.

>> No.9360732

wtf I hate literature now

>> No.9360734


I'm pretty sure the united states is a rapidly collapsing ponzi scheme the elite are trying to hold up by the cargo cult of mandatory positive thinking, that the success and failure of every major empire is more or less an accident beyond the comprehension of man, and that everything anyone has ever said about their lot in relation to their fellow man has just been an ex post facto rationalization.

>> No.9360735



like pottery

>> No.9360743

Gee, I don't know, it's like if everyone fucked you up the ass for the last 150 years and then wondered "Hm, why is anon so quiet? I have no idea!".

>> No.9360744

big if true

>> No.9360746

t. João da Silva

>> No.9360751


Why were you so easy to exploit?

>> No.9360760

I don't understand the question. Are you asking why I fell for the obvious bait, or why is Latin America such a shithole? Not even Latino, btw.

>> No.9360794

>anon hears the reasons for Latin America's problems often enough to remember them
>can now predict what people explaining Latin America's problems will say


Latin America has been easy to exploit because England built while Spain harvested. 90% of their problems since then have been consequences of that.

>> No.9360835


Libruls are always saying that the Third World is a shithole because of American and European exploitation, but they never account for why it was so piss easy to exploit these people.


Then why is Nigeria such a shithole?

>> No.9360865

Nigeria is home to about a dozen different cultural-linguistic groups with historical beefs. Being very late to the nation-state game also didn't help.

>> No.9360877

But diversity is strength

>> No.9360889

The only thing more retarded than people shouting MUH COLONIALISM are people shouting MUH INFERIOR RACE

>> No.9360912

Usually not, but it depends on the situation. It works out better if there's a racial spectrum than if there are relatively discrete racial groups.

>> No.9360914


In order for us to be all exactly equal, the theory of evolution would have to be invalid.

Leeburuls should never have abandoned Christianity, Bernard Shaw was exactly right to oppose Darwinism on socialist grounds.

It's too late now though :^)

>> No.9360934

I'm pretty leftist but I think a lot of these ex-colonial African and middle eastern nations whose boundaries were drawn without any regard for their tribal/ethnic/religious character prove that too much diversity can be a major handicap.

>> No.9361101 [DELETED] 

Races don't have to be equal, it's just that people ignore the complex historical and socioeconomic roots of something to just spout whatever bullshit their party says.

>> No.9361110

Races don't have to be equal, it's just that people ignore the complex socioeconomic roots of issues to just spout whatever bullshit their party says and hold it as the sole cause.

>> No.9361125

The theory of evolution is the idea that groups have been optimised by natural selection to exist most adequately within given environments. It would be difficult to argue that groups aren't equal in that they all represent the highest degree of adaptation to those environments, unless you mean to say some groups have adapted worse than others? But how could that be judged?

>> No.9361139

I unironically site lots of south American papers

>t. Biologist

>> No.9361223
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You might enjoy Tatu Vanhanen's work. No society with below a 90 average IQ has maintained a sufficient, corruption-free democracy for any extended period. Put simply, intelligence is a template upon which different types of societies are built.

You might also like Garett Jones' work; it's pretty in-depth stuff about IQ and the wealth of nations. It's quite shocking how strong a correlation there is between different economic metrics and national IQ.

Of course, dogmatists in academia and aloof sycophants in government either prefer to ignore this data or actively shut it out.

>> No.9361971

Lack of rule of law and protection of property rights, mostly the fault of Soviet and local socialist agitation. Funny how everyone always brings up American influence but conveniently forgets that their Cold War opponents played the same game.

>> No.9362868

Soviet agitation was a drop in the bucket, and wouldn't have been possible at all if America wasn't constantly fostering bad blood against ourselves through our meddling.

>> No.9363001

>le IQ meme

>> No.9363059

RIP Sankara.

>> No.9363077

latin america is the last bastion of western civilization desu

>> No.9363917


>dogmatists and sycophants prefer to ignore the data or actively shut it out

>> No.9363946

Have you ever actually been here?

>> No.9364014

>blindly accepting "data" without interpreting or going beyond it to its sources and implications

>> No.9364020

this may be the dumbest post of the year

>> No.9364034

t. argentinian

>> No.9364062
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>thinks accepting IQ data, replicable since the early 20th century and filling in a puzzle piece to human accomplishment, is blind acceptance

Ssshh little Johnny it's okay, we all went through that stage of giving up our leftist delusions. C'mere and suck on this "super erudite condescending left-wing skeptic" tit. Everyone does it bb, ppl will like you better

>> No.9364073

you are basically justifying theft

>if the little kid got robbed 5 times it's actually his fault because he is weak or something, praise hitler.

>> No.9364083
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>Latin America is the cultural hotbed of the world today

yeah, no

>> No.9364102

top kek

>> No.9364231

It was his fault for not hiring a bodyguard after the third time :^) Praise Rothbard and Ayn Rand

>> No.9364285


The weak are meat that the strong do eat.