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/lit/ - Literature

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935993 No.935993 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody here in /lit/ tried the advice/techniques found in this book? The tale itself arouses my curiosity but they all seem plausible.

>> No.935996

Hey, my socially inept friend. Have a sage.

>> No.935999

And I thought /lit/ had better users than the other boards. Seems like /b/ here because of you. And I'm not inept, I just don't go to bars.

>> No.936001

ask r9k

>> No.936004

if you don't go to bars/clubs, then this isn't the book for you.

Look up Alex Coulson or David Shade. They've got some decent advice. I dont' know David Shade that well, but Alex Coulson has some good tips for Day Game, which is what you should be doing if you don't go to clubs.

>> No.936005


I thought you were a troll seeing as we just had a thread about this book 20 minutes ago.


^ There it is. You're welcome.

>> No.936007

The techniques described in the book are suited mostly to bars and clubs. The Game isn't a how-to book to begin with. It's basically Neil's account of his misadventures with a pick-up artist. It's an entertaining book in its own right, especially when Courtney Love and Tyler Durden show up.

I don't really have any thoughts one way or the other about pick-up. It seems like very shakily applied evolutionary psychology to me.

>> No.936009

Book is shit.

>> No.936028

