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9359641 No.9359641[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who /cultured/ here?

>> No.9359654

yeah but how'd you make it

>> No.9359676
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http://www.coffeereview.com/ is a patrician website, and I enjoy a find cup of critically raved about coffee from indonesia.

But the ideal is a small, intimate coffee shop in my small mountain town with oversized chairs, run by a friend of a friend, where I can read from sunup to 9am. There are no patricians or plebeians or tribunes for that matter. There is only epicurean joy and, now that the skiers are gone, quiet solitude broken only by a greeting to a fellow townsperson.

>> No.9359695

damn :)

this gives me joy to even think about such a life existing.

what do you do in your mountain town?

>> No.9359716
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Caffeine makes my balls hurt. My scrotum tightens up and it feels like someone is stamping on my boys.

It better be a good cup of coffee if it's going to make my balls hurt......that's why I got to those filthy hipster joints to get a cup of joe. Despite the assorted fuckery of the staff and clientele they make good coffee.

>> No.9359731

are you prepubescent?

>> No.9359752

Nigga u gay

>> No.9359770
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>Cheapest, powdered coffee.
>Let it sit for an hour on coffeemaker to make it taste extra stale
>Pour lots of milk in it, top it with sugar.
>Chug it in
>Run to toilet to unleash the flight of sparrows in the toilet

Ah yes, man of culture.

>> No.9359781

>drinking coffee instead of tea
>and being proud of it
disgusting plebs

>> No.9359893

Joke's on you all, this was a photo of tea.

>> No.9359895

My prof said his goal is to be cultured
I dropped out immediately

>> No.9359940
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Who /poor/ here?

>> No.9359945

No I'm 37.

I'll spare you the details of the one time I took amphetamines

>> No.9359951

>not drinking the cheapest coffee black
My morning routine. Otherwise I can't take a shit.

>> No.9359954

>not starting the day with a shot of liquor

filthy modernists

>> No.9359963

I don't really drink coffee, but if there's no tea or other caffeine products then I'll drink one. Not often because I hate taking a shit after I drink coffee. I'd add lots of sugar to it.

>> No.9359964
File: 64 KB, 750x378, Tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't drink coffee because I'm on amphetamines and coffee + amphetamines is not a fun combination.

I drink the objectively superior drink, instead. I lied it's worse

>> No.9359974

Dude... caffeine free trees are better

>> No.9359977


I'm not going to eat an oak

>> No.9359978

>being a filthy roach

>> No.9359991

I'm not I'm just a massive Turkaboo.

>> No.9360088

Why? Their coffee is alright. the tea is shit.

Ataturk was a top lad and their raki is good too but all that is getting ruined by Muslim scum now.

>> No.9360091

>the tea is shit
What a fucking pleb anon holy shit

>> No.9360094

wtf I hate books now

>> No.9360101

you should drop out back to /mu/, tripshit

>> No.9360231

If you think Turk tea is good you need to educate yourself.

It's literally trash, they need sugar to make it drinkable.

>> No.9360248

>they need sugar to make it drinkable
You need to educate yourself my friend. Turks have some of the best tea in the world.

>> No.9360251

Not I.

>> No.9360256

> I've had bad tea
> tea is bad

> I've had bad coffee
> coffee is bad

> did I mention I'm poor

>> No.9360261

No, they really don't.

t. longtime tea enthusiast

>> No.9360264
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Not even close.

Start with the Chinks.

Literally the only reason Turks grow shitty tea is because Ataturk didn't like being dependant on coffee imports.

>> No.9360280

I've finally found that coffee shop in my city. I'm broke but the owner gives me free coffee and bagels to proofread his novels and manuscripts. I've performed there a couple of times and the whole audience is sober and intelligent. Comfy af desu

>> No.9360286

Touching your dick after a meth binge is a split second of panic you can never explain.

>> No.9360294

stay at home dad. drop kids off at school, read for a few hours, do chores, pick em up, activities, cooking, and podcasts throughout

>> No.9360308

Coffee > Tea

British """people""" need not give me (You)s.

Sounds literary lifestyle as heck.
>I've performed there a couple of times and the whole audience is sober and intelligent

>> No.9360320

what kind of gay shit is this?

>> No.9360323
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>get up
>put coffee over
>pour it into mug
>as soon as I hold the mug in my hand and the scent hits my nose my anus clenches with the force of a chimp's grip(it is quite strong if you don't know)

>> No.9360347


Literal pleb tier drinks.

Real patricians drink water.

>> No.9360351

water mixed with wine

>> No.9360375


>not cutting up instant coffee and snorting it for a quicker hit


>> No.9360382

Stand-up. It's a used bookstore, coffee shop, and it's got a stage in the corner. Any kind of performance is a nice counter weight to writing. There's no separation between audience and performer so there's immediate feedback, writing when no one reads it gets depressing sometimes.

Tell sex and drug jokes four times a week in front of bar flies for two years. It's fun but a crowd that isn't taking advantage at any sign of weakness is a nice change of pace. You get to tell stories with a narrative structure to an attentive audience that isn't counting on tight punchlines every ten seconds.

>> No.9360389

What fucking country are you in?

>> No.9360401



cheap beer is #1 though

>> No.9360415

i only drink water and black coffee

>> No.9360419


Nice try, real patricians drink heavy cream.

>> No.9360440

Have you taken lsd by any chance? It does to me the same odd thing you are describing.

>> No.9360458

I drink water mostly. Straight green tea or straight espresso.
Coffee is a meme. But I take it strong and black like Jack Johnson, or the way he would give it or

>> No.9360466


>> No.9360467
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GOAT coffee sweetener coming through

>> No.9360535

Greeks only drank mixed wine and thought those that drink pure one especially barbaric, (everyone else was just barbaric)

>> No.9360540

I'm in Ohio bruh

>> No.9360595
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>he needs psychoactive compounds to enjoy things