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9358937 No.9358937 [Reply] [Original]

What's he up to?

>> No.9358943

He is wrestling against OCD desu.

>> No.9358944

his ears in audience pussy

>> No.9358957

He lives a hermitic lifestyle, writing his Magnum Opus, the great work that will change humanity forever and set us on a new course of enlightenment and dicks in our cereal

>> No.9358975


>> No.9358995

You think he's working on something? I'm nervous if he goes unchecked for too long.

>> No.9359622

probably making tacky youtube videos for high schoolers and crying about trump, writing a shitty, awkward novel to excite teenage girls as well

>> No.9359653

Sucking dick for chump change.

>> No.9359666

He's probably professing his love to the neighbors 19 year old mexican babysitter, or whatever it is that overdramatic liberal weirdos do.

>> No.9359677

Reminder that he hasn't read the classics and considers the Harry Potter series his favourite novels

>> No.9359767

Picking up his wife's son from school

>> No.9360309

Never read any of his books but he must be successful for a reason. He's probably quite a talented writer and none of us give him a chance.

>> No.9360714

fuckin casual

>> No.9360774

>He's probably quite a talented writer
He's not. Plenty of us here have ironically read a book or two of his. His writing is garbage, and his opinion on any classic is unintelligent shit

>> No.9360845

oh wow
i didn't know he had ocd
that's horrible, it's a crippling disorder. it's ruined my friends lives

>> No.9360878

I've read The Fault in Our Stars and it was "good" in the sense that it did everything a book like that is supposed to do. It made use of all the classical tropes to convey its tragic tale to the point of overuse and suffered becuse of it. It's basically so sappy that it's hard to take seriously, yet it really takes itself seriously.

The only people who could enjoy it despite that, must never have been exposed to that type of story before.

Also, the ending tried to be so deep that it drowned in its own bullshit, and the premise as a whole is super gay.

>> No.9360902

>he must be successful for a reason
13 year old girls and post-college women who never grew up past the age of 13

>> No.9361140

Eating Cheerios, just the way he likes them.

>> No.9361143
