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/lit/ - Literature

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9358745 No.9358745[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be in an engineering field, but have an interest in literature and stuff
>be walking with a friend of mine who's a mathematical genius, but pretty dumb when it comes to writing and history and stuff, so I help him in those and he helps me in calculus and physics and stuff
>we start talking about each other's future
>tell him that he's going to be a great physicist or something because he's truly talented
>then out of nowhere he tells me in a belittling tone: "you're just going to be a writer"
>feel sad because he can't appreciate literature, but laugh anyway
>later on, it dawns on me that he's probably right and that I only read because I can't do mathematics and real intellectual stuff

I think most of you "intellectuals" can't do mathematics and physics and that is why you read literature. Just like me, you want to think that you're smarter than average. But the reality is you're not. Reading doesn't make you smarter, especially if you're reading fiction. I think this is the reddest red pill I've had to swallow so far.

>> No.9358776

I've been redpilling myself through the lectures of a certain canadian for the past week. So let me ask you something that he likes to say:

What are you going to do with this information?

>> No.9358783

Incredible bait. I especially liked the attempt to sympathize. Making yourself seem like "one of us" is really a genius move. Top quality shitpost. I hope to see this one around more after today.

>> No.9358785

Shit, I'm even hearing his voice now.
Get off of my fucking head, Jordan.

>> No.9358795
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>STEM """people"""
Political correctness gone too far.

>> No.9358808

This is some low quality bait.
Why would you save such retarded underage rant?

>> No.9358816

Stay mad, humanities cuckboy. Hope you enjoy taxi driving.

>> No.9358817

Because despite the rambling he's right.

>> No.9358821

I sort of agree, but I don't think literature/philosophy/etc. is any less "intellectual" or valuable than mathematics and science.

The truth is that every intelligent man in history has been able to comprehend the more technical subjects. My opinion is that if you're able to comprehend the complexities of literature, then you can at least in theory understand math/science. But most /lit/fags are unwilling to spend the time to learn those things (which is understandable); therefore, they suck at them; then they come up with rationalizations for why they're bad.

>> No.9358836
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>> No.9358837

Right about what? It's literally a slightly more verbose 'hurr durr stupid stemfags'. Even disregarding the fact that the whole stem/humanities dichotomy doesn't exist irl outside the minds of autistic internet dwellers, there's literally nothing of value in that mess.

>> No.9358840

If you think "STEM people" are like robots, then you have a misinformed conception of the sciences. Being dismissive of the sciences is just as retarded as being dismissive of the humanities.

>> No.9358841

Who the fuck would read all that shit? tldr it and point where i should laugh

>> No.9358852

I'm sorry you feel that way.
>Even disregarding the fact that the whole stem/humanities dichotomy doesn't exist irl outside the minds of autistic internet dwellers
Ironic considering it does in fact exist, how are you this stupid?

>If you think "STEM people" are like robots
The majority are, I know this from painful experience.
>Being dismissive of the sciences is just as retarded as being dismissive of the humanities.
When was I dismissive? We were talking about the people not the subjects themselves.

>> No.9358855

OP, I am also an engineering with an interest in literature and philosophy. I think you're an idiot for believing in the dichotomy of the two fields.

Philosophy has helped develop my way of thinking just as much as studying calculus and physics. It helps me relieve stress, it improves my logic, and makes me a more ethical person. Literature has taught me how to empathize with others, which otherwise is difficult for me due to having to study and work with numbers all day long.

There are also obvious benefits like being able to articulate yourself and overall being more apt at conversation and interesting. If you want to witness the firsthand effects of pure science and math without the counterbalance of the humanities, look around at your classmates.

The two are both necessary to create well adjusted thinkers.

>> No.9358858

>Ironic considering it does in fact exist, how are you this stupid?
well baited kind sir :-DDDD *tips*

>> No.9358864

>when your life is so pathetic you have to invent this shit just to get (you)'s on an anime forum

>> No.9358878

The tragedy of modestly intelligent people falling into the humanities trap is that during the first years of their studies, they feel like the initiates of a mystical cult. Later, they realize that their fields are basically a self-perpetuating fraud and sort themselves out. Some, however, find their way to /lit/ before this realization dawns upon them, and then the tragedy becomes a farce.

>> No.9358885

No amount of bookworming will fix social ineptitude. I agree, however, that reading will give you more to talk about, if you do manage to make it through a conversation without sperging.

>> No.9358886

>op doesn't mention goethe or pascal once to said friend

>friend is somehow right

most mathematicians were also writers of some caliber, i get the polymath meme thing etc etc but people were hardly ever just "math" minded but men of letters as well.

>> No.9358888

>their fields are basically a self-perpetuating fraud
As are all fields.

>b-b-but muh scientific progress!
Doesn't exist.

>> No.9358891

STEM people are brainlets who are satisfied with Overwatch tier narratives.

>> No.9358898

Well, this applies to Academia in general, if you view it like anything but a glorified trade school.

>> No.9358899

Humanities people are brainlets who are satisfied with janitor tier salaries.

>> No.9358907
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>laugh anyway
>I only read because I can't do mathematics and real intellectual stuff

Why do you even bother? You wont amount to anything with this kind of inferiority complex. You're probably not even a very developed reader, given your views on literature. You should probably stop writing too and just kill yourself, you brain cuck.

Heres's your last chance. Look at this image, OP and tell me: what do you see? Really look at it, take it in, research it, extrapolate from it. Connect these two people whom you don't even know to the past, the future and finally to yourself. Do you still have an identity? Do they? What do you see? Tell me.

Do you still have an identity? Do they? No? Then go fuck yourself.

>> No.9358909

>I need unlimited money to be happy

ok, enjoy being a shallow retard, I take having enough money to support my minimal deeds while I do something I enjoy

>> No.9358910

>Humanities people

no such thing

>> No.9358916

>have nothing of value to contribute
>resort to oligophrenic naysaying
You should take a tripcode or something, your autism is showing a mile away in every thread.

>> No.9358921

I am not who you think I am.

>> No.9358922

>tfw too smart for literature

>> No.9358927

>it's all about money
The eternal STEM brainlet rears its tiny head.

>> No.9358928

You're exactly the one, bucko.

>> No.9358929

Fascinating, it's back to the mud huts and faith healing for you, then. I'm sure your tribe will appreciate the idle sophistry your favourite humanities department's fraudster clique taught you. Hey, maybe you can be the shaman!

>> No.9358932

take the Ted pill, he was more of a mathematical genius than anyone on here will ever be. civilization was a disaster for humanity.

>> No.9358933

Don't associate the STEM students who actually enjoy science and math with the normies lusting after salary. My class was full of them during freshman year and they all transferred out when they realized they'd actually have to work.

>> No.9358935


>> No.9358942

The only ones I've ever met who actually enjoy science and math, as you say, were the biggest autists I had ever met. And I don't mean that in a completely derogatory way, they were very intelligent, but only within science/math. With everything else they were as good as blind.

>> No.9358945

Kool thread kid

I see your OP image and I know that you need to go back to your containment board you sad adult sized child.


>> No.9358948

Stop posting, burn your computer and move to the woods, you poseur. What are you even doing here?

>> No.9358952

Dropping Tedpills

>> No.9358965

Not an argument. Spreading the message is more important than immediately following the lifestyle.

>> No.9358967

>unlimited money
>all about money
>jumping to extremes
You guys sure don't seem assmad or anything. Hope you get some sizable inheritance, so you don't have to explain your mental superiority over stemfags to your children when they ask why daddy makes less dough than a twenty something codemonkey.

>> No.9358978

>wasting time on children

My magnum opus won't write itself, even if I by some miracle will have children I will make them appreciate something that means a little more than the useless hoarding of material shit that plebs think means the world.

>> No.9358983
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>> No.9358984

It's not an extreme, you are quite literally saying that just because STEM fields pays more it's better. It's typical of STEM autists. Do you berate policemen too?

>> No.9358998

>you are quite literally saying that just because STEM fields pays more it's better
There were no such value judgments from my side, friendo. It's all in your head.

>> No.9359002

Weak minds think alike, I see.

>> No.9359013

>Humanities people are brainlets who are satisfied with janitor tier salaries.
>Hope you get some sizable inheritance, so you don't have to explain your mental superiority over stemfags to your children when they ask why daddy makes less dough than a twenty something codemonkey.
You are very stupid, the epitome of a STEM autist.

>> No.9359020
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>> No.9359038

So? Not once did I claim that STEM fields are better. Merely that humanities grads earn less. You need to improve your reading comprehension and learn to control those deep-seated insecurities, my mang.

>> No.9359057

I'm genuinely smart enough to do STEM (got As in all the math and comp sci classes I took in college) but I found it too stressful and much less interesting than literature/philosophy. Doing STEM shit just turns you into a machine, its completely dehumanizing.

>> No.9359060

Mathematics and physics are for idiots. He's autistic, he isn't going to do anything. He's going to be locked up in a little lab or something all day and die of chemical burns, or get eye cancer, or some crap, a decade later.
Fuck off, child. Normative nonsense; platitudes; absolute non-communication; reduction to practicality.

>> No.9359075

>Mathematics and physics are for idiots.
This. insecure brainlets who can't comprehend great literature or philosophy.

>> No.9359127

>Doing STEM shit just turns you into a machine, its completely dehumanizing
Maybe if you're just mindlessly carrying out calculations and memorizing trivial technical details, which unfortunately constitutes much of the engineering and computer science curriculum in schools. Science and mathematics are first-and-foremost human endeavors; their pursuit requires curiosity, creativity, intuition, understanding, and interpretation. Even if these subjects could theoretically be completely carried out by a computer, the results would be meaningless without these human attributes.

>> No.9359130

I have no idea why you think this conclusion would hold for a majority.

>Be me.
>Severe case of Dyslexia with ADHD being a cherry on top.
>Learning Psychologist that did intensive testing on me at age 19 found that I had the largest vocabulary out of the hundreds of people that he had tested over the course of his career.
>Says that I likely have a very high IQ but cannot know for sure due to the severity of my learning disabilities skewing results of the IQ test.
>Possibility of the high IQ enforced by my hobbies, interests, lifestyle, parents and grandparents being high IQ.

I live in a perpetual state of having no idea if I'm an idiot with a lot of common sense and desire to succeed or a highly intelligent person infuriatingly handicapped by these damned LDs. Due to how my brain is programmed it's damn near impossible for me to learn another language and Math and Science baffle me; but at the same time I very quickly learn technical skills such as Drawing, Welding, Woodworking, Metalworking, Casting, and many other things. My interests in philosophy, history, literature, theater, music, and the various other arts are also hallmarks of intelligence. In addition I live a highly disciplined and regulated lifestyle by choice.

The point is I have no idea how intelligent I actually am and likely never will, but I view it as an opportunity to not place any limitations on myself. I fail at a lot of things as a result but I also succeed in areas that people in my life have never expected.

>> No.9359134

Why do you bother? It's just some autistic teenage bait.

>> No.9359139

I'm bored.

>> No.9359141

>Science and mathematics are first-and-foremost human endeavors; their pursuit requires curiosity, creativity, intuition, understanding, and interpretation.
t. too stupid for humanities and can't understand big words

>> No.9359152

I was a STEMfag but got drawn to literature when I got stuck in depression.

>> No.9359154

Come on, lad. Too obvious. You can do better than that.

>> No.9359179

Intelligence isn't a number or something that can easily be measured, m8. If it was as simple as that, everyone with a HS degree and an IQ of 90+ would be smarter than Plato/Aristotle.

>> No.9359189

>They aren't working towards mastering philosophy, physics, mathematics and at least one art form.

Literally low tier human beings.

>> No.9359202

This. Only the well-rounded life is worth living.

>> No.9359239

This makes no sense at all. You have no idea of how IQ works because it is NOT about how much knowledge a person has (in which case it is true than anyone in highschool has a higher knowledge of science that the greeks ever had) but about cognitive capacities to solve problems.
Also, it requires a much higher lever of intelligence to solve a problem of any kinds than to learn why it works.

If Aristotle or Plato were alive today everyone else would be getting their ass kicked in every possible field.

>> No.9359244

That is very true. It is also important to remember that every individual will be very good at certain things and terrible at others. I do however wish there was a quantifiable way to comprehensively measure intelligence in every capacity. From what I know we have yet to create a test that can do more than measure only a certain portion of intelligence.

>> No.9359246

> If Aristotle or Plato were alive today everyone else would be getting their ass kicked in every possible field.

No, older stuff was easier.

>> No.9359251

Impossible. Every person has different thought processes.

>> No.9359253

Well that's only true for certain works. Try reading De anima and tell me it's easier.

>> No.9359257

I wouldn't go so far as to say that would be impossible. There are still over arching trends that could be examined.

>> No.9359267

IQs are much higher nowadays than in older times because of how our educational system works, basically, all an IQ test measures is how skilled you are at doing some specific tasks, and those skills are reinforced by society because they're what's useful nowadays. Obviously different societies have different needs and if you were to use modern tests on people from other times, their scores would be pretty low.

>> No.9359270

>I do however wish there was a quantifiable way to comprehensively measure intelligence in every capacity.
That's what IQ is about.

"Easier" is relative to the instrumental available. The mathematical problems solved in ancient greek represent an enormous achievement that is only accesible to many people because we have developed a systematic approach to solve problems with tools that are ready at hand. It was a complete different matter in ancient greece, when they were still walking in the dark, so to speak, no different from what we would call research level today.