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/lit/ - Literature

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9358321 No.9358321 [Reply] [Original]

>write a novel
>rejected by mainstream publishers for being too weird
>rejected by weird publishers for being too mainstream


>> No.9358330

>>rejected by weird publishers for being too mainstream
lol what a pleb

>> No.9358335


Then stop writing Harry Potter fanfiction.

>> No.9358345

>wrote an experimental novel using new techniques over the span of 2 years
>nobody wants me published because I haven't published anything prior to

Jesus Christ. . . guess I'll start publishing stories or something gay.
What a joke

>> No.9358352

Don't worry it was probably bad anyway. You don't seem to understand what kind of genius you have to be to get one actual formal innovation in literature.

>> No.9358363

I used to know of a publishing house that dealt with books specifically in that range. They were all about books that were too experimental for mainstream but too traditional to be experimental. I forget what they were called, but they published "Fires" by nick antosca. They folded a few years ago I believe, but the people involved in running it might have a new press or you can probably track down others that cater to this style.

>> No.9358367

I'm literally a genius, anon.

If I were black, I guarantee it would've been pampered and praised.

>> No.9358382

If you have to rely on political arbitrarity to be considered, you're most certainly shit. Everyone /lit/ tard would be a genius if their skin turned black tomorrow.

>> No.9358386

Like I said, publishers look for those who have previously been published in some form.

Let me guess, you're one of those self published guys

>> No.9358387

sry, tired.

>> No.9358396

Thanks, I'll look into them.

>> No.9358406

let me guess, you're a fag that have slacked off two years over a mediocre at best manuscript while ankwardly forcing literary techniques that had already been experimented / ignored because shit by any writer with any common sense, gain confidence over writing threads in thread and memories from high school teacher praising you, then being rejected by the first editor? Post excerpts or kill yourself

>> No.9358410

threads and memories*
again, sry, I really want to insult you but I'm a bit sleepy

>> No.9358415

‘Now we are off,’ said Louis. ‘Now I hang suspended without attachments. We are nowhere. We are passing through England in a train. England slips by the window, always changing from hill to wood, from rivers and willows to towns again. And I have no firm ground to which I go. Bernard and Neville, Percival, Archie, Larpent and Baker go to Oxford or Cambridge, to Edinburgh, Rome, Paris, Berlin, or to some American University. I go vaguely, to make money vaguely. Therefore a poignant shadow, a keen accent, falls on these golden bristles, on these poppy-red fields, this flowing corn that never overflows its boundaries; but runs rippling to the edge. This is the first day of a new life, another spoke of the rising wheel. But my body passes vagrant as a bird’s shadow. I should be transient as the shadow on the meadow, soon fading, soon darkening and dying there where it meets the wood, were it not that I coerce my brain to form in my forehead; I force myself to state, if only in one line of unwritten poetry, this moment; to mark this inch in the long, long history that began in Egypt, in the time of the Pharaohs, when women carried red pitchers to the Nile. I seem already to have lived many thousand years. But if I now shut my eyes, if I fail to realize the meeting-place of past and present, that I sit in a third-class railway carriage full of boys going home for the holidays, human history is defrauded of a moment’s vision. Its eye, that would see through me, shuts — if I sleep now, through slovenliness, or cowardice, burying myself in the past, in the dark; or acquiesce, as Bernard acquiesces, telling stories; or boast, as Percival, Archie, John, Walter, Lathom, Larpent, Roper, Smith boast — the names are the same always, the names of the boasting boys. They are all boasting, all talking, except Neville, who slips a look occasionally over the edge of a French novel, and so will always slip into cushioned firelit rooms, with many books and one friend, while I tilt on an office chair behind a counter. Then I shall grow bitter and mock at them. I shall envy them their continuance down the safe traditional ways under the shade of old yew trees while I consort with cockneys and clerks, and tap the pavements of the city.

Excerpt from my first chapter.

>> No.9358433

the fuck is that?

>> No.9358437

>write a screenplay
>rejected by studios for not being jewish

>> No.9358444

Something better than you'll ever write. Critique it if it's so bad.

>> No.9358445

the result of a 4channer overestimating his ability
ever read bagatelles pour un massacre?

>> No.9358447

this is from Woolf's The Waves
nice trap though
that book is great

>> No.9358456

From Woolfe's greatest novel
And one of the greatest novels produced

/lit/ is retarded. Here's your proof.

>> No.9358461

no, i've never read that.

>> No.9358486

>implying a work is good just because everyone says it is

Naw, this is pretty bad.

>> No.9358489

>damage control

just leave the board if you think that's bad writing

>> No.9358498

That may be true, but your work was probably still shit.

>> No.9358504

The Waves is great, dude, just give it a chance. I don't care if you're serious or memeing, and you don't have to tell me you'll check it out, but don't deprive yourself of a really unique and really well executed experimental novel.

>> No.9358509

So this.... is the power... of /lit/

>> No.9358510

>prior to
Prior to what you pleb?

>> No.9358514

This is the funniest thing I've seen happen on here. That guy got wrecked.

>> No.9358519
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amazon has a pretty good self publishing program for ebooks AND physical books

>> No.9358526

Self-publish. I'll help you design the cover, website and art if I like it anon.

>> No.9358530

no one will read it though

>> No.9358576



>> No.9358590

>>rejected by mainstream publishers for being too weird
>>rejected by weird publishers for being too mainstream
so you were able to get an agent for your work? or were you just randomly sending your work to publishers? i thought you pretty much had to have an agent before your shit goes to publishers.

>> No.9358603

There are some places that take unsolicited submissions.

>> No.9358608

i want to know because that's how i understand the process works. i was going to write my query letter and start shopping for an agent this week.

>> No.9358615

>There are some places that take unsolicited submissions.
i know that but the more traditional route is to get an agent first, correct? if that fails then i guess your second option would be unsolicited submissions. then self-publishing as a last resort.

are you the OP? did you get rejected by every agent your sent your work to?

>> No.9358663

Be creative and think about how to push your theme/characters into the real world. Get some cheesy radio announcer to do a dianetics style youtube commercial. You can do cool shit for cheap. Also, fuck the publishers, in the dick. You don't need them, especially if it's you're first book.

Ever think about making a graphic novel?

>> No.9358681

part of me thinks OP doesnt have any actual finished work and is just imagining how his work will be received as an excuse to not work and shitpost all day. seems as though he doesnt even understand the process for getting published.

>> No.9358691


Fifty Shades of Grey was literal Twilight fanfiction, keep that in mind

>> No.9358793

>wrote a novel that isn't politically correct (two foreign nations fighting a war, neither are western but the "bad guys" are muslims, and my characters insult them a lot (historical bantz were serious shit))
>strong nationalist sentiments...for a nation that is regarded as a modern enemy of mine
>we're actually on the verge of outright war with them
>all the female characters get literally fucked
>scared to submit

I should have just written about genderqueer furries. Fuck modernity. Can controversial novels be published nowadays?

>> No.9358807

Nope. You should've read my rejection letter from one after trying to publish my novel on necrophilia

>> No.9358813

>>scared to submit
why? research agents and find one that you think will like it

>> No.9358826

Just submit it to Vox Day and Castelia House. They'll publish anything as long as it totes their party line.

>> No.9358857

>trying to reassert old-fashioned ideas is """controversial"""
Really activates the almonds

>> No.9358903

you called his ideals "old-fashioned" (i.e. not of this time) which is an acknowledgement that they're controversial

>> No.9358931
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All these people worried about being published in the digital age, where you could link your entire novel to me right now and I'd at least read the first five pages...... why?

>> No.9358956

Self-publishing is trash. It defeats the purpose. The value in getting published is the acknowledgement from your peers that your writing is actually worth something.

>> No.9358963


deserved it desu


Submitting to an agent is what I meant. I guess if I find a male agent they might go for it.


Nationalism and anti-Islam are extremely controversial subjects.

"is iran's pride then gone forever
quenched with the flame in mithra's caves
no, she has sons that never--never
will stoop to be the moslems' slaves
while heaven has light or earth has graves" is the quote I ended it with, and it's a pretty good summary of the entire novel.

>> No.9358970

But that seems like a genuine flaw. If I'm going to read a weird book, I don't want to read a book that's just 'a little weird'.

>> No.9359001

>Submitting to an agent is what I meant. I guess if I find a male agent they might go for it.
it's a business. it's not as political as you think. if they think they can make money off of you they will pick you up. if you have a serious piece of work then they'd be purposefully giving up thousands of dollars by overlooking you. how many words and how many hours would you estimate it took you to complete?

>> No.9359016


So that's the course you want your novel to take? The pat on the back, and then quickly forgotten, like 99.99% of the novels published in the past 20 years?

It seems to me like you need greater faith in your writing.

>> No.9359118

Difficult to have faith when one's writing is constantly rejected.

>> No.9359158

>how many words and how many hours would you estimate it took you to complete?

About 118k words; 3 months. Historical tragedy (apparently tragedy is an unpopular genre but historical has a large market.) Goal was 110k words as suggested by guidelines, but I'm hoping 8k is no big deal. I'm finishing the final edit now, so it will be done today or tomorrow.

>it's a business. it's not as political as you think.

Really? It makes sense, but one takes a look at the progressivist garbage that gets published and wonders. Good to know.

>> No.9359228

>3 months.
how many hours a day would you say you spent writing?

>but one takes a look at the progressivist garbage that gets published and wonders.
milo got a book deal with an advance larger than any sjw book deal. sjws were raging. if you can get an agent to promote you as going after that same market then you can find a publisher.

>> No.9359238

>how many hours a day would you say you spent writing?

4-10. Maybe say 6 on average.

>milo got a book deal with an advance larger than any sjw book deal

Maybe the pendulum has started swinging after all. Thank you, anon. I'm still concerned of the US-Iran relationship, though.

>> No.9359249

Is there anything else to this book you worked on? If the whole purpose of it is fuck women and fuck Muslims you are absolutely right nobody is gonna want to read it, and don't think it is just because your ideology isn't in vogue right now. It is because any book with the sole telos of showing how right the author's political perspective is almost automatically gonna be onanistic trash. The publishing industry can and has published books that expressed anti-Muslim sentiments (see the Satanic Verses) but if your work is just a frothing diatribe against people you don't like then you are a fuckwit if you think it is worth any real fiction reader's time.

>> No.9359321

you're just angry and confused because the times have changed and you dont understand why. shouldn't you be getting ready for bed now, gramps?

>> No.9359364


Of course not. It's a beautiful and tragic novel, tragic in the literary sense, wherein the heroes fall due to their own sin or lack or other mistake. Overall "pride", but the individuals their own as well. And I represent the muslims pretty fairly, though the characters obviously hate them. Gosh.

But overall, the Muslims remain the antagonists who kill all the protagonists. Today even mentioning that muslims want conquest is enough to get you lambasted. The characters also repeat some of the historical bantz such as calling muslims lizard-eaters, rapists, cultists, barbarians, etc. The view of the characters is not necessarily that of the author, but you know... In this case it is, but I'm hiding behind that argument anyway.

At any rate, I'm pretty critical of islamic intentions and that was my concern. Because their aim is conversion and conquest of other peoples and I haven't flinched from saying that. But Lord I haven't written some vulgar larpist fap material, thank you. My fear is that merely placing muslims as an antagonist at all goes too far for modern sensitivities and the pc crowd will lynch me for mentioning the jizya and conversion and the islamic conquest of iran. But that remains the history.

It would be like having black americans as an antagonist, no matter how well represented, it would be controversial.

>> No.9359472

Yea woolfs best novel so trash