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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 11 KB, 177x266, StephenKin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9358305 No.9358305 [Reply] [Original]

Is he, dare I say it, the most overrated author of all time?

>> No.9358312 [DELETED] 


Far from it. Faaaaar from it, boy. If there's anything he is probably underrated because of the genre he writes in. If you think otherwise than you just don't know how to read.

>> No.9358317

Fuck off Stephen you fucking hack reeee

>> No.9358327 [DELETED] 


Far from it. Faaaaar from it, boy. If there's anything he is probably underrated because of the genre he writes in. If you think otherwise then you just don't know how to read.


And I actually just rewrote my comment because of a type. Stephen King, like him or not, is actually a very good author.

>> No.9358336

>>9358305 (OP)

Far from it. Faaaaar from it, boy. If there's anything he is probably underrated because of the genre he writes in. If you think otherwise then you just don't know how to read.


And I actually just rewrote my comment because of a typo. Stephen King, like him or not, is a very good author.

>> No.9358340

jk rowling

go read the jaunt by stephen king and then come back to this thread

>> No.9358342

No. That title belongs to Umberto Eco.

>> No.9358344

Yeah, he's great. Him and JK Rowling are the tops.

>> No.9358348

I read that years ago, so predictable.

>> No.9358355

I don't think anyone 'overrates' him. Nobody including King ever claimed that he's some kind of god of literature. He writes silly, easily digestable spooky stories with unsatisfying endings. King is the kinda thing thats perfect for commutes

>> No.9358358


Convince me of his literary qualities then. His characters are all shallow cartoons and his prose is messy and filled with cliches. Even for low-brow genre fiction I can't enjoy him because his books tend to be bloated as hell and the plots always leads into some disappointing or just plain ridiculous shit.

>> No.9358373

>he's for dumb people who didn't work hard enough to afford a car

Pretty much sums it up.

>> No.9358383

I have a fear of driving, get off my fucking back.

>> No.9358394

>so many praising King
He said in an interview one time that all of his works are the equivalent to airport readings

>> No.9358395

>Nobody including King ever claimed that he's some kind of god of literature.

People say this, yet he complains that critics and academia don't take him seriously, and his books are filled with potshots taken at book snobs.

>> No.9358417
File: 33 KB, 800x450, 18nrkfgsd76mwjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this

>> No.9358423

Most overrated? No, not even close. Nobody considers him as much more than just a popular author with some enjoyable reads. He's also far from the worst among popular mainstream authors. While his works are heavily flawed, they at least were creative enough to permeate into our pop culture zeitgeist, something very few of his contemporaries can say.

Also, King > Koontz

>> No.9358424

It's the truth. Take your bitch ass outta here.

>> No.9358438

What's the point of making these threads every day?
Easy lit sells. Easy, well-marketed lit bestsells.
King, Rowling, and Cussler don't have me in their target demographic, and they're not in my taste either. So I don't buy them.
Think of it like television. Spongebob Squarepants is (I assume) an immensely high-earning program, but I don't have to feel offended by its success just because it's not marketed to me.

>> No.9358453

I agree with the person that said Umberto Eco.

>> No.9358483


/lit/ is too elitist regarding work they didn't even do themselves.

>> No.9358524

I enjoy reading him, although the ending to the dark tower series was a dud

>> No.9358567

No, that's Hesse.

>> No.9358612

you LITERALLY live in a day and age where Rupi Kaur and John Green exist, and you want to pick on Stephen King for being overrated?

You need to re-assess yourself.

>> No.9358716
File: 792 KB, 768x768, want some candy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Stephen King is a closet pedophile.

>> No.9358725

He wouldn't if he wasn't such a fucking liberal faggot.

>> No.9358729

Might be true if you're talking about his fiction

>> No.9358780

>/lit/ is too elitist regarding work they didn't even do themselves.
this place is full of daydreamers daydreaming about how great their work would be if they ever actually created anything.

>> No.9358786

the most overrated author is dan brown. the fucker shouldnt be allowed near a word processor.

>> No.9358805

robert cormier

>> No.9358828

He can't be overrated since he's writing popular YA novels for the masses.

>> No.9359068

Is it better than writing fanfiction?

>> No.9359142

is fantasizing about how much potential your non-existent writing project could be better than writing utter garbage? not sure, man. I'd say it's good that they are able to create something but fanfiction seems like a symptom of autism or at the very least a tenuous connection to reality.

>> No.9359151

>a symptom of autism or at the very least a tenuous connection to reality.
Isn't it the same for every piece of fiction though? You're basically transporting yourself to another world.

>> No.9359160

i can see how it would be good practice for new writers, the problem is if it ends up being one of those HarryxDraco but they're my little ponies type of smut fanfiction. Excluding that, it can be interesting to have someone who knows what they're doing give its own take on someone else's idea

>> No.9359161

He isn't generally considered a very good author, though.

>> No.9359176

>that one where Harry gets Optimus Prime pregnant
Was it autism of genial parody brilliance?

>> No.9359192

>Isn't it the same for every piece of fiction though? You're basically transporting yourself to another world.
fine, but we're getting off topic. my original point was that most of the people here fancy themselves as writers but they dont really write anything. they're just a bunch of critics. There's nothing wrong with being a critic but what bothers me is that every critic here has it in their head that they could write better than stephen king when they've never written a novel themselves.

>> No.9359206

I haven't delved that deep anon, and pray for the sake of what little innocence is left, that i never will

>> No.9359609

Sounds like you've read a lot of his work...

>> No.9359611

No, but he's the most successful.